use wddm graphics display driver for remote desktop connections

go to " Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment " set the following parameters to Enabled Use hardware graphics adapters for all Remote Desktop Services sessions For others and for clarity, it is actually: Edit Group Policy . - Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections Background: PAM was experiencing slowness in opening RDP session for some Windows target device The issue was solved after turn off this group policy for Windows target device side. Step 1: Select an appropriate GPU optimized Azure virtual machine size Allow or Disallow use of encryption to protect the RPC protocol messages between File Share Shadow Copy Provider running on application server and File Share Shadow Copy Agent running on the file servers. Click OK and reboot your PC and see RDP not working after Windows 10 upgrade/update has been resolved. Solution 5. content, Turn off Help and Support Center Microsoft Knowledge Base search, Turn off Internet Connection Wizard if URL connection is referring to, Turn off Internet download for Web publishing and online ordering wizards, Turn off Internet File Association service, Turn off Registration if URL connection is referring to, Turn off Search Companion content file updates, Turn off the "Publish to Web" task for files and folders, Turn off the Windows Messenger Customer Experience Improvement Program, Turn off Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program, Turn off Windows Network Connectivity Status Indicator active tests, Turn off Windows Update device driver searching, Do not allow changes to initiator iqn name, Do not allow changes to initiator CHAP secret, Do not allow sessions without mutual CHAP, Do not allow sessions without one way CHAP, Do not allow adding new targets via manual configuration, Do not allow manual configuration of discovered targets, Do not allow manual configuration of iSNS servers, Do not allow manual configuration of target portals, KDC support for claims, compound authentication and Kerberos armoring, KDC support for PKInit Freshness Extension, Provide information about previous logons to client computers, Allow retrieving the cloud kerberos ticket during the logon, Always send compound authentication first, Define host name-to-Kerberos realm mappings, Define interoperable Kerberos V5 realm settings, Disable revocation checking for the SSL certificate of KDC proxy servers, Fail authentication requests when Kerberos armoring is not available, Kerberos client support for claims, compound authentication and Kerberos armoring, Require strict target SPN match on remote procedure calls, Set maximum Kerberos SSPI context token buffer size, Specify KDC proxy servers for Kerberos clients, Support device authentication using certificate, Enumeration policy for external devices incompatible with Kernel DMA Protection, Disallow copying of user input methods to the system account for sign-in, Disallow user override of locale settings, Allow users to select when a password is required when resuming from connected standby, Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon, Block user from showing account details on sign-in, Do not display the Getting Started welcome screen at logon, Do not enumerate connected users on domain-joined computers, Enumerate local users on domain-joined computers, Hide entry points for Fast User Switching, Turn off app notifications on the lock screen, Do not process incoming mailslot messages used for domain controller location based on NetBIOS domain names, Do not use NetBIOS-based discovery for domain controller location when DNS-based discovery fails, Set Priority in the DC Locator DNS SRV records, Set Weight in the DC Locator DNS SRV records, Specify address lookup behavior for DC locator ping, Specify DC Locator DNS records not registered by the DCs, Specify dynamic registration of the DC Locator DNS Records, Specify Refresh Interval of the DC Locator DNS records, Specify sites covered by the application directory partition DC Locator DNS SRV records, Specify sites covered by the DC Locator DNS SRV records, Specify sites covered by the GC Locator DNS SRV Records, Use automated site coverage by the DC Locator DNS SRV Records. Disable binding directly to IPropertySetStorage without intermediate layers. . Do not prompt for client certificate selection when no certificates or only one certificate exists. Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment > Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections | set to "Disabled". Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct 4, 2019 at 16:32 Find your Citrix Admins group, and click OK. Disable WDDM graphics driver. Turn off the display of thumbnails and only display icons. The black screen issue has to do with a new RDP display driver (WDDM) used in 1903. Click Apply, OK and close the Local Group Policy Editor. Configure Applications preference extension policy processing, Configure Data Sources preference extension policy processing, Configure Devices preference extension policy processing, Configure Direct Access connections as a fast network connection, Configure Drive Maps preference extension policy processing, Configure Environment preference extension policy processing, Configure Files preference extension policy processing, Configure Folder Options preference extension policy processing, Configure folder redirection policy processing, Configure Folders preference extension policy processing, Configure Group Policy slow link detection, Configure Ini Files preference extension policy processing, Configure Internet Explorer Maintenance policy processing, Configure Internet Settings preference extension policy processing, Configure Local Users and Groups preference extension policy processing, Configure Network Options preference extension policy processing, Configure Network Shares preference extension policy processing, Configure Power Options preference extension policy processing, Configure Printers preference extension policy processing, Configure Regional Options preference extension policy processing, Configure Registry preference extension policy processing, Configure Scheduled Tasks preference extension policy processing, Configure Services preference extension policy processing, Configure Shortcuts preference extension policy processing, Configure software Installation policy processing, Configure Start Menu preference extension policy processing, Configure user Group Policy loopback processing mode, Configure web-to-app linking with app URI handlers, Determine if interactive users can generate Resultant Set of Policy data, Enable AD/DFS domain controller synchronization during policy refresh, Remove users' ability to invoke machine policy refresh, Set Group Policy refresh interval for computers, Set Group Policy refresh interval for domain controllers, Specify startup policy processing wait time, Specify workplace connectivity wait time for policy processing, Turn off background refresh of Group Policy, Turn off Group Policy Client Service AOAC optimization, Turn off Local Group Policy Objects processing, Turn off access to all Windows Update features, Turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update, Turn off downloading of print drivers over HTTP, Turn off handwriting personalization data sharing, Turn off handwriting recognition error reporting, Turn off Help and Support Center "Did you know?" (found at Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment) This thread is locked. To solve "Your Remote Desktop Service session has ended. Use the branch: Computer Configuration->Policies->Windows Settings->Administrative Templates->Windows Components->Remote Desktop Services->Remote Desktop Session Host->Remote Session Environment, set the Policy Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections to Disabled. The six solutions for the errors are presented in the following content, select the proper ones. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Change Group Policy processing to run asynchronously when a slow network connection is detected. If you enable or do not configure this policy setting, Remote Desktop Connections will use WDDM graphics display driver. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking Services, Windows Resource Exhaustion Detection and Resolution, Windows Standby/Resume Performance Diagnostics, Windows System Responsiveness Performance Diagnostics, Periodic check for updates to Internet Explorer and Internet Tools, Microsoft Secondary Authentication Factor, Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program, Resultant Set of Policy snap-in extensions, Search in Group Policy Administrative Templates, Force a specific background and accent color, Force a specific default lock screen and logon image, Prevent changing lock screen and logon image, Allow users to enable online speech recognition services, Force selected system UI language to overwrite the user UI language, Restricts the UI language Windows uses for all logged users, Apply the default user logon picture to all users, Do not allow the BITS client to use Windows Branch Cache, Do not allow the computer to act as a BITS Peercaching client, Do not allow the computer to act as a BITS Peercaching server, Limit the age of files in the BITS Peercache, Limit the maximum network bandwidth for BITS background transfers, Limit the maximum network bandwidth used for Peercaching, Limit the maximum number of BITS jobs for each user, Limit the maximum number of BITS jobs for this computer, Limit the maximum number of files allowed in a BITS job, Limit the maximum number of ranges that can be added to the file in a BITS job, Set default download behavior for BITS jobs on costed networks, Set up a maintenance schedule to limit the maximum network bandwidth used for BITS background transfers, Set up a work schedule to limit the maximum network bandwidth used for BITS background transfers, Configure Client BranchCache Version Support, Enable Automatic Hosted Cache Discovery by Service Connection Point, Set percentage of disk space used for client computer cache, Allow DNS suffix appending to unqualified multi-label name queries, Allow NetBT queries for fully qualified domain names, Prefer link local responses over DNS when received over a network with higher precedence, Register DNS records with connection-specific DNS suffix, Turn off smart multi-homed name resolution, Handle Caching on Continuous Availability Shares, Offline Files Availability on Continuous Availability Shares, Disable password strength validation for Peer Grouping, Turn off Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking Services, Windows Defender Firewall: Allow ICMP exceptions, Windows Defender Firewall: Allow inbound file and printer sharing exception, Windows Defender Firewall: Allow inbound remote administration exception, Windows Defender Firewall: Allow inbound Remote Desktop exceptions, Windows Defender Firewall: Allow inbound UPnP framework exceptions, Windows Defender Firewall: Allow local port exceptions, Windows Defender Firewall: Allow local program exceptions, Windows Defender Firewall: Define inbound port exceptions, Windows Defender Firewall: Define inbound program exceptions, Windows Defender Firewall: Do not allow exceptions, Windows Defender Firewall: Prohibit notifications, Windows Defender Firewall: Prohibit unicast response to multicast or broadcast requests, Windows Defender Firewall: Protect all network connections, Windows Defender Firewall: Allow authenticated IPsec bypass, Do not show the "local access only" network icon, Prohibit installation and configuration of Network Bridge on your DNS domain network, Prohibit use of Internet Connection Firewall on your DNS domain network, Prohibit use of Internet Connection Sharing on your DNS domain network, Require domain users to elevate when setting a network's location, Route all traffic through the internal network, Specify domain location determination URL, Domains categorized as both work and personal, Enterprise resource domains hosted in the cloud, Allow or Disallow use of the Offline Files feature, At logoff, delete local copy of user's offline files, Enable file synchronization on costed networks, Prohibit user configuration of Offline Files, Remove "Make Available Offline" for these files and folders, Specify administratively assigned Offline Files, Synchronize all offline files before logging off, Synchronize all offline files when logging on, Turn on economical application of administratively assigned Offline Files, Set IP Stateless Autoconfiguration Limits State, Disable power management in connected standby mode, Enable Windows to soft-disconnect a computer from a network, Minimize the number of simultaneous connections to the Internet or a Windows Domain, Prohibit connection to non-domain networks when connected to domain authenticated network, Prohibit connection to roaming Mobile Broadband networks, Configuration of wireless settings using Windows Connect Now, Prohibit access of the Windows Connect Now wizards, Allow Windows to automatically connect to suggested open hotspots, to networks shared by contacts, and to hotspots offering paid services, Set Per-App Cellular Access UI Visibility, Sets how often a DFS Client discovers DC's, Add Printer wizard - Network scan page (Managed network), Add Printer wizard - Network scan page (Unmanaged network), Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections, Always rasterize content to be printed using a software rasterizer, Automatically publish new printers in Active Directory, Change Microsoft XPS Document Writer (MXDW) default output format to the legacy Microsoft XPS format (*.xps), Custom support URL in the Printers folder's left pane, Disallow installation of printers using kernel-mode drivers, Do not allow v4 printer drivers to show printer extensions, Enable Device Control Printing Restrictions, Execute print drivers in isolated processes, Extend Point and Print connection to search Windows Update, Limits print driver installation to Administrators, List of Approved USB-connected print devices, Override print driver execution compatibility setting reported by print driver, Package Point and print - Approved servers, Pre-populate printer search location text, Prune printers that are not automatically republished, Remove "Recently added" list from Start Menu, Remove and prevent access to the Shut Down, Restart, Sleep, and Hibernate commands, Customize message for Access Denied errors, Enable access-denied assistance on client for all file types, Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP), Enable automatic cleanup of unused appv packages, Enable background sync to server when on battery power, Allow First Time Application Launches if on a High Cost Windows 8 Metered Connection, Specify what to load in background (aka AutoLoad), Include command line in process creation events, Allow delegating default credentials with NTLM-only server authentication, Allow delegating fresh credentials with NTLM-only server authentication, Allow delegating saved credentials with NTLM-only server authentication, Remote host allows delegation of non-exportable credentials, Restrict delegation of credentials to remote servers, Deploy Windows Defender Application Control, Enable Device Health Attestation Monitoring and Reporting, Allow administrators to override Device Installation Restriction policies, Allow installation of devices that match any of these device IDs, Allow installation of devices that match any of these device instance IDs, Allow installation of devices using drivers that match these device setup classes, Apply layered order of evaluation for Allow and Prevent device installation policies across all device match criteria, Display a custom message title when device installation is prevented by a policy setting, Display a custom message when installation is prevented by a policy setting, Prevent installation of devices not described by other policy settings, Prevent installation of devices that match any of these device IDs, Prevent installation of devices that match any of these device instance IDs, Prevent installation of devices using drivers that match these device setup classes, Prevent installation of removable devices, Time (in seconds) to force reboot when required for policy changes to take effect, Allow remote access to the Plug and Play interface, Do not send a Windows error report when a generic driver is installed on a device, Prevent creation of a system restore point during device activity that would normally prompt creation of a restore point, Prevent device metadata retrieval from the Internet, Prevent Windows from sending an error report when a device driver requests additional software during installation, Prioritize all digitally signed drivers equally during the driver ranking and selection process, Specify search order for device driver source locations, Specify the search server for device driver updates, Turn off "Found New Hardware" balloons during device installation, Prevent redirection of devices that match any of these device Ids, Log event when quota warning level exceeded, Configure Per-Process System DPI settings, Allow local activation security check exemptions, Define Activation Security Check exemptions, Allow non-administrators to install drivers for these device setup classes, Turn off Windows Update device driver search prompt, Allow only USB root hub connected Enhanced Storage devices, Configure list of Enhanced Storage devices usable on your computer, Configure list of IEEE 1667 silos usable on your computer, Do not allow non-Enhanced Storage removable devices, Do not allow password authentication of Enhanced Storage devices, Do not allow Windows to activate Enhanced Storage devices, Lock Enhanced Storage when the computer is locked, File Classification Infrastructure: Display Classification tab in File Explorer, File Classification Infrastructure: Specify classification properties list, Configure maximum age of file server shadow copies.

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use wddm graphics display driver for remote desktop connections