The rich, emerald green foliage of the emerald green arborvitae, an extremely thin, pyramidal evergreen, maintains its color all through the winter. North Pole Arborvitae and Thuja plicata or Western Red Cedar are two of the hardiest Arborvitae. Most varieties of arborvitae are cultivars of the species Thuja occidentalis (American arborvitae). North Pole arborvitae ( Thuja occidentali s) naturally grows as a narrow, tight column of ruffled evergreen foliage. Alternatively, you can delay plantation until spring, so the ground thaws. It is the perfect tall accent shrub, which can add color and appeal to the bland and empty corners of the yard. Please remember these are high-maintenancevarieties. Spartan juniper doesn't require shearing to keep its size, but responds well to pruning if you desire to keep it smaller. Shimmering emerald green foliage with a classic narrow, pyramidal form make the emerald arborvitae attractive in all seasons. Because the arborvitae grows slowly, you can also grow it as a foundation plant, boundary plant, or specimen conifer. These substances compete with the plant for water. The emerald green performs exemplary if you need a tightly compacted privacy screen on your lawn. When established, this tree tolerates dry spells and does well in the heat and humidity of the southern climate. Hence, opt for the North Pole Arborvitae if you have a small yard. Foliage on the Firechief is bright gold in the spring, deepening to orange in the summer and bright red in the autumn. Plant the arborvitaes in a row to create a bright yellow hedge, natural privacy screen, or living fence. Because arborvitae often splays open with age, they look best with light trimming. Gazebo Vs. Canopy - What Are The Differences? The North Pole Arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis 'Art Boe', is a fantastic upright columnar evergreen shrub. It has beautiful green foliage and scale-like leaves. shrubs often throw out double leaders, a tendency that makes them susceptible The Rheingold cultivar is a variety of yellow arborvitae with a dome shape and bright golden leaves. They only acquire a fraction of the formers height. However, they are different varieties of the same plant. If your heart is set on arborvitae for a specific application, you can likely find a plant that will suit your needs, but you may need to compromise, including the possibility of going over your budget for landscaping. You can add substantial organic material to the soil to boost its nutrition value and structure. Click the button below to access more than 3 dozen of our completely free and completely comprehensive guides to growing your dream garden. Remember that if you're using them for a screen you may need more North Pole in comparison. 50GP = One year from seed, sold 50 trees per tray, 3 tray mix/match minimum. Both the emerald green and north pole arborvitae make wonderful landscaping trees, especially in regions with colder climates where they can flourish. Requires moist . Doing a web search for images of this much grown plant is a good way to see this. Scientific Name: Thuja orientalis Aurea NanaHeight: 4 to 6 tallSpread: 3 to 5 wideGrowing Zones: USDA zones 6-9Growth Rate: SlowPreferred Growing Conditions: Full to partial sun. A Proven Winners introduction. Perfect as specimen plants, hedges, foundation plantings, and windbreaks, these attractive shrubs require hardly any maintenance while contributing beautifully to our landscapes. These are popular varieties of arborvitae trees that typically have a height lower than three feet. The slow-growing Thuja will grow upright if the central stem is staked. Growing Different Kinds Of Arborvitae Trees. We also recommend that you check out our general arborvitae guide to learn how to make sure you are taking care of your trees appropriately. While these two varieties look quite similar, the north pole arborvitae tends to be slightly darker in hue than the emerald green arborvitae. Its rounded growth contrasts nicely with other tall skinny arborvitaes or pyramidal arborvitaes. varieties of juniper and some types of holly and cypress. The weeping American arborvitae is one of the most unusual evergreen trees. Water them regularly, at least once a week. Well-drained soil that is consistently moist.Deer Resistant: No. Green Giant is not the only biggie in this family. is an evergreen tree or shrub that is extremely popular for hedges or windbreaks. The giant green is your friend if you want an attractive conifer that can withstand harsh weather conditions and deer nipping. During the fall, their foliage turns brown or yellow, but it regains its color back to green during the spring season. During the hot weather, water them more to keep the soil moist. This kind of arborvitae works well as a screen, as they can grow as tall as 15 feet in height and spread as wide as four feet. spread quickly, especially since most of these shrubs are planted so close - Best Gardening Ideas. They are slow-growing shrubs. In narrow spaces, gardeners usually grow these plants as privacy screens. Do Emerald Green arborvitae have different names? You can also find some specimens on Mackinac Island. You can find both tall and short Arborvitaesin this category. While similar, these two varieties do have some differences that make them ideal for specific situations. From thedifferent kinds of Arborvitae,if you need one of the fast-growing alternatives, this can be your go-to pick. Arborvitae is generally intolerant of drought, but North Pole arborvitae (ThujaoccidentalisArt Boe) displays unexpectedly good drought-tolerance in the Northeast and other northern climates in the United States. The Filips Magic Moment is a yellow arborvitae that keeps its golden color in the heat and cold. The north pole arborvitae is a variation of the thuja occidentalis species and a relatively new evergreen variety. They are fast-growing arborvitaes that are vigorous, large, and evergreen which grow about three feet annually until maturity. Its foliage has a yellowish-green color in spring before turning medium green, then reddish-brown. You'll find species and cultivars in many shapes and sizes to fit the needs of small gardens and large. It reaches 10 to 15 feet tall and 6 to 10 feet wide. Fast growing, with a handsome, dense habit. overused. As is apparent from the name, they have a narrow shape. An evergreen cone-shaped tee that has dark green foliage and grows up to 15 feet tall. Dry locations are not acceptable, and exposed, windy locations have to be avoided. Thuja occidentalis has scaly leaves that grow on fan-like branches. Western Arborvitaestwo most popular varieties include Western Red Arborvitae and the Zebrina Arborvitae. Plant the root ball in a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball. And, given how fast they It enjoys full sun and good drainage and is an excellent low-maintenance shrub. Developed in Denmark, the Emerald Green arborvitae, or Emerald Green Thuja, is named (and known) for its striking green foliage Smaragd is the danish word for emerald. There is even a weeping kind, T. occidentalis Pendula. And if you judge them by these terms, they still cannot be beat. The flat leaves are scale-like and grow in fan-shaped clusters. Thujas have a tougher root structure when compared to other tree species. Its a Deer will nibble away at But as they reach maturity, they tend to showcase significant differences in their shapes, sizes, and general appearance. Freezing weather, drought, and rain affect the growth rate of most arborvitae. In fall and winter, the evergreen foliage takes on an orangey-yellow color. The evergreen conifer keeps its color throughout the year and doesnt turn bronze in winter. With regular pruning, you can also grow medium-sized privacy screens for your backyard. This tree species can also be affected by tip blight disease a fungal disease that causes a pine trees shoots to dry, disfigure and die. Grow Woodward arborvitae shrubs as a wide evergreen hedge. Ans. Also called 'Smaragd,' this upright columnar arborvitae has compact growth and reaches up to 14 ft. (4 m) tall. This columnar arborvitae has upright growth and a narrow pyramidal shape. To level the ground once more, add more soil to any dips that are visible. Sometimes this type is pruned to form spiral topiaries. It will grow in USDA zones 5-7, where the temperature rarely exceeds -20. of pests, but bagworms can do a lot of damage. Whether you are looking for a small hedge or a larger, more lush area, these evergreens can help to create the perfect landscape. Whether your dream garden is a houseplant sanctuary, a bountiful vegetable garden, a pollinator paradise, a bright and bold flower bed, or a backyard oasis Gardening Know How has the perfect gardening guide just for you. matt1234321 thanked Select Landscapes of Iowa, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Source for Cupressus sempervirens var horizontalis, Abies koreana Wellenseind - Easy to Grow for a newbie, ill see your 9500 year old tree and raise you a 1600 year old tree. Great alternatives include upright They are also very similar to each other in terms of appearance. You can grow this low-maintenance plant in several weathers and soil conditions. Inexpensive and beneficial for wildlife Another of The plant has a long life, and many species live as long as seven decades. The hardy Filips Magic Moment arborvitae has an upright pyramidal growth with golden colored foliage. One of the best attributes about North Pole Arborvitae is that they do not consume massive space in their garden or yard. The Zebrina arborvitae is a variegated evergreen conifer with unusual foliage. Choose Options. Compare All Thuja They also resist both sunburn and windburn. Overall, these arborvitaes are easy to care for as they are low-maintenance. Also known as theThuja occidentalis Rheingold, it is an attractive shrub famous for its golden foliage. The North Pole type of Thuja are native to North America and work well in narrow areas or small yards due to their medium stature and easy to care for nature. Yes we have used both in landscape settings. Arborvitae is prized by gardeners as a hardy evergreen, but is also a favorite food source for deer. The plant thrives in USDA hardiness three through seven. As low as $29.99 . Green Giant and Emerald Green are both fast-growing evergreens that thrive in various soil types and require full to partial sunlight. Fortunately, almost allArborvitae varietiesare resistant to every condition, but excessively arid conditions may curtail the plants growth. USDA Zone 3 - 7 (-40F/-40C) Exposure Full sun, Part sun Height 10 - 15 . Voles, on the other hand, tunnel through the ground and cause significant damage to the roots of the Emerald green arborvitae. To remove any air pockets, deeply water the area around the trees base and the edge of the planting hole. Other cultivars that can rightly be called giants are the fast-growing Zebrina, which grows 30 to 50 feet tall and is 8 to 12 feet wide, and Hetz Wintergreen, a fast-growing variety that tops out at 30 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Most Emerald green arborvitae pests cause the foliage to turn brown and the leaves to droop and eventually die. drop needles, sometimes permanently. Otherwise, the shrubby conifer has a spreading growth habit. It makes an outstanding specimen plant or a space-saving hedge. You must also understand the watering pattern for smaller-sized conifers and fertilizer application for improved plant growth. This dwarf globe arborvitae is a drought-tolerant plant. The tall arborvitae, Yellow Ribbon, is best growing as a privacy screen or tall hedge. (Teos viewpoint) If you want an easy-care, Its graceful height and slender shape will make a dramatic addition to your landscape. Arborvitae The Yellow Ribbon arborvitae is a slow-growing, semi-dwarf conifer. Butterfly Weed vs Milkweed: Whats the Difference? So, they seek regular upkeep and care. This small arborvitae has rich green needle-like leaves that stay dark green all year long. nature in all its forms is important. Related: How to save brown arborvitae trees in summer? Before planting your arborvitae, you must decide the location and the number of trees you want in your garden. As its cultivar name suggests, the Zebrina arborvitae has green foliage with creamy-yellow zebra-like stripes or markings. 18 Ct Tray = Two years from seed/cutting, 3 tray mix/match minimum. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. They thrive in partial and full sun. Read more on pest infestation, stress, and wildlife harm. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! own growth rate, but some grow a full 3 feet (1 m.) or more each year and Depending on the arborvitae species, the dense evergreen foliage grows as cone shapes, upright columns, or rounded shrubs. This rare weeping arborvitae will look like a spectacular ornamental tree in your front or backyard. Emerald Green arborvitaes are ideal foundation plants, shrub borders, windbreaks, or living fences. Although the Green giant can grow to massive heights, it can be pruned and maintained during the early stages of growth. The group of evergreen shrubs known as arborvitae is commonly used in the home, urban, and suburban landscape, to the point of being overused. Ideally, most Arborvitaesare evergreen. Scientific Name: Thuja occidentalis Golden GlobeHeight: 2 to 3 tallSpread: 2 to 3 wideGrowing Zones: USDA zones 3-8Growth Rate: Slow to MediumPreferred Growing Conditions: Full to partial sun. She has over 30 years of experience in gardening and sustainable farming. The most common (and well-loved) arborvitae varieties include the north pole arborvitae and the emerald green arborvitae. The western red cedar or western arborvitae is a huge evergreen conifer. An even taller species, the Western Red Cedar (T. plicata), can quickly grow to 50 to 70 feet tall and 15 to 25 feet wide, earning it the common name "giant arborvitae." Mostdifferent types of Arborvitaesgrow well in soil with pH levels between six to eight. This evergreen conifer is ideal for formal or informal hedges and doesnt lose its color throughout the year. One option is to buy established Emerald Green arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis Smaragd) plants, which can reach 12 to 14 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide at maturity. In its natural habitat, American arborvitaes are medium-sized trees, growing up to 50 ft. (15 m). Tree maintenance includes watering, pruning, trimming, and fertilizer application for a long and healthy life. is one faster than the other? predators, watch as they chew down your hedge. It is a Giant Arborvitae that grows about sixty feet high and is one of the taller varieties among different types of Arborvitae trees. I think the big question is what kind of weather you have. Do you want to add some color to your landscape? are evergreen means that the privacy protection or wind block lasts all year These varieties grow best in USDA hardiness zones three through seven. The low-maintenance arborvitae stays globular without pruning. Maintaining a green giant or an Emerald green arborvitae is easy. Their small stature predisposes them for use as short hedges, foundations plants, border plants, or container-grown specimens. Generally, arborvitae is not an exceptionally fast-growing shrub. Arborvitae is a popular evergreen plant for hedges and borders, especially the types that sport a trim, vertical shape. Green Giants have dark green foliage and are fifteen feet spread. Famous for their long life expectancy, these Arborvitae treescan live for over 1000 years. Also, if the soil retains moisture excessively, you can add grit to about 20.5 cm depth. This article is a complete guide to the most popular types of arborvitaes. healthier the trees are, the stronger is their resistance to any pests in the Well-drained soil that is consistently moist. As low as $29.99 . Find a location with well-drained soil that receives full or some sun. Jeffrey Douglas own a landscaping company and has been in the business for over 20 years. because they can become unsightly due to needle drop and branch breaks, and Almost allArborvitae varietiesare evergreen and durable. But, these two tree species will tolerate the cold weather and continue to grow well. This is especially true of the various kinds of "globe arborvitae" (so named for their spherical shape or hassock shape), which include: Not all types of arborvitae are a plain, old green color, either. Hence, the Green Giant grows taller than the American Arborvitae trees by up to 50 feet. 101 Market 8980 Quantrelle Ave. N.e. Small arborvitaes are ideal for foundation plantings, borders, hedges, and privacy screens. In addition, their dark green foliage looks beautiful across the year, even in the winters. 'Hetz Midget' is a hardy dwarf that reaches 3 to 4 feet tall. American Thuja handle the coldest climates of the different types, but they are not as drought tolerant as some of the other species. NCSU (North Carolina State University), Available here:, Monrovia, Available here:, Monrovia, Available here: You can use Emerald Green Arborvitae as a formal screen. Arborvitae varieties generally dont have a lot Also called the Art Boe arborvitae, this cold-hardy shrub is the perfect choice for growing tall hedgerows, privacy screens, or borders. arborvitae for screening and privacy for a variety of reasons, and some of What you like better? Which Plants Keep Copperhead Snakes Away? Emerald Green Arborvitae Better known as white cedar, the Emerald Green Arborvitae gets its name due to the fact that it turns a darker shade of green as it matures. Several small cultivars have been developed such as Aura Nana. Some landscaping situations call for a plant that is more compact and with a growth rate that is slow to moderate. Pre Order! together. Remember that if you're using them for a screen you may need more North Pole in comparison. They grow into such pretty trees with pyramidal shapes and add so beauty to the house fencing/privacy screen. They thrive in almost all climatic regions across the United States and the different varieties grow to varying sizes while displaying interesting traits. It grows to15 feet tall and 4 feet wide forming a tall column of brilliant green foliage. moderately drought tolerant. Most Deer dont care for Western arborvitaes like the Green giant arborvitae. They are easy to maintain and care for. Grows very narrow and has a unique look whether pruned or left to its own devices. Different types of arborvitae grow as upright columnar trees, small conical trees, or globe-shaped shrubs. Holmstrup Arborvitae is a slow-growing plant that takes a decade to reach 2.5 feet wide and 10 feet tall. Emerald Green Arborvitae $24.50 - $195.00 Zones 2-7 Danica Globe Thuja Arborvitae $29.50 - $69.50 Zones 2-7Up to 19% off! provide nurture in the form of seeds. Best Fertilizer For Apple Trees (Organic & Synthetic Feed), How To Plant Lemongrass Seeds (Easy Germination), How To Plant Cherry Tomatoes Seeds To Start Cherry Tomato Plant, White Blossom Crabapple Tree Varieties (White Flowers), Ornamental Crabapple Tree Varieties | Flowering Types. The former is an ornamental tree, a spectacular choice for hedges in residential gardens, and the latter is a variegated evergreen conifer. Such variants have a pyramidal, compact form with green and dense foliage. It spreads to about 14-21 feet wide in their maturity. Each type has various cultivars. Such plants have a standard conical, narrow shape, and the trees are about sixty feet high. Scientific Name: Thuja occidentalis SmaragdHeight: 8 to 12 tallSpread: Up to 3 wideGrowing Zones: USDA zones 3-8Growth Rate: Slow to ModeratePreferred Growing Conditions: Full sun to light shade, loamy well-drained soil, consistent soil moisture, neutral to alkaline pHDeer Resistant: No. There are things you can do that may damage the arborvitae, however, so it is important that you are careful as you plant, grow and maintain your plants and trees. It can reach 10 to 15 feet tall and 5 to 7 feet wide. The Green Giant and Emerald green thujas are the two common tree species native to North America and are widely distributed. Arborvitae trees are among the best fast-growing, low-maintenance evergreen trees for use as a privacy screen or hedge. While young, the shrub has a showy pink tint on its foliage, making it the perfect landscape specimen. These shrubs have simply been Scientific Name: Thuja occidentalisHeight: 40 to 60 tallSpread: 10 to 15 wideGrowing Zones: USDA zones 3-7Growth Rate: Slow to MediumPreferred Growing Conditions: Full sun, well-drained but moist soils that are slightly acidic. North Pole Arborvitae grows through USDA three through seven. A trees appearance is another critical factor that helps decide which tree you should pick. American arborvitae is one of the best garden landscape plants. Emerald green arborvitae is a slow-growing tree that only achieves a maximum growth of 12 inches per year. It reaches twenty feet in height. The following arborvitae types are the most commonly planted. Both of these varieties of arborvitae are very similar and would work well in most landscaping scenarios. Outside of these similarities, there are a few differences worth noting. Each species has its However, they are not very drought tolerant. Choose Options. Ans. It thrives in moist, alkaline to neutral, well-drained loams. If you plant several of them in a row, the thick, dense foliage will fill out in just one or two years to make the perfect living fence. Different types of Arborvitaestrees are native to America, but the AmericanArborvitae varietiesare one of the first North American trees brought into Europe. The North Pole Arborvitae Emerald Green Shrub adds foliage and beauty to any outdoor space. The sizes of the two tree species vary significantly. One of the most well-liked and useful shrubs for tall hedges or screening, it also makes a perfect specimen for topiary. Weed Wacker Vs. In this day and age, taking care of and allowed to mature, they are lovely evergreens. just a few years. The plant has a narrow pyramidal shape and an attractive visual appeal. It is sold in the United States under the trade name emerald green but is known in Denmark as the smaragd arborvitae. The Green giant encounters pest-related problems, which cause the leaves to droop and die. Regarding Thujas, the watering and trimming process is not as complicated as most people imagine. Though there aredifferent varieties of Arborvitae,you will find them rarely in residential landscapes. They accept pruning and shearing with grace. It is known for its long life expectancy; some specimens are dated at more than 1000 years old. Being one of the shortest arborvitae shrubs, the Hetz Midget is best for foundation plantings, mixed borders, miniature hedges, or rock gardens. Also known as emerald green arborvitae. #1 Container = 3 year old tree container grown. months or years earlier, so the rapid growth that arborvitae trees show is a Yellow Ribbon arborvitae cultivars grow to between 8 and 10 ft. (2.4 3 m) tall. Emeralds will fit better in tight spaces around the driveway or property borders, and their smaller size makes them ideal to grow in containers. Emerald Green Arborvitae trees, also known as 'Smaragd' due to their Danish origins, grow in a narrow pyramid shape, eventually to 10-15 feet tall and 3-4 feet wide. These giant arborvitaes are rarely used for residential landscapes. Emerald green arborvitae is a slow-growing tree that only achieves a maximum growth of 12 inches per year. . And unlike other arborvitaes, this cultivar keeps its lustrous color even in the cold winter months. The Emerald Green arborvitae is also known as Smaragd, as this tree was developed in Denmark. Since arborvitae are evergreen, birds, squirrels and small The emerald green arborvitae in particular is simple to transplant. They are both deer-resistant and can create a lush, dense privacy hedge, with the Emerald Green better suited for tight spaces and the Green Giant for larger spaces. Then they become slow growers to around 12-15 feet tall. Not sure which variety of arborvitae to add to your landscaping plan? I hope this helps . Almost allvarieties of Arborvitae treesare soft to touch and aromatic. It will grow to heights rarely above 15-17 feet tall and spread about 4-5 feet wide at their maturity. On average, the maturevarieties of Arborvitae treesare about ten feet wide. But which variety of arborvitae should one look for? They are adaptable and hardy. Its also one of the most beautiful types of columnar trees. back to bare stems since they usually wont regrow. In order to keep the soil moist throughout the spring and summer, water the tree frequently and deeply. David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience. Due to its arching branches, the weeping eastern arborvitae grows best as a specimen tree. Three types of arborvitae: Thuja occidentalis (left), Thuja plicata (center) and Thuja orientalis (right). They are different varieties of the same species of tree, and they have almost identical maximum heights and growth rates. The arborvitae Danica has green foliage that turns bluish-green in winter. Green Giant (T. plicataxT. standishii) is an exception, being one of the faster-growing arborvitaes, but its growth is much more than most home gardeners are looking for. Considered a semi-dwarf variety, it grows in a narrow pyramidal shape to about twelve feet in height when fully mature. Ans. You can easily pot them in containers. Instead of standing upright in the traditional pyramid form, shrubs are much smaller and globe-shaped. Green Giant ( T. plicata x T. standishii) is an exception, being one of the faster-growing arborvitaes, but its growth is much more than most home gardeners are looking for. Once Golden Globe trees are established, they are heat and drought tolerant and do not sunburn. North Pole Arborvitae vs. Emerald Green: Description. The plants grow best in well-drained and fertile soil. The sun-loving arborvitae has bright golden-green foliage made up of soft needle-like leaves. Information is included for each type, detailing what traits makes them unique, their mature size, and preferred growing conditions. Enough tree spacing allows the tree roots to sip equal amounts of nutrients from the soil. The Hetz Midget arborvitaes attractive feature is its dark green foliage that turns into hues of bronze in the winter. Thank you for reading! One of the best things about such varieties is that they are rabbit and deer-resistant. Further, if you want to give a specific shape todifferent kinds of Arborvitae,bear the same in mind when spacing the plants. This dwarf Thuja is also perfect as a container plant on terraces, patios, or porches. Their dense green foliage and fast growth make arborvitaes versatile plants that grow under various conditions. These two varieties of Thuja have a range of features that make them ideal for landscaping. There exists different varieties of Arborvitaes within this genus. Both Giant green and Emerald green can grow well in different types of soils and soil structures. Most Thuja tree species look similar during their early stages of development. And if your arborvitae trees get too tall, dont hesitate to prune them Grow Aurea Nana as a foundation planting, specimen shrub, or formal low-growing hedge. Lawn Mower - What Are The Differences. On the other hand, the Green giant arborvitae will not thrive in too harsh and cold weather zones. My area of expertise lies in urban farming and conscious living. And they are lovely specimen tree too. The north pole arborvitae and the emerald green arborvitae have many similarities. But never prune the trees When the arborvitaes are planted correctly, they are healthy, resilient, and valuable. You can also use them as a hedge. These arborvitaes are similar to other arborvitae with how hardy, disease resistant, and easy to care for. Emerald Green Arborvitae. Acidic to alkaline soils that are well-draining but kept moist.Deer Resistant: Yes. Green Giant shrubs can climb to a towering height of 40 to 60 feet at maturity, and 12 to 18 feet wide. They also retain their color through winters. It expands slowly to grow to a height of around 15 feet and a width of about four feet. The Giant green arborvitae and the Emerald green arborvitae resist harsh weather conditions. Shape of 'Smaragd' varies, some are taller and skinnier than others. The fast-growing cypress tree grows up to 40 ft. (14 m) at maturity and has an annual growth rate of 1 ft. (30 cm). These small scrubs maintain bright golden yellow foliage year-round. We would recommend the emerald green arborvitae for warmer climates, while the north pole arborvitae would do better in colder climates. Typically fast-growing, these are low-maintenance and versatile shrubs that can solve your wind and privacy issues without digging a hole in your pocket. Make sure the top of the root ball is level with or just above ground level by standing the tree in the hole and measuring its height. So, leave ample space between them to ensure growth. Information about growing Woodwardii arborvitaes: Thuja occidentalis Rheingold shrub with golden foliage in autumn. You can have either tree species to maintain a beautiful landscape together with your lawn. Arborvitae trees and shrubs arent all bad, its true. This miniature American arborvitae cultivar only reaches 2 ft. (0.6 m) tall and the same width. Growing Zones: 5 - 9 Plant Addicts. He loves all things related to lawns or gardens and believes that proper maintenance is the key to preventing problems in the first place.