taylor's virginia regiment

(Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, January, I9IO, V. i8, p. Queen's Loyal Virginia Regiment. C. Rakes, 2ndCorporalB. (Hick)Hanks, Pugh H.Janey, JohnJefferson, WilliamJefferson, John P.Jestice, John Died on his way to the ArmyKeaton, HiramKeaton, James M.Lackey, James M.Leary, William DesertedLawson, James M.Lawson, LafayetteMcAlexander, James Died in serviceMcAlexander, Jeremiah Died in serviceMartin, William G. DesertedMcAlexander, JohnMoore, W. T. Died in serviceMcAlexander, SamuelMcAlexander, DavidMcAlexander, DanielMcAlexander, CharlesMcAlexander, DariusMorrison, David J. DesertedMcAlexander, James C. DesertedMcGee, John P.McGee, WilliamMcDonald, Hiram F. DesertedMorrison, Thomas C.Martin, David H. DesertedMorrison, James T.Martin, Larkin T. Died in serviceMorrison, John T. DesertedMartin, E. N.Martin, CrawfordMcGee, Green DesertedMoore, Jacob S.Manan, WilliamMize, W. B.Nolen, C. M.Nolen, Ephraim S. Died in serviceNolen, John DesertedNolen, David DesertedPendleton, JohnPrice, B. M.Roberson, AbramRoss, James Died in serviceRoss, SamuelRoberson, LandonRatliff, L. G. Died from woundsRorrer, W. R. DesertedRay, Joseph DesertedReynolds, George W.Reynolds, William A. DesertedRoss, Charles P.Rakes, John D.Ross, James W. Died in serviceRatliff, PhillipRoss, R. R.Rakes, AlexanderRoss, WilliamReynolds, William Captured and died in prisonRoss, John T.Ross, John W. Killed on pickettRakes, Charles J. DesertedRakes, S. J. all my other lands in Kentucky and remainder of my Military lands not otherwise devised be sold and proceeds be equally divided amongst my brothers James, Jonathan, Richard, William, Charles, Reuben and Benjamin. All Rights Reserved. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Enlistment rank: Captain, discharge rank: Captain, War Department. Copyright 1998 - 2023 Grayson County Virginia Heritage Foundation Inc. and New River Notes. The Grayson County Virginia Heritage Foundation is established to promote, preserve, and educate the members and public about the cultural and family heritages of Grayson County, Virginia. 'First Regiment' in The Fan", https://www.richmond.com/entertainment/where-am-i-rva-first-regiment-in-the-fan/article_18771803-4532-583d-921b-938a1f698215.html, "First Virginia Regiment statue torn down at Meadow Park in the Fan", "Oldest Active National Guard Unit Observes 283rd Anniversary", The Virginians Who Fought in the Revolutionary War - Virginia Places, Recreated Waggener's Company of the Virginia Regiment, French and Indian War reenactors, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Virginia_Regiment&oldid=1135432088, Military units and formations established in 1754, Military units and formations of the French and Indian War, Military units and formations in Virginia, Military units and formations in West Virginia, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 1758: First Virginia Regiment, Colonel George Washington; Second Virginia Regiment, Colonel, When the Colony of Virginia ordered the creation of multiple regiments in 1775 with the outbreak of the. It is said of them that "the most inexpert hands reckon it an indifferent shot to miss the bigness of a man's face at 100 yards." The families with which Francis had business and social dealings included the names of Alcock, Barbour, Bell, Burnley, Catlett, Chew, Conway, Dade, Gaines, Gibson, Glassell, Howard, Lee, Madison, Moore, Pendleton, Taliaferro, and of course his Taylor kin. The enemy then fell back on Gauley River and the roads were in such bad condition that our Army could not pursue them. Taylor's company from 28th January to 28th March. Left Valley Forge with the5th Virginia Regimentand the9th Virginia Regiment, 507 men assigned, 281 fit for duty. After the war, Taylor became an Original Member of the Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. Of The Virginia Militia Johnston, Gent., Lieut in the campaigns of 1758, also in the campaign of 1759 . The actual strength of the Regiment in 1756 was 1,400 men, but in 1757 it was reduced to 1,000 men. Captain Ross commanded this company the first year of the war and it was then Company C when the company was reorganized in 1862. Richard Taylor died in 1829 at the age of 84. F. Mays Corporal, lost an armD. J. T. Lawson Captain, first organizedMartin Staples First LieutenantW. Liverpool wanted a more practical relationship with the United States. Queen's Rangers. History will tell the balance of the movements of this command. 1911-1912 Also published separately Includes bibliographical references (p. 9-10) Notes. Type above and press Enter to search. D. Yeatts CorporalRobert Newman Corporal, killed May 1864, Arrington, WilliamAyres, William ` Transferred to 51stVirginia RegimentBowman, Preston Killed at Fort DonaldsonBowman, RuelBarnard, JehueBarnard, Patison Killed on BlackwBarnard, Joseph Killed at Elimira, New YorkBowman, JohnBowman, RubenBowman, Crockett Killed at GettysburgBowman, Henry Died at Elmira, New YorkBowman, GalenBowman, JeffBeasley, RichardBowling, WilliamBowling, J. T. Transferred to 42ndInfantryBoyd, R. J.Clifton, DanielClifton, JamesClifton, SamuelCheeley, PeterCraddock, P. J.Castle, JosephCastle, CarterCockram, A. G. Killed at ChancellorsvilleCockram, Nathan Killed May 1864Campbell, J. E. P.Conner, John Living in Wythe CountyChanler, JacksonCranford, WilliamDalton, FredericDunkin, John H.Deatherage, Champ Killed at Charleston, WVDeatherage, LeabEdens, ClaborneEpperson, BennyEpperson, JohnFergeoson, Harden Killed at Fort DonaldsonFain, Abraham Died at Elmira, New YorkGoen, Perrion Killed at GettysburgGeorge, A. J.Gates, VergalHouchins, J. T.Houchins, BurwellHarrell, T. G.Harrell, W. B. William Cunningham and Capt. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. S. Dickerson Sergeant, living in Carroll CountyJohn Shelor Sergeant, died at Elmira, New YorkJohn Stopp Corporal, killed 1864Samuel Smith Corporal, killed at Fort DonelsonG. [1] The substantial amount of information we have on Francis comes primarily from: Francis was an early member of the Culpeper Minutemen, a group of volunteers from Culpeper, Faquier, and Orange counties. May 17. osburn beatty: 5 regiment virginia militia. A copy of Francis Taylor's will is on file at the Filston Historical Society, Louisville, Kentucky, Taylor-Cannon Collection, Box 6, #51-58. The Taylor's Regiment of Militia (Albemarle County) (1779), a militia unit from Virginia, fought in support of the American cause. The Convention Guards unit was raised for guarding the British troops captured at Saratoga, New York during their detention in Virginia. Company E, Richmond Light Infantry Blues. Mluster rolls of field and staff officers of 2d Virginia regiment for July and August, 1777. Thomas Taylor was the eldest son of John Taylor, who came from Amelia County, Virginia, about 1750 and located on Back Swamp below Columbia. [4]. Assigned to the Department of the Peninsula. 2ND VIRGINIA REGIMENT Stirling's Division | Weedon's Brigade | 2nd Virginia Regiment History Organized October 1775 at Williamsburg. A list of the names of Company H, 42ndVirginia Regiment. "We couldn't be more excited to bring this state-of-the-art firearm to the modern gun enthusiast . Patriots of the upcountry: Orange County, Virginia in the Revolution, From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Taylor, 25 October 1779, From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Taylor?, 13 May 1780, From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Taylor, 11 April 1781, To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Taylor, 16 May 1781, Pension Application of Francis Taylor R19418, his ancestors' Y-chromosome or mitochondrial DNA, 2nd Virginia Regiment (1776), Continental Army, American Revolution, 15th Virginia Regiment (1777), Continental Army, American Revolution. 1 min read. Addeddate 2009-06-16 15:34:52 Associated-names Eckenrode, H. J. Distrikt rekrutierte Regiment wurde in Indianapolis, Indiana, mit einer Strke von 1.082 Mann organisiert und am 9.Mrz 1865 versammelt. We are a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Previous engagements: Chesapeake Bay, Northern New Jersey, Trenton-Princeton, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. Spotsylvania Co. Court, June 15, 1780. . Virginia was initially reluctant to secede from the Union. G. Pendleton First Corporal, wounded Lee Town, VirginiaJohn Moran Second CorporalGeorge T. Burroughes Third CorporalWilliam Conner Fourth Corporal, went to West Virginia, Ayres, William Wounded at Lee Town, VirginiaAdkins, O. C. M. DesertedAdkins, Booher DesertedBurroughs, George T. KilledBuroughs, Tom Went westBoyd, IsraelBoyd, CharlesBoyd, CalebBoyd, H. H. DesertedBowman, Charles H.Branch, John DesertedBlancet, SamuelBrammer, H. T.Cockram, Peter Deserted, went to OhioCockrun, German Deserted, went to OhioConner, William B. DesertedConner, John DesertedConner, James DesertedCollins, A. J.Coleman, SamuelDavis, WesleyDuncan, A. J.Dehart, W. Green Died Raleigh Courthouse, West VA 1861DeHart, W. T., Jr.DeHart, WilliamDeHart, Thomas J.DeHart, Thomas DesertedDonathan, GeorgeElgin, AbsolumFry, Louis A.Fry, John H.Fain, William Living in Floyd CountyGraham, Parris M. Floyd CountyGraham, Noah B. "The enemy attacked Ukraine from the northern direction with Shahed-type attack drones. that agreement made by me with Hubbard Taylor about lands in Kentucky, shall be complied with as follows, 1/3 of 3,000 acres on Blackfords Creek, 1/2 of 1,000 acres on Stinking Creek, 1/2 of 1,000 acres on Branch Creek, 1/2 of 1,000 acres on Brashiers Creek, and 1/2 of 3,000 acres on Slate Creek. Franklin, John 1781 Corp in the 3rd Cont Reg of Light Dragoons under Lt-Col Hampton Roster p. 330, Patriot p. 85 Franks, Marshall 1781 Private or Seg under Capt Duvall & Col Casey Roster p. 330, Papers Freeman, John 1781 Capt in Virginia Army under Gen Greene Papers French, Benjamin 1781 Private under Col John Greene's Virginia Regiment . Muster Rolls On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Discharged 6th Jan'y 1814, and Powell elected to fill vacancy. In 1833, he married Mary Hart (1802-1882) and they had three children: Virginia Ann Emily (1834-1898), Benjamin Hart (1836-1851), and James Patton (1838-1901). Militia in 1830 and was commissioned as Justice of the Peace of Montgomery County in 1837. [2] Colonels [ edit | edit source] 1776-1777 - Colonel William Woolford in command from 13 Feb 1776 to 21 Feb 1777 Box 679 Historic Taylor Family Homes in Orange County, Virginia, 1722-Present. The command was then ordered to Sewell Mountain to reinforce General Gloyd and Wise who were falling back in the face of a large force of the enemy. Company B, Richmond City Guard. DXX@Tw!I6La`D'3n` & Am 13. Richard Taylor, Capt. Enter a grandparent's name. Francis Taylor's Diary of 1786-1799 details his daily post-war activities, business and leisure, plantation activities, weather conditions, social and religious activities, election returns, and local events. All four kamikaze UAVs were destroyed by air defense forces and equipment," they said. Francis, having been a colonel in the Culpeper unit, was appointed a captain by the Orange County Committee of Safety and became engaged in raising his company in the 2nd Virginia Regiment, Virginia Line. Francis Taylor of the Second Virginia Regiment, First Lieutenant William Taylor, Second Lieut. Availability as of September 12, 2010 PLATES LISTED BY SUBJECT. Moore Fauntleroy. He is buried in the family plot at Greenfield with his parents and grandparents. J. Adams Second SergeantHubbard Brown Third SergeantGreen Penn Fourth SergeantJ. State Library, Richmond. The figure is mounted on a pedestal eight feet high which is lined with bronze plaques describing the history and service of the Regiment through seven wars. In the months following the settling of the prisoners and troops at Albemarle Barracks, letters from Colonel Taylor to Governor Thomas Jefferson [6] [7] [8] [9] cited very poor conditions and the need for food supplies and clothing. The old 15th Regiment was renumbered as the 11th. [citation needed], The First Virginia Regiment is memorialized in a statue in Meadow Park, a triangular park in Richmonds (VA) Fan District by sculptor Ferruccio Legnaioli. Cooper's troop July 1st, 1813. Killed near RichmondSayers, Phil Killed near RichmondSayers, WilliamShelor, G. B. The Virginia Regiment was formed in 1754 by Virginia's Royal Governor Robert Dinwiddie, as a provincial corps. The Ukrainian air defense system worked at 100%, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported. Four companies of the 4th Regiment Virginia Volunteers, a militia unit, were united with other volunteer companies to make up the regiment. When, later in 1762, the British government wished Virginia to raise a regiment which would be put on the regular British establishment, the General Assembly instead voted to re-raise the Virginia Regiment. Ninth annual report . Their firearm of choice was the rifle instead of the musket, and the force was renowned for its expertise with the long rifle. Performance & security by Cloudflare. He passed away on 1840 in Ashland City, Cheatham County, Tennessee, USA. The enemy were found so strongly fortified on he Alleghany Mountains that our General deemed it impossible to dislodge them. A. Richardson Corporal, killed at ChancellorsvilleLeroy Boalt Corporal, living in Carroll CountyA. William Fisher's Declaration F. Ross, 3rdLieutenant, first year of war, did not reenlistJ. John Watts. %%EOF Died in hospitalShelton, James Killed in WilliamsburgShelton, JosephSpencer, John R.Spencer, W. H. Killed at Seven PinesSpencer, Harden Killed at Drurys BluffShockley, William H. Third Corporal, twice woundedStaples, John Wounded at WilliamsburgTaylor, GeorgeTaylor, James Went NorthTuggle, Anderson Killed at Second ManassasVipperman, Thomas H. Killed at Drurys BluffWiggington, A. J. According to the Indiana Historical Bureau, Pvts. During the Northwest Indian War, Taylor served as a volunteer in the Kentucky militia under Major John Adair. This roll is as near complete as we can get and if there are any names left out please send them to William Ayers, Stuart, Virginia and they will be placed on the roll. Rand's Regiment of Levies (1776) Randolph's Company (1782) . Elected 7th Jan. 1814, served 25 days as private, and 46 days as sergeant, in place of Pippin, broke. 1656, to nephew Richard Taylor, son of Richard Taylor, 1,000 acres of my Military land, No. Died in prisonShelton, R. L.Spencer, James M.Sowder, EmanuelStovall, Quincy A.Shelor, James F.Smith, GeorgeSalmons, JonathanShelton, William A.Smith, C. B. Via members of the Stuart-Wharton Camp of Confederate Veterans. 1862. Recorded in Circuit Court Order Bok 18, page 550-569 requested recorded by W. T. Akers, William Ayres and William B. A. Tatum First LieutenantJoseph G. Penn Second LieutenantR. B. Williams Fifth SergeantC. He remained active for the remainder of his life in Kentucky politics. Subsequent letters date from his service with the 11th Virginia Cavalry Regiment,Company F, (Bath Squadron). cXa|/FqFp3f'J#`*).t\,(2l;X(mNI H9"`_a@@{losUB|g#F]c=tgP]|# -,CEKaL#9MwwK3lf jtS*W8HJ"g@z.td7eR:\Fzm+cgB1B ^[m\2. Winchester, VA - Taylor's & Company, the world's leading marketers and importers of state-of-the-art historical firearms utilizing the latest innovative designs, is pleased to announce the launch of the Full Size (FS) Tactical 1911 10mm pistol to their extremely popular 1911 family. Company C, Montgomery Guard. Broke Dec. 24, 1813, and Sturgis elected to fill vacancy. Wednesday December 23d 1778. Wounded at Cold HarborWiggington, C. M. Wounded at GettysburgWaller, James Wounded, died at WilliamsburgWaller, PeterWaller, John C.Waller, John Died in hospitalWilliams, John D. Scout and missingWilliams, FrankWimbish, Peter Lost in MarylandWimbish, John Third Sergeant, killed at Drurys BluffWolf, HarryWillard, Isaac Died in hospitalYoung, A. J. B. Terry Second LieutenantN. I should be sorry that the Rep's. of Colo. Taylor J. Woolwine, 4thCorporal, promoted to Orderly Sergeant in 1861, elected Lieutenant in 1862 and promoted to Captain in 1864. A. This page has been viewed 16,611 times (0 via redirect). Entered Valley Forge with 237 men assigned and 94 fit for duty. Free family records for Researching Ancestry in Virginia Virginia Militia in the War of 1812 Virginia Genealogy Trails A Proud Part of The Genealogy Trails History Group Muster Rolls Of The Virginia Militia In The War Of 1812 Captain Charles H. Braxton's Company - 1st Regiment Captain Clairborne Wigglesworth's Company - 16th Regiment D. Reynolds Promoted to MajorP. Excerpted from a transcribed copy of his will, done by William Kyle Anderson: I Francis Taylor of the County of Orange in Virginia knowing the uncertainty of life do now make and appoint this my last Will. Das aus dem 8. Francis Cowherd, Col. Alexander Spottswood's Continental Regiment, John Snow of Orange; was in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown; age 74. In 1754, the General Assembly of Virginia voted to raise a regiment of 300 men and send it to the confluence of the Alleghany and Monongahela rivers. Died in serviceVia, D. G. Died in serviceVia, William A. At the end of his service with the 8th VA Reg., he enlisted with the 9th Virginia Regiment serving as Private in Captain Berry and Captain Wood's companies, under Colonel George Matthews' command fighting in the Battle of Monmouth, NJ for 3 years. Donald Robertson and his wife Rachel Rogers of King and Queen County, Virginia, etc. Chesley Taylor married Mary Polly Hardiman and had 5 children. The remaining 350 men from the original ten companies of the Virginia Regiment had been allocated to the two regular regiments of the expedition. However, he had acquired 8,000 acres (32km2) throughout Kentucky, and with the return of peace in 1783, he started clearing the land to move his family there. Francis Taylor (all from Virginia and part of Greene's Corp). The information contained in this officer roster indicates that there was a sixth regiment of the Virginia State Line, probably commanded by Colonel Robert Taylor Preston. He was the father of Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the United States, and Joseph Pannell Taylor, who served as a general in the Union Army during the Civil War. John E. Penn CaptainJ. The company was called Fox, which was the sixth letter in the phonetic alphabet used during World War II.The Company participated in three major campaigns: Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. Early letters describe life at the Virginia Military Institute (hazing, daily routine, excitement about secession, cadets as drillmasters) and in Lexington, Virginia, just prior to and during early months of the Civil War. 55 0 obj <>stream T. Lawson First SergeantI. UNITED STATES, 1784-1815. James Taylor 1st Regiment - Yancey's James Brockman Thomas Coleman Moses Frazier Price Frazier Dabnery Morris John Powell Archibald Sheflet Archibald Shiflet Thomas Shiflett Thomas Sheflet James Taylor Charles Vaughn Crafford Vaughn David Vaughn John Walton 4th Regiment Achilles Hicks Charles Hicks William Knight John B. The Valley Forge Park Alliance maintains the Muster Roll Project and helps to inspire appreciation of and support for Valley Forge National Historical Park. H. Ruthledge First Sergeant, Killed ChancellorsvilleS. The regiment would remain in service until May 1760. Afterwards in regiment commanded by Col. Adam Stephen. Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name Updated February 22, 2005 War of 1812 Discharge Certificates Appendix I: List of Units and Subunits Appendix II: List of Company/Detachment Commanders Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name Appendix IV: List of Soldiers by Unit Appendix III: List of Soldiers by Name [table striped="true" responsive="true"]NameYearRegimentCompanyAbbey, Edward17951st . 62-63.) They marched from Lynchburg July 3rdand were mustered into service July 5thand were assigned to the 42ndVirginia Regiment as Company H Lowrings Brigade, General R. E. Lees Division, they left Lynchburg July 20thbeing ordered to Beverly from that place and this command was known as the Army of Northern Virginia. Received of Francis Taylor Colo Regiment of Guards Two Blankets for the Use of Soldiers of the Western Battalion Montpellier Jan'y 13th 1834 Dear Sir [A. M. Green] I rec'd. your letter of the 11th enclosing the Memorial now returned of Francis Taylor to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1785.

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taylor's virginia regiment