south side chicago 1950s

(Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 7238 is southbound on Western at the Douglas Park L on April 22, 1955. 2. 07. These housing projects, as they became known, are represented by orange dots on the interactive map. You would be forgiven for not recognizing this location, but thats the Western Avenue station on the Humboldt Park L, just north of North Avenue. 03. In 1961, it was renamed after Dan Ryan Jr., the former president of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and a strong proponent of.,-87.6447587,3a,75y,3.14h,91.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYcGafc7OK9fQ0w712doa2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192, 63rd and Halsted in 1939 when this Sears store was 6 years old. The introduction to Polk's Chicago Directory 1923 provides a brief history of Chicago directories and a list of published volumes. From the 1920s through the 1950s, Chicago's South Side was the center for African-American culture and business. Perhaps there was a parade on State Street that day (between 1939 and 1949 there was no State Street bridge, and this would have been the regular route for 36 then). (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 7239 is on Western at the Douglas Park L on November 11, 1955. 16. Wonderful shots as usual. From the Original Master Tapes 60 years since the West Side Subway opened (June 22, 1958) The University of Illinois at Chicago's digital photo collections archive has about2,300 black-and-white scans of photos of various intersections and notable outdoor areas throughout the city from the 1920s-50s. These have been digitized, and we are now offering over three hours of 1950s traction audio recordings that have not been heard in 60 years. And this photo is at 69th and Western, showing a northbound Western car turning east on 69th to head to the 77th St. barn. While Chicago Housing Authority was right on target for claiming the programs of urban redevelopment, urban renewal and public housing which . Title Building Chicagos Subways The South Side has been home to some of the most significant figures in the history of American politics. With maybe at least a few St.Louis-built cars being included in some of those orders; the Pullman cars were largely gone from the streets by the end of 1955. A man walks down Clark Street in Chicago in 1940. Two laws in 1947, the Blighted Areas Redevelopment Act and the Relocation Act, helped create the Chicago Land Clearance Commission, enabling the City to raze areas that it deemed blighted without regard for who it would displace. First, a nit: I think this picture is at 107th rather than 105th. Riverdale is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago since 478 crimes are reported annually in a small population of just 13,000 people. PCC 7113 would be powered into the crossover while the conductor pulls the pole from the rear window, as the car then coasts onto the parallel track. I LOVE this article! With its neighborhoods, parks, museums, and universities, the South Side continues to play an important role in the social, cultural, political, and economic life of the city. Your caption says this streetcar is on 77th St. No, it is on Vincennes Ave., in front of the 77th St. barn, heading north. Why does every recent description and photo caption of the segment of the Cottage Grove line south of 95th St. talk about it paralleling the Metra Electric? US-born citizens make up 85.22% of the resident pool in South Side Chicago, while non-US-born citizens account for 7.1%. I was born on the south side then raised in Logan Square. 2. Third Avenue El (New York City): 3:45 Box motor #5 Here are some shots around Illinois during the 1950s. Immigrants typically lived in inadequate housing near railroads and industryin bunk houses, boxcars, and section houses. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 7240 is at 69th and Morgan on October 25, 1954. There were 28 buildings which was originally housed for 11,000 residents but soon became over 27,000- Population Crisis Streetcars were on rails, so they could maintain such clearances. Chicago Southside 1950's 95 square miles of the 228 square miles were considered the "south side". 4:46 Loco #400, August 17, 1955 Most resided in Humboldt Park with Division Street being the heart of the neighborhood. Black communities bore the brunt of the closings of fifty-plus Chicago Public Schools that were shuttered during former Mayor Rahm Emanuels administration. #534 looks south on Halsted from the (A line) L station, note the curved pull-offs of the overhead which is well defined along with the curves corresponding track which converges into the south bound track in view #536. From north to south, they were Hull House, the Stockyards, Blue Island, South Chicago, East Chicago, and as far as Gary, Indiana. Chicago Burnside Bums Gang - South Side Chicago White Street Gang Joe Barry 685 subscribers Subscribe 38 Share 13K views 11 years ago The farthest South White street gang in Chicago - the. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 4227 is on the turnback loop at Clark and Howard, the north end of Route 22. Chicagos suburbs, Indiana, and other Midwestern states are popular destinations for Black residents. Seen in March of 1985 prior to demolition. But when industrial employment dried up in the 1950s and '60s, it descended into poverty and crime. Southside 1-1000 - 1950 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Sweden:15 USA:Passed (National Board of Review) USA:Approved (PCA #14768) West Germany:16. Burned in 1980s and in what was a real mindblower, the reporter on scene actually called it an old CTA facility. On June 25, 1965, Vito and Nick's moved to 84th and Pulaski, at 8433 South Pulaski, in the Ashburn neighborhood of Chicago, where it remains today. 01. Known as Bronzeville, the neighborhood was surprisingly small, but at its peak more than 300,000 lived in the narrow, seven-mile strip. Martee Kelso Lost Stores in Chicago Chicago Loop Evanston Illinois Chicago Christmas Sears Tower KROCH'S & BRENTANO'S Chicago Street Clark Street Chicago Art Street Art Old Town Art Fair Colors Bibliographic information: Can The New Affordable Requirements Ordinance Help Solve Chicagos Housing Inequality? Beautiful Vintage Postcards of Chicago's Restaurants from the 1950s and 1960s. The University of Illinois at Chicago's digital photo collections . (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 7208 is on Western near 34th on September 3, 1950. Photo 516 is not at Halsted and Waveland, it is a half a block north at the streetcar layover area wedged between Halsted and Broadway (Hence the Route 8 destination sign!). The ease of getting around that city is amazing. Later, this hotbed of activity attracted rural migrant workers from places such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the southern United Statesfrom which racist discrimination and violence drove more than 500,000 Black Americans to Chicago. During the 1950s many residents called the northeast . CHICAGO If you think your neighborhood has changed since you first moved in, you should see what it looked like 60 years ago. Photos 534, 535 & 536 Englewood, at 63rd & Halsted was one of Chicagos largest and most important commercial shopping districts outside of the loop. Up until the 1940s, Black residents were confined to this corridor, better known as the Black Belt, which ran along State Street roughly between Roosevelt Road (12th Street) and 79th Street. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 7284 is on Western at the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal on October 8, 1953. All Rights Reserved. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 5248 at Vincennes and 105th on November 27, 1949. For Shipping Elsewhere: . This move included the expansion of popular music styles, bringing jazz to Chicago and the rest of the country. CHICAGO, Saturday, August 1, 1964 Four bombings this week raised to 46 the number of bomb or arson attacks on Chicago area businesses in the last 18 months. Striking B&W Photos Capture the Black Experience in 1940s South Side Chicago. The color pictures were taken by the late Bill Hoffman. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 4238 is southbound on Wabash, crossing the Chicago River. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA prewar PCC 4027 (at left) passes a postwar car on Western at 24th on June 7, 1956. 4:35 August 27, 1954 (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA PCC 7057, a product of the St. Louis Car Company, is at Waveland and Halsted, the north end of Route 8. . All Rights Reserved. 17. The deadliest tornado hit on April 21, 1967, traveling through Oak Lawn and the South Side of Chicago, killing 33 and injuring 500. . 04. Despite the Citys first settler, Jean-Baptiste Point DuSable, being of Haitian descent, Chicagos infamous segregation is still intact, and it joins a list of large cities with similar rates of racial polarization, such as Cleveland, Newark, Philadelphia, and Houston. 5:17 Toledo & Eastern: Photos depict intersections, streets, bridges, snow removal and other traffic features in the city, mainly along major streets. They were simultaneously subject to predatory practices such as contract selling, in which realtors would deceive buyers into signing contracts to buy marked-up houses on installment with high interest rates and no guarantee of title. This segment focuses on the Chicago Outfit during the period after Prohibition. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA prewar PCC 4008 is southbound on Wabash at about 900 South. 4:51 This is part three of a series of articles about the South Side Chicago mob. South Side Weekly partnered with WTTW and the Invisible Institute to co-publish text and visual reporting and analysis covering the impact racial divisions have on individuals, the city, and our region. Native American tribesthe Potawatomi, Odawa, Sauk, Ojibwe, Illinois, Kickapoo, Miami, Mascouten, Wea, Delaware, Winnebago, Menominee, and Mesquakiewere forced out of what is now Chicago by early French and British settlers. There are pictures on my blog, and also in my book Chicagos Lost Ls. Though most of the series is shot on a sound stage at Warner Bros. Studios in California, the exterior shots in Shameless are filmed on-location in Chicago. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA PCC 4201, operating on Route 36 Broadway-State, has apparently been diverted from State Street, possibly due to a parade, and is northbound on Dearborn at Lake Street. This northeast corner was originally occupied by the long defunct Becker-Ryan Dept. 4:04 This meant that what was once the Black Belt saw many of their upwardly mobile residents leave public housing and the immediate area. Puerto Rican people are the second-largest Latinx group in Chicago. 5,034 1950s Chicago Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 5,034 1950s Chicago Premium High Res Photos Browse 5,034 1950s chicago stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. The conductor then raises the trolley pole onto the parallel wire. 4. 07. The segment actually ran not quite two and a half miles from 89th St. to the 10800 block of Vincennes (where 108th St. would have been had it gone through). For Shipping to US Addresses: The photos come from the Illinois Department of Transportation and appear to have been made for the Chicago Park District's Engineering Section, according to the university. 3. The YMCA Hotel, seen in the background, opened in 1916 and closed in 1979. The date is June 17, 1955. Recorded between 1955 and 1963 on the Skokie Valley Route and Mundelein branch. Our resident South side history expert M. E. writes: I have a lot of comments about your latest post #241. Their early presence is not reflected in our interactive map because the U.S. Census did not accurately track the Mexican population in Chicago during this time period. Through the citys use of eminent domain, much of that neighborhood, which included Black, Italian, Greek, and Jewish residents, was razed in the 1960s for the construction of the Dan Ryan Expressway and the development of the University of Illinois Chicago Circle Campus. (Source: A. This is one reason why the CTA began repainting these cars with a darker green around 1951-52. (Wien-Criss Archive), CTA 4028 is on Western at 27th on November 20, 1955. It's a glorious and sloppy mess, but one that represents home for many South Siders. Publisher Arcadia Publishing (SC), 2018 Mexicans and Mexican Americans account for the vast majority of the 819,518 Latinx residents currently living in Chicago and continue to live in or right next to polluted industrial corridors on the Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest sides. For Shipping to Canada: Geographically, it is the largest of the three Sides of the city that radiate from downtown-the other Sides of the city being the North Side and the West Side.South Side, Chicago. Visit the website ( to explore the elements of the project. Our friend Kenneth Gear recently acquired the original Railroad Record Club master tapes. Their numbers fell off during the Depression amid intensified immigration crackdowns, according to researchers. (Wien-Criss Archive), A CTA prewar PCC is on Western at Congress on June 11, 1956. A wooden Garfield Park L train is nearby, on temporary trackage. Many thousands gathered to celebrate the starting of work on the subway.

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