You can explore various rivers and creeks filled with wildlife and stunning views here. Here are some great places to visit if you want alligators-free kayaking in Florida.1. - Just Go! 2. But this goes back to respecting their territory. What To Do If You See An Alligator While Kayaking? The main feature is the 9-mile Manatee River Paddling Trail. A: Kayaking in Florida is a great activity for people of all ages and abilities. Baker said she immediately showed the video to a park ranger. For those hot days, Silver Glen Springs stays 72 degrees all year. The water is cold and refreshing, so you wont need to worry about alligators; stay away from colder waters. Titusville and Cocoa Beach are the two best places to see bioluminescence, not just in Florida but in the world. from. 1. Lets discuss those places in detail so you can be extra careful while planning your kayaking trip. Wekiwa Springs State Park: Located near Orlando, Wekiwa Springs crystal clear waters and lush foliage will make you feel miles away from civilization. Check availability. As you may know, Florida is home to around 1.5 million alligators. stewart: allison haviland and a friend, with 4 school aged kids . However once your safety concerns have been addressed its only a matter enjoying one paddle away from paradise in The Sunshine State!. Lowest price guarantee Reserve now & pay laterFree cancellation. Are you looking for where to kayak in Florida without alligators? If you get too close to the alligator, it may give warning signs that should make you move away. Furthermore, info about species diversity for each body of water including any potentially dangerous creatures is available at GLMA (Gulf Living Marine Assessment). Alligators are known to be more aggressive during mating season, which is April through June. Alligators are just as afraid of us as we are of them, so typically if a kayak enters an alligator area, they will duck below the water and hide. Kayaking season runs from fall to spring so it wont be as congested as kayaking in the summer. Additionally alongside most springs you'll often find campgrounds providing convenient spots often right alongside waterways allowing visitors ample opportunity dip their boats into cool temperatures 365 days outa' year while having a basecamp they can return each day after paddlin' round larger regions - this gives newcomer kayakers ample time refine their craft before hitting bigger open waters later down the line if desired at all! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. At waterfront parks, be cautious with your dog around shorelines. This river is also a wildlife haven with many animals making this their home, especially turtle populations. Always check the weather forecast before heading out on the water. Along with Anastasia State Park paddle boards and kayaks, the company also offers bike rentals, sailboat rentals, and beach chair and supply rentals. The Suwannee is perhaps Florida's most well-known river. >> we were kayaking and a gator almost flipped us over. If you would prefer to do a kayaking tour in a saltwater environment, here are some great options: Florida springs are the real star of Florida kayaking. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Lake Kissimmee, near Orlando, comes in second with just shy of 2,000. The 31-mile trail winds through the Blackwater River State Forest and offers viewings of one of the most pristine sand-bottomed rivers on the planet, which varies in color from a rich coffee brown to light yellow, depending on the depth. Pingback: Spend A Day at Smyrna Dunes Park: The New Smyrna Dog Friendly Beach - Just Go! The Ichetucknee Springs is a great place to go kayaking and enjoy natures tranquility and beauty. It is slow-moving and has sandbars along for stops when you need a rest. In addition, there are many access points along the river, such as Terry Park or James J. Nance Park. Plus since most of its banks are also lined with wetlands so full visibility helps keep away any potential danger due to hidden predators like alligators too! Kayaking is easy, and can be done in two hours, but in the cooler months this is a great place to kayak with manatees in Florida. We help our readers find the best kayaks and water related equipment to help you have the best time of your life whenever you are engaging in water activities. Weeki Wachee Springs State Park is the perfect destination for kayakers. When looking for an area that might have reduced or non-existent numbers of alligators. A large part of the Calusa Blueway is the Caloosahatchee River. Is kayaking in Florida your first time, and you're looking for a place where you won't have to worry about getting into trouble? Whether interested in fresh/salt/coastal paddles or discovering new necessary equipment, these organizations have made it much easier and safer than ever before locating outdoor activity centers free from gator encounters when visiting The Sunshine State! Noble Hammock is a must-visit if you want to experience the best kayaking in Miami. Located in Dunnellon, this river is 5.7 miles long. Besides, its really easy to reach the trail. An alligator may be timid of kayakers, but they can be aggressive in specific periods. Kayaking these scenic spots will imprint beautiful memories into every adventurers mind forever! The way the land is situated is quite unique. Similarly, there are also some places you should avoid at all costs because of the high population of Alligators. When paddling in this area, bring sunscreen and protective clothing, as the sun can be quite strong here. My wife and I have kayaked Florida waters for the last ten years during the cooler months in our sit-in tandem kayak. Rentals range from $25-50 depending on the length of time, and they do have some guided tours available. This kayaking paradise is not a linear water trail. Don't throw Cheetos at it. You could visit Kings Spring, which is 75 feet . Get up and Go Kayaking provides clear kayak tours of this amazing area, or you can rent kayaks right in the park. "Alligators are dangerous animals.". For more information, call us at 321-735-9400 today. This will also help you understand how to react when you encounter one. And since alligators are not found in saltwater, you can paddle here without worry. If youre looking for a way to get out on the water without worrying about pesky alligators, then look no further than Florida! There are some freshwater springs-fed rivers in Central Florida that are popular with tourists. The warm waters remain quite calm year round which makes it great for novice paddlers looking for an easygoing ride. Before entering the network of tunnels you are likely to see dolphins and manatees. This park covers around 24,000 acres and is home to thousands of alligators. Just 48 minutes west of Gainesville, you'll find Ginnie Springs near a town called High Springs. BK Adventure and A Day Away Kayak both provide the best bioluminescence tours in Florida and are highly recommended. Well-marked and user-friendly, the 190-mile Calusa Blueway Paddling Trail is a paddler's paradise of secluded beaches and protected estuaries that are laced with mangrove islands and tunnels as well as tidal creeks. Rainbow Springs State Park. If you see an alligator, stay at least 50 yards away from it and don't feed them. Through their spatial data system, visitors can find specific bodies of water with features like depth contours and boat launches or ramps as part of their database. Cayo Costa Camping Tips for 2021 - Just Go! With over 700 square miles of open water and plenty of sheltered coves available, this giant body of water provides plenty of opportunities to practice paddling techniques while enjoying breathtaking surroundings. Starting at Everglades City, rent a kayak at one of the several outlets and head out into the famous swamp for an up close look at alligators, turtles, and ancient mangrove forests. Kayaking with Kids: A Complete Guide - Just Go. Use your common sense and if you see or hear anything that makes you uncomfortable, head back to shore. Read more. We cover the whole outdoor arena. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Pingback: Kayaking with Kids: A Complete Guide - Just Go! In a few incidents, alligators have actually bitten canoes and kayaks, resulting in minor injuries to people and damage to their boats. Emus, giraffes, camels, antelopes, water buffalo, and other exotic species may be seen at the Wild Florida Drive-thru Safari, which is located approximately an hour south of Orlando. General Parking for Tarpon Bay Road Beach Park located at 205 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel, FL 33957. If you plan on kayaking, the best time to visit Ichetuknee Spring is during winter, as the waters are quieter without all of the tubers. If you are interested in seeing Comb jelly fish, they can be seen between November and May. This beautiful state park is home to the Weeki Wachee River, a popular spot for kayakers. Seeing gators on the state's lakes is most likely the experience of fishermen who are on the hunt for bass and sunfish. Ichetucknee offers some of the clearest and most beautiful spring fed rivers and lakes in all of Northern Florida. Make sure to bring a first-aid kit, flashlights, whistle, and other necessary items with you before going out on your kayak. It's best known for Fort Jefferson, a massive, yet unfinished coastal fortress. Florida is the ultimate destination for any kayaker who wants to explore different kayaking locationslakes, 1,700 rivers, and more than 700 springs. If the idea of alligators in the water with you is just too much to handle, there are plenty of salt water kayaking options in Florida. Well cover where to go, what safety tips to follow, and where to avoid going due to the fear of Alligators.,,, With stunning scenery, clear water, wondrous rock formations, and banks lined with majestic cypress trees, the 6 mile long Ichetuknee River is a wonder to kayak. Manatees can be seen congregate in the Florida springs from late November to March. The area is 105 miles long, and you will find plenty of diverse wildlife to observe. We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. Alligators can be found in almost any body of fresh water across Florida. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Alligators in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Arkansas all seem to be found in the southern regions of the state. Following these safety tips can help you stay safe while kayaking in Florida waters and ensure an enjoyable experience out on the water. The kayaking experience is ideal for kayakers of all levels, from beginners to experienced. kayak or take a guided tour along the river, Florida is home to around 1.5 million alligators, life jacket can help you stay afloat if you fall in the water or your kayak, safety tips can help you stay safe while kayaking. There is plenty of wildlife around here that includes birds, turtles, fish, and maybe even a few otters which makes it an exciting (and safe!) (Kayak Drowning Possibilities), List Of Top Kayak Swimwear Brands Of USA; What To Wear When Kayaking, The Santa Fe River is a tributary of the Suwannee River and is approximately 78 miles (126 kilometers) long and has a watershed of approximately 1,380 square miles, Weeki Wachee Spring is a natural spring located in Weeki Wachee, Florida and it is a popular destination for swimming, kayaking, and other water activities. Yet the statistics of alligator attacks seem to show that it can be done relatively safely, as long as the paddler follows a few protocols. Kayaking in the winter months in Florida is the best time to go, and also increases the likelihood that alligators will leave you alone. Escape from it all in this swampy spot perfect for nature lovers looking for peace and quiet. This will help you avoid potential danger or alligators lurking in the water. Alligators can be found in the area but prefer to keep to the marsh areas where kayakers and others do not paddle. If youre an avid kayaker, theres no question that Florida is the place to visit. Wear a life jacket and always carry a whistle in case of an emergency. The John Pennekamp Coral Reef is a popular destination for kayakers. This requires slightly more effort than Weeki Wachee but still can be done by inexperienced kayakers. It is one of the United States wildest and longest publically owned coastal wetlands. Weather can change quickly in Florida, so its important to check the forecast before heading out and ensure you have all the necessary safety equipment. "They shouldn't be fed," and "Stay at least fifty yards away from them.". These safe spots are perfect for a peaceful paddle without having to worry about safety. Minutes away from Cocoa Beach, enjoy an "old Florida" mangrove tunnel called "The Amazon" in the Thousand Islands with Cocoa Beach Kayak as a naturalist guide that provides insight into this magical world. And never attempt to capture or kill an alligator, as this is illegal in Florida. Following are some tips you should follow and keep yourself safe in the waters of Florida.