He is the main protagonist of Bendy and the Ink Machine. He died on July 10th, 1559. In 1983, Henry and William expanded their company by opening Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Henry just says he could kill himself, but can't do it until he "heals this wound", as he said in the Insanity Ending. William dowsed water onto the spring bonnie costume, and the springlocks went off. why did henry kill himself fnaf. Privacy Policy. During Henry Danger's final season, Nickelodeon announced the show's spinoff Danger Force. Why Did 'Henry Danger' End? Because I know you deserve a second chance. He is the younger brother of Michael Afton and son of William Afton. After his first business Fredbears Family Diner gets abandoned because his son was killed there, his wife leaves him, his second restaurant Freddy's has five children murdered there, and he is accused of the murderers, Charlotte's dad Henry kills himself. Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, He lured them all back. The screams from Henry shook the facility. This child, possibly named Cassidy . A demon-like entity of the Cycle, Ink Bendy is a large threat to anyone in this ink world . What happened in 1987? : Dr. Henry Miller is the posthumous overarching antagonist of the Dayshift at Freddy's trilogy. He is then approached by General Hubert Galeforce . he wanted to give michael and lizzy the love they deserve, and sent william with cassidy, setting the others' souls free. idk. Michael Afton is a main character in BlueyCapsules. Henry Emily was the father of Charlotte Emily, and the founder of Fazbear Entertainment, Inc.. Henry had help creating the company with his best friend and business partner, William Afton, who was also the owner and founder of his own company, Afton Robotics, LLC. Lucas received the death penalty, but Texas . In the end, when his plan came into fruition, he showed no care for his life, as he burned with the rest of the animatronics, feeling happy in the belief that the nightmare would finally end, Henry would be with his daughter in the afterlife, and William would be sent to hell where he belongs. five nights at freddys + 5.8k plays . For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more, waiting for you after the smoke clears. In the book series, he made a robot with a massive fuck off knife to stab him. He also feels the need to help the remaining souls of the children pass on to the afterlife. Leaving william to fend for himself. It is unknown if she possesses Ballora, but some believe Ballora represents her, by one of MatPat's theories. He is the former founder and owner of Fredbear's Family Diner alongside William Afton as well as a serial killer and . I don't know how those tiny breaths of life came to inhabit those machines. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. The whole thing suggested pain to her and wanted to ask her father, Does it hurt? Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the Devil waiting, old friend.My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. Richard said "Night night, hehehe!" It is Mentioned In The Silver Eyes. The child of Henry, the owner at the time, was killed behind the facility and the missing children incidents still kept on occurring. Henry was the man making the robots, he first made suits, spring lock suits, that were designed to double as a suit and robot. To get this ending, you must defeat Security. Occupation Henry was the business partner of William Afton and owner of Fredbear's Family Diner and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. is the overarching antagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and Five Nights at Freddy's 4.. Human. He set some kind of trap. Henry Stein, a former traditional animator, gets a strange note from an old friend, Joey Drew, that invites him to their old workplace. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Out of immense regret and grief, Henry considered committing suicide, but he couldn't allow himself to rest until he killed William and avenged his victims to stop the madman once and for all. His daughter, Elizabeth Afton, would be killed by one of the animatronics he built. He died on July 10th, 1559. The purpose of this tape is to test automated response times and reactions from vintage interactive attractions following audio stimuli. At this moment, Henry was accused for the child murders and he felt guilty for what happened. Species Why?" I think William is now obsessed with Charlie because she is gradually reminding him of Henry. Henry Stein vs. Micheal Afton is a What-If? (The Twisted Ones) Killed herself by Henry's suicide robot. But they will never find rest now. This dark labyrinth of blood and lost lives goes deeper and deeper as the games progresses, all with the cheery backdrop of a children's party pizzeria. He really hoped so. This child, possibly named Cassidy . Alias idk. Christopher Afton died by Fredbear. and our The four knights responsible for his murder were excommunicated and in 1174 Henry walked barefoot to Canterbury Cathedral in penance. They were both Springlock Suits, special hybrid suits that could switch from wearable costumes to animatronic entertainers. Biography Information Baby kills desk man, someone we don't know. It is also thought that he was competing with Henry and wanted some level of notoriety. Henry continuously excludes William, then William was a suspect. Perhaps it was jealousy that drove Billy insane. He has so far, been seen by the reader as a character who is strong, intelligent and one who possesses many good qualities. After defeating Chica's Magic Rainbow, the pixelated grey character expresses sorrow for his actions to the player, eventually being killed by his own creation, Baby . Newport News Tennis Tournament, Henry kills himself, only bringing old tapes to his grave. Henry then created tapes and left them. Things are found here quite often, and while we arent sure why, what we do know, is that they can be used for parts, which can mean a much-needed revenue boost before starting your next day. Brian Robbins, president, kids & family entertainment, ViacomCBS Domestic Media . Lucas received the death penalty, but Texas . He also says he's nearby in the ending. This question is taking into account the idea that Cassette man is Henry, and the man we see die in Fnaf World is also Henry, mainly just because I know nothing about Fnaf World and I'm just taking MatPat's word in that scenario. After defeating Chica's Magic Rainbow, the pixelated grey character expresses sorrow for his actions to the player, eventually being killed by his own creation, Baby . 2 Reply Your_Stepdad09 3 yr. ago Thanks for the answers. To drive deeper your point, Charlie mentioned that Henry's familiar life was his secret life, his guilty pleasure. Like why does he returns in fnaf 6 ? Charlie described him as being happy during the time of Fredbears, he let everyone be a part of the diner. Fredbear's Diner child (Silver Eyes protagonist Charlie's three-ish year old twin named Sammy in the books) is killed or kidnapped by William Afton (and presumably adopted as his youngest son in my personal timeline). (The Fourth Closet) Henry Stein vs. Micheal Afton is a What-If? Affiliation FNaF is riddled with tragedy. Okay, this is still FNaF based, so don't worry. He reveals that Baby is haunted by William's own daughter, Elizabeth, who was killed by Baby long ago. William would kill kids at Fredbear's and Henry would kill kids at Freddy's so that Freddy's could never overtake them. A bold action man, he is a veteran helicopter pilot who works for the Government, and one of the youngest and most experienced pilots. It is unknown why his sprite was changed from purple to yellow, though it is likely to not have him confused with Michael. It is revealed that he is the old partner of William Afton who owned Fredbear's Family Diner, and helped to create the original animatronics . He is then approached by General Hubert Galeforce . Henry then created tapes and left them. Brian Robbins, president, kids & family entertainment, ViacomCBS Domestic Media . He also has cassette tapes.To obtain the cassette tapes, you must . Most people in his position probably would do the same. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Silver Eyes. Advertisement: Bendy and the Ink Machine is an indie puzzle horror Episodic Game created by Kindly Beast. John wanted to visit her father's workshop, which reminded Charlie of the endoskeleton. Henry was then responsible for making all animatronics. It is your job to complete the Maintenance Checklist before claiming it as salvage. William Destroyed the house to make Henry Mad. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. After having left his old workplace for 30 years, a letter from his old friend and ex-business partner, Joey Drew, takes Henry . {{{2}}}. He has a chance to leave with his daughter? But the virtual tragedy is an echo of the actual world. William was arrested, and Henry stopped opening Fazbear locations. I'm sure that he was standing outside to ensure that because they've been able to escape before. Family Members Throughout the nights, he accomplishes the tasks the job requires him to, though eventually it is revealed his father sent him to the facility to find his sister . While there, Henry discovers the ink machine, which . He is seen as a leader amongst the group. *Distorted ringing sound* Document resultsBegin audio prompt in 3-*Gets cut off by Scrap Baby* cuz he mean :/. A metal pulley screamed, and the knife went through them both, which ultimately kills both of them. FNaF . Most people in his position probably would do the same. The five children he murdered were Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, and Cassidy. All three of these motivations or . He whispers, "There's more?" You don't even realize that you are trapped. Male I don't know what it was, but he lead them there again. This is usually seen in the character of the hero of the story. Formerly a troublesome teenager who constantly sought validation from his neglectful father, Michael has since reverted to a hollow shell of his former self following the death of his younger brother in the Bite of '83 -- an incident that Michael . It still doesn't mean that he's in the fire, Well, TFC has nothing to do with FFPS, and he also says that he'd be remaining as well as the building burns down. And I know it wasn't your fault. Henry II was fatally injured by the Count of Montgomery during a jousting tournament. Henry kills himself, only bringing old tapes to his grave. Henry Lee Lucas was an American serial killer most known for falsely confessing to over 600 murders, earning the moniker 'The Confession Killer'. She isn't confirmed to exist by Scott. It was first mentioned when Charlie was reminiscing in her childhood home. On November 2nd, 2019, during a Fox News segment about military dogs, a former US Navy SEAL Mike Ritland unexpectedly said "Epstein didn't kill himself" in a manner similar to the meme format. Small souls trapped in prisons of my making now set to new purpose and used in ways I never thought imaginable. Mrs. Afton married William Afton and had . Henry's Suicide Robot is an animatronic that Henry made before the events of The Silver Eyes to help kill himself. Sammy is the twin brother of Charlotte, and the son of Henry and Charlotte's Mother. Further on, William is considered to be killed . He was a wealthy businessman and inventor who secretly built animatronics to hunt and kill young children, which went unknown by his partner, Henry Emily. FNaF came onto the scene in 2014 with a simple premise: survive some scares perpetrated by increasingly creepy pizzeria animatronics.Five Nights at Freddy's' jumpscare-laden . He brought them all together. When Terrence is first introduced in the film, he comes off as . Contents She appears as a minor character in Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver Eyes, the final antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones and the central antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: The Fourth Closet. Christopher Afton died by Fredbear. Henry is also responsible for the Freddy blowtorch urinal incident and the death of the main protagonist Jack . Again. Would they be safe? In the graphic novels, Sammy is depicted as a small boy having wavy brown hair and wearing a light blue shirt, pants, and . I am nearby. Who killed Henry? The screams from Henry shook the facility. Slender Man had fallen to the wayside, since the character did not have enough backstory to keep players interested in the creepiness. 3. the CORRECT order is this: 1979/81 (unsure of exact date) Henry and William Afton co-own Fredbear's Family Diner together. He is the main antagonist of the series. Congratulations on completing the week. UCN - willhell and mikepurg happen at the same time! Death Battle featuring Henry Stein from the Bendy and the Ink Machine series and Michael Afton from the Five Nights at Freddy's series in a battle between horror game protagonists. On the same day, Twitter user @kbq225 posted a phone-recorded video of the interview, with the tweet receiving over 13,800 retweets and 31,000 likes and . He also has cassette tapes.To obtain the cassette tapes, you must . A crime of passion - a tragic story as old as the Greeks. Wracked with grief, Henry considered suicide until he realized that he must right Afton's wrongs before dying. Why Did William Afton Kill Henry's Daughter. Why would William be wearing a dress?? During Henry Danger's final season, Nickelodeon announced the show's spinoff Danger Force. Henry then went into hiding and no one had heard or seen him since. Cassette Man. His voice is deathly quiet. Five Nights At Freddy's. The posters without the in-game camera filter, from the first game. == How Did Charlies Dad Actually Kill Himself? Fredbear's Diner child (Silver Eyes protagonist Charlie's three-ish year old twin named Sammy in the books) is killed or kidnapped by William Afton (and presumably adopted as his youngest son in my personal timeline). Connection terminated. William proceeds to grab the wires, electrucing himself, laughing crazily, before cooking himself alive, and dying. (cue Wiz & Boomstick ) Wiz . In mid-March 2018, the video became a subject of controversy on Reddit after it began circulating within various communities on the social media platform.
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