The .24 Nosler, so far as I know, is available only in Nosler's bolt-action rifles. Because it uses the 6.8 SPC as its parent case, the .224 Valkyrie fits and functions in any quality AR-15 magazine designed for the 6.8 SPC and/or 22 Nosler. Brian spent three years in Spokane as a Zag until his baseball career was cut short by a tragic plane accident that took the lives of his parents and younger sister. Hodgdon, the Brand Thats True, is pleased to announce the launch of load data for the new 224 Valkyriecartridge, now available on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center at This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. As with all cartridges, velocity and performance is reduced when using shorter barrels. The 224 Valkyrie is designed for long-range shooting, whether it be steel or paper targets, varmints, or small- to medium-sized big game. Note that a 1:6.5 rifling twist may be necessary to stabilize some longer 90-grain bullets, particularly at elevations closer to sea level. You find 17 loads in caliber .224 Valkyrie with Nosler bullets either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matchin, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 53gr | Nosler Varmageddon FB, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 50gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip Lead-Free, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 55gr | Nosler Varmageddon BTip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 70gr | Nosler RDF HPBT, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 85gr | Nosler RDF HPBT, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 77gr | Nosler Custom Competition, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 60gr | Nosler Partition, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 60gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 40gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip Lead-Free, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 55gr | Nosler Expansion Tip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 80gr | Nosler Custom Competition. However, Federals gamble came back with mixed results. A healthy dose of Hodgdons CFE-223 powder drives it out the 20-inch J.P. Enterprises barrel of my custom 2A Armament AR-15 at a fraction more than 3,400 feet per second (fps), and its actually the single most accurate handload Ive tried. Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. Fun to shoot and flinging fairly heavy 224 bullets is fun too. When introduced, the .224 Valkyrie sent a tsunami of interest washing through shooters. Since opening GA Precision, George has been building some of the finest precision bolt guns and custom rifles. He harvested his first turkey and whitetail deer at age 5 and completed his turkey grand slam by age 11. This resulted in COLs shorter than 2.26 inches for some bullets, even the longer ones, but most bullets worked fine at 2.26 inches. Suspiciously, I manually overrode the Sierra-provided variable BC numbers, plugging in only the highest, max-velocity BC (G1 BC: .563) listed for the 90-grain projectiles muzzle velocity. Below you'll find some basic data for each cartridge to help get you started. Later, he started a granite countertop business allows him the time to pursue his passion for long-range shooting and high-country public land mule deer and elk hunting. The best group with this bullet was created by 26 grains of Vihtavuori N-540, measuring .74-inch at 2,882 fps. In 2016, Phillip was nominated for Scout Sniper Instructor of the Year for his meticulous instruction that resulted in institutional changes in the training of Marine Scout Snipers in both formal schools and unit level training. 224 Valkyrie Web Data 1.21.21.xlsx Author: carterc1 Created Date: 1/21/2021 3:04:40 PM . All but 2-3 of those are with handloadedammo. The 60-grain Ballistic Tip was close behind at 0.53 inch, and it favored 28.6 grains of CFE 223 for a speed of 3,226 fps. From their home in Montana, Shoot Straight with Chad & Marsha follows Chad, Marsha and their two boys-Walker and Wyatt-across the world in hunting adventures. Rem and 224 Valkyrie loads. And in many conditions particularly at higher altitudes where the air is thin a 1:7 twist does stabilize the 90-grain SMK adequately. (speaking to AR mag length loading) Edit: Case capacity (velocity) for: .223 is 31.4g (3370fps) .224V is 34.5g 22.5 gr. Its a great example of optimism. The heaviest Nosler factory load is its 85-grain RDF hollowpoint, whereas Federal offers two 90-grain Valkyrie loads: Fusion MSR 90-grain spitzer boattail and 90-grain Sierra MatchKing. In addition to shooting, Zach plays plays baseball, basketball, football, and track & field. Youll need to milk every bit of potential performance from your handloads. Zach, a resident of McCook, Nebraska, started shooting trap and hunting when he was 10. In essence, the extractor heaves back on the case rim whilst the case walls are still firmly gripping the chamber walls. It is developed to mimic the long-range ballistics of the popular 6.5 Creedmoor, but in a smaller package, with the attendant reduction in recoil and implementation costs. Residing in Cheney Washington, Jake Vibbert owns JC Steel targets Inc. and is a strong competitor in the Precision Rifle Series and the National Rifle League. Its explosive expansion provides a violent energy release on impact for quick kills on varmints and predators. We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. The .224 Valkyrie uses a faster 1:7 twist, thereby giving the ability to properly stabilize that 90-grain MatchKing, and I believe there are 100- and 105-grain models that will be stable with that twist rate. Chris Johnson, FN Senior Product Manager, walks us through two new FN striker-fired pistols at SHOT Show 2023: the FN 510 Tactical, chambered in 10mm Auto, and the FN 545 Tactical, chambered in .45 ACP. Do Pistols Benefit From Popular Aftermarket Modifications? Revic Optics BR4 Ballistic Rangefinder: Review, 5 Best Red-Dot Optics for SIG Sauer P365X & XL Pistols, Wilson Combat SFX9 5-Inch Solid Frame 9mm Pistol: First Look, .224 Valkyrie Small Precision Rifle Cartridge: Everything You Need to Know, Mossberg 940 Pro Tactical Optic-Ready Autoloading Shotgun: First Look. The 224 Valkyries case provides plenty of capacity, and an ultra-fast 1:7-inch barrel twist rate allows the Valkyrie to push long, heavy-for-caliber bullets to velocities that remain supersonic to 1,300 yards and beyond. Our products lead the pack, because theyre built with equal parts ingenuity and integrity, passion and precision, consistency and confidence. Conventional wisdom suggests that in shorter barrels, about 25 fps is lost per inch. We dont cater to every trend and we arent everything to everyone. A charge of 25.5 grains of Shooters World Match Rifle clustered .76-inch at 3,110 fps. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. Many shooters are unable to obtain better than 1- to 3-MOA groups with the 90-grain SMK, rendering the long-range performer impotent. The 1:7-inch twist is a more versatile rate and enables the Valkyrie to shoot medium-light bullets well. AR-15 enthusiasts saw it as a way to extend their long-range capabilities while long-range precision shooters recognized it as a way to achieve maximum range with minimum recoil. Jaclyn has also taken up Extreme Long Range matches, including King of Two Miles in New Mexico, where she placed 14th out of 80 invited competitors. For nearly two decades, Missouri-based CMMG has focused on building affordable, high-quality AR rifles. Here you will find load data for some of the most recent cartridges on the market, with more being added frequently. 223 Win. The new big bore pistols feature industry-first capacity, with a standard 15-round capacity and 22+1 rounds of 10mm or 18+1 rounds of .45 ACP from the extended magazines. My handloads fared well in the accuracy department. 2019 Alabama Precision Long Range Challenge 5th, 2021 Alabama Precision Long Range Classic 3rd. If predators are your primary focus, I really like Noslers 50-grain Ballistic Tip. INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD USE WITH CAUTION Ri e Data 224Vea lki yr 30 . To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. He put both rounds in the same hole. Considering the eyebrow-raising advertised factory ballistic figures, who can blame them? Plus, the gunpowder sits in a shorter, fatter column, enabling in theory a slightly more consistent burn. Thanks for the other responses. Phillip Velayo currently serves as Gunwerks Long Range University Lead Instructor. Additionally, case capacity is greater than that of the .223/5.56, about 5 percent as I measure it (29.9 grains versus 31.5 grains of water filled to the case mouth). Zach has several friends that are getting into reloading shotshells because of Zachs reloads. See Sierra Data for other powder brands. Reloading Reference Data & Education Ryan has volunteered for HAVA and Freedom Hunters events getting wounded vets into competition and/or hunting. They are impressed by the light recoil and how cheap it is compared to buying new AA shells for practice or matches. Super Short Magnum. Jeff Bradley shows off the Modern Hunting Rifle (MHR) from Christensen Arms at SHOT Show 2023. Meet the all-new Taurus Judge Executive Grade, a revolver featuring a hand-polished satin finish, presentation-grade wood grips, a brass rod front sight and an exceptional hand-tuned trigger. The .224 Valk was the result of that development. All Guns and Ammo subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Maximum overall length is 2.260 inches. Ive seen shooters pounding on their charging handles in an attempt to eject stuck reloads. For us, thats building the most innovative, most accurateand most effectivebullets and ammunition in the industry. However, the .224 Valkyrie has one other apparent flaw that didnt emerge immediately. All bullets except the Sierra 90-grain MatchKing varied only about 0.7 percent. Its worth noting, however, that screwing a suppressor onto a 16-inch barrel can help minimize those potential pressure-curve issues. He play trumpet in the Junior High Band and I am an honor roll student at St. Pats. Thats still a durned long ways for an AR-15 cartridge, but its not 1,300. Aside from price, the biggest difference between 22 Nosler and 224 Valkyrie can be seen when we look at the twist rate and loads chosen by their respective manufacturers and backers. Chad is also the Director of Advertising & Media Relations for CVA Muzzleloaders, PowerBelt Bullets, Bergara USA, DuraSight Rings and Bases, Quake Industries and Konus Optics. .224 Valkyrie reloading data with 160 loads. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. Bob Meinert, FN Marketing Director, introduces FN's first commercial pistol suppressor, the FN Rush 9Ti. Stocky's Owner Don Bitz walks David Faubion through the company's new rifle stocks for 2023. I plan on using 90 grain load data and starting right at the bottom. Converting an existing .223 Remington 5.56mm AR-15 to .224 Valkyrie is no more difficult than pulling some pins, swapping uppers and adopting a 6.8 SPC magazine, which is exactly how the rifle used for this testing was created. Buy Nosler Ballistic Tip Varmint IMR 4166, IMR 4451, IMR 4895, IMR 4350, Superformance, and LEVERevolution shot okay but lagged in the accuracy department. Federal lists four factory loads for the 224 Valkyrie: a varmint load with the Nosler 60-grain Ballistic Tip; an American Eagle 75-grain TMJ load for inexpensive blasting; a Gold Medal Match load that shoots the sleek Sierra 90-grain MatchKing; and a Fusion 90-grain softpoint load for hunters. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. All Rights Reserved. Rifle Data. Please help us to improve and report any suggestions via our contact form. 224 Valkyrie Update Posted on June 7, 2018 by Sierra Bullets Sierra recommends a 6.5" twist barrel for the #9290 22 cal 90 gr HPBT bullet however for cartridges like the Valkyrie, that can push them over 2650 fps muzzle velocity, a 7" twist barrel will stabilize the bullet correctly. ABOUT MARSHA: Marsha is the co-host of Shoot Straight with Chad & Marsha and is a Licensed Montana Professional Guide. While firearms manufacturers list 224 Valkyrie rifles with various barrel lengths, reports from serious experimenters indicate the 224 Valkyrie shoots all bullets best in a 24-inch barrel, and Hodgdons load and pressure data were developed in a test barrel of that length. With bullets in the heavy range, youll find that youll often load to max length. The .22 Nosler uses a 1:8 twist rate in its barrels, restricting bullet weight to 85 grains or less. The TaurusTX 22 Compact delivers class-leading reliability, capacity, and shootability in a 22 LR platform, and it's cut for a slide-mounted mini red dot. This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Because it uses the 6.8 SPC as its parent case, the .224 Valkyrie fits and functions in any quality AR-15 magazine designed for the 6.8 SPC and/or 22 Nosler. A Redding Premium FL Die Set was used to assemble rounds, the seating die including a micro-adjustable head that can be dialed to the nearest 1/1000 of an inch. This prevents the latter from chambering in a gun . The new-for-2023 lineup includes ultralight hunting stocks and a VGA 2-pound adjustable vertical-grip stock. 30 thou in is going to raise pressure, maybe a lot. All powders used were either ball-type or fine stick powders that meter consistency through progressive-press throwers, allowing smoother volume loading. Joe Kurtenbach, Executive Editor of Gun & Ammo, and John Myles from Smith & Wesson discuss features of the Equalizer 9mm micro-compact pistol and new-for-2023 M&P 5.7. DAI METER: 0.224" * 88 E. LgDr . The new RIA 5.0 Sporting Pistol from Rock Island Armory features a patented RVS Recoil system that maximizes barrel mass and linear movement to give shooters super soft recoil. I shot a lot of Sta-Ball 6.5 and it worked well beyond expectations. He was trained as an armorer in the US Army, where he spent six years as a Military Police Investigator. This year my NRL Hunter has been with H-1000 and its incredible! 2.180 in. Just as significantly, the ballistic coefficients (BC) of these new bullets also reach new levels. In short, the .224 Valkyrie tends to provide poor accuracy with the bullet that all the hype is built around the 90-grain Sierra MatchKing (SMK). Jeff Bradley shows off the Modern Hunting Rifle (MHR) from Christensen Arms at SHOT Show 2023. Phillip has attended all follow-on formal Scout Sniper courses, having graduated with honors and recognized as High Shooter from all. It is made by necking up the .22 Nosler case, setting the shoulder back and shortening the overall case length from 1.750 inches to 1.600 inches. As an aside, this is one potential down side to the .224 Valkyrie: Light bullets have to jump a considerable distance before engaging the rifling. The rim of the 224 Valkyrie is the same diameter (0.422 inch) as the 6.8 SPCs. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. The SCAR 15P is chambered for 5.56 NATO and, with its 7.5-inch barrel, is the most compact SCAR to date. Todd is a competitive shooter and firearms instructor. Trimming prevents the case mouth from growing too long and jamming against the step in the front of the chamber. As noted, Ball-C(2), H414, and IMR 8208 XBR were also standouts. Velocities were measured with an Oehler Model 35P chronograph. * All prices incl. If I back it off .14 it comes out to 2.230. Chris Johnson, FN Senior Product Manager, walks us through two new FN striker-fired pistols at SHOT Show 2023: the FN 510 Tactical, chambered in 10mm Auto, and the FN 545 Tactical, chambered in .45 ACP. It offers certain advantages unparalleled by any other AR-15 compatible round. Shooting heavier bullets, in an AR-platform rifle, that maintain supersonic speeds beyond 1,300 yards has captured the interest of shooters and handloaders everywhere, says Ron Reiber, Hodgdon product manager and ballistician. Camp Guns: Sometimes Perfect, Other Times Not But Often Essential! While new load data will continue to be updated on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center, this new 224 Valkyriedata is available immediately at This was near max (22.1) from the Alliant data. NOTE: The load data covers Hodgdon, IMR, and Winchester brand powders only. 24.5 gr. A precision rifle enthusiast and owner of GA Precision, George likely needs little introduction. 224 Valkyrie fight! For example, Federals 224 Valkyrie factory ammo is loaded with the new Sierra 90-grain MatchKing. Select A Caliber or Gauge Below To View Recipes. Nosler: BT: Federal 205-Small Rifle: Details: Hodgdon - Benchmark: 62 gr. I'll swing by the store soon and check a Nosler manual for load data. While new load data will continue to be updated, there is currently data for 80 different loads with bullet weights ranging from 50 to 90 grains from Federal, Hornady, Nosler, Sierra and . The change is infinitesimal but in this case it was enough. Hodgdon offers lots of powders suitable for the 224 Valkyrie, including CFE 223 and the IMR Enduron series, all known for limiting jacket fouling. Ben Voss FN Product Manager talks about the new FN SCAR 15P ultra-compact rifle-caliber pistol at SHOT Show 2023. Oct 7, 2016. Reviews. The 22 Nosler's 30-degree shoulder (the .223 Rem. When loading for an AR-15, however, youve got to seat projectiles to fit inside AR magazines. I really enjoy the community as well as the sport. There are starting and maximum loads for eight powders for 55-grain bullets, 13 powders for 75-grain bullets, 11 powders for 80-grain bullets, and 12 powders for 90-grain bullets. Reviews can only be submitted while being logged in. Rifle Reloading Data Handgun Reloading Data ABOUT CHAD: Chad is a world champion elk caller and two-time Eastern US Elk Calling Champion. Manufacturer. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. .224 Valkyrie The .224 Valkyrie wasn't asked to fill a void, yet it did with its creation. find load data for your cartridge. 220 Swift. Being a ballistic geek, I entered the Valkyries data into a ballistic calculator ( to study its downrange numbers. A Luth-AR buttstock with adjustable LOP and comb height and 15-inch M-Lok forend were added.
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