Previously, Mr. OKeefe worked at S&P Capital IQ Leveraged Commentary & Data Group where he was responsible for research on leveraged loans and high yield bonds. Previously, Mr. Jones was Head of West Coast Investment Banking at Wasserstein Perella and, prior to that, was Managing Director at Salomon Brothers from 1988 through 1994. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE (ESG) POLICY, TermsofUse and Other Important Disclosure. The top skills needed for this position are business management, market analysis, finance and accounting, problem-solving, data . The Amazon Prime Video show's creative team reveals how a bidding war, authenticity, and passion fueled the adaptation of the best-selling novel. Ostrover asserted that not only would the market react positively to the initial financing but that the GSO-Blackstone brand would signal that there could be more behind it. The firm has financed well-known names like Chesapeake Energy Corp., struggling with weak natural-gas prices and controversy around its ex-CEO and needing capital to develop lucrative energy projects, and Sony Corp. while also providing $650million of capital to smaller homebuilding companies like the U.K.s Miller Group and $888million to companies in Europe last year, including Canberra Industries, Welcome Break and EMI Music Publishing. Private Equity Associates work as a team to initiate and continue the funding process of new private equity firms. The strategy of Alta Semper is to invest flexible and strategic capital into market-leading business models in the . Goodman is the storyteller of the group, Ostrover is Mr. Markets, and Smith wants to stay out of the limelight and just do deals. The market is saying youre going bankrupt, Ostrover added. The approximately $4billion portfolio was distributed across GSOs own funds as well as Blackstones private equity portfolios. The day in early 1983 that the three firms sent recruiters to the campus, Bennett Goodman was playing basketball; when the game went into overtime, he arrived too late to get into the crowded blue-chip presentations. Investments can also be shared. Prior to Emerging Capital Partners, Zachary was an M&A Executive at SABMiller and worked on beverage related transactions in South Africa, Nigeria, Angola, Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, and Tanzania. Its amorphous, and you dont know the people. A -. Richard Parsons is the Former Chairman of the Board of Citigroup Inc., and former Chairman of the Board, and CEO of Time Warner. 2016 This was more like a family reunion than an acquisition, says Schwarzman. The world had changed, and the firm needed a partner. In Europe 70 to 75 percent of lending is done by banks. The up-gunned, tracked MT-LBs are further evidence of the Kremlins worsening equipment crisis as it struggles to make good its losses in Ukraine. Jan 2003 - Mar 20052 years 3 months. Contribute to the database and get 1 month free* Full online access! Ara Hovnanian, CEO of Hovnanian Enterprises, knew little about GSO Capital Partners before the credit-oriented alternative asset manager offered the struggling homebuilder a lifeline last year. Many investors wouldnt know how to approach that.. Prior to that, he was a managing director of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Private Equity Partners and related funds, and made and managed in excess of 30 private equity and partnership investments. Before becoming President and Chief Investment Officer of Wasserstein Debt Opportunities Management, LP, in 2013, Mr. Bagaria was a Partner and Investment Committee member of Apollo Investment Management (Apollo), the investment manager of Apollo Investment Corporation (AIC), a publicly traded business development company. Our investment activities are focused on middle-market leveraged buyout investments and related investment activities. With nearly 400 . OC403953. We target investments of between $30 million and $150 million. Under Blackstone, GSO has the heft to write big enough checks to fully finance a solution, reducing a companys need to find additional capital elsewhere. Board Observer, Founding Partner at Colle Capital, Former Partner Wall Street Technology Partners , Director Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Private Equity Group Neil Devani, JD Board Advisor, Investor & Advisor of Singularity Holdings VC Drexel was a place where analysts spent days buried in the dense financials of dicey companies. Its really hard for some people to be aggressive in times of disruption because you have to do your work beforehand, says partner Smith. Ahmed joined Alta Semper in 2018 as a Director. We want to buy you.. The firms mezzanine fund has one of the best records in the industry, up an average of 19.9 percent a year net since inception in July 2007. In the old days a bank might have been more willing to commit its balance sheet for long-standing clients, says Bennett Goodman, the 56-year-old G in GSO, who started his career at Drexel Burnham Lambert in the 1980s. Mr. Lauder is currently the Chairman of Clinique Laboratories, a division of The Este Lauder Companies. The firm had purchased a small CLO group, run by Daniel Smith, from Royal Bank of Canada. We pride ourselves on talent, integrity and intellect. He holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in life sciences and humanities from Villanova University, studied medicine and epidemiology at the Hahnemann Medical College, and has an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a Doctorate in Business Administration from the Fox School of Business at Temple University. There is a place for capital formation at market rates of return and driven by problem solvers, explains Coulter. Prior to the IFC Ahmed developed his investment banking and corporate finance experience as a senior associate with Beltone Investment Banking, Ernst & Young and the Arab African International Bank. Wasserstein & Co. also manages a significant portfolio of debt and equity securities and other investments on behalf of our stockholders and other investors. [7] The investment banking business of Dresdner Bank changed its name to Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein as a result of the deal. degree in Finance and Economics from the City University of New York with a concentration in Investment Analysis. GSO LIKES A LITTLE, BUT NOT TOO much, market misery. Mr. Parsons is also a member of the boards of The Estee Lauder Companies Inc., Lazard Freres and Company, and Madison Square Garden, Inc. Greg Parsons is the CEO of Semper Capital Management, and has been part of Semper Capital since 2008. Mr. Jones currently serves on the board of the health food company, Forager Project, Inc., as well as on the advisory boards of a number of investment firms. But its the as-yet-unfinalized Volcker rule that does the most damage to banks freedom, preventing them from engaging in proprietary trading or lending their own capital in speculative deals like the one to rescue Hovnanian. Afsane is tiedpersonally and professionallyto East Africa as she is a fourth-generation Tanzanian. Afsane holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BSc in Economics, from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. As a result of the cumulative research among the different Blackstone groups, private equity bought $220million of nonperforming residential loans, the real estate team purchased $1.4billion of single-family homes to lease, and GSO invested in Hovnanian. (Though the hedge fund was launched in 2005, GSO has since stripped out mezzanine and other investments into separate funds.) He serves on the Board of Directors of USO Metro and the Board of Trustees of the Pomfret School. PWP provides comprehensive financial restructuring and capital structure advice in connection with stressed and distressed situations, including amendments, debt exchanges, financings, distressed M&A, and balance sheet recapitalizations. Upon Dresdner Bank's acquisition of Wasserstein Perella in January 2001, Wasserstein & Co. was spun off as an independent company owned by Bruce who . Victoria has extensive experience in originating, structuring and monitoring venture capital transactions. If youve been out in the battlefield for seven years, being shot at constantly, you dont know what to do if the bullets stop flying, he told Ostrover, who left the lunch uncertain whether the CEO would agree to his plan. The death of Lazard Ltd. Chief Executive Bruce Wasserstein will trigger the vesting of stock currently valued at $188 million, confirming Mr. Wasserstein's status as one of history's most highly . Key Takeaways. Afsane Jetha started her career in finance at Merrill Lynch and Wasserstein Private Equity before gaining additional experience at Permira in London as part of the consumer team. Mr. Jones is currently Chairman of Wasserstein & Co. There Milken was leading whats now called the democratization of capital-raising, providing funding to small and medium-size companies that were starved for financing and whetting the appetites of investors for distressed and troubled companies that showed promise despite short-term woes. Today, the firm manages approximately $2 billion of capital on behalf of institutional and individual investors, including public and corporate pension funds, foreign governmental entities, endowments and foundations and high net worth individuals. He was a graduate of the McBurney School, University of Michigan, Harvard Business School, and Harvard Law School, and spent a year at the University of Cambridge.He was prominent in the mergers and acquisitions industry, credited with working on 1,000 transactions with a . What the three founders have built at GSO, they originally planned for CSFB. David Geffen is the Warren Buffett of the entertainment industry, and they understood the value of that to the deal, he explains. Afsane Jetha started her career in finance at Merrill Lynch and Wasserstein Private Equity before gaining additional experience at Permira in London as part of the consumer team. The future looks bright for credit investing. GSO had partnered with TPG to buy a $2billion portfolio of bridge loans from Citigroup. He has done extensive work on the implementation of precision medicine in the developing world. Its investments included City Ventures, a private homebuilder in Orange County, California, now planning to go public; EMI Music Publishing; Energy Alloys, a global provider of oil field metals; Spains Giant Cement Holding; and the U.K.s Miller Group. Jones received his MBA from the Yale School of Management and his B.S. They do it because they cant get the capital otherwise. And many companies say GSO doesnt scrape every penny out of a deal. Tailor specific ESG inquiries and approaches based on various investment factors including the core industry sector of a particular investment. What the SPR Refill Means for Oil Futures, The Radical, Lucrative, and Controversial Company Hiding in Stephen Schwarzmans Pocket, Oats: From the Original Energy Contract to Trendy Dairy Alternative, Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement. After earning his MBA in 1984, the Miami-born Goodman took a full-time job with Drexel in New York. Mr. Bagaria is the Advisors President and Chief Investment Officer. He brings more than ten years of investment banking and private equity investing experience in the consumer, healthcare and financial services sectors across the MENA region and Sub-Saharan Africa. Afsane is tiedpe - Afsane Jetha @afsanejetha The stock rose 170 percent between July 2012 and the end of the year. Wasserstein & Co. - Private Equity Company Info Description:Wasserstein & Co. is a private equity company based in New York, NY and has approximately $300 million in assets under management. PWP provides financial and structuring advice in connection with capital raising alternatives, including debt, equity, and hybrid capital, identifying alternative sources of growth capital, including SPACs and private capital, and assisting with identifying investors, developing terms and structuring the transaction. Houston-based Scott oversees GSOs energy group. She co-founded Work It, Mom! Previously, Mr. Kelsey worked at Jefferies LLC in the Leveraged Credit Research group where he was responsible for covering the gaming and retail sectors. This ESG Policy (the Policy) amends, restates and supersedes EagleTrees ESG Policy that was first formally adopted in 2017. Identify any business line that would cause us to refuse to invest, including: (i) the manufacture or sale of handguns, assault weapons and/or ammunition; (ii) the distribution or sale of pornography; (iii) the direct and primary production or packaging of tobacco or alcoholic beverages; (iii) the production, sale, trade or distribution of illegal drugs; or (iv) a business that would pose a high reputational risk to EagleTree, its clients and/or other stakeholders. Private Equity. Respect the human rights of those affected by our investment activities and seek to confirm that our portfolio company investments do not support companies that utilize child or forced labor or maintain discriminatory policies. Blackstone allowed us to take our business from being three years old to ten overnight, Ostrover says. Mr. Kelsey joined Wasserstein Debt Opportunities Management, LP in 2013 as an Associate. Mr. Bagaria is the Advisors President and Chief Investment Officer. The congressman supported new gun legislation after a school shooting in Uvalde, located in his district. PETER A. WEINBERG In 2015, EagleTree spun out of Wasserstein & Co, which was formed in January 2001, when the merchant banking group of Wasserstein Perella became an independent firm. But the GSO team immediately understood the annuity-like cash flow streams of music publishing and how much less volatile it is than recorded music and less subject to the decline of physical recorded media., Wiesenthal adds that GSO was flexible enough to let billionaire David Geffen, also an investor, participate in the transaction late in the game. Original price $69.99. We love your company., (Ostrover had his own hard-luck family bankruptcy story: His grandfather had to shutter Ostrovers Smoked Fish on New Yorks Lower East Side in the 1950s following a blackout; he couldnt pay his creditors because his customers fish had rotted.). March 29-30, 2023 At PWP, we seek talented people capable of broad and creative thinking with the drive to provide the highest quality advice to our clients. Then, in the 1980s at First Boston, and at Wasserstein Perella after 1988, together they helped create "a dynasty of bankers and executives that has spread throughout Wall Street and corporate America". While Goodman loves to talk, Ostrover has to be pressed for details. Wasserstein Debt Opportunities Management, LP ("WDO") is a New York-based SEC-registered investment advisor focused predominately on leveraged loans and high yield bonds. corporate development. GSO which Goodman jokingly refers to as the Warren Buffett of the dregs is at the center of a reshaped Wall Street, where newly chastened banks are retreating to traditional roles as advisers to corporations, underwriting bonds for only the most highly rated companies and riskless deals. GSO is hoping to be a big part of the transformation. Mr. McLellan joined Wasserstein Debt Opportunities Management, LP in 2017 as a Managing Director. So-called PE funds may also buy out . After about a year of fundraising, commitments from existing LPs reached $790m, surpassing the original $750m target. Zachary has an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in Economics from Cornell University. Traders betting against the company lost money. While at AGM, Mr. McLellan analyzed event-driven long/short equity and credit, distressed-for-control, private leveraged buyouts and private minority investments in a variety of sectors. When Smith was pitching deals at Credit Suisse, he was constantly being undercut by in-country banks. But thats starting to change as European banks need to deleverage and raise capital and companies desperately require funding. Wasserstein & Co. is a leading independent private equity and investment firm, focused primarily on leveraged buyout investments and related investment activities. But Goodman shunted humility aside at least temporarily during his lunch with Moran. Previously, Mr. Jones was Head of West Coast Investment Banking at Wasserstein Perella and, prior to that, was Managing Director at Salomon Brothers from 1988 through 1994. Jason New, a onetime bankruptcy lawyer who had been with DLJ since 1999 and worked on some of the most complex distressed deals, such as financing Level 3 Communications and Qwest Communications, joined GSO at the start. We, on the other hand, want to own the risk.. But the $1billion price tag the proceeds of which the partners rolled over into GSO funds and the potential to take advantage of what they thought would be a huge shift on Wall Street helped alleviate their concerns. 1999 Avenue of the Stars Suite 2840 Los Angeles, CA 90067United States, 1301 Avenue of the Americas 41st FloorNew York, NYUnited States. (The sentence was later reduced to two years.). He is a co-founder of Pangea University for the Health Sciences, a newly formed international platform for medical, nursing and health technology education for the emerging and frontier markets. The GSO team has been through the ups and downs of numerous credit cycles, and theyre always worried and trying to protect the downside, says Timothy Walsh, chief investment officer of the $74billion New Jersey Pension Fund, which has committed to $1.1billion in investments in five GSO funds. The former undrafted free agent's contract includes $1.4 million in remaining guaranteed salary. Prior to founding Colle Capital, Ms. Grace was a partner at Wall Street Technology Partners LP, a mid-stage technology fund, from November 2000 to February 2014, and a director of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Private Equity Group from November 2000 to October 2004. Banks may no longer have the balance sheets, but big institutional investors like sovereign wealth funds, endowments and pension funds do. They did their homework, and they were convinced that the market was underestimating our ability to succeed in a space housing that they thought was recovering, says Hovnanian. Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies. Victoria Grace is a founding partner of Colle Capital Partners LP, an opportunistic, early stage technology venture fund. The Deutsche Bank portfolio was marked to about 5 cents on the dollar for the quarter ended March 31, 2009. He might have been young, but it was like a pro coming into an amateur team, adds James, who then ran DLJs investment bank. Also, Mr. Jones served on the Board of Directors of Lazard and previously served on the Boards of Directors of Meyer Material, Odwalla, All-Clad, and IMAX, among other Wasserstein companies. Though investors seem to have set their concerns aside, GSO maintains that Europe poses the same risks to the global economy it always did and that rates must rise sometime in the next four years. At Goldman, Mr. Bagaria worked primarily as an investor of GS Mezzanine, the largest mezzanine fund globally. Wasserstein Debt Opportunities Management, LP (WDO) is a New York-based SEC-registered investment advisor focused predominately on leveraged loans and high yield bonds. The deal wouldnt have happened without Goodman, Smith and Ostrovers former boss, Tony James, who had joined Blackstone as president in 2002 after Credit Suisse bought DLJ and who manages the firms day-to-day operations. In 2004, he added New York Magazine to his media empire. PWP provides financial and structuring advice in connection with capital raising alternatives, including debt, equity, and hybrid capital, identifying alternative sources of growth capital, including SPACs and private capital, and assisting with identifying investors, developing terms and structuring the transaction. Mr. Bagaria began his career in the leveraged finance market in 1999. GSO and Blackstone actively share information. Loan prices dropped 30 points, obliterating almost the entire investment at least on paper. She previously served as Partner at Wall Street Technology Partners LP and Director of the Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Private Equity Group. We focus primarily on equipment and services relating to water (drinking, waste and industrial) and other general industrial businesses including: pipes, pumps and valves; specialty chemicals; engineering services; and sensors, meters and monitors. Mr. Jones is currently Chairman of Wasserstein & Co. EagleTree intends to engage with clients and stakeholders, from time to time, in dialogue regarding how we can manage ESG issues in a way that is consistent with their initiatives. We target businesses across a broad range of media and business services subsectors, including: B2B, enthusiast, digital and consumer media; trade shows and conferences; marketing and content services, education; and outsourced services. Bayern Munich is keeping pace with Borussia Dortmund at the top of the table ahead of the season-defining clash against Paris Saint-Germain on Wednesday. Harvard labor economist Claudia Goldin summarises the distance we've travelled over the past hundred years, in a kind of Five Ages of Women. And, yes, we've come a long way, baby! Debt opportunities management delivered through partnership, visionand experience. When Sony was trying to buy EMI in the fall of 2011, it couldnt consolidate all the debt onto its balance sheet without getting downgraded. His company had been bleeding money for six years and had used up every penny of its capacity to issue secured debt. Mr. Campbell is the Founder, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer. Over the last 30 years, Mr. Campbell has served as a member of the Boards of Directors of public and private companies operating both within the US and globally and for numerous investments while at Wasserstein & Perella Co., Veritas Capital and DC Capital. Ibrahim holds a Bachelor of Laws and a masters degree from University of Paris I Panthon-Sorbonne, and a Bachelor of Laws from Cairo University. Mr. Bagaria was a board director of LVI Services, Inc., Generation Brands and Playpower, Inc. During the most recent recession, Mr. Bagaria was a manager of a multi-billion dollar senior loan vehicle. Credit to Steve, he really trusted me on this one, adds James, who says Blackstone was looking for an area of asset management with room to grow that would complement its existing private equity, real estate and fund-of-hedge-funds businesses. [1], In a 2007 New York Times article, Perella was described as "one of the financial industrys sharpest recruiters" who "discovered and helped train" Wasserstein Perella. Instead, banks dominated the leveraged-finance markets, with few institutional buyers such as high-yield mutual funds. But things were changing, and they would get their chance soon. In this regard, EagleTree has adopted a Diversity & Inclusion Statement and, in 2021, became a signatory to ILPAs Diversity in Action Initiative. Wasserstein Perella & Co., sometimes referred to as "Wasserella"[citation needed], was a boutique investment bank established by Bruce Wasserstein, Joseph R. Perella, Bill Lambert, and Charles Ward in 1988, former bankers at First Boston Corp., until its eventual sale to Dresdner Bank in 2000 for some $1.4 billion in stock. Prior to that, he held various positions in state and federal government, as counsel for Nelson Rockefeller and as a senior White House aide under President Gerald Ford. The group has products that do better in different market environments, such as its closed-end funds and a new exchange-traded fund it recently launched with State Street Global Advisors. From 2002 2004, Mr. McLellan worked as an analyst for Deutsche Bank focusing on Mergers & Acquisitions and Media Investment Banking. Mr. Bagaria is a co-founder and serves on the Board of Directors of The Manitou School, a private elementary school located in Cold Spring, New York. He is a CFA charterholder. Heres How To Trade The Stock Now, NBA Investigating Ja MorantGrizzlies Star Allegedly Flashed Gun On Instagram After Reports Of Violent Behavior, Liverpool Legend Roberto Firmino Reportedly Offers Himself To FC Barcelona, A Century Of Women, Work - And Juggling Family, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information. We take a unique approach to asset management. By that July the three partners had launched GSO with 25 employees and one hedge fund. GSO and Blackstone announced the deal in January 2008. Smith calls Europe a huge opportunity maybe a little like what Milken saw in the 1980s and DLJ in the 90s. The EagleTree Capital team is currently investing its fifth private equity fund, EagleTree Partners V, with over $1.1 billion of committed capital. He holds an AB from Princeton University. She previously served as Partner at Wall Street Technology Partners LP and Director of the Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Private Equity Group. Convene 117 West 46th Street, New York, April 19-20, 2023 He is credited with the term, Pac-Man defense, which is used by . The firm follows in the footsteps of Drexel and Michael Milken, who in the 1980s invented the junk bond market for non-investment-grade companies. Consider whether a potential portfolio companys business aligns with EagleTrees core values. In one of the largest B2B media transactions this year, Northstar Travel Group, which provides a broad array of products in the retail and corporate events markets, was sold from one private-equity firmthe Wicks Groupto another, Wasserstein Partners, Northstar CEO Thomas Kemp said today. GSO founders Bennett Goodman, Tripp Smith and Douglas Ostrover have become a key source of capital for non-investment-grade companies struggling to get financing, and in the process they have made a lot of money for themselves; their parent, Blackstone Group; and their investors. EagleTree aims to provide timely information to its clients and other stakeholders on the matters addressed herein and to work with them to foster transparency with regard to its ESG initiative. Dealmaker Bruce Wasserstein, famously nicknamed "Bid 'em up Bruce," died at the age of 61 in 2009, leaving his heirs a fortune wrought from years of fierce deal making. Junk bonds also fueled the leveraged buyouts of the 1980s, when firms like KKR targeted companies that had once turned deaf ears to shareholder demands. Our team consists of exceptional individuals who, through collaboration and sharing of diverse perspectives and experiences, formulate unique solutions to help our clients address complex strategic and financial challenges. Incorporate detailed ESG considerations into our pre-investment decision-making process in order to better assess ESG risks and opportunities and to provide us with an initial overview of a potential portfolio companys ESG profile. Also, Mr. Jones served on the Board of Directors of Lazard and previously served on the Boards of Directors of Meyer Material, Odwalla, All-Clad, and IMAX, among other Wasserstein companies. In 2015, EagleTree spun out of Wasserstein & Co, which was formed in January 2001, when the merchant banking group of Wasserstein Perella became an independent firm.
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