The Northern Jurisdiction consists of the following states: CO, Connecticut, DE, ID, Illinois, IN, IO, KA, Maine, Mass, MI, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, NH, NJ, NY, ND, OH, OR, Pennsylvania, RI, SD, UT, VT, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and that of the states outside Continental United States. Challenges within the spectrum of the Scottish Rite during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries created a state of flux. As a result of the conference of the Sovereign Grand Commanders of the two Supreme Councils, Northern and Southern Jurisdictions A.A.S.R., PHA, on August 2, 1966, were established at the Cathedral, Fitzwater & Mole St. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 3. Dr. Allen delivered over 7, 700 children in his more than fifty year career. The first Scottish Rite organization among Negroes was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, Pa. The Scottish Rite Bodies and Auxiliaries Prince Hall Affiliation in the Orient of DC are under the obedience and auspices of the United Supreme Council 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern . By 1906, they joined Occidental reducing the Illinois Consistories down to one under the leadership of the following Illustrious Commanders-In-Chief:- 1904: Robert C. Waring Sovereign Grand Inspector General Brian L. Abrams Sr. Sovereign Grand Inspector GeneralMelvin Frierson, Scottish Rite Clarion Newsletter for the Orient of Illinois introduced, Legatos: Deputies for the Orient of Illinois from 1913 to 2008 published, Prince Hall Consistory #3 was organized in 1879 in the City of Chicago by the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and remained under the umbrella of the United Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction (USC-SJ) after its consolidation in 1881. From the Philadelphia Council, a Southern and Western Jurisdiction defected with Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Sovereign Grand Inspector General Hannibal M. Cox Sr. Sovereign Grand Inspector General Frank M. Summers, Sovereign Grand Inspector General Robert E. Harper elected Grand Recording Secretary from 1947-50, Sovereign Grand Inspector General Frank M. Summers elected Lieutenant Grand Commander from 1968-74. 4. Take a moment to acquaint yourself with Prince Hall Scottish Rite and hopefully, you will take the next steps in your Masonic career. Also in 1864, a separate Supreme Council was formed in New York, which was made up of members from the National Compact Grand Lodge, from which a Southern Jurisdiction split off with the Headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. After the Masonic expulsion of John G. Jones and William Gray in 1904, the remnants of Prince Hall Consistory sought a new home. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 3, Verses 13-14: Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.. Dr. Allen also helped to found the Seabrook Park, the United National Bank, and Cape Fear Industries. He served as the Past Master of Eureke Lodge No. This Council arose through West Indian migration, for Stephen Morin had propagated the Rite there, The Minutes of the King David Supreme Council include a reference to a merger of this African Grand Council with the King David Supreme Council, this was the first Prince Hall Council. God has blessed him with a wonderful wife, Mrs. Shirley D. Riddick, and one son, Rev. He lived and worked as an obstetrician and gynecologist in Fayetteville from 1941 until his death on January 20, 1995, at the age of 79. The first Scottish Rite organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, which was referred to as a Council of Princes of Jerusalem. Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliated, Grand Orient,Washington, D.C. Michael R. Tolliver. King David Supreme Council (KDSC) Occidental was under the leadership of the following Illustrious Commanders-In-Chief: Virginia Council of Deliberation, AASR, SJ, P.H.A. SGIG Riddick graduated from Crestwood High School in 1969 where he lettered in track. We welcome your feedback and comments. He attended the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine for four years. Prince Hall Consistory was organized in 1879 in the City of Chicago by the SC-SJ and fell under the USC-SJ after 1881. About the Project Client: Virginia Council of Deliberation, PHA Goal: The goal of this website was to create an online presence for the Virginia Council of Deliberation, Prince Hall Affiliation. Virginia Council of Deliberation A.A.S.R. A former member of Celestial Baptist Church of Portsmouth, VA, his devotion and present membership is at First Baptist Church, South Hill of Chesapeake. In 1975, Dr. Allen set as his goal to increase the number of Assemblies from 13 to 25. In continuing the legacy of Dr. G. Wesley Allen, the G. Wesley Allen M.D. On January 22, 1913, SGC Rickards administered the Oath of Fealty to the members of Occidental which became numbered #28 on the rolls. In 1895, a bogus Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Jurisdiction (JGJ-SC) was formed by John G. Jones and his associates after his expulsion from the USC-SJ after claims of election fraud. 2. In New York City, a Supreme Council of the United States was established in 1864. With Excelsior's formation in 1889, two Consistories operated through 1896 - Prince Hall (USC-SJ) and Excelsior (USSC). Facebook page for the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Orient of Illinois, Prince Hall Affiliated (PHA) Visit the full website at Client: Virginia Council of Deliberation, PHA. Only two Illustrious Fraters served as Commander-In-Chief of the Consistory through 1895:- 1879-1882: Richard M. Hancock His objective was to establish an Assembly for each of the Consistories located in North Carolina. 1913. Afterward, he was drafted into the US Army during the Vietnam War era. ADVANCE REGISTRATION Advance registration is $100.00 and includes one (1) lunch ticket and one (1) banquet ticket. Virginia Council of Deliberation's headquarters are in 1021 Koger Center Blvd, Richmond, Virginia, 23235, United States What is Virginia Council of Deliberation's official website? He also served as president of the Fayetteville NAACP from 1966-1968 and was very active in the Civil Rights Movement. The several bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, sitting in the Orient of North Carolina, acknowledge and yield allegiance to the United Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of . The Louis W. Roy, Sr. Council of Deliberation is the home of Prince Hall Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Orient of the District of Columbia. COUNCIL OF KADOSH. By the turn of the 20th Century, Illinois had become home to multiple Supreme Councils. We welcome your feedback and comments. In 1917, Occidental #28 changed its name to Western Consistory #28 after the 1917 Annual Session with permission of the USC-NJ and was incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois. The United Supreme Council AASR Southern Jurisdiction. - 1905-1912: James E. Bish His high honors include that he was the recipient of the Grand Masters Cup, the highest annual award in Virginia Prince Hall Masonry, under MWGM Billie L. Thompson, Sr. SGIG Riddick has served as Past Right Eminent Grand Commander of King Baldwin Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of VA, (PHA) and Most Excellent Past Grand High Priest of King Cyrus Grand Chapter, Holy Royal Arch Masons (PHA). He believes that God has blessed all of us with talents, and when given the opportunity, we must always do the best that we can. It is an honor and a privilege for me to serve as your Grand Secretary for the Orient of Virginia. Additional Supreme Councils were created and forcing multiple shifts in fealty. Virginia Council of Deliberation A.A.S.R. The Appeal: A National Afro American Newspaper, December 23, 1899; The USSC maintained its independent status despite originally agreeing to merged with the USC-SJ. Prior to 1881, five Supreme Councils were in existence in the United States of America among African-American Freemasons: - 1896: Henry Graham I look forward to seeing you join the oldest Rite in Freemasonry. COUNCIL OF DELIBERATION- 2-5 MARCH 2023 (STONE MOUNTAIN GA) 2023 COD PACKET : File Size: 453 kb: File Type: pdf: . - 1883-1895: John W. Dunmore After incorporating Prince Hall Consistory in 1896, the JGJ-SC kept the Consistory in operation in a Bogus manner. The constitutions for the Southern Jurisdiction were established in 1887 and revised in 1917 and 1955. This site provides a history of the organization, a gallery of its elected officers and a listing of subordinate bodies. Goal: The goal of this website was to create an online presence for the Virginia Council of Deliberation, Prince Hall Affiliation. The above divisions were made based on a boundary developed by a joint committee in Wilmington, Delaware on April 19, 1907 using the Mason-Dixon Line as an official boundary. After his tour, he worked during the day and attended school at night, receiving his degree in Management and Business Administration, with Certifications in Industrial Management and Air Conditioning/Refrigeration. He is the son of the late Mrs. Ella Mae Riddick, a wonderful and beautiful lady who was both mother and father to him. 5. Deputies of the Orient of Georgia have been: John W. Dobbs - Atlanta..1953-1958 Robert J. Walters -Atlanta1959-1970 Leroy R. Bolden-Savannah1971-1982 Willis Brown Jr.-Woodbine 1983-2006 Several of is members consolidated with Excelsior Consistory to organize Occidental Consistory #2. Although the USSC initially agreed to the consolidations and creation of the United Supreme Council, Northern Jurisdiction (USC-NJ) and the United Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction (USC-SJ) in 1881, it did not move forward as planned due to a lawsuit introduced by John G. Jones and Edward H. Morris on behalf of Prince Hall Consistory. Sources: He lost the election to Sovereign Grand Commander Thornton A. Jackson. This site provides a history of the organization, a gallery of its elected officers and a listing of subordinate bodies. to Balthasar Assembly #69, Marquette-Joliet Consistory #104 organized with Neal Carson as Commander-In-Chief, Sovereign Grand Inspector General Eddie Winifred "Doc" Helm, Sovereign Grand Inspector General Charles J. Stewart, Sovereign Grand Inspector General James Gayles. 1879, 1887-1896, 1902; The Broad Ax, November 25, 1899; The Washington Bee - April 11, 1896, April 25, 1896; The Conservator - November 18, 1882, September 8, 1883, December 18, 1886;Proceedings, MWPHGL of Illinois, 1903, 1904. He received his initial education in Philadelphia and his medical degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. These 5 Councils petitioned for unity in a conference in New York City on January 13, 1881, and was responsible for the Articles of Union and two Supreme Councils of the Northern Jurisdiction (PHA) and the United Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction (PHA). In his capacity as the Sovereign Grand Deputy of the Orient of North Carolina, Dr. Allen was the head of all Scottish Rite Masons in North Carolina from the 4th through the 33rd degree. He was also the Deputy of the Loyal Ladies of the Order of the Golden Circle. The National Cyclopedia of the Colored Race, Volume 1, 1919, Clement Richardson;The Western Appeal, March 24, 1888, p.1; Several of John G. Jones' loyalists from the USC-SJ shifted fealty to the JGJ-SC. Additional lunch tickets are $25.00 each and banquet tickets are $50.00 each. Excelsior Consistory was organized by the Supreme Council for the United States (USSC) in 1888 and 1889.
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