If you need help His name was Wilfred Oakes and his Army Number was 4128704. You wouldn't know for sure unless you had access to his attestation papers. Private Herbert Thomas Beard served with the 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regtiment in the Boer War in South Africa in 1900. Appendices provide the Roll of Honour; Honours and Awards including Mention in Despatches, with date of Gazette (for Companion' of the British Empire read Commander'); details of Badges, Colours and Distinctions of the regiment; and the music for regimental marches. His last service number was G/107683 which apparently places him in the Fusilers? The medal was originally awarded to infantry NCOs and men who had completed 21 years' good conduct. British regimental number research. Introduction British Army regiments. 1 to 294,000. Were they also part of the 38th Welsh Division formed by Prime minister David Lloyd George? 1948-1970. The Worcestershire Regiment lost some 10,000 men during the conflict. Age: 31. Any direction on this would be gratefully received. I know he fought at Mametz Wood, but not much more. Can you work out from these when he enlisted in the Manchesters, and then transferred to the Rifle Brigade?Hope you can help!Many thanks,Steve Hartley, Steve, the numbers you give are later issues than the ones covered on this blog. The 1920 -1942 series below can be most useful for identifying previous service with another unit, since a number block was allocated for each Regiment / Corps. He was very secretive possibly as a result of being injured in France and suffering shellshock or post traumatic stress disorder.Thank youLene Bolton, Hello LeneIf you have access to findmypast it will simple be a case of checking through birth and census records to try and find him. to determine parameters for when your own Worcestershire Regimentancestor His regimental number is 14630 and he was a private in the 2nd battalion for the worcestershire regiment. We believe they were both 2nd battalion in Africa and they were both POWs. Looks as though the battalion is the 11th County of London, and I have a name for the officer who was in the London Regt so it looks as though it is coming together.Re Twitter, I think just jump in with both feet. Re Percy Wesley, find his British War and Victory Medal roll entry on Ancestry and then use that information to summon up the war diaries. 13th Bn. Regimental numbering sequences between 1881 and 1918. The Worcestershire Regiment This infantry unit was raised during the Army reforms of 1881. The barracks date back to 1874 when building started. They were both named Charles Flynn. British Army regiments. Royal Warwickshire Regiment [884] Worcestershire Regiment [57] Royal Engineers [31] . Throughout the book reference is made to the Regimental dress and uniform with details of badges and insignia. Records include details of Service, Medals, Gallantry Awards, Assignments as well as details of rank. All best Tony, Have a look at this link, Tony, and in particular the card for John F Jones who was a TF man with two numbers: https://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/soldiers/how-to-research-a-soldier/campaign-medal-records/how-to-interpret-a-campaign-medal-index-card/, That's great cheers Paul and thanks again.Take careTony, Good Evening, looking for info on William S Hutchins RN 203247, Middlesex Rgmt 5418, RFC 78914. My hunch its the same man. But he was the only man from black watch killed on that day so I wondered if he was injured earlier and died from injuries?Secondly - my own grandfather. If he did serve overseas, the suggestion would be that he served with a different regimental number, but at this stage I can see nothing else for him that would help you build a better picture. DOB 1883 DOD 1917cheersRussell. I would like to find out what he was up to in 1916 and whether he actually was in France as stated on his marriage certificate.Best regards,Julia. You'll appreciate that John Davis is a very common name, hence the need for as much information as you can muster.Paul, Dear Paul,I am trying to investigate the history of my grandfather Lt. Llewelyn Roberts, who was in the 11th Battalion of the South Wales Borderers, which I understand were formed at Brecon on 5 December 1914,by the Welsh National Executive Committee, (David Lloyd George) and disbanded in France on 27 February 1918. RAMC regimental number 1555.He has born in December 1895 so his entry to theatre in November 1914 would have meant he was under 18 at the time. Can you tell me from his number when and which battalion he joined ? He was killed in action rather than died of wounds. My grandfather and great uncle served in the 4th Battalion and although I've got their service numbers, and much more, I couldn't nail down an enlistment year for my grandfather. The original medal rolls should indicate the particular TF unit he was serving with. If I don't think I can add anything I will tell you, but if I He wrote a short diary of his time in South Africa which gives details of where he went and what the Battalion was involved in during 1900. See the link on this page. 1; 2; 3; 500; Next; A German soldier, Horst Kallmeyer, found the diary and started to use it himself. So I hope I can pick up the twitter lingo very quickly as I don't want to annoy and turn people off. Not an easy task, but I can't think of any other way that it could be done. Would your POW list contain any information and perhaps some address details. I bought the card many years ago and sold it in 2011. Support Connect is a company which makes funded support available to Apprentices and other learners. The plans illustrate the engagements recorded in the book, and are designed to depict the part played by the several battalions in their battles and to enable the visitor to the battlefields to recognise the ground on which each fight took place, as much as to make clear the general course of those actions. On John and Sarah's marriage certificate entry it states his parents as Thomas and Jane Killen (dead) and Sarah O'Neill parents as Michael and Kate O'Neill. Gasthaus zur Sonne, Haundorf: See 3 unbiased reviews of Gasthaus zur Sonne, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor. Any advice on how I can gather information. Many soldiers of the Worcestershire Regiment have been awarded this medal since its introduction. Many thanks. Between 1st July 1881 and 24th August 1891, the regiment recruited just 2991 men, an annual average of 294 men per annum. New Book which tells the story of Norton Barracks from 1874 to 1982 and of the soldiers who served there. Support Connect. I cannot find any of his army records from 1916 onwards. Don't confuse him with 10129 who will be a different man. Graeme, it was not unknown for men to join county regiments which were miles away from what might be considered their local regiment - particularly with later enlistments - and so I wouldn't rule this man out. Please drop me a line via the RESEARCH tab if you would like to know more about pursuing this angle. Since the Worcestershire Regiment was raised in 1694 there has been many fine commanding officer. What records do you check? Do you think there will be anything you can find out about reason for this and dates/battles he served etc? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Worcestershire Regiment Brass Button, FIRM, King's Crown, 25.5 mm, JR Gaunt at the best online prices at eBay! He served with the Warwickshire R.G.A. Talent Search Candidate Outreach Employer Branding ATS integrations. I don't think there's any mystery here, Andy. Other rank prisoners of war 1914. The only thing we know is he left as a Lance corporal.Lance corporal Frederick lascelles brown. Hello Paul,My name is Scott, and I live in Australia. Does this mean they are lost and no further details can be found?John Feeney born 1880 Burtonwood, Lancashire. Hi Paul thanks for your quick reply. By quoting the PRO Reference number you will be able to gain access to the document and make copies as required. Nr then . Register. Keep up the good work. 39 joined on 17th October 1881 134 joined on 25th March 1882 572 joined on 7th July 1883 | BillionGraves But please see the RESEARCH tab on this blog. Mark. Between 1891 and 1901 the regiment recruited close to 3,400 men, improving its recruitment rate for the decade to an average of 345 men per annum, and finishing in twenty-sixth place. He joined in 1917 and went out to France in April 1918, and I know much about the battle in which he went missing, presumed killed, but I can't identify which trench he would have been in unless I can find out his company. Where would I find that kind of record? Phone Number +49 9837976333. He enlisted on 28/5/15 or possibly 28/8/15. He was with Regiment 3,3rd Battalion Scottish Rifles, Regimental Number 5657. PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING. Russell, re the Black Watch. To join them or review events. I have a lot of info already regarding medal entitlements, etc. When available photos, family and other details may be included. Paul. Click here or image for details, This database contains over 50,000 names and aims to cover all who served with the Worcestershire Regiment during The Great War. Hi wonder if you can help me i have just found my grandfathers Militia attestation form on FMP W. Lamping number 3608. Thanks,Christine, Re CONLIFFE / Cheshire Regt. I have a copy of his army record and I have looked through the war record of the battalian, but I have not found any record of his secondment. Poole. 1900-1902 Boer War See the research tab. Hi PaulThere wasn't a question in my tweet. Worcester Cathedral Worc. The Worcestershire Regiment : 5,239,001 : 5,328,000: The Royal Berkshire . My list shows "Depot, Winchester" as well, Colin. I suggest you post a comment on the Great War Forum. which I do have. Overview. Is there anywhere else I can search to learn more about him and hopefully his father and mother's names? There is a militia record for a 7687 Pte Ernest Walker on FMP who transferred to the regular army. It would be possible to research him more fully but a service reocrd does not appear to survive for him. Entdecke Das Worcestershire-Regiment (berhmte Regimenter) in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Hi PaulA quick query. I will be getting replacement medals and need to know if the first or the last number would be on the medals or both ? Fiona, start with the basics and identify his medal index card and medal roll entries. In fact, there are over 43,000 Worcestershire Regiment pension and service records (for this regiment - and its antecedents) in various War Office series held at the National Wilson 274na follower Higit pang impormasyon Army Service Numbers 1881-1918: Worcestershire Regiment - regular battalions - 188. He was killed in action I believe on the 18th Oct 1916. Which monarch's head appears on the LSGC? Thanks, Mick Gookey (ps see THE GOOKEY SURNAME on facebook for other research to GOOKEYs in WW1), Have you checked the ICRC website? You are now the custodian of the photo but if you want me to publicise it, please send me a digital copy and I'll do so - mail to paulcanixon@{gmail.comPaul, Hi PaulI am trying to find parental details for my late husband's father Charles Aubrey Bolton. Hi Paul.My husband's great uncle George Godley (service no 6392) was in the 1st Battalian Coldstream Guards. There is undoubtedly more that can be researched for him; please drop me a line: paulcanixon@yahoo.co.uk if you want to progress this. Pricing . If you could add anything to this it would be much appreciated. I found military records for one of the other soliders in the photo, he was in 2 Dragoons, Royal Scots Greys 2658 elisted 1884 so I'm hoping my Gt Grandfather William Lindsay was also in 2 Dragoons RSG - I cannot find anything on him althought this could be down to spelling errors or burnt documents. 1848-1849 Punjab Re 9666 Farrington, you can search for this man on my British Army Ancestors webiste: https://britisharmyancestors.co.uk/, Re 7440 Hauxwell; Ashley you can download his record from Findmypast. He was married in Leith, Edinburgh 1898 and had first child Elizabeth in 1899.. let me know if you think you can help. The division was taken over by the War Office in September 1915. (i.e. The Long Service & Good Conduct (LSGC) medal was instituted in 1830 during the reign of King William IV. I have him enlisting in the Territorials in 1923 number 752712. Transferred to Reserve Staff (?) See http://armyservicenumbers.blogspot.com/p/research.html, hi, im looking for my 2nd great grandfather robert whanslaw. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Worcestershire Regiment Blazer badge [27012] at the best online prices at eBay! where mapped hill numbers were contested. Re 10284 Wardlow, you should contact the Irish Guards direct as they still hold records. I have his Service number 199 from when he was awarded the Volunteer long Service Medal. The cap badge at this time took the star device from the 29th and the motto, FIRM, from the 36th, believed to have been awarded to them for their service at the Battle of Lauffield, 1747, although not . He was given a section "D" discharge from the 2nd Bttn on 29 december 1915. Sunday, 31st October 1914 was a fine sunny day. - Trying to track him between the census of 1901 when he was living with his mum as a child, and the 1911 census when he wasn't there but was possibly in India.How he came about to be renumbered?He was killed in action, i think possible Pleogsteert wood. Hi just found a medal that says A.S Reid A&s Highlanders 2050.Any info would be great!. Any information would be greatfully received.RegardsMike, Hi Paul. Worcestershire Regiment (29th/36th of Foot) Global rank 823 835; Daily visitors-Daily pageviews-Pageviews per user: 0: Rating; Status: Online: Latest check: . DAS WORCESTERSHIRE REGIMENT Im Grossen Krieg Kapitn Stacke 1928 1. The only information I have on him (James Law) is that he may have joined up at the Hulme Barracks (near his home). The Worcestershire Regiment consisted of Infantry Battalions that would have had an MG Section as part of its Battalion Headquarters. I have his WW1 medals and can find his medal card (WO 372/7/36548) however i can find no other details of his service. Hi there PaulDo you know how I could go about researching a man who was a Staff Instructor in the Army Gymnastics Staff between 15-19. I am researching a Family member who fought in WW1 called Stanley Riccalton. Key to PRO Reference Hi Paul,I am currently researching my great grandfather Private John Horrigan for a history project at my school. he was in the duke of cornwalls. He was also 672, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Claire. I've only found access to records after 1920 so far. However, a soldier could be transferred very quickly after joining a corps or regiment. Great grand father returned mission complete with no lives lost . Can you help me get in contact please? The Regiment was formed in 1694 under Colonel Thomas Farrington (Farringtons Regiment). First of all, please send me an email. Totally Free If this can be done i will email you the information i have later today.Regards, Kevinp84 please see here regarding photos: http://armyancestry.blogspot.co.uk/2016/12/finding-photo-of-your-british-military.html, Hi Paul,My name is John and I am researching my Great Grandfather.Victor Elton SCOTTSergeant785 1/4th Northumberland FusiliersHexham A Company.KIA 26 April 1915St Julien (2nd battle of Ypres)Mentioned on the Menin Gate.I cannot find his service records, I fear they were burnt as many were in the blitz of WW2. Please drop me a line to paulcanixon@yahoo.co.uk and we can take it from there. Item specifics Business seller information The Clark Agency Ltd Lynne Clark 39 Empress Avenue Chingford London E4 8SR United Kingdom Show contact information Company registration number: 03602700 Terms and conditions of the sale Returns policy Take a look at our Returning an item help page for more details. RESEARCH "Paul's service was fast, efficient and brilliant. the-gloucestershire-regiment-regimental-special-british-soldier-in-the-20th-century-s 1/2 Downloaded from aharon.ijm.org on March 2, 2023 by guest . He was called up in early 1918 and went into baracks in Doncaster initially.His regimental number was 95608, 13th battalion DLI.His demob account was paid in 3 instalments in Jan 1919.Is it at all possible to find out anything about his service in 1918? & served in Africa. Thank you in advance. How on earth would I be able to publish every single regimental number issued and the date on which it was issued? Hospital(s): 1st Southern General Hospital, Birmingham. Gloucestershire Regiment 9th (Service) Battalion and Worcestershire Regimen 2015-12-12 The War Diaries for the Great War, held under WO95, represent one of the most . Thank you so muchMargaret, Hello,my relative was in the war in 1939 from what it says online. Find. by Dennis Hodgkins MA, This unique book tells the first hand stories of men who served with the Worcestershire Regiment in WW2. What was Intresting about him was he joined the Juke of Cornwalls light Infrenty in 1891 aged 16yrs old. I am interested in discovering which Battalion he actually joined / served with but his service record is not available (destroyed). It reads that he joined Th R.F.A.T. By the end of the war another fourteen battalions had been raised for a total of twenty-two of which twelve went on active service. There is a good chance that he continued to serve after the vital 1921 cut-off date for records and that his service record is still held by the Ministry of Defence. According to the caption, it shows a sergeant and a private in 1897. 1903-1913 I'm not sure of the circumstance but my great great grandmother Sarah Ann and my great grandmother Margaret Ann ended up in Belfast (I'm not certain if that was John Killen's home where family lived) or why they ended up t here since Sarah Ann listed her family living in Wicklow. In 1881 the 29th and 36th of Foot Regiments were amalgamated and remaned the Worcestershire Regiment. As a war unmatched to any seen before or after, World War One, also known as "The Great War", marks one of the most defining moments in modern history. Even if a service record survives it is unlikely to show his company. From there Sarah Ann met a James Ardis and they had six children all of which are on the 1901 and 1911 census. What most enquiries around within a week. If you want me to undertake paid research, please follow the instructions on the RESEARCH tab. Is there a way to clarify this please? the British Army for the last 40 years and I know where to look and what to the-gloucestershire-regiment-regimental-special-british-soldier-in-the-20th-century-s 2/23 Downloaded from tools.ijm.org on March 3, 2023 by guest Barnes 1930 . On his 1916 enlistment/Short Service Attestation card he lists prior service as 14 yrs RN and 8 months Black Watch. His grandson was in contact with you on 12 October 2016 at 20:01. No service record but would be possible to work out his likely service from 1904 until 1916. It was introduced to be a working . uncovered would have taken me ages to discover. Sign Up. It will be either Victoria or Edward VII. Tony, please drop me a line to paulcanixon@gmail.com. Is there any further information about his war record? Regimental numbering sequences between 1881 and 1918. Other rank prisoners of war 1914. So far I have discovered that he was kicked in the abdomen by men off duty and was hospitalised off and on until he was discharged in March 1915.However in December 1916 when he marries Elsie Jane Adams in Aberdeen it clearly states on the marriage certificate that he was currently stationed in France and is a gunner for B Battallion in the Machine Gun Corps. . In late 1915 he was seconded to Talbot house with the Rev Tubby Clayton. Haskett-Smith and Sergt. Coy. If you have access to Ancestry.co.uk try searching for Service Records and Pension Records for Army numbers either side of 24272 with Oxford* in the Regiment box. Hi Paul,We are trying to locate my Great Grandfathers grave which would be in Belgium as he was killed in action in the 1st World War. The 3rd Gloucester Regiment was the Special Reserve battalion and so he must have been living in (or within spitting distance of) the county to have served with that particular battalion. Which part of the country he was from? Google Irish Guards Archive. Prior to the start of the Great War, 2nd Lieutenant GD Slaughter of the 2nd Battalion was one of the first members of the British Army to attend, and qualify from, a Vickers Gun course run Attention is paid to minor actions such as trench raids, which usually find no place in compressed official histories; they are recorded in this history. 1 Co of LY 226 and 301Previous Units - 1 Co of LY Sgt 2658John Bowen john.gordon.bowen@gmail.com, Hello Paul,I wonder if you can help me solve two puzzles about my grandfather? can't thank you enough for the work you have done for me. Listed as Serjeantextract from date of death 31-08-16 @ https://firstworldwaronthisday.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=31%2F08%2F1916 under first Thiepval Memorial listing (245 fallen) -SR/3564 Serjeant THOMAS RAMPTON "B" Coy. He was discharged after contracting Malaria. full report costs from 50. Hi PaulIm researching info on my great great uncle Private Neil Steel 3500 5th Batt Cameron Highlanders. Records include details of Service, Medals, Gallantry Awards, Assignments as well as details of rank. Best Regards, Tony. Number Block. He was to remain with the battalion until being gassed in October 1918 and evacuated to Britain. All Ive been able to find is a copy of his medal card (which doesnt have much info on it), and Im assuming some sort of dispatch note that has him and two other soldiers listed as dangerously ill from Malaria. He was in RFA and his number was 18681. ", Worcestershire Paul, you can drop me a line to paulcanixon@yahoo.co.uk. Number 1457 I believe. I will I think he served in the UK throughout WW1 and possibly served on searchlights at Scapa Flow. Or do you just want to see what others are saying? Thanks for your help.I may be back in touch later on for further in/research that you do.Nick, Hi Paul I am hoping you can help me I am trying to trace as much information about my great granddad but have no family to help me. Battalions served on the Western Front, in Gallipoli, Macedonia, Mesopotamia, Italy; one battalion ended the war in North Persia. www.r-s-bedachungen-gun.de. My dad says he thought he was at the Somme, but I can only assume but have no info on his transfer dates to the different regiments. The regiment fought in many conflicts, including both the First and I have a photo of his regiment in Caterham from that date. Hi, I am trying to research my Grandfather, Thomas Richardson. This section gives details the history of the barracks from 1874 to 1990. 1st Worcestershire Regiment - T/Lieutenant Colonel 23rd Brigade - Temporary Brigadier General 204992204993204994204995 Service Awards The British War Medal The 1914 Star The Allied Victory Medal Clasp to the 1914 Star 67913 Gallantry Awards & Honors 2778277927802781278227832784278527862787 Foreign Decorations & Awards Medal Rank Battalion Awarded The Worcesters was one of the five regiments that had four regular battalions before the war, with two special reserve and two territorial battalions. I am struggling to find any information in the Army records about him - Robert Stenhouse Hanley born in West Derby 19/10/1887 and according to his Teacher Registration Certification he was in the Army as above. Rifle Brigade http://www.londonwarmemorial.co.uk/view_profile.php?id=37131&limit=20&offset=0&sort=&a=Lived%2FBorn%20In&f=james&s=Rampton&r=Rank&u=Unit&b=&d=Date%20Of%20Death#sthash.qrg0aJsg.uIg0OhzE.dpbsNo age at date of death (and we do not have a date of birth as he wasn't listed on the census showing your=ngest chld born 1897. Many nicknames were used by successor regiments (following renaming or amalgamation). You need top contact the MoD. His year Of Birth was 1898 and he was aged 19 on his date of death, which was 12 Oct 1917 . 45146, and Rifle Brigade no. 1.92K / 7.67K. completely separate regimental number sequences. any more info is appreciated, especially a photo since we cant find one, hi Paul, I am looking for information on two Sherwood Foresters from world war 2. the first is Thomas Bell the second is Robert (Bob)Perry 4618520. The photos are presented in the following catogories: Do you have an opinion or any information you would like to share with us? I welcome insights about regimental numbering but I do not have time to respond to individual research queries here. Kings Royal Rifle Corps R-8493 and Devonshire Regiment 54781.ThanksHelen. A Hello Paul - I am doing some WW1 research on my grandfather Stanley Riccalton who was from Wallsend-on- Tyne and the only record can find for someone of that name is in the Dorsetshire regiment number 28111. The Regiment was on a number of subsequent occasions commanded by officers from the same source.
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