venus in 12th house synastry forum

It's the planet of harmony, after all, and it brings harmony and luck to its house in your natal chart. I was more into him from the very beginning I went after HIM and found out that he really resented it. His venus in your 12th, according to what I know, probably means that you're attracted because he brings out hidden parts of you. The descriptions of 12th house Venus in synastry always ring true for me, but I'm always the house person, so it totally sucks being so affected by someone who hides their feelings. The feeling that I am the only one dealing with the 12th house issues is so painful. Your email address will not be published. it be TROUBLE at times, and very hard. We face the same situation when someone touch our 12th house. that is my unrecognized trait of doing and having doubles 2 of this, 2 of that 2 of the same clothes articles, 2 of the same type of lifestyles, apartments . In re: to the 12th House attractions, not surprisingly, I always attract Gemini natives mostly Lunar Geminis, or those with Gemini strongly paced in their chart; i.e., Mercury, Venus or Mars. No he is the Venus in Cancer. I am not saying there is not a spiritual/psychic or unconscious connection but don't assume he has other feelings than what he has clearly said. I'm so sad that he choose to be with someone else. It's crazy. so i point it out, and im more aware. The 12th house has a reputation for being connected with the hidden and unseen realms that operate behind the scenes in our lives. Please see special article on The 12th house synastry along with Neptune Moon Aspects for the descriptions will explain in greater detail. Him: Cancer sun/moon, Libra rising, Gemini Venus Me: Libra sun, leo moon, Gemini rising , Scorpio Venus. Its like the subconscious need to help him grow as a person. I can confirm that he appears in my dreams often and usually these are precognitive dreams. I just cant seem to walk away from him or shut down on him totally. For instance, my Sun and Venus land in the 12th house of my ex/long term best friend. and in only one instance where the connection has lasted throughout many years with us now being friends, of sorts. Her Venus is in my 12th house. I have a venus in capricornso yes it is hard for me to let my feelings out..I don't expect to say I love youI just assume you should know it by my actions but for me on the other hand, I would need some reassurance from my partner. He could communicate with my soul because he could explained my secret desire without boundaries.I had erotic dreams about him a lot. Thats one thing I have been thinking about since reading other threads on the subject..also what house does your Venus fall in in his chart? I've never experienced Venus in my 12th house until now, but yup That's what it is like. Venus in 10th House synastry relationships are formed in the field of business and professional life. I resonate with the guy you wrote about in your article. Except when one of us is going through any kind of emotional crisis, then we're pretty physically demonstrative. In future, i'll try to do some research about this mysterious house according to my religion. Also VenusianMoon, the outside person (your boyfriend?) If you Love this person, let destiny take its course and have faith in divine/universal timing. It was a relationship that brought up many subconscious issues for both, but also very intimate, we shared a lot of stuff wed never shared with anyone before. Tabitha has Venus in 12th House Pisces. Hey! The Ascendant person feels an unconditional love when the other one is around. I can sense when he needs something even when he isn't next to me. Just give it time and have moderately high standards for yourself. Wowza:) Mars conjunct Mars and Sun conjunct sun? It is spiritual for both people, but sometimes this is why the relationships seem to be so painful if they end. You find yourself so drawn to them, and you will find them irresistible. Sigh.. Be direct, ask questions, dig deep, ask for proof and confirmation. ( also his merc, pluto and uranus are in my 12th). He bitches if i drink too much wine lol. This is especially true if that person's Venus is conjunct your ascendant (the more tightly conjunct, the stronger the attraction). I feel I just love him unconditionally no matter what, I dream of him a lot, I have fantasies too but I keep this all to myself, a secret. Forum Venus in 8th house synastry Posts: 8 scorpiounique Topic starter March 7, 2022 9:36 am (@scorpiounique) Active Member Joined: 6 years ago His Pisces Venus falls into my Pisces 8th house. I trust everything happens for a reason! Ive always been madly in love with him, andhe claims he isntbut his actions speak otherwise. They may also help you feel secure and confident when they are around. I understand this. The first thing to . To the point it's hard to explain to others especially because we're no longer together. Men take longer to grow up emotionally. It's as if nither of us are ready to let go fully. Also with another friend who showed interest and I really just wanted to remain on a friend basis. this was all chinese for him but for me it was the confirmation Of I had felled. Specific to you, the overlay situation might have some play here, but my guess is that theres more to this story. All information I have is the planet can see through the house person like cristal. Who knows! But we do know a lot more about it than we did some time ago. Ha interesting this 12th house isn't it? But Tabitha seems to attract controlling lovers (maybe she has Pluto in her 7th House). . As he has moved on, you must do also. My 12th-Houser Sun/Gem Moon/Sag BROUGHT OUT MY OWN GEMINI COMPORTMENT, and then I also remembered that I had started out as Twins but that my Twin didnt make it in the womb. but I CAN (4-Sag placement, counting the PF), and thus I DID. You could have an unwavering affection for this individual. Thats an aspect of a battle between the Mars person & the 12th house person. He understands me in a very deep level. Sounds karmic or so I think. I love him so much, I dont even know what to do with myself. The 12th house belongs to the triangle of salvation or Moksha Trikona while Venus is a very spiritual planet. I have recently encountered a gentleman whose Gem Sun, Mercury, Tau Mars and North Node falls in my 12th. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Uck. ouch ouch! I have not experienced personal planets in particular Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars as being all that great placed inside the 12th house. was it really necessary to get hurt in a same manner once again after 7 years? Im sorry you went through that. like a Gemini (no offense meant) they are both good and evil, but THEIR Evil Twin often does the acting out. As a matter of fact it's very difficult to word. I am so swamped with feelings for him all the time, am pretty much obsessed, really, but there are no real connections between us except for in the air. How do you think it would play out his Mars in 12th conjunct my Ascendant???. Romance and excitement are part of this synastry contact and it can show a relationship that feels as if it is developing too fast. His response have a huge impact upon me. I don't know. thanks for visiting! This is a really good match because it brings together romantic partners with similar ideas about how to approach life. You can be very supportive and will enjoy much of your time alone together away from it all. I finally got totally turned off from him and just decided to forget him and put as much distance I could between us, physically, mentally and spiritually. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. He seem to know all about me even i don't tell or exposed my darkest psyche to him. We also share moon Conj Mars, moon and Pluto Conj & trine. Its surprising how much love I have for him but it all seems so complicated in his head/heart that I choose not to act on my feelings and just let time do its job. Horoscope, dating, astrology, forecast, relationships | 12andus I feel like he's not being completely honest with me and himself about how he feels about me. So Im confused about being confused lol Im dating someone all of our planets are 12th house but my natal chart is 12th house filled already.. everyone in his family knows about me and everyone in my family knows about him they know were also expecting a baby and so does social media lol .. An Unaspected Venus in synastry has a different slant. I also was getting crazy muscle twitches. W. hen someone's Venus falls in your 1st house, that person probably finds you physically attractive. , Hey I would like to know more about the 12th house synastry I have my bfs Venus Jupiter and I think another place landing in my 12th house but my sun sign, Mercury, and Jupiter are all in the 12th house so idk if that has a lot to do with why its so easy to connect with him because I read and obsessed over a secret relationship but its way out in the open all over social media on both side and his family knows all about me and my family knows all about him Im just so confused like yea sometimes Im thinking hes not telling me all his feelings but I feel like I know him on a deep level and then I feel like I dont like he seems too good to be true it makes me automatically not want to trust him .. hmmm. As with all conjunctions, Venus conjunct Pluto synastry can play out in positive and negative scenarios alike.. Venus conjunct Pluto synastry relationships are based on the partners' strong romantic and physical attraction. It means he has an inner conflict going on that is psychological in nature. I've never felt such a connection before, the passion too. I kept believing he felt the same as I did, but that for this reason he couldnt give into it. Okay, so you're saying (as the Venus person in other people's 12th house in the past) that Aqua Venus people will make their affections quite obvious to the 12th house person? It might be like having an itch you cant scratch. I don't know if I am able to, honestly.This really feels like karmic bond. iRecently i have met a guy in my office whose north node conjuct my 12th house where is my moon and mars. Venus in the 12th house Synastry ( Love that's hard to catch) - YouTube When Venus falls into ones 12th house things can get very tricky and vague. Most sources will tell you that the twelfth house overlay is not good for relationships. when i came back there was this weird thing between us. He was and is also a very adroit liar, and even though there was very great chemistry and connectedness between us, I had to end it. Venus in partner's 12th house: This indicates a strong subconscious attraction which can sometimes feel confusing, because there is a lot of fog around emotions. I'm very new here so read at your own risk! I really have no idea whats going on but we have crazy placements, if anyone wants to discuss further please let me know!! The Venus person embodies the ideal partner of the Juno person. For someone who may be married to a 12th Houser and are tanking under their emotional and spiritual holds, just try to find ways to LEAVE them, leave the house you share with them, and move far away. The 12th house usually involves secret love affairs and unrequited love. Spirtual, Telepathic, Emotionally, Karmic, & Soulful. I can definitely feel the effects of his planets in my 12th, but in your experience is the planet person affected? But we fell in love, got divorced from our previous partners, came out at work, moved in together, got . In fact, I was his spiritual company for more than the twenty years we spent apart. i dont know what we were meant to learn from each other but i admire them both.with both of these people , we understood each other really well and there was a connection. And if they are thus planted in your 12th House, soon the fun begins with you feeling like you were run over by a truck or a fast-moving train. I also have met two men, 1 in the past and the other one currently that many of my planets fall into their 12th house. Idk if its cause its cancer in that house or my super exhausted Jupiter giving me a savior complex but its kinda like familial love like no matter what he always has a place in my heart. I need help with my situation. I just want to kiss his cheek and heal his wounds. A recent look at someone else's synastry made me question this placement. The 12th house is the house of the spirit, it's deep and mysterious, and usually where we find our guides, angels or demons. Having someones sun in your 12th though, I dont believe it is a nice experience for the planet person, especially a fire sun. Sign up here! His Mars conjunct my Saturn opposite my Pluto. And he's had a muscle twitch problem for years. It's very common to do with placements in this house. The Venus would be read as being in your first house since the conjunction is so close to your Ascendant. I have friends and one niece with Moon/Cancer who are entirely emotional and often easily bruised, though they hide it well under their hard, decorative shells. However, it was my Venus in his h12th. The 12th house rules things.

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venus in 12th house synastry forum