Awards. Operation Red Wings Autopsy Report The black rifle coffee. 2/3's operations officer, Major Thomas Wood, began planning the five-phase Red Wings operation off the Operation Stars model. As a result, Ahmad Shah and his men left the region and regrouped in Pakistan. And no, I'm not trying to diss you, I know nothing of you, and you of me. [58], A large amount of resources were devoted to the search, rescue, and recovery operations of Red Wings II. The list of those lost that day are as follows: Navy SEALs SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team 1, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. [56], Ahmad Shah and his group recovered a large amount of weapons, ammunition, and other materials, including three SOPMOD M4 Carbines fitted with M203 40mm grenade launchers, a ruggedized laptop with an intact hard drive containing maps of embassies in Kabul, night-vision devices, and a sniper spotting scope, among other items from the Navy SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team,[58] items which they could then use against American, Coalition, and Afghan government entities. [2], In May 2005, the advance party of 3/3's sister battalion, the 2/3, arrived in Regional Command East. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. In that incident, sixteen Navy SEALs and Army special operations troops were killed, and three more SEALs were killed in subsequent fighting on the ground. In reply to Mike Washburne I think you are too harsh on LT Murphy, according to Mohammed Gulab the local tribesman who saved Lutrell the Taliban were already aware of the SEALs insertion and had heard the Helicopters and were close to being in a position to attack at the time the SEALs were debating what to do with goatherders. They had connections with the Taliban and other militant groups close to the Pakistani border. Deep behind enemy lines, a very committed 4-man SEAL team had a vital task. They were not members of SEAL Team 6. [1][2] While many of Afghanistan's provinces at this time had stable security environments, one of the most restive continued to be the Kunar Province, which lies in eastern Afghanistan, on the border with Pakistan. With the withdrawal of American and Coalition troops at the end of Red Wings II, Shah and his group were able to return to the Kunar Province and begin attacks again. No way. I have read Lutrells book. "Lone Survivor," the story of SEAL heroism in the mountains of Afghanistan, resurfaced in May 2016 after an article in which Mohammed Gulab, the man who saved lone SEAL survivor Marcus Luttrell, disputed some of the most important aspects of Luttrell's story.Lone Survivor was eventually made into a major motion picture, but that . They also had terrain advantage. The 4 SEALS members that were inserted and the Quick Reaction Force that were killed in the helicopter attack were from SEAL TEAM 10. ", "Topographic Map by Ed Darack used in Victory Point of Named Areas of Interest on Sawtalo Sar for Operation Red Wings", "OPERATION RED WINGS The (Mis)Information Aftermath", "Operation Red Wings, Operation Whalers, and the book, "Operation Red Wings June 28, 2005 (Medal of Honor Summary of Action)", "Bara bin Malek Front commander killed in Pakistani shootout", "Lt. Michael P. Murphy, SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE", "Surviving SEAL tells story of deadly mission", "Barnidge: To Concord native, 'Lone Survivor' is far more than a movie", "UA Emergency Medicine Doc Rescued "Lone Survivor", Satellite image via Google Maps of location of Nangalam in Afghanistan, "U.S. military searches for missing SEAL", "About the artist: W. Stanley "Sandy" Proctor", "The Movie, Lone Survivor, Has a Local Tie to Tallahassee", "SEALs in bronze: Tallahassee artist memorializes 'Lone Survivor' warriors", "Afghanistan-Iraq War Memorial - Memorial Park - Cupertino, CA - Afghanistan-Iraq War Memorials",, Part of 4-Man SEAL team, killed in an ambush, Killed aboard the helicopter when it was shot down, Insurgent forces temporarily withdraw before returning three weeks later. Yet it seems they fought on and all died except Luttrell. In actuality, LT Murphy successfully made the call while taking gunfire. To the west of the Sawtalo Sar ridgeline is the Korangal Valley. Lone Survivor provided you just a small portion of the operation. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Basic Details: A four-person recon element comprised of LT Michael P Murphy, HM1 Marcus A Luttrell, STG2 Mathew G Axelson, and GM2 Danny P Dietz was Inserted (MGRS: 42S XD 78186 58123) via Fast-Rope at approximately 27170ZJUN05 to conduct a sensitive recon (SR) mission. Lieutenant Colonel Andrew MacMannis, 2/3's battalion commander, and his staff wanted to maintain the operational tempo set by 3/3. The villagers refused. They launched a well-organized, three-sided attack on the SEALs. The intelligence staff identified four named areas of interest containing specific structures which Shah might be using. Both? On June 28, 2005, the 4-man SEAL team was sent on a reconnaissance mission to locate an HVT (high-valuable target) at the unforgiving altitude of approximately 10,000 feet. Bin laden would've probably afforded a civilian death or two and been wrapped up, but a . Operation Red Wings On June 28, 2005, deep behind enemy lines east of Asadabad in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan, a very committed four-man Navy SEAL team was conducting a reconnaissance mission at the unforgiving altitude of approximately 10,000 feet. "[40][73][5], For the 1956 series of U.S. nuclear tests, see, Planning stages and intelligence gathering, Insertion of SEAL team, compromise and attack, Red Wings II: search, rescue, recovery, and presence operations, NOTE: Many of the details regarding the Afghans who aided Luttrell were reported incorrectly in the American press during the days after the events occurred. This isn't me just grinding some axe, though I see Luttrell's account as stolen valor. His overall intelligence picture of Shah took a substantial leap when 2nd Lieutenant Regan Turner, a platoon commander with 2/3's "Whiskey Company" a weapons company augmented to function like an infantry line company, gathered a wealth of human intelligence about Shah during a patrol including his full name: Ahmad Shah Dara-I-nur (Ahmad Shah of the Valley of the Enlightened ones); his birthplace, the Kuz Kunar District of Nangarhar Province; his primary alias: Ismael; his chief allegiance: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who was based out of the Shamshato Refugee Camp near Peshawar, Pakistan; his group's size: fifty to one hundred fighters; and his goals: to impede the upcoming elections and attempt to aid a resurgent Taliban in the region. Finally, after far too long, the American government assisted him in coming to the USA and he now lives with his family in Texas. Operation Red Wings was a counter-insurgency operation carried out by the United States Armed Forces in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, in 2005. At this point, late in the afternoon, storm clouds were moving in over the region and the aircraft returned to their respective bases. To rid themselves of Taliban forces in the area, led by a warlord named Ahmed Shah, the Marines put together Operation Red Wings, then called on the Navy SEALs based near Kabul. I'm sure areas of the Korengal are teeming with bad guys, but Sawtalo Sar? Operation Red Wings Autopsy Report. For him, the horrors were only beginning. Operation Red Wings was a combined/joint military operation conducted in the Pech District of Kunar Province, Afghanistan. You'll now receive newsletters of our best articles on techniques, Luttrell's own AAR said 20-35. If you would have researched it well you would have known that it where GOAT-herders in stead of SHEEP-herders there is a big difference. Luttrell, after being shot multiple times and crawling for a day and a half, would eventually run into, as he put it, his first real friend, Mohammad Gulab.. Same with the villagers who rescued Luttrell and all the videos those insurgents made themselves. Earthy and mesic Ronny page his hassock wagged differ furthest. Although she is now a full-time outdoor writer her background is eclectic and includes K9 Search-and-Rescue and emergency veterinary medicine. It was only several months later that the truth came out that he was killed by friendly fire. It takes an enormous amount of strength, character, and bravery to tell the world the truth about such a sensitive situation when no one would ever have known the difference. When the helicopter got close and attempted to insert the SEALs into the firefight, Shahs men fired an RPG-7 at the Chinook and took it down, killing all sixteen men. Murphy picked it back up, completed the call, and continued firing at the enemy closing in. There are hopefully few among us unfamiliar with Operation Red Wings. In the wake of his brother's death, Jeff founded Axelson Tactical, designing and manufacturing custom-quality rifles. His goal was simple: protect his brothers. And I don't care how pious these guys were, a reinforced company-sized element that was mauled the way Luttrell claims (at least 50% casualties) does not bury 40 bodies in a few hours (graves no one ever finds) and then vanishes with all their wounded. The operation then became known as Red Wings II and lasted approximately three more weeks,[1][2] during which time the bodies of the killed SEALs and Army Special Operations aviators were recovered and the only surviving member of the initial SEAL team, Marcus Luttrell, was rescued. Axelson was shot not once but twice in the head and kept on fighting. It is likely Luttrell would have been turned over to the Taliban had he descended into the Korangal instead of Shuryek. [45], Since the SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team had been ambushed, the focus of the operation immediately shifted from disrupting ACM activity to finding, aiding, and extracting the team members. His story falls apart under scrutiny. Entering a hot combat zone, attack helicopters are used initially to neutralize the enemy and make it safer for the lightly-armored, personnel-transport helicopter to insert. License Complaints Form. I am a non-combat US Army Vet I LOVE our military. OPERATION RED WINGS began with an insertion of a four-man NAVSOF reconnaissance and surveillance team near the summit of Sawtalo Sar late in the night of 27 June 2005. If you want to hear more in his own words, Luttrell has a podcast through his foundation Team Never Quit. Only two U.S. soldiers or Marines died in Kunar province in 2005 before Operation Red Wings. Lt. Cmdr. Night Stalkers (160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment): Its been fifteen years since 19 men were killed in what could easily be called the darkest day in the SEAL teams history. Look up Ed Darack, ex-SF guy, who spent years researching the entire fiasco for a book called Victory Point, dealing with a number of missions in that area. Operation Red Wings was a pyrrhic victory U.S. victory. No AARs from missions before and after Red Wings, no HUMINT, SIGINT, or any other kind of INT corroborates the number of hostiles in Luttrell's story. You would also have known that the 20 man who died trying to rescue them, did not care! They focus on PTSD, mTBI, and chronic pain. Matthew Axelson, 29, was one of four Navy SEALs taking part in Operation Red Wing, a secret mission in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, to capture or kill Taliban leader Ahmad Shah, head of an insurgent group known as the "Mountain Tigers." The SEAL unit was betrayed to the Taliban, which attacked with a force of more than 40 men. Absolutely an amazing article, well written and timely. I recommend you reconsider it! Finding blood pools and body parts are usually what post battle assessment comes up with unless you are the ones conducting the raid. I saw the movie first and then read the book after. Operation Red Wings is one of the darkest times in SEAL team history and the inspiration behind the movie Lone Survivor. What are you referring to, the movie or his story? So before you write anything again in that context, or in general before you ever say again that you did something well! [47][48], In the years following Operation Red Wings more details emerged about the circumstances surrounding Luttrell survival, including that he was given sanctuary by local villagers. Shah had two videographers with him during the ambush and As-Sahab Media released their video of the ambush and images of the items recovered from the SEALs. The insert point was roughly one and one half miles from the nearest Named Area of Interest. This reminds of of when Larry Wilson was killed. We'll send you the latest guides and training tips geared [2][7][31], 3/3 tracked a number of known ACM groups they determined to be possibly seeking to fill the power void in the region. [citation needed], Command and control was lost and neither visual nor radio contact could be established with the SEAL team. The Naval Special Warfare (NSW) community will forever remember June 28, 2005, and our special operators' heroic efforts and sacrifices. He was a major HVT for Operation Red Wings. Because persons like you, never will understand! The battalion began planning a new operation, tentatively called Operation Stars, which was named after the Dallas Stars professional hockey team (3/3's battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Norman Cooling, hailed from Texas,[32] hence most operations were named after Texas sports teams)[33] Stars, like the other operations before it, focused on disrupting ACM activity, although Najmudeen's surrender caused activity to drop, and specific groups proved difficult to pinpoint. He had to do this because the areas rocky structure blocked any transmission from his satellite phone.