what does punchy mean

*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. US informal. A good way to sound confident is to use short punchy The Military Origins of Cowboy Belt Buckles. Delivered to your inbox! This, although a great sound, is not exactly what I'd call "punchy". You could tell the retired fighter was a bit punch-drunk after taking so many hits over the years. Synonyms: effective, spirited, dynamic, lively More Synonyms of punchy. . Wonky is another word for shaky or unstable. Disoriented, confused, or unable to concentrate as a result of one or more heavy blows to the head; suffering the effects of a concussion. His opinions, like his music, aren't for everyone, but I think it's worth considering his perspective. If you describe something as punchy, you mean that it expresses its meaning in a forceful or effective way. Your email address will not be published. What does the phrase not my cup of tea mean? SHAKESPEARE'S WORDS 2022 DAVID CRYSTAL & BEN CRYSTAL, [pron: 'ikarus] son of Daedalus, who escaped from Crete wearing wings made by his father; ignoring a warning, the wax in his wings melted when he flew too near the Sun, and he fell into the Aegean, country known at the time for its long-haired dogs, [Roman calendar] half-way point in a month, in the Roman calendar, 15 March, the half-way point through March, indifferently, half-heartedly, unenthusiastically, negligence, obtuseness, lack of understanding, inauspicious, predicting evil, prophesying doom, giving premonitions of harm, ominously prophesying, of ugly appearance, unpleasant to look at, [ill-taken] unfounded, unwarranted, badly grounded, unbalanced, with elements of mood [humours] badly mixed, speaking displeasing news, reporting bad tidings, twisting the truth, turning to disadvantage, E seaboard of the Adriatic and its hinterland (Dalmatia); in modern Croatia, imaginative, creative, of the imagination, all imaginable, as much as can be conceived, [unclear meaning] bar, exclude; reveal, demonstrate, position closest to the sovereign, being next in standing, [of a falcon's wing] repair, insert feathers into, [unclear meaning] unworthy, dishonourable; harmful, injurious, enfold, wrap in [as if with a pall = robe], lack of composure, failure to bear suffering well, disparagement, reproach [to], detraction [from], [unclear meaning] unperceptive, undiscerning, lacking reverence towards God, wicked, irreligious, one who implores or entreats, supplicator, solicitor, [unclear meaning] importance, significance, importunity, urgent solicitation, pressing entreaty, persistent solicitation, troublesome persistence, shortsighted, lacking foresight, careless, call into question, dispute the validity of, into the dressing-room at the back of the stage, unable to be assisted, incapable of being helped, uncertain, needing guidance, in a doubtful state, very gradually, bit by bit, by small degrees, boundless, infinite, beyond comprehension, lacking self-restraint, indulgence [in the pleasures of the flesh], lack of sexual restraint, sexual indulgence, infidelity, united in one body, combined in one entity, [pron: ind] the East Indies, thought of as a region of great wealth, (plural) [legal] joint agreement, articles of agreement, the East Indies, thought of as a region of great wealth, deceitful, not straightforward, dishonest, inattentively, distractedly, away from the point, unwillingness, reluctance, disinclination, limitless, unimaginable, beyond apprehension, indivisible [with no changes in the location of action]; or: unclassifiable, temptation, bad influence, persuasiveness, opening scene [of a play], initial step, preparation, endowed, supplied [with appropriate qualities], diligence, earnestness, steady application, laborious gallantry, assiduity in service to a lady, [unclear meaning] difference of rank, social disparity; injustice, partiality, inexorable, unmoveable, relentless; or: execrable, accursed, damnable, inflamed senses, heated condition [through drinking], being inflicted, implementation, enforcement, item of information, piece of intelligence, mixture of qualities, combination of attributes, natural characteristic, tincture, liquid extract, engaged [to her]; or: not promised [to anyone else], alert, fully conscious, intelligent, capable, [unclear meaning] lacking all ability, stupid, honestly, with all sincerity, without reserve, receive, obtain, come into possession [of], formal prohibition, official ban [from playing in the city], [cock-fighting] kept within a hoop [to make birds fight], comic character representing vice in morality plays, novice, beginner's, as of one newly initiated, causing injury, harmful, offending, unjust, injure, wrong, do injustice to [Q2 variant], cultured, brought up in society, not rustic, incapable of being perceived by the senses, curry favour, work subtly [on], ingratiate oneself, [unclear meaning] steady continuance, constancy, regularity, unsociable, lacking the benefits of society, intolerable, impossible to associate with, overbearing pride, haughtiness, presumptuous arrogance, be insolent, show scorn, triumph scornfully, scornfully boasting, contemptuously exulting, insuppressible, irrepressible, indomitable, [debated meaning] unable to be poured out, the one upright of life and unstained by crime does not need the javelins or the bow of the Moor, undivided devotion, wholehearted sincerity, spying, espionage, secretly obtained information, bearing intelligence, giving inside information, [translation of French entendre] understand, intensity, forceful purpose, powerful direction, paying continuous attention, with unbroken interest, valid claim [on], rights of possession [to], short play, theatrical performance [staged to fill an interval], intermittent, recurrent; or: temporarily interrupted, provide a dialogue [as does a puppeteer on behalf of the puppets], vehemently, passionately, in an abusive way, inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty, as in an inventory, one by one, in detail, besiege, put pressure on [Q2 alternatve to 'invites' in Ham I.iii.83], empower, install in office, give authority, [pron: 'eeoh] daughter of river-god Inachus, loved by Zeus, who turned her into a heifer to save her from the jealousy of Zeus wife, Hera, anger is a madness that doesn't last long, Greek goddess of the rainbow; messenger of the gods, especially of Zeus and Hera, [pron: 'iysis] Egyptian goddess of the moon, fertility, and magic, child(ren), offspring, family, descendant, avaricious disposition, desire for personal gain, cliche, repeated assertion, endless repetition, island of W Greece; home of Ulysses, where Penelope waited for his return from the Trojan Wars, World [outside Britain], places and peoples, Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious. I guess the Monels are "punchy". It's worth noting that when I try to get a "punchy" sound I play pretty aggressively (fingerstyle), as do both bassists I linked. That boxer was punchy after being knocked out in the ringhe couldnt even remember his name! To me, "punchy" means brighter, crisper, more penetrating, and "warm" means, fuller, fatter, warm & fuzzy. All of which simply reinforces the point that it's hard to relate what the guitars does with our perceptions of it, sometimes. If you describe something as punchy, you mean that it expresses its meaning in a forceful or effective way. You are using an out of date browser. I really don't know what would bridge the gap. frequency is only part of it, it's how quick the amp responds, 0 sound to deafening roar, and back to 0 sound again. As a lazy villager, Punchy will be friendly and easy to get along with due to his laid back lifestyle. Further, I wouldn't think "punchy" if it weren't crunchy. transitive verb. Perhaps because when someone says a particular guitar is "warm", different listeners could attribute that to various aspects of the sound. Although the name suggests hitting cattle, the physical act of punching is not involved in cow punching at all. WebA punchy kick is a key element of a lot of different sound designs and styles. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Phone Number: 541-684-4623E-mail: info@rideable.orgMailing Address:P.O. 3 formal : to reduce in scope : diminish attempts to abridge the right of free speech. An Unofficial forum for those who love Martin instruments - Founded by Steve Stallings. Electric, acoustic, upright, and otherwise. To save this word, you'll need to log in. It's funny that the responses here at similar where the answers I found online are saying scooped mids or super treble, Iirc when people say a tone is punchy it means that it has a pretty good mid. Listen to some Dan Donegan. The following is a list of items that make good gifts for Punchy, who likes Basic, blue items and dislikes Iconic items. One moose, two moose. Like all lazy villagers, he has a love of food and relaxing. If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. The Gear Page is the leading online community and marketplace for guitars, amps, pedals, effects and associated gear. WebWhat punchy means? WebIcarus (n.) [pron: 'ikarus] son of Daedalus, who escaped from Crete wearing wings made by his father; ignoring a warning, the wax in his wings melted when he flew too near the Sun, and he fell into the Aegean. Especially in single note play, the notes spring out with a "pop" .. +3 on percussive. Does it look unprofessional to have my name and all the titles of my website in lower-case? The term cow punching comes from the slang used to describe cowboys and cowgirls. I don't ignore the low mids, as they add some of that quality--a full and strong sound--too, but they just don't seem to have enough attack and cut. Definitions Show more Punchy in a sentence Last searches punchy detective education only frusting See also Definitions of punchy Anagrams of Some parents completely abrogate responsibility for parenting to schools. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? Apr 16, 2014. I'd agree. I'm sure some people are just trying to convey the emotion they are getting, or the association that makes the most sense at that moment. 2. To me, "punchy" means brighter, crisper, more penetrating, and "warm" means, fuller, fatter, warm & fuzzy. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Does it look unprofessional to have my name and all the titles of my website in lower-case? by Sheck February 26, 2005 Get the donkey punch mug. Only two comments on this topic reflect the way I'd use punchy in the studio. To me they have the virtues described here as percussive. (vulgar) (United States) Viste el pinche pendejo ese que no sabe ni estacionar su carro? Steve Albini has recorded a lot of bands in his and in other professional studios.

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