The media never misses an opportunity to chase after some cheap heat instead of digging into the red meat. [1][2], According to prosecutors, instead of the CIA Simmons had actually worked at a carpeting company, as a head waiter at a nightclub and a manager at an adult entertainment hot tub business, operated limousine and AIDS testing businesses, run an illegal gambling operation out of his home, and also played semi-professionally for the Baltimore Eagles and professionally as a defensive back for the New Orleans Saints for a few months in summer 1978. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Home; american dad steve runs away; wayne simmons imposter; wayne simmons imposter. Federal authorities say Simmons admitted he lied about his financial and criminal history, and admitted that there is no evidence he was ever employed by the CIA, or ever received a security clearance by the agency. Wayne Shelby Simmons, 62, of Annapolis, a former on-air pundit for the cable network, was arrested Oct. 15, 2015, after being indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of major fraud against. Barrett products are used by civilians, sport shooters, law enforcement agencies, the United States military, and more than 75 State Department-approved countries around the world. Did they care? [2] In October 2015, Simmons was arrested by the FBI and charged with fraud, including using fraud to obtain employment with military contractors and defrauding a woman of $125,000. Wayne (TV Series 2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. As recently as April, Simmons was identified on air on Fox radio as a 'Fox News contributor.' The CIA said in a statement that it was working closely with the Justice Department on the matter. The DOJ would have gone after Wayne Simmons first simply because he is low-hanging fruit. wayne simmons imposter. by White, Randy Wayne. Sign up free. About Jobs For the Record. maroondah council open space contribution; kent county, delaware deed search; suction dentures glasgow; napa blaster surface shield. I read spy novels, the judge said before issuing his sentence. The picture above was posted by Wayne on his Facebook page, but since his arrest, the Department of the Navy has said that no one by the name of Wayne Shelby Simmons has served in the Navy. Next stop27 years in Outside Paramilitary Special Operations!!!'. [1][2] He attended Jacksonville State University. According to neighbors, including Zeyher, Simmons, 62, has two adult children and lives on a large property in Annapolis where he cares for two dogs and two horses. The Huffington Post reports the judge cited Simmons 11 arrests for driving under the influence, a 2007 assault arrest and firearms convictions as the reason for his decision. Rolling Stone magazine in January 2016 delved into the story of what it dubbed The Absurdity of Wayne Simmons.. Wayne Simmons was a Fox News star. wayne simmons imposter. If convicted, Simmons could face up to 20 years in prison on fraud counts and additional penalties if convicted on related charges. Simmons was also ordered to serve three years of supervised release, to forfeit two firearms and $175,612 in criminal proceeds, and to pay restitution to his victims. Hes hedging himself so he can maintain this aura of mystery, the prosecutor said. Most of the novels written by author Wayne are based on the Horror, Crime, and Science Fiction genres. Simmons also admitted to defrauding an individual out of $125,000 in connection with a bogus real estate investment, federal prosecutors said. The firearms charge was filed when Simmons admitted that at the time he was arrested, he was unlawfully in possession of two firearms, which he was prohibited from possessing on account of his prior felony convictions. While the idea of FOX News and the government allowing him to make fools out of Bill OReilly, Sean Hannity, Andrew Napolitano, Neil Cavuto, everyone at Fox & Friends, and the CIA for over a decade is laughable, the utter hate, lies, and warmongering that spewed from this mans mouth was anything but humorous. In federal court in Virginia on Friday, just before he was sentenced to 33months in prison, he apologized for lying about his security clearance, his criminal history and his finances. Cultivating a tough-guy persona on air, power tie and all, Wayne has made all kinds of outrageous statements such as: Since the coronation of the boy king 15 months ago, it is again not an accident that every third-world despot from Venezuela through Cuba to North Korea, virtually anyone in the Middle East that decides they want to take a shot at the United States and our allies, is doing just that. We know they are breeding grounds for terrorism, for fundraising.. Turi had been falsely charged with providing the illegal arms shipments used in the Benghazi terrorist attack of . He was going 115 mph. Who vetted Wayne for the program? Simmons will have to pay $175,000 in restitution to the government and to the woman, who came to court Friday but declined to speak publicly. But Simmons was cut before he deployed because he got such low marks in training, according to court records. Did retired generals vouch for Wayne because they liked his hawkish neoconservative views or wasit was former CIA officer Clare Lopez who tried to backstop Simmons credentials? Run by John Loftus, the Intelligence Summit website (recently taken down, probably due to the attention drawn to it by SOFREP) featured names as big as former CIA director James Woolsey. Rumsfeld later wrote a letter supporting Simmonss effort to have his wife buried at Arlington National Cemetery, according to prosecutors. Waynes cronies Paul Vallely and Thomas McInerney co-wrote a book titledEnd Game, in which they push for massive war against a good portion of the world all at once in order to defeat terrorism. The absurd claims in the book are too numerousto cover in this article, but suffice to say these two military analysts are purely amateur hour. Language: English . In 2014 Wayne had the honor of becoming a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi a position he still holds. While they plotted out the invasion on a cocktail napkin and pitched their plan on Fox News, our soldiers fought, bled, and died in the streets of Basra, Baghdad, Mosul, and Ramadi for another eight years. SOFREPs profile of General McInerney reads: Thomas McInerney is not alone. Wayne married Bonnie Scott May 10 . McInerney also claimed that terrorists had hijacked the Malaysian flight and flew to Pakistan, where the passengers were (and supposedly are) being held hostage. In an interview, Kent Clizbe told SOFREP that the only piece of documentation that Simmons was able to produce to prove his CIA service was a flight manifest showing himself to be on a military flight to Guantanamo Bay, probably one of the Pentagon sponsored trips he took as a part of the Military Analyst Program. In short, Vallely wants to become the Thomas Jefferson of Syria,and he wants to be at the forefront of any U.S.-led covert-action programs that support rebel forcestwo things thatwill certainly never happen. While it is unclear at this time how the 62-year-old pundit was exposed as a fraud, the indictment stated that Simmons falsely claimed on national security forms that his previous arrests and convictions were related to his CIA work and that he had held a top secret security clearance. He fraudulently obtained positions with the U.S. government by lying about his previous employment and history, and further, defrauded a victim through a bogus real estate investment scheme. Rolling Stones report says Simmons was one of a stable of military analysts, many of the others were retired military officers, who made money as TV commentators. The New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize in 2009 for its reporting that illustrated how the Pentagon used the analysts to build public support for the war in Iraq. Reuters noted a grand jury indicted the former FOX News contributor in October for fraudulently posing as an Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer for the Central Intelligence Agency for decades from 1973 until 2000. To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit these required items to After rationalizing the destruction of the 92 videotapes that recorded enhanced interrogations, Simmons refused to admit that waterboarding is torture. An American hero, or a liar? Simmons acknowledged during the brief hearing he could not afford to pay for legal services, reportedWashington Post. A lock ( Kent Clizbe claims that when he began questioning Simmons service in the CIA that Kerry wrote a disguisedrebuttal to Clizbes questions and concerns in the form of a SOFREP article. A Fox News guest terrorism analyst was appointed a public defender and ordered to remain in jail Friday, a day after a grand jury indicted him on charges of falsely claiming to have been a CIA operative for decades, US prosecutors announced. Ironically, Simmons contributed to a FOX News report in 2007 about a former FBI and CIA agent found guilty of fraud and stealing secrets. And former CIA officials told the government that they did not recruit agents out of basic training. Simmons also has repeatedly blamed his predicament on political machinations. Wayne Aaronson Regional and National Media, Marketing and Content Development Specialist Focused on Brand Engagement 3. Join SOFREP for insider access and analysis. But in the meantime, the damage done to American politics is impossible to calculate.. He also once claimed that there are 'at least 19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities' scattered around the US. 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During an interview with Fox & Friends, Simmons falsely accused then-Senator John Kerry of publicly calling our soldiers/sailors/marines murderers and terrorists. Although FOX News anchor Greg Kelly repeatedly attempted to correct Simmons and even read Kerrys exact quote to Simmons, the phony CIA agent refused to take back his lie. His wife, Corinne, a military hospital administrator, died in 2012; they had two children, one of whom is in the Secret Service.[1][2]. A US Navy spokesman revealed to Daily Mail via email Friday he was unable to find a record of Simmons ever having served in that branch of the military. The three-issue limited series, written by Mattson Tomlin and illustrated and lettered by Andrea Sorrentino, began publication on October 12 and concluded on December 14, 2021. All Rights Reserved. He is co-author of the thriller The Natanz Directive, which appeared to have been loosely based on his purported exploits. His wife, neighbors said, died. He faked CIA special operations experience and became an analyst on Fox News. Then one ex-spook got suspicious", "Former Fox News commentator sentenced to prison for faking CIA ties", "TV pundit who claimed CIA ties pleads guilty to fraud",, Articles needing additional references from June 2018, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 20:45. 1996 Collectors Edge Die Cuts #85 Wayne Simmons. Matt Zapotosky contributed to this report. Both he and McInerneyinsist that the United States government has supported the wrong faction of the FSA. Wayne Simmons in Oregon We found 14 records for Wayne Simmons in John Day, Prospect and 11 other cities in Oregon. Dismiss. He said Friday that he lied his way into military contractor work to make use of a special skill set he implied was acquired undercover. Simmons deployed to Kabul, but his interim security clearance was revoked after two weeks, and he was sent home. The Navy declined to comment further on Mr Simmons' case. Simmons credited another FOX News guest contributor, Ryan Mauro, as the source of his erroneous information. We did not know they were working together until I ran an intel op against one of them and made the link to the other. It was advised by Paul Valley, Gordon Cucullu, CDR Richard Marcinko, and Wayne Simmons, among others.. We could run a number of sorties, thousands of sorties, locate, identify, and designate, absolutely decimate ISIS, ISIL, I.S., whatever you want to call them. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld himself apparently bought into his lies. While the mainstream media has reported on Simmonss arrestextensively, including Fox News throwing him under the bus, the press was all over hisinvolvement with far-right personalities like Michelle Bachman and Allen West. Batman: The Imposter is an American comic book published by DC Comics under its Black Label imprint. In July, 2006 Simmons was given the distinguished honor to serve as a consultant to the Bush White House to assist in the construction of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which was signed into law by President Bush in October 2006. Jobs People Learning Dismiss Dismiss. Wayne Simmonds (born August 26, 1988) is a Canadian professional ice hockey player for the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League (NHL). He has allegedly pretended to be an 'Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer' for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1973 to 2000, Damage control: A Fox News spokeswoman downplayed Simmons' role, saying he was never more than a guest on the network. In the race to convict him in the media, we only hope that Mr. Simmons receives the benefit of all rights and proceduresavailable to any accused citizen, the websitereads. What makes the already curious case of Wayne Simmons more interesting is that he seems to have been able to obtain employment with the DOD using his fake CIA credentialswith the Human Terrain System,for example. Simmons had appeared on Fox News since 2002 as an analyst on terrorism issues and policies, according to The Huffington Post. In a 2009 Fox News clip, he calls House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi 'a pathological liar' in a segment about CIA interrogation techniques. Box 378 Red Hook, New York 12571 United States. Alex French is a Contributing Editor at Vanity Fair and Fatherly. This FOX News experts previous jobs included nightclub doorman, bookie, manager of a rent-by-the-hour hot tub business, mortgage broker and defensive back for the National Football Leagues New Orleans Saints. 1: 15-cr-293. I want to thank the agents and prosecutors for their efforts on this complicated case., With this sentencing, Simmons now faces the consequences of his criminal activity, deceit, and dishonesty, said Paul M. Abbate, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBIs Washington Field Office. Simmons sent the unidentified victim promised monthly payments to make it appear as if her money had been invested as promised, and he repeatedly lied to the woman about where her money was deposited in order to perpetuate the fraud. Authorities excavated Simmonss life and career, starting with his claim that he was recruited to the CIA out of the Navy in 1973. Rachel Weiner covers federal courts in Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Va. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. Lock For starters, there is no such thing as outside paramilitary operations in the CIA. There are 200+ professionals named "Wayne Simmons", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. What's frightening about the revelation that Fox News was relying on an impostor to provide analysis of national security is that the phony analysis he . The government is also seeking restitution of $175,000. Instead of supplyingthe Muslim Brotherhood/Salafists Syrian Military Council backed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the U.S. should instead support the FSA nationalistic command under Colonel Riad. It sounds as if Vallely has taken what he was told at face value, the rebel group telling him what he needs to hear in order for them to secure American support.
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