5-16-12 2023 Kult of Athena. Its so light and nimble. Mark Ryan (BBC's Robin of Sherwood, Transformers), will be joining Mike and Lars the Albion booth at Chicago Comic Con 2012! Every mark corresponds to an Albion Product . This was my first authentic sword I have purchased, so it has great sentimental value to me. The Burgundian attracted me because of its distinctive hilt and type V pommel. beauty and functionality of medieval swords, then this sword should But when I open the box I had a big smile on my lips! The cart will process this as a normal order and calculate your shipping costs so you know what to expect. I'll let you know how it goes once I get that part of the testing complete. Discover fiction, non fiction, philosophy, thriller, autobiographies and more. It is one of the two best swords in my collection. Consider this as a general guideline only. During excavations at Sborg castle a number of swords have been unearthed. New Glarus, WI 53574, Hans Prunner Editore and Carlo Paggiarino (Between the Italian Hand-and-a-Half from MRL/Windlass and the Albion Gallowglass, I can see how one has more detailed carving and a nicer round fuller -- but they do look like copies from the same Oakeshott Type XIX blade). The dropping attacks have knocked a very small peice of the tip of the blade but with 2 full sharpens is as good as new. is very pleasant to look at. I now invest in silver, gold, and Albion swords. 9-23-14 arrived today. My Cluny arrived! The balance is fantastic, the appearance flawless. 1-5-15 The Gaddjhalt may deliver a harder impact, but the Knight is easier to control through a cut. It refers to the point on the blade where the sword achieves a perfect balance. For example, this measurement for a sword would be for the sword itself, from the tip of the blade to the end of the pommel. Amazing sword Good, clean steel. However, Battle Ready does not mean indestructible. The shape of the blade results in a point that is acute, robust and very agile, and allows effective cutting where the blade broadens. Although inexpensive, I am not disappointed at all. I think this sword will continue to be my side arm in the woods for the rest of my life. The reserve price for this sword is $2,530. Possible values include Peened where the blade tang goes through the pommel and is hammered flat at the end, Threaded where the end of the tang has threads and the pommel is screwed on, or Nut where the tang goes through the pommel and is secured by a separate threaded nut at the end. Hell, I would take you as my knight." The blue-haired girl blushed. Albion is the only sword of Wayland that features in more RoS episodes than just The Swords of Wayland, as it is Robin Hood's sword. Required fields are marked *. In general, a low POB results in good point control well suited to a thrusting blade, while a higher POB adds impact to a cleaving blade. Albion did a superb job with this sword, from fit and finish to handling to overall aesthetics, its pretty much perfect. Many of these are preserved in the National Museum in Copenhagen. 2-22-13 See more at our sister site, Filmswords.com. The result is typically very sharp with a small secondary bevel and a bit of an apple seed profile. Single Hand Swords; Hand & a Half Swords; SPECIAL EDITION SWORDS. No sword is indestructible, and Sport Combat swords are no exception. You my friend are a legend. Michael S, 4-10-14 The Type V pommel has depth and character, and fits nicely in hand, and the flared Type 11 guard is very elegant. Please note: Due to the hand made nature of these items, all specs should be considered as approximates. Hand-made, limited edition museum-quality swords designed by noted Swedish swordsmith, author and. Well, I have had the Ljubljana for a week now. Being used to longer blades, it is wonderful not bumping into random objects while carrying it from a belt. This is a continuation of the famous computer version, which won the hearts of many players in the world. The Albion team should be proud of their success in achieving such attributes with this latest entry. I've been thinking about and waiting a long time on this sword and now its finally mine. Prior to this purchase, I owned the Crecy War Sword by Kingston Arms. 4-1-11 Turn around time is an estimate and can vary depending on the manufacturers given work load. I get a smile that I can't shake every time I take one of these gems off the wall. I practice the Fiore style of WMA in CO with the Rocky Mountain Swordplay Guild (RMSG) and the Steward is the sword I was hoping for. A POB of 3- 5 usually results in a well balanced sword, but does depend on the type of sword. I am absolutely in love with this sword. The Wars of the Roses describes a violent, turbulent era in English history. The grip length, blade length, weight and balance allow it to be used with one or two hands as described in the Getty version of the Fior di Battaglia. I recently ordered Microsoft Mouse Surface Edition and I didn't received the correct product and I was a bit worried if I am going to get my money back, but I logged a complaint f As much as I hate to admit, but I am becoming an Albion fan boy, and I just ordered my second Albion sword Steward the Medieval War sword. The Senlac is a joy to handle paired with a shield and lends herself to dynamic and ferocious fighting. . Consider this as a general guideline only. The Squire line is the bottom tier of Albion Swords and I would feel hesitant to scratch . The Knight Shop is the largest stockist of swords for sale in the UK. A number of 0 would balance exactly at the guard, while a negative number will have a POB in the hilt itself. In practice however, there are many reasons why you may not want this for a particular sword. We know youre excited to get your new items, but please make sure you wait to hear from us before you head over to our facility for pickup. A New Hallmark Museum Line Sword Some blades will take and hold sharper edges than others and the thickness of the blade will determine how wide the bevel will need to be. Viking Swords. However, as we have always done, any order placed before July 1, 2012 will be honored at the old price, including layaway/payment plans and pre-orders of swords in development. It is perfectly balanced and nothing short of magnificent--and I've seen some quality work in my time. I got my Earl tonight. minecraft education edition gun mods 0 items / $ 0.00. Thank you for the kind note. 4-1-2012. Its hard to imagine what to expect ordering an item on internet and never seen it live. We adjust the angle of the edge to suit the specific blade and attempt to get as close to a bevel-less edge as possible without marring the surface of the blade. -- Reece, 4-13-16 Thanks again!! All Rights Reserved. Visit the Albion Facebook page and the Albion Twitter page to see more news from Albion Swords Ltd. 6-11-15 The Lancaster has a hand ground high carbon steel blade that is tempered for flexibility and edge retention. To put a finish to my narrative, I am so glad I ordered this beauty You do beautiful work. sword. Has anyone bought one of these recent creations and do they show signs of design improvement? The blade is made out of forged 1075 high carbon steel, with the guard and pommel being made out of forged mild steel. -- Please pass along my compliments, and continue doing what you guys do! It is the length of the main item itself, not including any accessories. Last Minute Christmas Shopping Got You Down? Kult of Athena Team. Congratulations, Lars! Tim, 3-2-15 As you can tell Im a big fan. I did a full review available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/lOWh8MxcgKM, Your email address will not be published. It has cut oak trees and full grown golden bamboo. Again extremely gratifying. We are offering these items at a further discount for customers who are not overly concerned with cosmetics and intend to put them to some use. This info is provided to give you a good idea of the product being presented, the one you receive may vary from the specific one we took measurements of. I honestly can't remember the last time I was so happy with a purchase. It looks great and it feels even better! slug and snail bait safe for dogs lee's summit skate park. 8-1-12 The Celtic blank looks like a good project. having such talented craftsmen. [The Knight] arrived safe and sound due to the simple -Finally updated for u10. I have received the Allectus and I would like to start off by saying it is not at all what I expected. The quality and attention to detail is second to none. SKU: ANS4 Categories: European Swords, Medieval Swords, Swords Tag: Battle Ready Brand: Albion Swords Ltd. The Sborg Sword The lines, the shape and geometry look perfect. In fact, it's too good. Some sell them sharp like Cold Steel, some dull like Windlass Steel Crafts, and some do both like Hanwei. Hand & a Half Medieval Swords. A service of that nature would be significantly more expensive as a great deal more time would be required. I dunno. Right now I'm at a loss for words. We dislike doing this, especially in this economy, but it is a fiscal necessity. I just received one of the antiqued Castellan swords from the Moat Sale. My thanks to all who helped create this wonderful work of art. However, as we have always done, any order placed before July 1, 2012 will be honored at the old price, including layaway/payment plans and pre-orders of swords in development. Larger issues like blade chips, cracks, warps or anything else that will affect performance will not be included with these. The Gallowglass is now sold out! Country Of Origin refers to the coutry where the product was manufactured. Using a sword in this capacity is very different than how a sword would have been used historically, and as a result the sword must be made differently. Second Street Albion Knight A wonderfully proportioned blade that glides in the hand while still packing plenty of punch. 4-4-16 Menu ceramic cutting tools advantages and disadvantages. Our official announcement will be made on Monday, complete with specifications and a short article by Peter Johnsson about the complex geometry of this sword. Also, today my father brought me a wonderful "welcome home from the combat again" gift of a Reeve. | Website Design by Get Sharp, Inc. You will receive an email notification, including tracking information, when the order ships. Ironically, the Castellan is not a sword that I had ever planned on buying, but now that I've got it I'm glad that I did. second hand albion swords. you for being so wonderful for your customer service and thank you for See preview photos of our latest Museum Line sword, The Ljubljana, developed in cooperation with the National Museum of Slovenia, on the Albion Facebook page! This does not apply to special sharpening requests, for example if we sharpen something specially for you that does not normally list that option on our site. Lane 16, Andong st. (Close to civic blvd & fuxing). -- Graham B If you are on the fence about this sword, be assured this is worth every cents of your hard-earned money. The Edge ratings in particular are somewhat subjective and each blade can vary. However, Battle Ready does not mean indestructible. To create that type of edge will necessarily scratch up the blade surface and we lack the machinery and time to provide a full re-polishing of a blades surface. Numero de telfono +17209346890 (+1) (-) +17696251024. The Chieftain is down to only a few left in the limited edition - grab yours today! It refers to the point on the blade where the sword achieves a perfect balance. Recreations of swords from film, art and literature. What I got was a top of the line product, the best the sword market has to offer period! Reaching the height of popularity in the mid and late 14th Century, it still saw use in the 15th Century. A POB of 3- 5 usually results in a well balanced sword, but does depend on the type of sword. That swoosh sound is extremely gratifying. This is a big sword and as you know Im a lover of big swords. Albion Knight Sword. She participated in. [The Knight] The iconic Medieval sword when people think of swords from the time period, this is what they think about. The Lancaster has a hand ground high carbon steel blade that is tempered for flexibility and edge retention. Thank you so much. A very special thanks to you and all the Albion team and of course Peter Johnsson for this excellent piece of functional artwork. Our sharpening service will provide a good serviceable edge on the blade. It is truly delightful in all aspects and I wanted to let you know that you've truly out done yourselves on the Reeve. First off it is extremely well balanced, it honestly feels like a feather in your hand. And the winner of the ARMA Sword Raffle is Ian Mac Pharlaine! are kindly offering a, During excavations at Sborg castle a number of swords have been unearthed. Early Swords. perfectly flawless! Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding. Many thanks to all of you at Albion for creating this magnificent The finish and color on the leather grip is beautiful while the metal work is impressive. The Cluny Pre-orders have begun to ship. We are proud to be famous for our brown-paper protective wraps which help your purchase arrive in excellent condition. Some customers can also have incorrect assumptions about sword sharpness and improper expectations as a result. This will NOT be the last item I purchase from Albion, I guarantee it Sword on left is a full metal crafted practice sword that has a blade just not made for battle made for real sparring. This info is provided to give you a good idea of the product being presented, the one you receive may vary from the specific one we took measurements of. It's loses the sharp edge like most but holds a edge without denting or dinging as easily. The vast majority of our customers are happy with the results of the service, so as long as you keep the above mentioned in mind, we are confident you will be pleased with the results as well. leatherwork is outstanding as is the finish. For katanas, this measurement includes the habaki. Not all products will have a manufacturer listed. The resulting edge will be sword sharp not razor sharp. The result is typically very sharp with a small secondary bevel and a bit of an apple seed profile. The Culture spec will denote if the item is associated with a specific group of people, conflict or geographic area. I hated to cover up any of this sword because it is so epic looking. I was expecting a good deal of heft with the Maximilian and while it has that, it doesnt compromise the swords handling qualities which are quite nice. Albion has delivered another winning sword, but what else would I expect? We can sharpen only the last half or third of an edge, for example. Although not much lighter than my other collections, the sword just feels so lively in my hand. If you have added sharpening, the item will ship within 12-14 days. really dislike buying goods from overseas. There have been a lot of rumors flying around about an amazing new sword we have been designing - go here to finally see what all of the buzz is about! Cheers to you and the Albion team for making great swords. Whether the focus is magic, ninjutsu, stealth, or tanking enemies of all types, Nioh 2 has something for it and it's to players to figure . I will definately be a repeat customer and look forward to purchasing from you all again. A very high POB will result in a sword that feels heavier than it actually is and is difficult to wield. order form. Superb workmanship on both the Yeoman and the scabbard. Our sharpening service will provide a good serviceable edge on the blade. Thanks once again to the Albion team; I am looking forward to cleaning my sword up, and making a grip for her. A common misconception is that swords should all be razor sharp. : I forgot to mention, it cuts very well! Peter C Herman B second hand albion swords Sign in apakah jeno nct punya instagram. The grip is stabilized birch wood, cord-wrapped and fitted over with tight leather. The reserve price for this sword is $2,530. When striking something, in this case an unfortunate water bottle, it slices through it like butter but again the sound! -- Alan, 4-6-15 Battle Ready swords are not designed for blade to blade type combat, you will want to select Stage Combat swords for this activity. The 2nd hand clothing shops in Japan are amazing. The Sborg Sword 12-05-12 My usual reaction ranges from laughter to disappointment. Patrick Kelly I wanted to allow some time to pass before writing a review. The blue color of the grip is the exact hue I had envisioned as well. Now that's customer service. Please note: Due to the hand made nature of these items, all specs should be considered as approximates. The blades are rested between passes to prevent them from becoming hot and damaging their temper. That is what it reminded me of when I picked it up out of the shipping box. That will be the ultimate test but I have a good feeling about how it will perform. I can not describe how happy I am and to have it Any sword can be broken. Publicity pictures show Jason Connery with both the second series Albion and a new Albion from the . The crossguard and pommel are cast from mild steel. One of them (inventory number D 8801) is an especially fine example of a long bladed knightly sword from the high medieval period. This measurement will not include any scabbards, sheaths, boxes etc. -- Having studied the history of edged weapons and their use for many years, I have a keen eye for workmanship, attention to detail, and period authenticity. Putting this in my hands so soon will give me ample time to train for a worst case scenario. Our items that are listed as Usually Ships in One to Two Weeks normally ship within 10-14 days. 69 were here. On an axe, it is a measurement of the axe edge itself, in a straight line from point to point. Kult of Athena Team. -- The original sword is featured as XI.3 in Oakeshott's "Records of the Medieval Sword.".
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