oriki aina in yoruba

The child born after Idowu is called Idogbe (if male) and Alaba (if female). How many homes give their children Yoruba names. Yoruba Oriki names for boys For orks, its most popular meaning when translated is a panegyric (at least in a good chunk of movies and general sites or applications that translate). Oriki -Prayer for Ori. Yoruba Insults Language is a phenomenon that is used in communication. A popular example is ork anam i.e the ork for potatoes. Akanni It means one that is special to have. No? The Praise Names awaken the deities who will now listen to and assist their devotees Oriki could be a single word name like "dnn", or it could be verses recounting the ancestry of the person and their feats. Glad you found the article useful. What category of ork would you like to learn more about? Oruko oriki ni oruko keji ti awon Yoruba maa n fun omo ni ojo isomoloruko yala okunrin tabi obinrin bi apeere; Ajoke, Amope, Isola, Atoke, Ajao, Arike, Abike, Ajani .Aimoye awon omo wa in won ko ni oruko oriki mo ti kosi daara. Bitter kola is for longevity and the parents prayers for the child to have long life and live after them and not for them (the parents) to bury their child. This refers to the hoe that is used to dig the grave. I like the way my Dad brought us up; to appreciate our culture, to learn about it and to be proud of who we are, never to keep secrets, so one person does not think he can use something against you and cause us to do something as unthinkable as Suicide. Ork akinkanju (ork for warriors). By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies. You really cannot have too much sweetness in life I think, especially with all the bitterness in the world today. Ork Olorun (Gods ork). The Idowu is known to be stubborn and troublesome, and is therefore regarded as Eshu lehin Ibeji (the devil after twins). This name is known as 'orko mtrunw' (pre-destined or generic name) in Yorubaland. If you are not Yoruba or want to learn Yoruba, please use Google Translate with a pinch of salt. For orks, its most popular meaning when translated is a panegyric (at least in a good chunk of movies and general sites or applications that translate). Thanks for the beautiful comment, Mr Saka. Elebuibon I. N il Yorb k s nnkan n t k n ork yl eranko , igi, ouje , l, yn, brkn, dl tb orl. In 1826, a man named Capperton observed wives of the Alaafin of . Change). The name n is considered unisex more amongst the jb Clan as they dont bear j amongst the jb. Therefore, Yoruba Oriki names are panegyric, meaning that they are given to praise someone. It is a popular thing mostly among the people of the Yoruba descents. Please note that some collaborative posts published on this blog are sponsored posts. Thats interesting to know. Ilorin afonja enudunjuyoIlu to jinna sinaTo sunmon alujana bi aresepaIlu tobi to yen, won o leegun raraEsin legungun ile baba wonAkewugberu ni wonA sadura gboreAji fi kalamu da won lekun arise kondu konduWon e lu lagbaduKewu ni won n keEegun wa buraBo ba denu igbo riPaka wa buraBo ba digbaleEro iwayiopo wa buraBe o ba lobirinAyidopo laya nle omo egbirin oteNile opo omo laderinOpo korobiti ajagun ajaseOpo kaja ka royo naaAbidesu ko je a wo eni to lobaOmo opo o gboroWon pe n koju e sinaIna o gboroWon pe n koju e somiOmi o gboroWon pe n fi ponti to leOti to le o gboroWon n fomo to buruOmo wo wa lo le tio gboroAfonja o gboroNi won ba koju omo ponilewa sogunOgun naa lafonja lo tio pada wanule moTo fi lo te ilu IlorinIlorin afonja ti nje enudunjuyo. jn Yoruba Oriki name meaning a child we fought for to have. Yetunde means mother has come again; * Babarimisa This is a child whose father fled at his/her birth. keep the nice job on. According to Elebuibon (2011), a traditionalist and a Yoruba scholar, he wrote that : Salt gives food taste, so the childs life would not lack salt. No Yoruba naming ceremony is complete without the childs oriki (pet name). Today, Nigerian culture is a colorful blend of African, European, and Arabic traditions. (The panegyrics of the Yoruba female child with the umbilical cord woven around her neck at birth). Came second or the second born child. Im Yoruba and my fiction books to date are inspired by Yoruba mythology. Although ork is most of the time meant to praise sing, it also used otherwise. It is believed the grandfather reincarnated. Also, some names are formed from Yoruba proverbs. Here is, Ork orisa (ork for gods and goddesses). E se gan ni o ori mi wu bi mo se kaa tan , Asiko yii gan ni mo mon nipa Ara Mi oriki ishola ni ile yoruba. The child after Idowu is calledAlaba(female) orIdogbe(male). Akangbe It means one consciously or deliberately carried. I would appreciate it if you shared it with your network. The Eulogy is about the importance of twins in the Yoruba culture. I hope after this post, anyone who ever types into GoogleAko ni ogidanbi, will find this post and it would make sense to them. It is believed that a person who does not know his Oriki loses his spiritual essence. However, a panegyric is a public speech or published text in praise of someone or something and this is not always the case with orks because, depending on their category, it may not always be a public speech. Dadais the child born with locked hair (natural dreadlocks), andAjayi(nicknamedOgidi Olu) is the name for the child born face-downwards. Change). For instance, thief (ol) has its own ork. They are used to hype, honour, pacify, describe and tell of an origin but what exactly is an ork? Similar praise poems turn up throughout much of Africa (Zulu izibongo, Basuto lithoko, etc.). What do you think of this post about the Yoruba naming ceremony? (LogOut/ Sometimes even before the wedding, as the future grandparents would let the soon-to-be couple know that they are looking forward to becoming grandparents. In the absence of written documents, certain orks acted as custodians and banks of information regarding the nobility, origin, fame, profession, lifestyle, achievements, exploits, positive and negative characteristics of an individual. Your email address will not be published. This name is known as orko mtrunw (pre-destined or generic name) in Yorubaland. Such names start with A. n gd ibi As mentioned in the last paragraph, ork dl refers to the ork for ones clan, family or household, they tell of ones ancestors in said family.The children take the fathers family oriki but this does not stop them from being connected to or knowing that of their mother. Your email address will not be published. Latosa city, the president of the country. o Apart from this, some names are used for praise singing, such names are called oruko oriki. A good and virtuous lady. Then the statement made sense to me,a tiger gave birth to a masculine offspring. Shebi its little by little that we lick hot soup. Nu am gsit nicio recenzie n locurile obinuite. (LogOut/ Ork is a type of traditional oral poetry that is attributive and often projects praise. We have created for you a compilation of top Yoruba Oriki names and their meanings, for your convenience, the list is divided into male and female names. Through music , film , sports and travel , Yorb Language is going places. A child that is born without menstruation is called Ilori. Ork ork mtrunw (ork for names based on conditions one was born with e.g a breech baby, a baby born with the umbilical cord round the neck,twins, triplets and co). ni a b b b k t Oruko Abiku Then they chant the Orikis for the Orisas and petition the deities for things they desire with the hope of having thier prays answered. The Yoruba people have very rich cultural oral literature, oriki is on of them. Oriki Obinrin Yoruba. Oye: Journal of Language, Literature and Popular Culture, y: Journal of Language, Literature and Popular Culture, Ihafa: A Journal of African Studies 11: 1, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences. Ork Oba ati Ijoye (Ork for Monarchs and Chiefs): Obas, Baales and Chiefs in Yoruba tradition are accorded much respect. Orikis extend even beyond people to eulogise towns, indigenous foods, idols, animals and many more. Follow(function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) return;js = d.createElement(s);js.id = id;js.src = "https://www.bloglovin.com/widget/js/loader.js?v=1";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, "script", "bloglovin-sdk")). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ork Olorun (Ork for God): The Yorubas understand and respect the existence of God, as the supreme force and power that holds the universe. ldy lba https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCRa8bCzDvR6cvC41i-NPkA?sub_confirmation=1 n is believed to be a child of royalty as the umbilical cord on the neck at birth symbolizes bead. ORIKI: Aina orosun roolo; O ni guda ibi; A ji nawo ara; Aina keke legun; Eni a be be be ko to seso; Tibii ko je ko r'oko ni; O lepo ni kolo; O lagbagba nibawo; It is important for an Orisa devotee to learn the Praise Name of that Orisa. ni t o fn ni n aridaju npa majmu titun / Guarantor of the New Covenant Hebrews 8:10-13. Eseun lopo lopo . Hay God! Oriki Edumare, Oriki Olodumare, Oriki Olorun, Oriki Oluwa, Oriki Odumare, Names of God in Yoruba Language, meanings in English. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Everyone should have one! ORUKO ati ORIKI Olorun. Caut n cel mai mare magazin de cri electronice din lume i ncepe s citeti chiar astzi pe web, pe tablet, pe telefon sau pe dispozitivul tu eReader. This includes how a town came to be, what a town is known for and so on. 3. These may be supplemented with praises from traditional drums notably the gangan (talking drum) by palace drummers. The Apossa, those who learn how to invoke the spirits, is trained in the art of chanting Orikis for the deities. Promoting the Culture and Tradition of Yoruba race. Alani It means one we survived to have. It used to be on the seventh day of birth (for females) and the ninth day of birth (for males). The town of Ajayi, he heard the mosquito wearing a cap. o Names emanate from ork for instance Akuruyejo. DEFINITION: Aina in Yoruba is a female child that has her umbilical cord tied around her neck at birth.Ojo is the. The list of names here, are 'oruko amutorunwa'. Ork possesses a full definition of its owner. Thanks Obinrin a pa eje modi, atun fidi le le, Okunrin to t'eje lese lojo si nkan? (LogOut/ It is a name given to a son that is valued and cherished because of the victory fought and overcame to have him. (LogOut/ Just what I needed for my aesthetics assignment. One of the prayers for the new wife would be: e bi mo, e bi Okunrin abiro, Obirin abiye. Ork possesses a full definition of its owner. Clientelism and social structure: an analysis of patronage in Yoruba social thought, The decline of speech surrogacy in Cuban bata drumming: Mmus thesis 2013, Shona Folklore. In Encyclopedia of African Folklore edited by Philip Peek and Kwesi Yankah. , , , . Ork ounj (ork for food). In most cases, though, the male equivalent is named Oj. o Also, some names have special ork sometimes because they have birth process, the day/time they were born or remarkable event around the time they were born, for instance Ojo/Aina, Olugbodi, Abidemi etc. Igeis a child born with the legs coming out first instead of the head, andOjo(male) orAina(female) is the name given to a child born with the umbilical cord around his/her neck. Copyright 2021 No part of this website is to be reproduced without prior written permission. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Reciting my ork gets me hype! A child that came out with the legs instead of the head is called Ige. I knew that isu was the Yoruba word for yam but I had no idea what oka was. Although, oriki is a much threaten culture of the Yoruba, it is not worthy that this trend can be saved by a timely record keeping and codification of the literature and culture using the modern Information Technology resources. Each lineage has their family oriki which is added to the personal oriki. The other day, a reviewer wrote a review of my childrens book Useless Warrior Princess and stating similarities to Avatar: The Last Air Bender. The Yoruba people believe, though not strongly, that if the mother of a twins should fail to give birth to another child after the twins i.e. Yorubas put a lot of effort into finding the right name(s) for their child as we believe that a person lives out the meaning of their names. Ayinde Meaning one who arrives when praised. Obinrin won a ma di abarameje, won a di Iya agba. The name is also given to praise a child for the pride they bring to the family or to describe and summon particular character traits that they believe a child was born with. (Internet) http://www.arabaelebuibon.com/2011/03/power-of-oriki.html accessed on 12/01/2012, I am an Information Scientist that is passionate about the preservation of Yoruba culture. MEANING OF AINA: Not to be beaten (Eni tia ko gbodo na). (LogOut/ These refer to elephants, lions and parrots respectively. Oriki is an important and cultural, but unwritten (oral) genre of Yoruba literature that is usually used in praise singing. You can also subscribe without commenting. Extended Meaning n is an ork mtrunw ("name that is brought from heaven", usually given to a child based on the circumstances of their birth). Im optimistic about the future. If you ever see any similarities to anything I write, just know that it is inspired by Yoruba culture/customs/beliefs. Aina according to Yoruba meaning is 'BIRTH IN PAIN', but there are many versions of Aina. 2. Ork is the oral praise poetry of the indigenous Yrb communities of Western Africa. In this article, we are focusing on Oruko Oriki. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Is appearing on a podcast show an essential growth strategy for authors and businesses? For instance Akanbi - (one who is deliberately born); Ayinde (one who is praised on arrival); Akande (one who comes or arrives in full determination); Atanda (one who is deliberately created after thorough search). Kbys ba Olway, dndn a'de d'r, ba ad-k-il-r'j ba ade-k-n-rrn, Arwl b ynb, fi'l wu ni, O f'n wu ni. Twin-births, when they are male and female, are usually named on the eighth day but on the seventh or ninth day if they are same-sex twins. A girl born during father's absence. Here is the ork for twins. Its our combined efforts that can bring about change, Very great read!!! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The word Oriki can be translated as panegyric which is a form of praise poetry. God's Names and Meanings in YORUBA Language. Ayinla A child meant to be praised, feted, and disciplined. Babatunde literally mean father has come again; * Yetunde This is a female child born shortly after the death of her grandmother. n is said to be a bold and strong child who gets easily angered and calmed easily after palm oil is being poured on the floor close to where he/she is. LRUN to ngb adura ninu adura / HE hears the voice of our supplication. For instance, you would see names like Ogunjimi, Osunlaja, Fakorede. Ork oruko (Ork attached with some names): There are sub categories of Ork oruko. Ork eranko ati nnkan(Ork for animate and inanimate objects): Yoruba people have ork for animals and non-living objects. What is the English name for Oriki? # oriki # ibeji # Yoruba culture # Yoruba # poetry # Nigeria # West africa # africa # twins # taiwo . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Ajayi is given to a child that is born with its face downwards. n is believed to be a child of royalty as the umbilical cord on the neck at birth symbolizes bead. Change). o fin tiro rin ni. For females,Aduke(one who everyone likes to take care of), Ayoke (one who people are happy to care for),Arike(one who is cared for on sight),AtinukeorAbike(one that is born to be pampered),Anike which come from a longer name meaning we have a crown and it is as delicate as an egg. Kashimawo (lets wait and see). New York and London: Routledge, pages 431-434, Sustaining the Heritage: Assessing the Aesthetics of Verbal Symbolisation and Signification in 'Idanre Orature', Discourse and Its Disclosures: Yoruba Women and the Sanctity of Abuse, Book: Obafemi Awolowo and the Making of Remo: The Local Politics of a Nigerian Nationalist, Colonial Politics and Precolonial History: Everyday Knowledge, Genre, and Truth in a Yoruba Town, Klein A Political Economy of Lifestyle and Aesthetics. For instanceAkanbi (one who is deliberately born);Ayinde(one who is praised on arrival);Akande(one who comes or arrives in full determination);Atanda(one who is deliberately created after thorough search). Yoruba names fall into the following 4 main categories; I am going to talk about the first two here: Oruko Amutorunwa: names brought from heavens Oruko Abiso: names given at birth Oruko Oriki:. http://www.ekimogundescendant.org/oriki-yoruba-praise-poetry/, https://africanpoems.net/praise/oriki-inagije/, https://asaatioweileyoruba.blogspot.com/2017/. ORIKI: Aina orosun roolo; O ni guda ibi; A ji nawo ara; Aina keke legun; Eni a be be be ko to seso; Tibii ko je ko r'oko ni; O lepo ni kolo; O lagbagba nibawo; lpo n kl Some other Yoruba male Oriki names that we could not find their meanings: Akanda, Ajasa, Asamu, Ajabi, Adio, Aweda, Akano, Amoo, Ajao, Alao. Contrary to the popular belief that Taiwo, being the first born of the twins, is older than Kehinde, it is said by Yoruba elders that Kehinde is older than Taiwo because Taiwo was sent by Kehinde to have a taste of the world and announce his coming as well. ni t o fn ni n aridaju fn t y ainipkun / Guarantor of our Security John 5:29; 10:28. There are also several "Aina" in the scandinavian region. But sometimes, the circumstance of a childs birth will automatically give the child a name. Ijala artists as memory of society: a case study of alabi ogundepo's works. The naming ceremony is held on the 8th day of birth. Phew, that was very long. n kk l gn When mothers sings the family Oriki to children depending on the child's situation it could be very soothing to the child. 5. These are the orikis for Kings and chiefs of towns and villages. Olorun a kun yin fun ogbon imo ati oye. It is believed that the twin born first was sent by the second twin to go into the world to see if it is sweet. For a child that is born with an umbilical cord around the neck, the male is called Ojo while the female is called Aina. Thanks for reading to the end. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tap Omidan's picture above to send a Whatsapp Message, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), https://www.irrigator.ru/irrigatory-cat.html. 2. Ork j won r sr t won yorb ma Fi ki ara won . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Alabi It means one born to the white cloth (of batala). Parents approve of ones choice and pay a bride-price (Delano, 1937: 121). DEFINITION: Aina in Yoruba is a female child that has her umbilical cord tied around her neck at birth.Ojo is the opposite of Aina. Change). Ibejis are believed to be the king of children and their birth into a family means the arrival of fortune. Idowu, she is likely to run mad because the spirit of the stubborn Idowu will fly into her head and make her go insane. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions. WHAT IS ORK? Once the woman has given birth, everyone then asks the midwife (iya abiye) the sex of the baby. It should be noted that Yoruba people have ork for almost every existing thing in their environment; the animals, plants, animate and inanimate organisms. n kk l gn Ork oba ati ijoye (ork for rulers and chiefs). A lot of them were murdered, while some left, the tribe was called "Ainu". Akanbi It means one that is consciously or deliberately born. The invocation or praise poem starts out as the stringing together of praise names that describe the qualities of a particular man, animal, plant, place, or god. Thanks! Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. REUTERS/AFOLABI SOTUNDE The Yoruba people of Western Nigeria are known to have a very high birth rate of twins known as ibeji in their language. This article was very very helpful. 3. we call it LI-N-LI in my native language. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Each of the gods or goddess possess its own unique ork. ORK, a Nigerian word from the Yoruba tribe, meaning your crown, your heritage and your inspiration is a product range created to make women and men 'skinfident' utilizing only the best, efficient & potent natural ingredients & skin secrets from the richest resource Continent in the world, Africa.ORK Group comprises of a multi-channel spa, farm to skin retail product company and a . If one is male, a praise name is usually expressive of something . (LogOut/ Examples: Yoruba - Oriki Aina (Eni ti ako gbodo na) - Nigerian History Written by Yoruba - Oriki Aina (Eni ti ako gbodo na) (The panegyrics of the Yoruba female child with the umbilical cord woven around her neck at birth) Aina orosun Aina oroyinyin O ni guda ibi A ji nawo ara Aina keke legun Eni a be be be ko to seso Tibii ko je ko r'oko ni O lepo ni kolo Really? won a fi daa bobo . First of all, who is a pagan and why does the word seem to mean demon worshipper? Orsirsi dl ni s n ork ti won. OK, a child born on Sunday the 1st will be named the following Sunday (7 days later) the 8th. Aina is an oruk amutrunwa ("name that is brought from heaven", usually given to a child based on the circumstances of their birth). I promise, this is sustainable. ldy lba Dada is also called Dada awuru or olowo ori and are known to be strong and stubborn; * Oke This is a child born with unrupted membranes all over his/her body; * Olugbodi This is a child born with supernumerary digits (six fingers); * Ige This is a child born with breech or footing presentation i.e. One born on fourth day. Ibadan the son of Ajoro sleep. Famous Yoruba warriors such as gdgb, Krunmi of Ijaye, or Balogun Ibikunle have orks praising them and telling of their exploits. Oriki Ibadan (Eulogy of Ibadan) Ibadan is the glory, in the house of Oluyole. ORK s kan ptk t wa Omo Yorb gb son by ni s ork kk. Unfortunately, this appears to be declining like many other traditional practices. I used to be confused by the oka in isu and oka. Ese pupo. 22:14. A j bba r gbgb t n gba ar dgb ba at'y-r b agogo. For some reason, the Yoruba saying Ako ni ogidanbi has been playing around in my mind for a good few days now and I thought I might as well write about it and the Yoruba naming ceremony. Orikis are praise names that express the parents desires and hopes for the child. So if you give your child a name that doesnt wish him/her well, you shouldnt be surprised if that childs life pans out that way. Posted on 25 fevereiro, 2023 by 25 fevereiro, 2023 by ss mknrin ti mbnrin n n gbal pp lrn wn jb, y e ly we t s p jb k j j. Aina is the name of a female (or sometimes male) child born with the umbilical cord around his or her neck. I noticed that every time I watched a Yoruba movie, whenever they wanted to announce the birth of a baby boy, the announcer would sayAko ni ogidanbi.

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