The administration, faculty, staff, and parents dedicate their energies and talents to meeting the needs of the children in all facets of theireducation by incorporating Gospel values in everyday activities within the family, school, community, and the church: byteaching as Jesus taught, living Gospel values boldly by example of our lives, building community, and being of service to each other and the world around us. By 1947, the congregation had grown from 150 to 1,200 people. Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church - Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. Skip to main content. Please, Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God Sister Lucia, Mass translated into Portuguese Sign Language, Terms and Conditions of Use for the Website of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, WYD Lisbon 2023 / Proposals of the Shrine. The Sts. We believe that participation in athletics build the many dynamics needed for a successful life character, organizational skills, discipline, team cohesiveness, accepting winning and losing with humility, and much more. If you would like to donate to help the relief effort, please consider support Catholic Relief Services. 509-765-6729 Donate Now! My name is Mrs. Marissa Kowalyk and I am so excited to start the school year. By 1962, an adequate sum of money wa, 0/5 This site is using cookies to improve your experience. <>stream Email: OUR LADY OF FATIMA HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP SEARCH SEARCH Country: United States Address: 15001-4596 ALIQUIPPA-PA City: ALIQUIPPA-PA Zip code: ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER 2270 BRODHEAD ROAD, ALIQUIPPA Phone: 724-3757626 VOLTAR PICTURES VIDEOS AUDIO CALENDAR 31 dec 2022 Viglia de Orao e Convvio de Fim de Ano 31 dec 2022 Tero JMJ2023 18h30 01 jan 2023 Facebook; Instagram; Powered by Edlio Edlio Login. Pete and Fr. I cant wait to see what this year has in store for us! Miss Heckman. Michael A. Simodejka, the pastor, encouraged the people to participate in fund-raising for a new church. Leon's homily for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. ), Aliquippa, PA 15001. Dcn. Our athletic program is an integral part of our overall school curriculum. Drill For Skill Academy. Our Lady of Fatima Church is a Roman Catholic community of faith located in Hopewell. 21 Feb 2023 1 min read. Discover all the best Catholic content in one place. %PDF-1.6 Phone: 724-375-7565. The Fatima Faithful newsletter for February 2023. We are located in Aliquippa, PA; Directions to our parish can be found here. It has 192 students in grades PK, K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. Carlo Acutis Adoration Chapel - Fatima House. Fr. CROSS COUNTRY will start conditioning on July 27th! Otterbein United Methodist Church (Greensburg, PA) Religious Organization. Offices of the Archeparchy are positions of authority, responsibility, The family of Good Samaritan, is a welcoming community consisting of various ethnic traditions. Request access on the Bulletins tab of a church listing. Pete and Fr. CCW will be sponsoring a "Rummage in a Trunk" sale on Saturday, October 17 from 9am-1pm in the OLOF parking lot. I am praying for a successful and safe school year! Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School 3005 Fatima Dr, Aliquippa, PA 15001 Phone: (724) 375-7565 . Our weekly parish bulletin features information on what is taking place in Mary, Queen of Saints Parish as well as within our churches of St. John the Baptist, St. Titus, St. Frances Cabrini, and Our Lady of Fatima, and the surrounding area. Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information. The Sunday, February 19th gathering at St. John Neumann parish hall begins at 2: Bulletin for the weekend of February 4-5. Create new account. No reviews yet. Gift Card Sale! . The parish family motto is from Romans 15:2: "Each should please his neighbor so as to do him good by building up his spirit." This workshop focuses on discerning the charisms and talents you received at, There will be a parish town hall meeting following the 8:30 AM mass on Sunday, February 5th in the Social Hall. I am praying for a successful and safe school year! Entertaining movies, programs, talks, audio dramas, and ebooks completely free and just a click away! It is going to be a fun year full of new adventures and new beginnings. Search. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Parishioners . Be sure to register in time! The receipt issued by the machine serves as proof of payment.Keep it. To access a pdf versions of the bulletin, you can: Minutes and handouts from the parish Town Hall on February 5, 2023. Pete's homily for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 6th Grade Homeroom Teacher. Designed by D. Horisk Kohler Hall at Our Lady of Fatima for event hosting. Join us each Friday of Lent for a dinner of baked fish, coleslaw, and tots. 628 were here. no ratings . Not far from home at OLOF's Kohler Hall! Hello, my name is Miss Heckman. Hello, my name is Miss Heckman. Log In. Bulletin for the weekend of January 28-29. We have sent a verification code to (be sure to check your SPAM mail folder). . Our Lady of Fatima School Principal: Mrs. Shirley Martin Pastor: Father Canice McMullen Our Lady of Fatima School 3005 Fatima Drive Aliquippa, PA 15001 Phone: 724-375-7565 Website: Your Email * Answer Required. Our Lady of Fatima Elementary School is a private, Catholic school located in ALIQUIPPA, PA. I am the 6th - grade teacher here at Our Lady of Fatima. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. (724) 775-6363. Privacy Policy. Search Search All money goes to the the CCW scholarship fund. ~#7M P:0@# ag I am the 6th - grade teacher here at Our Lady of Fatima. About. A joint statement on voting from Fr. endstream Again, we welcome you to Mary, Queen of Saints! See more of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School on Facebook. Get friends together to fill a table and have lots of laughs and make memories! Proudly created with Skip to main content. Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School | Aliquippa PA Our Lady of Fatima School is located in Aliquippa, PA. Msgr. Your Name * Answer Required. At, Take and keep the Laudato Si Pledge, Part 3 - Advocate to Protect our Common Home, February 24 - OLOF Music Ministry The Music Ministry at Our Lady of Fatima is a vibrant and diverse community that not only serves the parish through providing worship music. CROSS COUNTRY will start conditioning on July 27th! Monsignor Bill Gahagan Memorial Lenten Music Series - Week 1. Jan 1 English Jan 1 Span the-kids-bulletin-mary-the-mother-of-god, Jan 8 English Jan 8 Span the-kids-bulletin-epiphany-and-baptism (1), Jan 15 English Jan 15 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-2nd-sunday, Jan 29 English Jan 29 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-4th-sunday, Feb 12 English Feb 12 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-6th-sunday (1), Feb 19 English Feb 19 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-7th-sunday-and-ash-wed, Feb 26 English Feb 26 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-lent-1, March 5 English March 5 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-lent-2 (1), april3rdenglish (1) 3deabrilespaol thekidsbulletinlent520, april10thenglish 10deabrilespaol thekidsbulletinpalmsunday5, april24thenglish 24deabrilespaol thekidsbulletineaster228, may1english2 may1espaol (1) thekidsbulletineaster321, May 8 - English May 8 - Espaol the-kids-bulletin-easter-4, May 15 - English May 15 - Espaol the-kids-bulletin-easter-5, may22english may22espaol thekidsbulletineaster620, May 29 - English May 29 - Espaol the-kids-bulletin-ascension, june5english2 june5espaol3 thekidsbulletinpentecostsunday6, June 12- English June 12- Espaol the-kids-bulletin-trinity-sunday, June 19- English June 19- Espaol the-kids-bulletin-corpus-christi, June 26 English June 26- Espaol the-kids-bulletin-13th-sunday, july3english july3espanol thekidsbulletin14thsunday24, july10english july10espaol thekidsbulletin15thsunday23, July 17 English July 17 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-16th-sunday (1), july24english july24espaol thekidsbulletin17thsunday21.pdf, July 31 English July 31 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-18th-sunday, August 7 English August 7 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-19th-sunday, August 14 English August 14 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-20th-sunday-and-assumption, August 21 English August 21 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-21st-sunday, August 28 English August 28 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-22nd-sunday, Sept. 4 English Sept.4 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-23rd-sunday, Sept. 11 English2 Sept. 11 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-24th-sunday, Sept. 18 English Sept. 18 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-25th-sunday, Sept. 25 English Sept. 25 Espaol the-kids-bulletin-26th-sunday, Oct. 2 English Oct. 2 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-27th-sunday, Oct. 9 English Oct. 9 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-28th-sunday (1), Oct. 16 English Oct. 16 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-29th-sunday, Oct. 23 English Oct. 23 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-30th-sunday, Oct. 30 English Oct. 30 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-31st-sunday-and-all-saints, Nov 6 English Nov. 6 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-32nd-sunday, Nov 13 English Nov.13 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-33rd-sunday, Nov 20 English Nov.20 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-christ-the-king, Nov 27 English Nov.27 Spanish the-kids-bulletin-advent-1, Dec 4 Eng Dec 4 Span the-kids-bulletin-advent-2, dec11english dec11span thekidsbulletinadvent316, dec18english dec18span thekidsbulletinadvent416, Dec 25 English Dec 25 Span the-kids-bulletin-christmas, Copyright 2022. Our Lady of Fatima School is a Catholic school of the Diocese of Pittsburgh located in. Be the first to comment on Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church - Mary, Queen of Saints Parish. My name is Mrs. Marissa Kowalyk and I am so excited to start the school year. More Articles ABOUT US Social Highlights Field Status Youthtowne Field The faith community of Mary, Queen of Saints welcomes you! Our Lady of Fatima School is located in Aliquippa, PA. Bulletin Updated 10-31-2022. Sports . For information and rental/reservation details, click here. % 180 were here. Search Search. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 1 0 obj for visits before the Blessed Sacrament. There are currently no bulletins available for Mary, Queen of Saints. About; . Message * Rummage Sale to benefit CCW Scholarship Fund, Lent 2023 Schedule of Events | Calendario de actos de la Cuaresma de 2023. Social Media - Footer. Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Hopewell Township, PA Quick links OLF Location OLF Events & News OLF History OLF Church Patron Remember to 'Like', 'Follow', and 'Share' our church Facebook page at olfchurchhopewell Fr. Bl. All are invited. Join other parishioners in the Social Hall or take the meal to-go. I teach 6th - 8th-grade literature, 5th-8th grade math, and 6th-grade religion. See more of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School on Facebook. Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School 3005 Fatima Dr, Aliquippa, PA 15001 Phone: (724) 375-7565 . Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Moses Lake Catholic Church Email Us At Call Us Now! Other confession times available by appointment. Please indicate what problem has been found! All rights reserved | Design & developed by, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the-kids-bulletin-epiphany-and-baptism (1), the-kids-bulletin-20th-sunday-and-assumption, the-kids-bulletin-31st-sunday-and-all-saints. 12 Oct 2020 1 min read -$NI-! Fund Raisers have been updated 3-25-2022. Click "HERE"to get started! Jun 01, 2020 There's something for everyone! John Patrick Publishing Company - John Patrick Publishing is the . You are using an outdated browser. Our coaches and parent volunteers work very hard to allow for our students to have the opportunities to participate in a first-class program. Our Lady of Fatima 601 . Bulletins January February March April May June July August September October November December Jan 1 English Jan 1 Span the-kids-bulletin-mary-the-mother-of-god Copyright 2023 Our Lady of Fatima Athletics. Debido al aumento de la incidencia de enfermedades, la Formacin de Fe se cancela para el, Many are aware of the devastating earthquakes which struck Turkey and Syria. If you are a parish representative and would like to learn more about making your weekly bulletins available on, complete the form below and we will followup with you shortly. This is helpful for the Church and helps ensure greater accuracy for Catholics looking for Mass times on the Internet. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School News & Announcements A Night At the Races: APRIL 29th Sign Up online today for this exciting and fun event! Registered Charity Number SC011041. or. Fatima Family Fish Fry will be on Fridays, March 7, 15, 21, April 4 & 11 during Lent. It is the mission of Our Lady of Fatima to develop the individual child spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically in a faith environment rooted in Gospelvalues. Please call the church at. If you're child is interested in attending 1 or 2 conditioning events to determine if they'd like to join please contact OLOF Athletics Association to learn more via email to [emailprotected] or [emailprotected], 3005 Fatima Drive,Attn: Athletic AssociationAliquippa,Pennsylvania15001. Our Lady of Fatima Church, Hopewell | Aliquippa PA REGISTRATION 2023-2024 School Year Don't Delay, Register Today! 3005 Fatima Dr, Aliquippa, PA 15001 Phone: (724) 375-7565 . Our Lady of Fatima Athletics > Home Fatima Falcons Home About Us Registration Info Team Central Look what OLOF offers! Each meal is, Due to increased incidences of illness, Faith Formation is canceled for the upcoming weekend. Our Lady of Fatima Church (Hopewell) 2270 Brodhead Road, Aliquippa, PA 15001 Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Saint Titus Church (Aliquippa) 952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa, PA 15001 Sunday 10:00 a.m. For the most up-to-date weekday Mass and Confession schedules, please check the bulletin on the parish website, using the above link. Bring your donated items in your trunk, choose a parking spot, and set up before 9am to sell your items. Public & Government Service. About; . In celebration of God's gifts, committed to prayer, evangelization, life-long learning, and service to, SS Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church located in Ambridge PA, Copyright 2023 Catholic Church Directory. Council of Catholic Women - Rummage in a Trunk - October 17th, Council of Catholic Women Rummage in a Trunk October 17. Take and keep the Laudato Si Pledge Part 1. Parish Office: 814-942-0371. or call the Cathedral Office at 944-4603. Please see below for Mass times; We look forward to celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with you. DiscoverMass and have partnered together to help make a single place to manage Parish info for the public. ){}~dfSQ h7WG;@GzMQYUyG/LC?0:UW2 td0 I gZ08+nj`bDk?O Q{oRy@]&f#dcH0cI IpXl. Claim Your School. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Dcn. x;r Welcome to my school page! Adam's homily for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
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