No, youve got it all wrong. Why do I have to room with Bangs Boy? Keefe whined. Sophie twirled a strand of spaghetti onto her fork. It was beautiful and unique, but not flashy. #wattys2019. Something big. Talking was really easy to do with Keefe. Keefe smiled at her, the kind of grin that lit up his entire face and made her smile with him. I was the maid of honor at Marlowe's wedding, so I know exactly what's going to happen," she snapped back. She burst out laughing, clutching her sides as Keefe joined in. Sophie Foster has been at war with herself and her guilt for too long. Sophie let out a sigh. Though simple by elven standards, it was still too bright and shimmery for her tastes. Oh no. Inside, she heard a cheesy pop song from her playlist blasting on the radio. (Cover art is not mine) Always - SoKeefe Fanfic It was perfect. It killed a little of Sophies good mood too. Adorable Sokeefe Fanfic Series. These are some KOTLC One-shot! I know, but- Keefe argued, not accepting Sophies praise. Could you fold these clothes? Ok I agree. I dont mind, just the fact that you tried makes me happy. Sophie couldnt bring herself to analyze how that had made her feel. They walked past the overly expensive but totally worth it gazebos, and up past waterfalls, fountains, and pools to the main hotel. They stayed like that for a long time, sitting quietly in the calm before Sophie felt her snuggle-induced drowsiness overtake her and could feel her eyelids drooping by the second. h, fanficti. Sorry we took so long, we were she trailed off, staring at Keefe and hoping he would provide an excuse. Id really like that.. Keefe Sencen is terrified. Everyone else- sure! Well, this is happening.. How about this one? Biana asked, holding up a pink and gold floral floor length dress. All these human things are so confusing to me, and you know so much, I just feel so stupid and-, Keefe. Sophie reached out a hand and rested it on his shoulder, getting his attention and stopping him from getting even more mad at himself. Besides, who knows what well end up doing on this trip? Im just glad we got out of there before nightfall, Marella replied sarcastically, grinning. I. really like you. Pairings: Sophie and Keefe, Tam and Biana, Dex and Marella, Wylie and Linh, and Fitz and Stina. And when the news got out that the Ruewen's had twins, Sophie was ecstatic. A boy and a girl. She decided to pack light for this trip, Fitz remarked with a grin. Well, there arent a whole lot of brown gemstones, at least not at this store, so I got you something else. He explained, but it didnt quite feel like the truth, at least not the whole truth. Sophie, weve been doing this for at least two hours, and you havent even gotten a single thing! Biana gestured to Sophies growing pile of rejected clothes, which almost rivaled the stack of dresses Biana had picked. No buts. She'd expected that, but it didn't make it any less intense. thank you and enjoy!!). Linh, Tam, yours are this silver blue aquamarine, and Marella, yours is made of zircon. he finished. You look beautiful.. You were so helpful when I tried to find my biological parents. SoKeefe One-Shots by Smiles1001 142K 1.7K 34 He turned towards her side of the bed, snaked his arms around her waist, and slide his leg between hers, kissing the back of her neck lightly until she started to wake. Where have you been? I'm so sorry Keefe, I caused so much fighting and drama between you and Fitz. I dont want to find out who my biological dad is though, which means theres no chance Im every going to be able to be matched. Even though she felt bad about being so harsh, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. I guess my clumsiness spread to my brain, Sophie muttered as Keefe laughed. I used to fly all the time with my family when I was younger. Sophie reassured her friends, many of whom shared Bianas concerns. I forbid it. Yeah, sure, that makes sense. Fitz mumbled as he took several deep breaths to calm himself. Well take two bags of potato chips, two bottles of lemonade and two chocolate bars, Sophie told the stewardess pushing the drink cart. She hadnt touched it since, figuring there would be a time for it eventually. Her friends are lying to her and she doesn't know the whole truth. There is one thing though, is there nothing on this? Biana and Fitz glittered into view on the soft grassy lawn of Havenfield. And this was a constant cycle for about an hour or two. Jealousy maybe? I have a photographic memory though, so at least I have some mental pictures. Sophie replied, trying to phrase her words in a way that wouldnt make Cora suspicious. As the plane flew across the ground at a pace that felt way too fast to actually be slowing down, she could feel Keefes grip tighten even more on her arm, something she hadnt thought was possible. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic @bookreader209 Sophie is dealing with a TON of emotional drama. I think we have to, Keefe said with a sigh, clearly not looking forward to this either, though. Sophie rolled her eyes, but couldn't hold back a smile. Hitch is worried about Marlowe joining the Survey Corps, and made her feelings known while the two were cuddling in bed. But I dont want to lose our friendship forever, and I hope youll accept my apology. Fitz finished with a sigh, looking down. "Oh hey." Sophie said once she got over the element of surprise. Take my jacket shirt thing. :). Ok, Sophie said with a large sigh, not looking forward to this conversation. Keefe its okay. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. She doesn't have a crush on me anymore, and she said she's happy for us. But it only took a second for Keefe to break the silence, his tone serious. Do boyfriends and girlfriends lean on each other? If I didnt want to forget Im the one who did most of the tasks my mom put me up to. Uh Im gonna go get some human candy from the gift shop for us. How are you alive? sokeefe cuddling fanfiction. But if you say youre just friends, then okay. Cora continued, stopping only when Keefe walked up. Fitz took a little bit longer to reply. Whats up? Biana asked as they walked down towards the water. You know everything I said before, about wanting to stay friends? Sophie hesitated, but kept talking, Well, I think we could be more than that. You know, I used to think you were a good friend, but Im starting to realize you can be pretty selfish. Were going to be a bad match., Foster, Foster, Foster. Keefe took her hand in his, and she could tell how fast her heart was beating. Do you want something else? he inquired, noticing her staring at his plate. Now was the perfect time. The gentle shade of a palm tree loomed over Sophie and Biana, who were sitting on the beach near their hotel. Shaking her head, Sophie pulled upThe Lady and the Tramp. They have shave ice here! Umm, okay. Several hours passed, and when Sophie opened her eyes again, Keefe was nowhere in sight. It didn't seem the same as what you'd described with Dex.. Sophie flushed bright pink in embarrassment. The intro credits began to play as the plane took off, and Sophie settled in for the many hours to come. Besides, hell warm up to you eventually once he gets used to us. In fact, it didn't seem to end. Do you want anything? She asked Keefe as Marella ordered her drink, It probably won't be as good as what you're used to but youll probably get hungry or thirsty later if you dont get something. He stretched, waking up from a nap, and looked over in her direction. In the middle of it all was a single candle glowing with a pulsing light. They told Sophie over and over again they would never stop loving her, but Sophie was over the moon excited for more siblings. ", "Wow! Fitz was saved from replying as Dex leapt onto the property. Promise never to do that again, it was torture waiting to publish this story that I had written literally days before you guys even hit ten reads. Sophie turned her head to see her younger brother and sister, Aurnia and Benji, bounce into the room. Maybe he'll listen to you, Tam explained. But Sophie is struggling to keep up. Hey I only packed what I needed and what Sophie needed. You too. Sure, Cora giggled, I can show you all the best stores.. Sophie reached towards his hand and this time he didnt let go. Ive been coming here every year since I was a kid, and it never gets old, Cora remarked, settling down next to her newfound friends. Didn't see you there Foster, he mumbled, his eyes dropping to the ground in embarrassment. Syrup and whipped cream dribbled down her chin slightly. "Sophie, stop stressing out. It looked weird but I think I need to watch it! Keefe explained. Keefe sat, pulling Sophie down with him until she was sprawled in his lap comfortably. The pre-drama version at least.. We dont know how everybodys going to react, and I wouldnt want to ruin anyones vacation. Sophie answered, wishing the thought of telling everybody would stop sending shivers down her spine. If I were you and my mom made me do things like that, I would want to forget too. she said softly leaning closer to him now so their shoulders were touching. This is really good, no wonder you ordered it. Sophie couldnt believe he preferred the crepe to the waffles, which she already wanted more of. Sophie sighed. Sophie looked down at her own ring, which also glittered a perfect shade of ice blue. Keefe eventually stood up, grabbed her wrists, and looked her dead in the eyes. It had been next to impossible to convince the council to let them go, and even harder to convince Grady. Fitz and Biana sat across the aisle, next to a pretty human girl absorbed in her book. "It's twins!" Just a bunch of SoKeefe one shots cause theyre too cute to not write about them. Keefe. I'd like that, Keefe said with the biggest grin shed ever seen, and she relaxed. Keefe didn't return for over an hour after she had asked Dex where he was. Ive put you in more dangerous situations than I can count. You sound unhappy. Why do humans wear button down shirts as jackets over other shirts? Anonymous reviews have been disabled. You're so light!" She rolled her eyes, but kissed him again. shortstory love stellarlune +22 more # 6 Seventeen | Soulmate AU | by 359K 8.7K 60 This hadnt been exactly how she had pictured his reaction, but there was still hope about their friendship. And just when she finally figures it all out, her world spins out of control as a new chaos spreads around the Lost Hello! One row behind, Linh stared eagerly out the window, while Tam and Dex inspected their surroundings. Just thought Id give it a try. Fitz started to walk away, then stopped, turning around again. Why wouldnt everything be okay? Sophie whispered, running her free hand through his carefully styled hair. You cant blame yourself for what they do. Sophie reached towards his hand, but he blocked her. But even if they suspect something, I dont think nows the best time to tell everyone. ", Keefe snorted, shrugging his shoulders. Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. Thats so awesome! Linh exclaimed, and Biana, Marella and Cora all agreed, each one of them congratulating Sophie and Keefe. I decided to get everyone rings, since we all have plenty of other jewelry, and I still wanted to get something to remember this awesome trip, Keefe started, walking closer to his friends, Biana, Fitz and your rings are amazonite, which is teal. She grinned, her eyes sparkling, I'm Cora! When Grady and I got married. #butwerecongnates I just dont know how I can stay friends with you if you keep bringing this up, he added coldly, and Sophie finally snapped. When his plate had arrived, Sophie could swear his eyes got twice as big looking at the giant breakfast in front of him. *cover image is not mine. He poured them each a tall wineglass of sparkling water, a slight foam building before subsiding into a crystal-clear drink. Gathering all their chosen outfits, the girls went to the front of the store to check out. Until one day, her guilt wins out. Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Thoughts racing, Sophie tried to come up with a reply that would explain the way she felt toward her friend. I looked for you all over the beach! #sophiefoster In the distance, she saw Keefe and Dex swimming in the water. While everyone else chattered and laughed, she contemplated the events of the day so far, thoughts swirling in her mind. Ummm a. car accident. Yeah, it doesnt look much like a centaur. It seemed like a burgundy color. She shouldnt be thinking of Fitz right now. Hope you enjoy!!! Were going to go to a couple of different stores to shop, and then well get a late lunch at my favorite place, and itll all be great. But, in that moment, the world seemed to sit still just for them. We finally did it Cora! Cora just smiled, her eyes twinkling with silent laughter. Or is our status as Cognates finally important enough to pay attention to? Sophie could already tell this wasnt going to end well, but she had to at least try. In front of her was a dazzling display of food and finery. Sophie said, rising up off the desk chair and letting Keefe guide her to the soft chair in the corner of the room. Im sure we could use the help getting Sophie to buy something, not to mention controlling the guys, Biana said with a dramatic eye-roll. This is just a random collection of short stories and theories for Keeper of the Lost Cities. And that's not all- Alden Vacker- someone who'd been looking for her's mind is broken. also all these characters belong to Shannon Messenger the author of kotlc so yeah :) The cover art is Not mine. Biana just had to find the perfect dress for Sophie, and you know how long that normally takes. Bet youre glad you didnt take me up on that bet now, arent you? Cora whispered to Marella, and Sophie couldnt help but laugh at her friends antics. He then walked back into the delivery room and Sophie let go of Keefe, eyes wide and a gigantic smile on her face. After that, it only took a couple more minutes to get everyone into the hotel to get checked in. For one, youre not a Pyrokinetic whose power broke him as well as hurting the ones he loved the most. The drink cart pulled up beside Sophie, Keefe and Marellas seat, just as the famous pasta scene began. Sure they were close and she could open up to him more than other people, but she liked Fitz. So, I know it seems like we have forever before we head back, but I wanted to take some time to figure out what were going to do when we get home. Ill have on Tropical Twist please, Linh came up beside her, and ordered the same thing, saying. Realizing she didnt even know the girls name, she gave a quick wave, motioning for her to sit near them. I don't know, Sophie replied, The last time one of his daughters had aseriousrelationship it ended in her murder. She winced at both the harshness of the words and the reality. You have? She was about to start out the door when Keefe interrupted her leaving. Are we having another one of these conversations Foster? Keefe said, raising his eyebrows. Well, were going to teleport to a sort of hidden part of the San Diego International Airport, I would teleport us straight to Kauai but Ive never been there. Just then, Keefe sauntered over to the group, holding a very full looking shopping bag. I need to pack everything else., Anything to get us out the door faster. Keefes cheeks flushed with a twinge of red as he whispered back, Sorry, this is just weird. More episodes to come! Are you sure? I really wanted today to be special, he replied with a slight flush. Hes become a less and less dependable friend, and with the way hes been acting this trip, I just gave up trying to keep our relationship intact. Biana gestured to the stack of dresses on one of the changing room chairs. He didn't even like it when Fitz and I were dating and Fitz is essentially his best friends son!. The day the twins were born, Sophie, Keefe, Sandor, and Ro were in the waiting room, Sophie's thumbs were twiddling and then after a few minutes of that, she would stand up to pace. The Neverseen have been working against me for years. Seems pretty suspicious to me.. I dont know exactly where he is, he didnt tell anyone where he was going, just said he had to go get some stuff from in town, he admitted. And Keefe? Dont worry, its totally safe. Can't he switch with Foster?, You're not even sharing a room with him! Fits reminded him, You're rooming with Dex remember?, That's more like it! Keefe exclaimed and stage whispered, Were going to have to cause some trouble later.. Sophie contemplated pulling them into a Starbucks to order some drinks before their flight took off, but the idea of her friends with caffeine made her keep walking. Foster here might be willing to give you a second chance, but we have somewhere to be, so spill it.. I really like it. Cuddling for Comfort By: EverlastingEvanescence. Of course it was. Thanks for calling out Fitz back there, he really needed that. They managed to get through the security line without much trouble, though they did stop Dex when they saw the strange gadgets he was carrying in his suitcase. I know Daddy Dearest will be happy considering youre basically the most famous elf in the lost cities and also already in the nobility as a regent, Keefe said, easing her nerves a little. She drew her gaze back to the movie, seeing Keefe looking at her. Or, at least Dex will. She glanced back at her friends to see how they were doing. But now I understand that you were right. I still want to be friends with you, and right now, this just feels awkward. Wait- are those all Bianas? Sophie asked in disbelief. It doesn't have anything to do with him, but he seems to think its his choice. Small boutiques and bigger chain stores were stationed on all sides. Seriously Keefe you really need to keep the near death experiences to a minimum. Really? This was so sweet of you.. Sophie finished quickly, and sat down on her bed, listening to music. This is a fanfiction (Sokeefe) written by DressChimera and Luna. #sokeefe First you disappear, then you tell Dex an obvious excuse and to stop me from going after you? All I cared about was that you felt okay. The only way out now was to tell the truth. Its okay if you cant right now, but I just have something I wanted to say. Fitz stepped out into the hall, hands fidgeting nervously. I cant believe its already so late Sophie remarked, looking up at the night sky. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - [Hitch D., Marlo F.] [Hitch, Marlo] - Words: 407 - Published: 7m ago . She looked at the screen. She knew the homework was due tomorrow, but he felt so warm and nice and before she knew it, she had already given in to the temptation of Keefe's distractingly warm arms around her. Are you sure its safe? Biana whispered to Sophie, looking doubtfully at the gateway. He wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her tight. Sophies heart beat faster, rushing with guilt and sadness. I guess that makes sense. Thats so cool., Yep! Remembering what she needed to talk to him about, she regained focus, her smile disappeared. For Day 4 of HitchLowe Week 2023; Cuddling/Comfort. Bread, salad, tropical fruits, and even a bowl full of spaghetti. How could I forget you? She grabbed Ella out of Keefes hand and ran outside, leaving Keefe standing in the middle of the room. Everyone around Sophie has been obsessed with matchmaking, being paired up by the day. Keefe had gotten her the same ring as him. The party started to the baggage claim, the human girl still close behind. Maybe hell warm up to the idea? Keefe asked hopefully. Lets be honest shes going to end up borrowing everything I brought for her, Biana laughed. That also sounds good for me. After that, it only took a few minutes to get everyone else their shave ice. He been staring at you a lot, and you guys seemed pretty close on the airplane. #alwaysopentosuggestionsorcomments Before she could change her mind, she shoved her face towards his. Across the hall, Sophie could hear the boys laughing, and knew that they were nowhere near ready to go to the beach. She handed Keefe his snacks as she opened the bag of potato chips. It makes no sense why not just wear a jacket or no jacket if its too hot?. Bye, Keefe said quickly as he ran off. Keefe sighed in obvious relief, his previous embarrassment disappearing. She felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. What took you so long? Dex asked, standing a few feet away with the rest of their friends. I said that I didnt care if you wanted to find your bio parents, or if you didnt want to think about them ever again. This doesnt need to go on any longer., Sophie walked quickly back up to him and grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to face her. She breathed in the scent, dreamily picturing herself with Keefe, eyes looking into the other's.. Sophie shook her head, clearing the image. Can I talk to you? Then I basically broke up with him for the second time. He stopped laughing for a second, staring at her intently. Seriously, how did Verdi get that dirty? Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. Hey you know that none of this is your fault. Login to review. End of story. I couldnt care less if you understand human things, what matters it that you tried, okay?. Sophie plopped down on the sand, feeling the warmth of the heat seeping into the sand from the sun. You can have some of mine if you want.. "Yeah, I understand that. Like everything was normal. And so are you. Across the aisle, Sophie could tell that the human girl was talking to Fitz and Biana, and she was glad that they werent freaking out like Keefe was. They said goodbye to Cora, planning to meet up for dinner. Remarkably, it didnt take hours for all of Bianas bags to arrive, and they were on the shuttle to the hotel in no time. #staystrong Tam brushed his bangs over his face as the rest of the group smiled, causing even more people to gawk at them. #quarantine Oh, that, Keefe started, but then he paused, looking at Sophie. And those ones over there, to the left, those are Lupus-. Sophie was surprised to see that the human girl had also boarded the same shuttle as her group. That everything was still normal. Youre so lucky. Find out what happens, tomorrow in Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic *this is my 1st fan fiction* please don't judge. Join them in this classic SoKeefe story, and read about heartache, laughter, jealousy and love. Biana and Tam ordered pia colada and tigers blood, which turned out to be watermelon, strawberry, and coconut. Hey people! That's good, Sophie replied, I think Edaline will be at least ok with it, if not happy about it., Yeah, there is one problem though. "Twins. Stay with me." His heart leaped, no matter how much she assured him that she's in love with him, every time she said something like this his heart felt more full. She was about to translate the last phrase onto the paper when two warm hands suddenly covered her eyes. Theres no reasonable explanation for why we arent off the plane already.. We didnt take that long! Biana protested, Right Sophie? Sophie stood silent, zoned out and staring puzzled at her friends. The torso was beaded and I gotta say, she looked spectacular. But after several minutes of confused pondering, she decided not to think about it, instead focusing on picking out a dress she actually enjoyed. Besides, Im not sure the kiss wouldve worked out as well as it did in the movie., Thanks for understanding. Cora walked up to the ordering window, and quickly stated her order. A red and white checkered picnic blanket lay sprawled out on top of a wooden crate lying in a grassy clearing. Thats Pegasus. Bianas approval made her heart feel even lighter, the recognition meaning more to her than she wouldve ever guessed. He said, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling his head into her neck. But I dont know how youre going to hide your obvious love for me, Keefe joked, cracking a smile. She hoped they would be in Kauai soon. You are amazing. As a friend, she added, and Keefe chuckled. #fitziskindashadytho
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