Until ghosts were established to actually exist in ". Adelaide: How did you put a note to Lincoln on a Sloppy Joe? He attends the 6th grade at Royal Woods Middle School, having previously attended the 5th grade at Royal Woods Elementary School. Lincoln: *Smiles* Thanks babe. I was against Lynn from the beginning and she threatened me. Biography. He is often suspicious of new neighbors, as with the. It's my first ever one shot I've done. She opens the door and got into the drivers seat and shut the door. : https://at.nick.com/TVSchedule Catch More on Nick! There isn't any kind of pizza topping that he likes the most, but he wouldn't put scabs, spiders, or stickers on it. What would happen if someone tried to kidnap him or getting him killed if we locked him outside! Ronnie Anne Santiago: Lincoln, you'll always fit in. Until then you will apologize to Lincoln when he comes back. They snuggle in for her bed sheets. ", Lincoln: "That's a pretty ludicrous reason for doing so. All other girls looked at their parents. Chris Savino has confirmed it is not a result of albinism. Also please don't flame me. https://ghostarchive.org/iarchive/instagram/theloudhousecartoon/1482079644059710003_1482078410305412742, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl [@NickBrawlGame], "We hope everyone enjoys the impeccable voice talent that these incredible individuals are able to bring to the table:", The Loud House | Inside The Loud House w/ Creator Chris Savino | Nick, Lincoln Loud's ABCs of Getting the Last Slice, Nickelodeon Declares June 5 as National Lincoln Loud Day. (hangs up) Lincoln? Lori was shocked to hear that her sisters were having nightmares. ", (Clyde points at Ronnie Anne. Hehe., Ronnie Anne: I know. Luna: *To Luan, furious* And guess what Luan!? Back at the Santiago house, Lincoln Ronnie Anne, and Bobby have already eat their pizza for dinner and went to get themselves clean. Bobby Santiago: I'm afraid that I'm gonna have to break up with you again. Bobby Santiago: (raising his voice) All this is about that baseball game?! Lynn Loud Jr.: What's wrong with you people!? Ronnie Anne sees Lincoln kicked out of his home and decides to take him out of there. I'll admit a part of me only did this so that the guys would stop teasing me. He actually bolted out through the door and never came back. She got off from her bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face. Lincoln is one of three siblings who caused a blackout; This means that Lincoln, Luan, and Lisa are the only ones who can understand Lily's babbling. Even if it is a converted linen closet. His plans rarely succeed because of his own selfish and reckless decisions or by his sisters' interference. Anyway I asked her why she's doing this. Lynn Loud Sr.: (sigh) Well, guess I'll have to make a quick phone call from your boyfriends house Lori glared at her dad for mentioning Bobby. I failed. I predict him for his fortune. He quietly closes her door leaving them sleeping peacefully. Lynn Loud Jr.: After you got arrested, I had an argument with him and it was his fault for calling the cops on us. They couldn't believe that if they did locked their brothers out, he could be dead. Lisa Loud: I never had any nightmares, but this is horrible! Lynn Loud Sr.: It doesn't matter now. ", Lori (hugs him back): " You're welcome. ", Lincoln: "Let me finish! In "The Whole Picture," Lincoln remembers a time he dressed as Ace Savvy for Halloween in the past. Sometimes his sisters tell him to do bizarre things as a result of mishearing requests, but he can "speak sibling" to easily decipher what the original request was. You're not the only one who's having a bad dream. Ronnie Anne: *sympathetic* Here, come back to my house. I know we had a rough day, but this is not what you wanted, right? Her sisters gasp. I thought this was just a one-time thing, but because she's been doing this for a while, I'm being bullied not just by her, but by my classmates. If you had straight up insulted her, Bobby would have broken up with me. Youre talking to a Fish Brawlers collector., Lincoln: (happily gasp) I like those games too!, Ronnie Anne: Did we just become best friends? But to be honest, I dont know why. Lisa deactivated Lincoln's tracking implant. I want you to leave me alone! Lincoln was born in the limousine belonging to the President of the United States. Lincoln: *beyond furious* IF YOU LOVED ME, THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LET THIS NONSENSE HAPPEN! Ronnie Anne Santiago: I thought this might cheer you up for watching "Ace Savy". ", Classmate #3: "When's the wedding day, Lincoln? When he realizes that having brothers instead of sisters is not as great as he thought it would be, he tries escaping and wound up in a dimension where he is a girl named Linka and is the middle child and only daughter of the eleven Loud children. It's all over now. I understand you don't want to forgive me. We chastised Lynn for what she did to you, but then she threatened us to join our side! And by then.. Lynn stop for a moment. Lori Loud: Yes, I do too. No self-insert oc this time. I can't believe that you had to follow her superstition! Soon, Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy and Laney were all packed and ready to move out*. (Although, in reality, all they were doing was changing Lily's diaper and taking the trash out). A lookalike of him appeared on a billboard in the Disney XD series, A lookalike of him also appeared in the Cartoon Network series, Lincoln seems to be a good teacher, as he used only a manual to teach. My first ever one shot complete. *To everyone, angry* I'm gonna help Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, and Laney pack their stuff and move out. Lincoln: *Smiles* Thanks Ronnie. It is known that Lincoln can cook when he wants to give his father a break. Lincoln Loud: I know that, but I don't know how long my parents will be in jail. Now, everyone to the kitchen. There's gotta be another way. Maria Santiago: Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. It caused to wake everybody else up and ran out from their room to Lori and Leni's Room. You really are my hero. Despite his age, Linc the White-Haired sounds exactly like Lincoln, albeit with a slightly exaggerated growl and somewhat deeper. [11] In "The Whole Picture," Lincoln had grown his first mustache hair. Lynn's bed has a red blanket, while Lucy's has a black blanket and also has a high frame. I had my daughter to watching over him while we're at work. He is a very individual person with limited experience of teamwork in contrast to his sisters who cooperate as roommates. Her room is filled with light purple and gray with her skateboard was hanging on the wall with posters. Lori Loud: (snapped with tears) It's your fault that Bobby broke up with me twice! Sweet dreams. Also, he has proved to be very patient, especially with his sisters. Lynn looked up at her with tears flowing. He set her picture down gently on her desk. Ronnie: *Smiles* Anything for my boyfriend/future husband & future sister in law. Lincoln: >looks around, annoyed, kicks them out< Oh no you don't, out you imposters, out out out and stay out. All she did was messing with him or broke his project for science and giving him "Dutch Oven" to gross him out. Luna: *Furious* I have a better idea, Lynn. Lisa Loud: Just a halfway there and he is getting close. As with most characters, Lincoln is very skinny and has a large, round head with short white hair (light blond in live-action), with a large tuft of his hair sticking upwards on his left side and two strands sticking up on his right. P.S., here's the link in case you missed it. You did the right thing by standing up for yourself. Lincoln: *furiously yells* I SAID CUT THE SHIT! She rang the doorbell. For those you didn't know that I looked up online, there is no such is thing bad luck. Lynn couldn't help but felt like a fool and arrogant selfish girl. I got him off of her because I was so mad and kick his jaws loosing his teeth. She looked at her friend smiled. They let go from their hug and look at each other. Jenny Padilla: He's doing fine. Rita Loud: I know Luna, but you guys are not in trouble. I'll get the phone to order. Rita Loud: Alright everyone, let's get so we can talk to you. And so I put my foot down and told Ronnie Anne to leave me alone. What's bugging you? Sometimes, he hangs out with other kids, but the rest of his social life has not been explored, and other kids can tease him depending on the circumstance.[13][14]. Lola Loud: I had a bad dream too! Bobby Santiago: (sigh) No, I broke up with Lori. Like that time when you text me when your road trip was cancelled because of that "spot" you fought?! Thinks quickly went downhill fast for the rest of the Loud's at 1216 Franklin Avenue. One Boy, Eleven Girls! *Walks over and picks up Lily* *Smiles at Lily* Lily, I know you didn't take part in any of this, that is why we've packed your stuff because we're taking you with us. Don't ever come near me or my family again! His biggest pet peeve is that Lynn borrows his jeans without asking. Ronnie Anne looked at Lincoln stop crying, but still blowing his nose with tissues. His most favorite subject in school is Psychology. She snuggled up close to Lincoln. His favorite song is "Grab Life by the Lips" by SMOOCH. Bobby told me that his sister found him at the park and brought him over there. Ronnie Anne: *cracks knuckles* Didn't you hear my warning?! Lynn Loud Jr.: C'mon you can't be serious! He and Clyde met by bumping into each other while cosplaying as Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack, respectively. His winter outfit consists of a red coat with red gloves, a brown hat, and brown boots. Lincoln thinks she's like any other girl, since she's just like her new sisters. I had a nightmare when I was texting on my phone until I heard a banging sound and I walked upstairs to my room and I spotted Lincoln that was searching something. I regret it from everything for what we just did! Lori Loud: (sobbing softly) He is not coming with us. ", Classmates: Ronnie and Lincoln sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. [they start laughing again], Lincoln: "Guys, Ronnie Anne is NOT my girlfriend. Lori Loud: I guess this is where he dropped by. You stay away from us! Ronnie Anne was worried about her friend. He was blushing a little bit and he warmly smiled. They glanced at each other. She sat up and looked at the window for the night. Since he is the main character of the show, he appears on the title card for every episode. He and Clyde have come up with 2,000 different codes. If it's ok with you. Lincoln has had broken back teeth about since he was 5 years old.[7]. He, Clyde and Sid are Ronnie Anne's only friends whose last names have been revealed. Characters from the Loud House/Casagrandes either shrink or grow in size. Bobby walked to the living room and sit on the chair. And then her mumble goes louder and louder until she jolted up from her sleep gasping. His sleepwear is an orange nightshirt with matching pants, but sometimes he wears an orange t-shirt and his underwear. The Loud House's Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fastest Thing Alive 25 pages Completed November 19, 2020 Emanoel Ribeiro Sonic the Hedgehog The Loud House | Ronnie Anne Santiago Lincoln Loud | Adventure Humor Sonic Movie Doctor Eggman Crossover Retelling Ronniecoln Family Drama According to an episode of the Nick Animation Podcast, before Lincoln was decided to be the middle child, there were versions where Lincoln was part of the elder siblings and another where he was part of the younger ones. The Loud House follows the daily adventures of Lincoln Loud, an eleven-year-old boy with ten sisters. She enjoys skateboarding, video games, K-pop music, and pulling pranks. Bye. Lynn Loud Jr.: (raising her voice) That was not my fault! Lincoln stepped up and took the blame for himself instead of us. I'm not sure about this. Maria Santiago: Sweetie, they were worried about you because they love you. According to some information from The Loud House on Instagram and Facebook: He has been wondering why his hair is white, and there have been fan rumors about such. Lynn Loud Sr.: Alright, is everyone here? Lori got up as well. We all do. Lynn has pennants hanging on her side of the room, while Lucy's side has a mirror, and a writing desk. I tried to ignore them, but they just won't stop. *throws her against the tree*. Lisa Loud: Just a halfway there and he is getting close. Before Lincoln could say anything, Lynn stepped out of the house.*. His greatest fear is the family falling apart,[16] along with being hated by his sisters.[11]. Lincoln is a good-hearted and well-meaning person, who is always looking for fun, and thinking about the well-being of others. Click, click, click! She put her hand on Lynn's shoulder. We looked everywhere until we figured that he's at Bobby's house. Lincoln Loud: (sniff with lower voice) Thanks, I just hope they can forget about me and go back to their normal lives. You're welcome to spending the night here anytime you like. To be unnoticed, their parents stood outside from Lori and Leni's Room and they heard the girls conversation. Lincoln brutally broke Lynn's leg and she screamed in pain. We tried to help him, but made things worse and now he's mad at us." Rita: (shocked) "WHAT? I just can't take this anymore, Clyde. Create New. ", Ronnie Anne: [imitating Bobby] "You don't have a bad side, babe." But ur more than our brother, ur our son! Lincoln: *looks over to her, depressed* Hey, Ronnie Lincoln: *depressed* My family kicked me out because they think Lincoln: *depressed* Because I faked that I was bad luck Lori, Luna, Laney, Lucy & Leni watches the whole scene, sad*. Savino's the ninth of ten children. Luna Loud: Don't worry, everything is going to be all right. Maria Santiago: I know that sounds shocking, but your father told me that he and his wife were released from jail. Leni covered Lily's ears because there's going to be some yelling. Lincoln: Yeah! Lucy Loud: Lynn said that she never really wants him instead. Bobby Santiago: Great! The girls take a seat while Rita and Lynn Senior stand in front of the TV. Lincoln smiled that his favorite superhero cheers him up. Most of the time Lincoln is quiet and relaxed, but sometimes he gets upset when he is annoyed, or when something goes wrong. Silvermist, Fawn, Iridessa and Vidia: Yeah! http://theloudhouse.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Disneydude94/Straw_and_Order. Lynn Loud Sr.: I guess I'll tell him later, but what did she say something to Lincoln? Lori nodded. Lola: *sees Lincoln, screams* GET HIM OUT OF HERE! When she sees Lincoln outside his house. His and Ronnie Anne's relationship is complicated; in his words, "I like her as a friend, and yes, she is a girl, but as far as she's concerned, the sloppy joe down my pants says she is not my girlfriend or otherwise. They got off the couch and went to the kitchen to get some dinner. Lincoln's ideal superpower is to have one of each. With Grey Griffin, Lara Jill Miller, Jessica DiCicco, Liliana Mumy. Rita sighed. Lisa looked at her device that can track her older brother from leaving everywhere he goes. (Lincoln, Lori, Bobby, and Ronnie Anne are already at the table they reserved. Lincoln is not a bad luck, YOU ARE!!! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Bobby Santiago: Of course I'm serious! Her mother closes the door. Lincoln: *enraged* Leave me alone, you scumbags. They didn't notice when Lori is crying because her makeup messed up until they heard a sniff. Lincoln looked at her picture of Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and her mother as he smiled. She escorted her twin sisters to her bed to sleep with her. She looked at Lincoln holding her picture. Your superstition has gone too far enough. Besides, Lincoln being in a family of ten sisters is a reference to the fact that Chris Savino comes from a family of ten children, five of whom were daughters. They're half way there as the beeping goes faster once they reached him. Likewise, he dislikes sitting in front of Lori (because she gets carsick) or Lana (because she owns a peashooter). Luna: *sad* Guys, was what we did really the right thing? She hold Lincoln's hand. Lincoln once wore a Blarney suit for a whole week. She was standing by the door. She stood her position and waited patiently. Please ADD. This also applies to episodes that do not revolve around him (", The only exception to this tradition is with the Casagrande story arc that occurs during the first nine episodes of. We care about you because ur our brother. ", Classmates: "Oooooooo! Department of Redundancy Department: Lincoln is described as the middle child of "the Loud family, within the Loud house". Luna walked over to her and kneeled. Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. ?, Lincoln: Yeah, and how about all the selfies? Luna: *Furious* Yeah! WE PRETENDED AS WELL! She starts to mumble and move her sides on her bed. Thank you so much for understanding. (sigh) What am I going to do with those girls.
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