sks mag mod

ProMag SKS Magazine 7.62x39mm 10 Rounds Polymer Bl ProMag SKS 7.62x39 Drum Magazine 50 Rounds Polymer Black. Whether it or a less expensive optic is chosen, and regardless of which mount is selected, a quality leather cheek rest, such as the one shown from Brass Stacker ($105), will allow the SKS shooter to maintain proper alignment of his eye to the scopes optical axis. SKS 30 Round Magazine 762X39 - Blued Steel - Target Sports. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. We like to stack'em deep and sell'em cheap, so you can expect Receivers are stamped 63. Rick Lowes leather ammunition carrier affords a proper cheekweld. Share. Adding a recoil pad for the purpose of increasing stock length and reducing shoulder pain is a commonly recommended change. I used only a dremel,. Avoid the deadly sin of letting your SKS collect dust. I took it to my gunsmith who installed the adapter for $40. Original SKS Spike Bayonet Full Length 15 " with Mounting Hardware $39.95 $13.40 shipping 8 watching Chinese SKS Wood Stock (No Number) $145.00 Free shipping SKS Bolt Dust Cover, Chinese Rifle Original Part $46.00 5 bids $6.95 shipping 8h 15m Chinese SKS Paratrooper 11" Spike Bayonet New Old Stock $59.95 $10.95 shipping Only 1 left! All Rights Reserved. $33.00. 1. 1. We use cookies to improve your website experience. If, on the other hand, its because you don't like the duckbill mags, then visit my website, Using a product like acraglass is the recommended starting point to getting rid of these movements. Box Magazine: Not that the stripper clip isn't effective and quick, but this . $8.99, Sale Mag inserted and ejected with ease. Now that I have finished my SKS bolt mod, I need to widen out the body of the wooden SKS stock a little to make insertion of the new mag easy. Drop the bolt and you are ready to fire. The rifles come complete with spiker-style bayonets, a ten-round box magazine, and adjustable iron sights. [ A happy Magadapter Customer Here is a mod from me I made awhile back. How to zero a red dot without iron sights. I'm thinking of going ahead with the modification. Login with username, password and session length. There is a ton of info here, not just on the SKS either, and a bunch of great guys(and a few gals) so post up an intro thread get to know us and let us get to know you. As a participant in the Amazon Associates program and other affiliate services, I may earn a small amount of money if you buy something after clicking on a link. It attaches securely without permanent modifications to the firearm, and allows for complete fieldstripping while attached. Die-formed from 0.115"-thick sheet steel into an inverted U-shape, it attaches by way of a replacement cross bolt. Things like a removeable magazine, a clip pouch on the buttstock, and adding an optic rail to allow for better precision are great places to start. I believe this simple mod significantly enhances the capabilities of any SKS using the Tapco . AK magazines are wider than the SKS receiver. With the stock SKS built in mag one quick hit and all 10 are loaded. The easy availability of these guns led to several wholly Red, White and Blue modifications to the SKS which included aftermarket SVD-style stocks, often cranky extended magazines, and other. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This is perfect for anyone with more than one weapon. The receiver of your rifle being loose can cause slight movement that will affect the accuracy of your SKS. And when you pull out the empty clip the bolt releases and the first round is already loaded. In turn, on average you're in anywhere from $600 to $800 total for a SKS bullpup. The ease of aiming with a red-dot makes hitting a cinch, and once new shooters start hitting, they really start liking . Used by over 42 militaries in the last 60+ years, the SKS is a classic war rifle. . The release allows for the shooter to quickly and easily do AK style one handed magazine changes. The Tapco SKS mags have anti-tilt followers. Easy to install written instructions with photos as well as an installation video. Remove bayonet & grenade launcher lugs. For the US consumer, its fixed magazine makes it legal in most states, and in many cases . AFTERMARKET. Firearms are dangerous and user assumes all risks associated with their use. Either mount is perfect for a compact red-dot sight such as the Aimpoint Micro H-2, which, admittedly is far pricier ($796) than many SKS users might consider the gun deserves. It is a great addition to the SKS without taking away the mil sure look. I do not have an origin of that particular stock, however I do have another M in the database with that same exact stock. U.S. Mfg M-SKS30: Replacement magazine for the SKS rifle chambered in 7.6X39. Based on the SKS design, which operates on a short-stroke piston system, the Chinese Type 56 carbine continued the tradition of Simonov's classic weapon beyond the borders of Russia. $35.99, Sale Cerakote vs powder coat: Which one should you choose? 7.62X39 Stripper Clips (1) Black Warrior (1) Drum (1) Intrafuse (4) LVX (1) OEM (5) SKS (9) SKS 50 Rd. eBay my be the best source in this panic environment. You could buy a picatinny barrel mount and then buy a much nicer bipod. Bed the Stock. Attaches to other SKS and type-56 frames. The pictured SKS Sporter is the final version of a series of SKSs imported between 1988 . Whether it or a less expensive optic is chosen, and regardless of which mount is selected, a quality leather cheek rest, such as the one shown from Brass Stacker ($105), will allow the SKS shooter to maintain proper alignment of his eye to the scopes optical axis. Yep Tapco mags are the best. Mon-Fri: 10am-6pm I am pretty sure Tapco were making bolts like that couple years ago. Go to it. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. Tapco, which makes pretty good after market products, makes a twenty round detachable magazine for the SKS. A few years ago Shot Gun News ran a gun smithing article on how to do the conversion and in my opinion it was a total butcher job. We specialize in all military surplus weapons from AK-47s, AR-15s, Mausers, CETME, Enfields, UZIs, and much more! Simple and effective. -. The only original part of the rifle that must be set aside is the rear sight elevator. Although receiver-cover scope mounts abound, most hinder fieldstripping and cleaning, so we decided to try out two different scout styles designed for mounting long-eye-relief optics ahead of the chamber area. I am happy to be of service and bring you content free of charge. Doing this to a barrel that needs it will improve accuracy. Fax: 859-873-1842, Gunshop Hours: ** SRR will not work with D and M model SKS or any SKS modified to take AK Mags **, Home Installation Instructions Shop About Us, SRR SuperRapidRelease SKS magazine release. They work great but due to the fact that they are steel, and SKS rifle stocks vary as to the mag well opening, some fitting may be . However I have heard that Pro mag has re designed their sks mag and that they have a 40 round that ia just as good as the Tapco 20's. If you have any questions about these products or the affiliate process please feel free to contact me. Makes for a smooth and easy magazine change. its a fact. There are a few with decent reviews, but none of them will last you all that long based on what Ive read. 2. Action. I guess AK mag dependability is like any of the othersdepends on which you buy? All in all, the SKS stands today as a good enough option, in my opinion at least. Add to Cart Compare. $114.99, Special Price So when I saw an opportunity for a duckbill-less option for the sks mags, I took it upon myself to make it work, and it did. Put it back together and check to see if the rattling ensues upon shaking. $79.99, Sale The SKS 63 is the first AK mag SKS imported with a thumbhole stock. $52.99, Special Price I appreciate the tutorial, but I will just push up on the little tang with my finger before I remove any material from my bolt lol. The U.S.-made accessory is precision-machined to firmly attach to all varieties of the SKS without any drilling or tapping. not only helps ensure proper service but can mitigate the unintentional detonation of soft primers. GunMag Logo Glow In The Dark 4" PVC Patch, Bulgarian AK-74 5.45x39mm 30-Round Polymer Magazine, Bulgarian AK-47 Short 7.62x39 5-Round Magazine, ETS 9mm 9-Round Magazine for Glock 43 Pistols, Blackhawk Serpa Sportster Paddle Holster for Glock 26/27/33 Pistols, Blackhawk CQC Serpa Belt Holster for Glock 43 Pistols, Bulldog Cases Deluxe Hip Holster for Small Semi-Auto Handguns with 2.5"-3.75" Barrel, ProMag Springfield XDM 9mm 50-Round Drum Magazine, Speer Gold Dot G2 9mm Ammo 147gr Hollow-Point 20-Round Box. He sent another SKS rifle that had the rear sight replaced with a base for red-dot scopes, to which he had bolted on an early model Aimpoint. Product Code: SKS02D. The best Chinese SKS mag ever made is the Type 63 20rd with the bolt hold open. The SKS is a little meatier than the AK 47 and has a wider buttstock. Items you will need Rat tail file Flat file Abrasive paper 3/32 inch pin punch and hammer Rotary tool with grinding wheel and sanding drums 1/4-inch by 1/4-inch by 1 1/8-inch key stock 3/8-inch by 3/4-inch by 2-inch flat bar stock An extended magazine release hastens reloads. No more fumbling with stripper clips. Following the sale of Remington Outdoor Company's assets in September 2020, Vista Outdoor purchased Remington Ammunition. Although Sergei Simonovs SKS had a relatively short service historybeing rapidly eclipsed by Mikhail Kalashnikovs more widespread and famous AKthe tough, stripper-clip-fed infantry arm, which was based on an anti-tank rifle action, is nonetheless deserving of consideration by anyone seeking a reliable semi-automatic rifle chambered in the 7.62x39 mm cartridge. This place is the only place I can find these mags. I guess I suck at the search engine on these boards because I can never seem to find anything.. so if there are threads relating to this stuff please redirect me and ignore the rest of this post. Im going to buy one or two next week just to do a review on them. They have just come out in the past 3 to 4 weeks. $17.84, Special Price Either way I'm aware of the advantages of being able to use the AK magazines but like you said later in your post, an adaptor would be better since I could still convert it back. You guys do realize that by doing this mod it makes the bolt look just like a SKS D or M model bolt, it does not weaken it or have any negative effect. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. ProMag SKS 7.62x39mm Magazine 20 Rounds Polymer Bl ProMag SKS Magazine 7.62x39mm 10 Rounds Polymer Black SKS 01. The information on this site will definitely lead to the alteration of old military rifles. Buy a stock with a way to attach a bipod. We specialize in the sale of firearms, ammunition, magazines, military surplus, tactical gear and more. There is but one language and that is the English language. Again, Ive never mounted a bipod to an SKS so take this section with a grain of salt. Tapco has created a magazine that makes your SKS magazine-fedas opposed to top-loaded by stripper clips. What is the purpose of the ledge that you grind off? This should only need to be done if the end of the barrel is corroded or has been abused. There is also a 30-round mag and a - *gasp* - 75-round drum, for those who are interested. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Firearm safety is the responsibility of every firearm owner. The SKS trigger pull tends to vary depending on the individual rifle, however, if you are a proud owner of an SKS with a poor trigger pull then having the trigger reworked can do wonders for the shoot ability and accuracy of your weapon. BONUS! Promag Sks, Pro Sksa4 Mag Sks 7.62x39 30rd Gun #: 930643144 Seller: GunFactory $46.91 Full Details 1 Image (s) Sported Russian SKS Gun #: 961794758 Seller: Randall Burns $950.00 Full Details 5 Image (s) CDI/Russia SKS 7.62x39mm Rifle Gun #: 907645334 Seller: allgunsonline GA Sales: 81 $1,195.00 Full Details More from this Seller 1 Image (s) Product Information. From our in-house testing, these have performed better than most aftermarket SKS clips. Step 3: Remove the original magazine release by drifting the retaining cross pin out. For those that are looking for a less traditional stock option, ATImakes a high-quality folding stock for the SKS that gives you more portability anda lighter rifle overall. Buy multiple magazines, and have spare adapters available! Please know that we only recommend products we trust and have used ourselves. Two holes, similar to the ones in the "M" and "D" models must be drilled in the stock. The inexpensive and robust carbine, chambered for the ubiquitous 7.6239 cartridge, is reliable, accurate enough, and easy to maintain. Die-formed from 0.115"-thick sheet steel into an inverted U-shape, it attaches by way of a replacement cross bolt. Used SKS Type 56 7.62x39 Wood Stock. 4 Stripper clips to reload as SKS can. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. Anyone know of other conversion kits? These floor plates will fit AK-47 Tapco magazines as well as Tapco "duck bill" SKS magazines. The SKS is a WWII era Soviet Block semi-auto weapon with a ten round box magazine that is loaded via stripper clips. Extractors, Ejectors, Disconnectors; Grips, Bushings & Screws; Hammers, Sears, Firing Pins & Stops; . Unfortunatly it also prevents you from removing or inserting a mag without having the bolt back. The SKS Bolt Mod: Magazine Drop Free Modification. A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. Always point the muzzle of the firearm in a direction where if a discharge occurs no one will be injured. Good Ammoand a great knife are both must-haves to accompany your modifications. This service performed for $50 plus shipping . The SKS also counteracts our tendency to avoid seeking out other people's opinions of our attitudes and behaviors. Great postbeautiful pics. An included pin spanner makes removal of the original cross bolt nut easy. Quick view. Copyright 2023 War Gun Mods All Rights Reserved. Another advantage of that style is that they preserve the guns stripper-clip method of loading. Matador Arms SKS EZ-Pin $10.95. GUIDE FOR SPRING FOR METAL MAGAZINES. It is also available for all late-1951 and later Russian SKSs along with all Chinese, Albanian and Romanian models. For example heavy armor can carry the most magazines like 9-10 (i think) while not having any clothes on will let you carry 2 magazines. Hopefully one daysome examples of these will be minebut for now, drool1. I was very pleasantly surprised. Each one is individually hand-crafted, stitched and stamped with a makers mark by master knifemaker Rick Lowe in Candler, N.C. Radically modernize your SKS and take advantage of it's rugged durability. This does have the short gas system from what I can see.correct? The SKS may not be as hip as todays other semi-automatic military longarms, but it is a sound and proven design that exhibits reasonable accuracy, commendable reliability andwith the aforementioned accessoriessuitable utility for hunting or home defense. $36.99, Special Price The kit includes the CNC-machined and heat-treated 17-4 stainless steel firing pin, two springs, written instructions and a photographic cutaway, and it proved easy to install on the Yugo. The second unit, installed on the Yugo, was the SKS See Thru Scope Mount ($110) from Brass Stacker. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded. AK Style SKS Magazine Release. Add to Wishlist . If this is a used or surplus firearm it is not new, therefore, it must be inspected by a qualified gunsmith before firing. A reader sent me some photos of a very cool SKS rifle - - He never actually stated name. While researching the gun, I saw something about not only detachable mags being illegal, but basically any modification that takes it out of original condition (ish). $125, does not sound out of line from the work needing to be done. The Tapco doesn't so the stripper clip doesn't go down far enough and the rounds have about 1/8" to 1/4" of free fall before they hit the mag follower. The firing pin on the SKS was built to stand up to military ammo with hard primers. Its steel Picatinny rail measures 3516" and has eight cross slots. 1. When doing any modifications to your SKS make sure you are compliant with Rule 922 R. You can find more about it here. SKS-M has an AK-style mag catch and mounting area added. I literally cannot find any information about them anywhere on the internet save for a few random gun forums, and even then they don't say much. In this case, it adds the utility of an on-board ammunition carrier sized for the guns 10-round stripper clip. NOT . An included pin spanner makes removal of the original cross bolt nut easy. The magazine mod is extremely easy and can be done with hand tools. In order to do this, please note that when you click outside links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Caliber: 7.62x39mm Zytel construction Includes: (1) 30 round detachable magazine, (1) SKS magwell adapter, instruction for installation Minor gunsmithing required see installation instructions below Always open bolt prior to inserting or removing this magazine to prevent damage

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