The Polk County Sheriff's Department released a video Monday morning showing an encounter last week in which a deputy was shot in the chest by a suspect in a domestic disturbance. Keith E Whisman alleges he can shoot his semi automatic handgun almost as fast as a full auto M4 carbine (18 rounds/ 1.5seconds = 12rounds per second M4 carbine = 20). GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Authorities say they were. I choose not to. Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: "Because that's all the . St. Petersburg Times. Even snopes admits that he was taken to the hospital and that the report of that visit has not been officially released. I seem to be wading in a sea of gray, while for others this is clearly a case of black and white. Im surprised they didnt run him over with the MRAP after using all their ammo. Judd said the shooting happened when 33-year-old Derek Ice Bacote got into a physical altercation with another person, described as Victim 3 at the home. Look, for example, as the sweeping, broad stroke generalizations posted yesterday about an 11 year old hunting. Those parts are for sure true. Clearly, he meant 15 seconds. 4 things you can do for your health, The State of Black Tampa Bay: An Exclusive Town Hall, Ybor speakeasy honors Madame Fortune Taylor, Ex got a warrant? Oh, and would you kindly do us all a favor? Im not saying whether he was or was not injured. If they need more amo and are running short I can send some. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. What are those large pyramids next to the Skyway? He dug in under another fallen oak tree and hid there. Minor point, police are not sworn to protect the general public: Freeland is the man deputies say shot and killed Deputy Matt Williams and his K-9 DiOGi last September following a traffic stop. An 11-year-old . I have the right carry a gun. If it was not applicable to this case, then why the f*ck even say it? A warrant was issued for his arrest; but it sat unserved until March 2005, when the state attorney's office deemed it (along with 14 other warrants) "stale." But pretending this was a murder is just idiotic, regardless of your posturing. Authorities say a central Florida television journalist and a little girl were fatally shot Wednesday . And how could anyone be upset about that?". Why we dont is a law enforcement mystery. He then fired on nearby Deputy Williams, wounding him in the right wrist, left bicep, rear left thigh, right leg, right buttock, and upper right arm. Family members say they don't condone killing, but they want the truth and an explanation for Freeland's being shot so many times. The real trouble is just a couple of apartment complexes at the I-70 side of the town. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd later explained the volume of the fusillade, in response to reporters' questions: You have to understand, he . John Raczynski and Jamal Lawson. Another case of underestimating the ammo requirements. We fight back against criminals. Im not going to go out and do a Google search for every claim someone makes in a comment. That man had just broke in to homes and slaughtered innocent families that where sitting down to supper ! An argument could me made on that basis regarding Freeland due to passage of time on scene. Check this out, and youll see why the people who actually live in Ferguson not the bandwagon protesters, the actual residents of that town and county are so angry. Officers noted that the slain man's gun and ammo were missing. I choose to do so. Further, that photo, to my knowledge, was never part of the official reporting of the injuries. Ironically, the traffic stop that escalated into Angilo Freeland's hightailing it into the bush could conceivably have turned out quite differently if Freeland had been in possession of a key piece of information. Now our solution includes: In fact, it would be over PDQ. Thats an average of about 12 rounds per officer. An unhinged ex-Marine on meth allegedly shot dead four strangers, including an infant, inside their Florida homes early Sunday morning, a report said. People are going to be shooting to defend themselves and their belongings if theres a replay of last month and you cant blame them. Deputies also found a 19-year-old woman, identified as Victim 2, inside a nearby crashed car with a gunshot wound to her head. Perhaps try could posting the link in the comment where you first mention it. Be the 1st agency out there with this and win a Nobel Peace Prize. Society wont have to wait 15 years for a execution. They were in the woods. Florida, fired 110 rounds at a suspect, Angilo Freeland, who had killed an officer earlier, hitting him 68 times. In fact, Judd is so popular in Polk County, he hasnt had an opponent on the ballot in 15 years! Criminals should take note: If you kill a police officer, expect to be killed. St. Petersburg, Florida 33704. A fitting end for a cop-killer or excessive force by police determined to avenge the death of their comrade? Judd isn't just one of the most recognizable politicians in Florida; with. Freeland hid behind a fallen tree until morning and that is when 10 members of SWAT found him. The next day, a SWAT team served its brand of justice, with nine of 10 officers firing 110 times and riddling suspect Angilo Freeland with 68 bullets. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. If its not applicable to this case, maybe this isnt the best forum for your diatribe. "You have to understand, he had already shot and killed a deputy, he had already shot and killed a K-9 and he shot and injured another deputy," Judd said by phone Saturday. I have absolutely no misgivings about it.. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Is Georgia Anti-Trump Grand Jury Forewoman Literally a Witch? The ultra-liberal talk show The View cant survive daytime hours without having a token Republican on the show. Ferguson will not burn if the LEOs there use deadly force against rioters. . on a post where the police kill someone who was not an aggressor and who did not have a trial?. Orlando Sentinel. The Sheriff was interviewed by an intrepid reporter who breathlessly asked the obvious question, Why did the officers shoot one hundred times? To which the sheriff replied matter of factly, They ran out of bullets.. 4. Just kidding. hotel near toronto pearson airport, 106 liz luscious power, bull dog guard pit tenacious. One of the shots penetrated to the officers spine. 'We are prepared for a gunfight if he wants a gunfight.". Polk County Sheriff The 11-year-old girl was flown to Tampa, Fla., which is about 35 miles southwest of Lakeland, and was expected to recover after being shot seven times, the sheriff said. Detectives called for assistance and eventually called the . Freeland is the man deputies say shot and killed Deputy Matt Williams and his K-9 DiOGi last September following a traffic . This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Exactly. Three officers fired 38 shot at a young man who had just robbed a local bank branch, and although they had a better than 50% hit rate, several rounds were fliers that struck vehicles and buildings hundreds of feet away. Is The NRA Fighting Shy of Bloombergs Billions? It appears the issue being addressed is over-reaction. But if she really were a drag queen, one of . Detectives say he killed Deputy Vernon "Matt" Williams and his German shepherd police dog, Diogi, after a routine traffic stop west of Lakeland Sept. 28. In November 2006, the latter agency announced it would investigate whether authorities used excessive force in the incident. Where are those Judds exact words? And if that video never existed, well, those officers were simply trying to detain him while he resisted and they would have been exonerate anyway. There was a great deal of dispute about this post being fake so lets talk about it. There are no threats to the public. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. Flame away! Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said police shot the man numerous times after finding him in thick brush just before 10 a.m., a day after Deputy Vernon Matthew Williams was killed in a burst of . Especially when it comes to his officers. You think summary street executions would quell protest and rioting? Freeland shot two deputies, killing one and wounded another, and also killed the deputys K-9. But dont mistake the tough-talkin, camera-lovin, bombastic Judd for just another lawman hes as shrewd of a politician as they come, tapping into rural Americas distaste for political correctness long before Donald Trump capitalized on it. Give them a break. She is based in Georgia. I would think a SWAT team would carry more than an average of 12 rounds per officer. I agree with Ralph on this. The citizens of Polk County are just as tough as their sheriff who, by the way, has been unopposed in his past two reelections. She is expected to recover. MILL SPRING, N.C. (WLOS) Polk County Sheriff's Office officials have confirmed Sunday, June 20, that a man in the Mill Spring community has been shot and killed. Sounds like part self defense and party execution. Actual street executions, particularly caught on camera, would not only provoke additional unrest, it would likely do so in other cities and states. The mrap got bogged down in the soft ground. 56-year-old Michael Alan Loman of 3925 Combee Road, North, Lakeland, was shot and killed by Polk County Sheriff's Office deputies after he refused to drop a rifle that he had been shooting inside and outside his home. And it would be over even quicker, if the Chief called on the people to arm up and help him patrol. To the people up top advocating murdering people in Ferguson, I hope you guys dont call yourselves Christians and majority of you people are making this a race thingits not about race but INJUSTICE to anyone. Say it aint so, Joe! He also was suspected of wounding a deputy and killing a police dog. ", Good-Bye, Mayor Frogface! I dont know if your looking for anarchy by pissing off a bunch of leftists or if you are looking for people that actually think this was somehow evil cops over killing innocent civilians. Furthermore, police say Freeland shot Williams eight times, including in the head, took the deputy's handgun and ammunition, and continued to hide in the woods. Im young and black and not criminal. In 1999 he was arrested by the Florida Highway Patrol on charges of not having a valid drivers license, reckless driving, aggravated fleeing to elude, resisting arrest without violence, and carrying a concealed weapon. Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times. Twitter:@PeterSchorschFL Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, Video: SUV spotted before attack on Land OLakes, House where JonBent Ramsey was found dead up for, Florida authorities find missing 15-year-old girl, Tampa mobile home park residents fight eviction, 3rd arrest made after teen shot to death in St. Pete, Beach battle over umbrellas heads to court, Grand Prix expected to draw thousands to St. Pete, 3 Daughters head brewer killed in crash on Skyway, 2022 Hurricane Guide: Prepare your family before a storm, Fence contractor extradited to Tampa Bay to face, Customers frustrated after used car dealership closes, Tampa Bay retiree one of thousands stuck in federal, Volunteers help veteran trying to feed homeless, City of Tampa removes speed hump in front of mans, Women in Motorsports internship to begin second, Bucs expected to release TE Cameron Brate, Lightning make roster moves ahead of NHL trade deadline, Top NFL draft prospect charged in fatal crash, Straz presents BIPOC series with Emmett Till play, Turning 50? Phone: (727) 642-3162 I remember this case very well. He did congratulate SWAT for a job well done. Noah Pransky is a multiple award-winning investigative reporter, most recently with the CBS affiliate in Tampa. A statewide manhunt ensued. 9 of 10 members in the SWAT team only had 110 rounds? He took cover in the densely forested area near a fallen oak tree that made him all but impossible to see. The sheriff even made up t-shirts with that slogan on it. Animals Hump Day News | Animal Magnetism, FMJRA 2.0: Home At Last : The Other McCain, In The Mailbox: 02.17.23 (Morning Edition), All-American Girl for the Restoration of Values, The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative. The upside of being that stupid is that their attention spans are pretty short. 1 October 2006. "We were not going to take any chance of . Which brings me to Freeland's family. A sergeant and an officer from the Lakeland Police Department were also fired at, authorities said. Stop trying to pretend otherwise. This was a good shoot. Come on, youre more rational and reasonable than this.
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