Malak needs to end up with only the Tenacity and Crit Immunity buffs on him, but this can't happen until the end as Armor Shred requires a crit hit to land. What did people search for similar to shredding in Tustin, CA? When he's close to half health, use the Armor shred move on Malak to give zaal taunt. OMG I can't believe I haven't shared the link to the video I made this week. Organize documents by. -50% Defense per stack (25% against raid bosses), can't be dispelled or resisted, and is not a debuff. Yup, tried a few times with no good results. My initial phone inquiry when I used their services a couple of years ago and today were both answered clearly. Steps Part 1: Set-up Goals: Maintain low stacks and set up the right buffs on Malak. I say make his SOP animation his basic, and give him a "power blast" style attack. I would say it works pretty well on both new meta factions. Well, just realized Z has an active taunt, a passive 2 turn taunt, crit avoidance, and self heals health and protection. Containers are then picked up by Iron Mountain and transported to their facility for . Use jolee protection up and heal to ensure Malak can't kill zaalbar and mission with his big move. I dont have the resources to try this out so if anyone out there can try this, please provide feedback. G12+ on all light side is a bare minimum in my experience, I haven't been able to repeat my win in light side since the unlock. As a result, you will want to build up Zaalbar's survivability - Health, Protection & Defense - to make him as effective as he can be. Finish killing the buff when droids are gone. Killed the sides when the droids weren't up. So get mission feared by trying to blind Malak, and armor shred Malak while she is feared to minimize dmg on Malak--you are trying to avoid bringing him to half health. When I got to about 50 stacks malak was hitting for 1-2 on Darth Revan. Beskar Breaker - This feat requires us to inflict Armor Shred 20 times which will play well for those who use Commander Ahsoka Tano (CAT), General Anakin Skywalker (GAS), Ki-Adi-Mundi, Sabine Wren, The Armorer and Zaalbar. If you target Health, Speed, Potency, Critical Chance and Offense through the mods and the secondary stats this could work out well a number of different ways. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Still, Armor shred is a debuff that cant be evaded or resisted. The more ferocity stacks you get the less Damage Malak was doing to him. With every droid he kills you gain 3 stacks of Ferocity. For LS I used Zaalbar's armor shred on the droids to up to 2x, killed them as often as possible to keep Malak's stacks down. A Google search yielded a number of places in". SWGOH.GG SWGOH.GG Characters Zaalbar Gear Zaalbar Versatile Scoundrel Tank with a powerful AoE attack and reactive Taunt Power 34527 Speed 126 Health 45,518 Best Mods Gear Levels Full Gear List Relic Tier List Stats Table Player Data Top Players Join Premium to remove ads! For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Thank you for all the non showmanship content as well. I am surprised to see how little praise or feedback it has gotten. Below are some quick tips to help you out in the March 2022 Conquest season (aka Conquest #14) in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where the TIE/IN Interceptor Prototype is the prize in this the second of the three-part event. Nothing bad will happen as long as you don't bring Malak to half health. Once Malak stood alone, I kept Zaalbar and Mission free of debuffs through the cleanses provided by Revan and Jolee, so Zaal could counter, and buffed Mission with Bastila so she would hit hard every time she assisted him. The driver, I think his name is Mel? A Mandalorian leader and support unit that collects beskar to buff her team and rally them. I just kept killing the droids until Darth Revan could one shot them. Armor Shred From SWGoH Help Wiki Jump to:navigation, search Details Characters that can apply General Skywalker Ki-Adi-Mundi Moff Gideon Sabine Wren The Armorer Zaalbar Armor ShredArmor Shred Retrieved from "" Category: Other Status Navigation menu Views Page Discussion View source We offer a wide range of paper types and finishing options with full-color and black-and-white printing. Press J to jump to the feed. Thanks everyone for your help, I appreciate it. I definitely will use them again--be", "I would highly recommend ShredVets for any shredding needs. Security you can trust. So I beat the Dark Side part easily, but now I'm struggling with the Light. Well done on your guide! TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, Territory Wars Guide The Defensive Teams, SWGoH: Conquest Hard Mode All Feats by Skelturix Sectors 3 & 4, SWGoH: Quick Tips for Success in Conquest 17 June 2022, SWGoH: Quick Tips for Conquest 7 Success in September 2021, SWGoH: New Territory War focused Boba Fett coming to Galaxy of Heroes, SWGoH: Releases Rise of the Empire Territory Battle Walkthrough Guides, Corsair HS60 HAPTIC Stereo Gaming Headset. Darth Revan was Criting on his basic for about 80K. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I promise to keep updating this as I progress through this Conquest event as well. Zaal needs to Crit to land armor shred so after you put Crit immunity on Malak, you can't armor shred anymore. Ourmore, After using this service today, I can understand why their ratings are so high! I worked with Chris to get a price and set up a date on fairly quick notice. They were great. This will give her the power needed to get through Malak. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Should I be suspicious of my auto mechanic. Visit select FedEx Office locations, where our team members can assist you in sending old tax forms, financial records, and other confidential documents to be safely destroyed with Iron Mountain Secure Shredding services. I will ask just one thing: could you notice us way before making the Revan event? A stealthy member of the Inquisitorious with an arsenal of tricks and weapons to surprise his opponent. SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. Watched Ahnald's video then remodded JKR and Big Z, then followed his strategy to victory. ;) Nonetheless, thank you. Zaalbar is a tank that is designed to synergize with Mission Vao and protect her, just as in Knights of the Old Republic. Come to our Discord if you want help and tag me EDIT: A bunch of typos fixed, formatting improved and acknowledgement added. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The ideal mod setup can be interpreted a few different ways. Thanks! Then stealth mission asap so he can't kill her. Critical Chance is going to help make the Power Blast special more effective as a critical hit can inflict the Armor Shred debuff. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Mods, SWGOH Characters, With the newRise of the Empire Territory Battle, is once again providing a walkthrough for each Combat and Special Mission. Stacks should stay low. You need to get 3 minimumideally 4 or 5 armor shreds on Malak. I called this morning, got a quote much lower than 2 other companies and met them at their facilitymore, NotariesPassport & Visa ServicesPrinting Services, I've never rated a store like this before, but given the unusual and amazing service received the past few months (through the crazy Christmas rush! What are some highly rated businesses for shredding services in Tustin, CA? Unaligned Force User Ben Solo A powerful Force user whose internal struggles have long placed him on the edge of light and dark And go nuts. This is a review for a shredding services business in Tustin, CA: "I haven't given a business 5 stars in years, but in the case of Shred Wise, it is warranted! No turning back then. Organize documents by scanningthem, storing them on a flash drive or in the cloud, and then disposing of the hard copies, all at a FedEx Office near you. I didn't know, but zaalbar's ability is an AOE and if it crits anyone, it will land armor shred. They steamrolled everyone on auto although it took some time to kill the l85 high gear teams. When all stasis fields are gone and Malak <50% health, beat him mercilessly. Re: ShowmanshipYou obviously haven't seen our streams without pants. Thrawn and wampa are way better then him though. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. A few to take note of: Guardians, Holiday Deals, New Games, Popular Articles, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Videos, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGoH - Conquest, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGoH - Conquest, SWGOH Characters, Community News, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. First of all - guide is still perfect!I watched some guides at You tube, check some tipps at the web but not anyone was such a perfect strategy guide like yours. Then gradually took out the Stasis Jedi when the droids had not respawned. Ideally to do this, you try to blind Malak when mission get a turn and Zaalbar has some turn meter or else she will just come out before him and hit Malak. However we look to help players maximize their characters in SWGoH and we are always open to feedback if you have a mod setup that works well of your gameplay. A FedEx Office team member weighs your documents and places them in a secure Iron Mountain container behind our counters. These are mod recommendations and they are certainly not the only option. Had 4 stacks of armor shred, and was at like 24 stacks when I killed him, so I had wiggle room. The process at the facility was very simple and I was immediately shown the secure bin for my shredding while the customer service gentleman started on the paperwork. Your session is about to expire due to inactivity. Zaalbar recovers 10% Health. Btw the "power blast" animation is awesome, and Chirrut needs a similar one with his light bow. Sabine/Zaalbar armor shred jamboree? Except that my offense stats were so high, I did not need to stack armor shreds at all ( That only happens when an ally falls below 100%. Ten minutes and $50 later, my 200 lbs of documents had been shr", All "Free Paper Shredding" results in Tustin, CA, Search Free Paper Shredding in popular locations. So I've been doing some brainstorming lately, and I think I have come up with a great squad composition involving Zaalbar. TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, Territory Wars Guide The Defensive Teams, Apple Gift Card App Store, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, Airpods, Macbook, accessories and more (Email Delivery), SWGoH: Best Mods for First Order Executioner, SWGoH: Releases Rise of the Empire Territory Battle Walkthrough Guides, Corsair HS60 HAPTIC Stereo Gaming Headset, Transmitter (Square) Defense mod with offense primary and a secondary focuson speed, health, potency and critical chance, Receiver (Arrow) Health modwith speed primary and a secondary focuson health and defense other stats gained are a bonus, Processor (Diamond) Health mod with defense primary and a secondary focuson potency, speed, health and critical chance, Holo-Array (Triangle) Health mod with health or critical chance primary and focusand potency, speed, health, and protection or defense, Data-Bus (Circle) Health mod withhealth primaryand a secondary focuson offense, speed, health and potency, Multiplexer (Plus) Defense mod withhealth or potency primary and focus on speed, health, potency and defense secondaries.