Cleo is adamant about killing the story, so Mike acquiesces to her wish only for the papers to now say Cleo dumped Clyde for Mike! They were a bit wild back then and one day they decided to summon the ghost of Bloody Penny. Not one to call in favors, she asks you to speak to Donald to find a compromise since its his business partner who wants to replace the park with a mall. Once you talk to Watson, if you qualified for Gold Gift, he will also offer you a Red Gift for 899 diamonds. Turns out, he did! Felicia plans to prank her bosses with a second charity party by making them praise awful dresses that Petrovich secretly designed. After everything theyve been through and how he treated her, Lucas isnt sure Emily even wants to speak with him. Recycle plastic furniture - recycled plastic engagement ring. Lucas, an inventor and scientist, is searching for an assistant; he'll find one in Henry Dougan, who in exchange needs the help of Lucas in solving an old case. He enlists the help of Clyde to make a song with Cleo and the country singer agrees. Tip: don't pay 250 diamonds for the private investigator, and go talk with Watson instead; Central Hospital, Railway Station, closest village, mountains (foothills) for Alice's itinerary. She gives you a Gold Gift as promised for helping her out with her anthology. Residents of the town started behaving strangely, and Mary and Bill began to worry their baby might be kidnapped after it was born. When he returns to the coffee shop, he says space needs to be made for the 34 surveillance monitors he has to setup in order to view the camera footage. In a surprising twist, she tells Donald about it and he makes Watson Holmes confiscate Bill's computer. Mary says she had a good childhood and wonderful parents. After a quick chat with the local officer, Watson Holmes, we find out the police are looking for a Ben Jones, in connection to the local robbery of the museum where the Mona Lisa has been stolen, the very name Mary remembers Ben using on their marriage certificate. At the end of the story, Olivia is determined to testify against Mike in court now that she is able to. Elsa admits she was out again with Kevin that night but swears she wasn't the one who killed him. In the end, she goes with Petrovichs idea: fishing. In an attempt to understand himself and win back his beloved, Donald attended meetings where men share their problems. Note: Some story titles are not official. However, the date does not go well as Mary thinks Bill is too flaky and indecisive to be boyfriend material. Requirements: Smoothie with Espresso, Chocolate Shavings, Cardamom and Saffron for Jennifer, Magical Coffee with Rose, Cardamom, Saffron and Gold for Jennifer. As for the robberies, she tells you that all the pieces stolen from the museums were top-notch fakes that she and her partner had passed off to a mysterious group known as the Syndicate.. Elsa tears the page. You also learn that Mary and Bill arent together at all, they never even dated, and Bill doesnt believe Mary would ever be interested in a guy like him. Talk to Margaret, Elsa, and Felicia about what Mary likes/finds romantic. Koffsky tells you that the Vintage Mirror that Jennifer had given you in Level 34 is the mirror of Bloody Penny. Elsa loved the class, but Bill thinks he lacks parenting skills. Elsa actually likes Bill very much, although she does think hes a little dorky. You'll also get a Gold Gift from Olivia and a Pink Gift from Jennifer. July 15, 2021. Mike isnt faring much better. She then turns to you for advice. The pink gift from Felicia was the one handed out last, after the other storyline had started (Felicia and the charity event). Note: Some story titles are not official. When you speak with Mary, you find that she feels the same way about Bill, except for one little thing: for some reason the programmer gets very shy around her friend Elsa. Felicia accepts to go with him providing you coach him to behave as expected. In exchange for 10 diamonds and to continue working to make Cleo a superstar, he asks you for a Canel with Vanilla and Whipped Cream. He vows to find Alice again, explains what really happened and makes amends. Fixing water line and pouring cement near Cleo's place. When you talk to the DJ, she tells you she was denied from performing at this years Rad Fest, the hottest party of the year, because shes not popular enough. Elsa wants a Winter Berry Dessert. But nobody knows who started the rumor, including Daisy. Answer from: Wawa AqilahI'm stuck at level 28. Mary said that if today were her last day on earth she would get married. Margaret agrees to help if you either pay her 195 diamonds or prepare Croissant with Cream for her. The media misinterpreted a friendly hug between Cleo and Clyde as romantic, a scandal which was started by Mike himself and to which he says talent will only get Cleo so far. Elsa realized her mistakes and need to correct all the chaos she created . Ben couldnt offer much advice seeing as how hes currently unemployed. She stormed out, but not before threatening to have him fired. Emily is on edge and plans to take a revenge. Michaela starts working as an assitant to Olivia so she can clear her name. Thankfully, Bill gave him a taste of his own medicine and distracted him right back, winning the chess championship. And secondly, why would he bother stealing the manuscripts if he already had enough money? Answer from: PlayerI sold to Fernando and received a Gold gift from Olivia, a Blue gift from Fernando, and a Pink gift from Felicia. Answer from: MhizblexinIf you sell to Fernando, you get a gold gift from felicia, pink gift from Oliver and a blue gift from Fernando. He is the threat that Watson Holmes is talking about. At level 5 Watson Holmes mentions there are two Koffskys although he is not sure whether he is one person or two. There are no more story lines and Mike is no longer in the cafe. If you lend Koffsky 250 diamonds instead of asking Donald for help, he promises to return 300 diamonds to you later. Gracias Donald hires Daisy as the manager of his real estate company. When he first comes into the caf he wants the player to give him a bribe. By looking at the photo Margaret guesses that Edward, Koffsky's twin brother and business partner, sabotaged his brother's recipes by buying poor-quality ingredients. Ask Felicia and Petrovich to join the team and theyll agree to help her out. Margaret is up to her ears in wedding preparations. Mike feels guilty and apologizes to Jennifer, but she is suddenly kidnapped. Police investigated to know where the money was but she didn't have any. Cleo is feeling miserable because her phone is broken. The initials are: B. I. L. L. Then ask Bill for riddles. The antique dealer says he sold an old piece of paper he inherited and now has enough money to fund his wedding with Margaret. Lucas suggests he uses a tactic called the queens raid, which he says is a fast, effective and classic move. Seeing her so depressed, you offer to make her a Canel with Vanilla and Saffron. Donald for a coin and Fernando wants me to GIVE him 25 diamonds. He is very excited to show Clyde all the new tech hes bought for their show. Still riding off his single victory against his faceless opponent, Ron races off to challenge Bill again, but Henry knows the soccer star isnt ready yet. Watson has bigger things to worry about, however, because the Fakespeare manuscript exhibit gets robbed under his watch! A very short event in which Carl remembers his first (very odd) encounter with Margaret. He gave her the statuette he made for her and it turns out shes a huge fan of Petronia Sledges work! Reward: Gold Gift from Fernando, 20 diamonds and Gold Gift from Carl. Throwing a huge party might help her since it worked for her roommate back in college, and Jennifer asks you to talk to Cleo. The fashion editor invited Margaret to her wedding, which takes place in a week's time at St. Joseph's Church. You'll have to talk to Ben in order to dig into the meaning of that dream. Ron distracts Bill so much during their match that the programmer ends up losing. Mary is perfectly happy and Clyde is, too, now that hes found Emily. He asks you to see what impresses your female customers when it comes to men so he can analyze their responses, then he heads off to plan the perfect date for Mary. And get the gifts&vip points, Answer from: AbbyIf u choose Fernando, u get a blue gift and a gold gift. Ben is also released and for a Summer Raspberry Cake he will agree to give Ron some humour lessons. It turns out the man working at the gas station wasnt Edward but his brother, the former chef. The player convinces her to do so and get to decide whom she will vote for and thus who wins the election. If you warn Watson about Mikes plan, hell thank you for the tipoff, otherwise hell say that he hopes theres no surprises in store tonight. I got no gifts or anything from that quest.. did they change it with all those updates. He reveals to you that Cleo behaves strangely and that makes Ron afraid of losing his authority as a football team captain. Each story is unlocked at a certain level. Mike confirms all of this but the bad food part. Jennifer is ashamed to have been blind to Mike's machinations but thankful you opened her eyes. Elsa plucked up her courage and told Mary everything. Turns out, the lecturers surname is Romantik. You don't have to memorize them. Say you will forget the whole thing if he sends you the list. If today were her last day on earth, Cleo would spend it on Ibiza. Talk to Watson to see if he's gonna do anything about her statement. Donalds property values have plummeted and hes hit rock bottom. Its all a little complicated, and she asks you to talk to Margaret, who is a master at unraveling complicated situations. They met when he went to fix the computer network at Mary's college but she doesn't remember him. Max is Chloe's boyfriend. On the first day working on Stage 1 of the quest, Emily gets a big surprise from Lucas: a cup of coffee and flowers! Donald Mulligan (former boss) Appearances Debut Level 15 Jennifer Park is a caf customer who makes her first appearance at level 15. Answer: sign language, 2) What sickness can u never catch on dry land? Requirements: Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for Petrovich, Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom for Petrovich, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Daisy, Arabian Night Turkish Coffee for Margaret, Aphrodite Tea with Nutmeg, Rose and Cinnamon for Petrovich, Requirements: Energy Matcha with Guarana, Coffee and Honey for Bill, Vanilla Ice Matcha Latte for Bill, Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt for Margaret, Requirements: Honey Milkshake with Tapioca, Cardamom and Rose for Koffsky, Americano with Saffron and Cardamom for Clyde, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Koffsky, Canel with Vanilla, Nutmeg and Tapioca for Clyde. After realizing setting them up in the caf is out of the question, he suggests the surveillance headquarters be setup at the police station. Unfortunately, Lucas doesnt feel the same way: Emily failed his compatibility test and now hes shying away from talking to her about it. Margaret told her to take the initiative for it surprisingly. Watson returns and says everything is almost ready for his family, but hes a bundle of nerves and asks you for a Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla and Cardamom to calm down. Fernando all the way. You explain Petrovich took her ring from a magpie. When you talk to Henry, he thinks that theres a prankster in their midst. At the film studio meeting, Jennifer and Mike butt heads over whether to put Cleos music video at the beginning or end of the opening ceremony. Bill had told him hes quitting soccer, so Ron told him if he beat Bill in chess he would have to rejoin the team, something the hacker found hilarious. After fulfilling all his requests, he compliments on how much better your cafe looks. Margarets opinion about the situation with Clydes child is this: if Clyde finds out about Mary, hell probably refuse to adopt Emily. She believe she's cursed since even before she went there. How many corners does the table have now? With his last shred of sanity, he admits that he paid the Candy Bandits off to turn themselves in so hed look better in the upcoming elections. She is also very practical, and is excited to meet her father after all these years despite growing up in a single-parent household. After delivering the coffee, Olivia and Watson went to the cinema, and wjen they got back home, it has been ransacked and Cleo's case evidence was scattering all around. After an Adrenalino with Guarana, he'll tell you that Mary proposed to him because she wasn't sure when the heck he'd do it. Donald accidentally made Daisy the new town mayor, and then he fired her to protect their relationship. Mike will ask you for an equilibrium tea. Jennifer ends up taking Petrovichs steamroller in search of Fernando, who tells you she did an amazing presentation. The retired spy thought better of it and fixed her mistake. Therefore, she needs to come back there to meet an hermit that might help her. Koffsky suddenly remembers he tried something called a supercupcake when he was younger when he overhears Carl talking about its recipe over the phone and asks you to talk to him. Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:13:48 Game Questions & Answers. Petrovich swears he didn't touch it. Ben will ask you for a Bonfire Hot Chocolate with Guarana and Gold and gives you a 100,000 tip in return. Mary asks for a Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise and tells you that while trying to compete with the robot, Bill has hurt his foot. But it was Micaela who trashed Olivia's house! The DJ is currently planning a crazy outdoor party. The cop wants to give the perpetrator a detailed explanation of why it isnt nice to hit on-duty police officers in the head with shovels. You decide to tell Watson this but he suddenly gets chills even though the caf is warm. He's described as rich, dashing and well-dressed. You then ask Bill to do some research on his tablet, which suddenly loses connection. You discover that everyone drank something with ice in it, and that's because of a potion that Lucas created. Note: There is no penalty for incorrectly answering any of the questions. A few levels later Mary Ditt visits Ben in prison and tries to prove his innocence. Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. Olivia is about to kick her sister our of her life tomorrow, but they have to go to court before with Cleo's jewellery. He is rude and grumpy. Although it would bring in a lot of revenue for the town, the park holds a lot of treasured memories for her. But things still dont add up: why would Carl confess if the police were looking for a woman? When you talk to Emily and Clyde again, you find that their first meeting went really well and they hit it off! The first part of the recipe is in the police archives in a file for Iron Mulligan, but, unfortunately, Watson doesnt have access to it since theyre reorganizing the archives. When he gets there, however, he catches a glimpse of his yard from her window. You find out that Emily really had treated the date as a scientific experiment and dumped Lucas after he played the lab rat for her. Explain the situation to him. She refuses to perform, but Mike is desperatehe owes a large debt to the Corporation and he was counting on Cleos success to help pay them back. By talking to customers, you learn that she is a competent and hard-working young woman. No mike, no story linesnothing, Answer from: AndyI sold to Fernando and i never got any gifts :(. Carl also agrees to lend Alice his surfboard in exchange for you buying a "chosen style" menu. When you ask Clyde what it was, he says Koffsky had broken into his house using the chimney as if he were some kind of Santa Claus and left him a note, basically rubbing it in his face that he lost, and signing off with Ho ho ho! like Santa. Things are headed in the right direction when you talk to Bill, although he says that while hes really interested in Mary, hes decided to love her from afar. Level 11: Humor Coaching & the theft of Mona Lisa, Level 15: Green Moon Fund & Mayoral Election, Theft of the Mona Lisa II & The Telephone Terrorist. Rewards: 1 gem from Ron after the match against the Raging Beavers; 2 gems from Ron after you buy the decoration; 2 gems from Ron after he designed the outfit; 3 gems from Ron after you come up with your customers' suggestions for training; 1 gem each from Donald, Margaret, Mary and Petrovich after the last game. Rewards: Pink Gift from Watson, 15 diamonds and Saffron from Koffsky, Requirements: 2 Galangal Teas for Petrovich, Maxi Cappuccino with Ginseng for Bill, Maneki-Neko for Cleo, Requirements: Turkish Coffee with Cardamon for Elsa, Cappuccino with Nutmeg, Ice and Chocolate for Margaret, Hot Chocolate with Ginseng and Lemon for Bill, Fireplace for Koffsky, Rewards: Pink Gift from Fernando, Simple Gift from Cleo, 15 diamonds from Watson, Requirements: Tea with Galangal, Milk and Caramel for Mary, Requirements: Invigorating Tea for Clyde, Iced Latte for Clyde, Vanilla Frapp for Watson, White Hot Chocolate for Margaret. That criminal almost shoot Olivia, but Michaela saved her life by accepting to go with the gang. She asks you for a Raf with Nutmeg and Rose before she tells you her story. She even fulfilled the ridiculous requirements from Cream Hall by exploiting some loopholes thanks to the help of Felicia and Petrovich. He wants to send it to an expert to open whose total fee is 1,000 diamonds, but if you chip in half hell give you some of the treasure. A contest is being held to see which town will be the new home of a brand new film studio. Henry thinks this is Rons chance, not like there was much choice anyway. You will get only one change to buy it from Fernando by spending 49 diamonds. To get her to come to the coffee shop, youre going to have to raise your prestige level. He asked you to make Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon and Mint to help him snap out of it. Clyde calls him a cheater for using a cat in his video, so Koffsky agrees to a rematch, ready for whatever hell throw at him next. Because of this, he tries dating. Ann tells you Petrovich is acting a little weird. my cafe level 28 donald or fernando. He wants to destroy your coffee shop. The two return to the coffee shop with some news: the recipe was only a fragment of jumbled words, not a whole part. Meanwhile, Ben is starting taking bets on the next matches: 20 gems for the bet, and if you win you get 30; you're free to bet or to pass. Elsa is stressed about the coming of her grand child. Soon after this Mary comes to the caf to organize her wedding reception. Chatting with Margaret, you notice the beautiful necklace shes wearing. Koffsky agrees to help Watson, afraid that the police officer will burn down his house if he doesnt help. When confronted by the player she quickly admits she did it. Margaret manages to steal the mayor's files and gives them to Bill so he can decrypt them. She wants you to speak with Bill. Reward gold gift by Ben. After giving your answer, Emily tells you to talk to Donald and see what his impression of Stage 2 is. One moved away about a decade ago, but one still lives in the town: Emily Roberts. Olivia, Felicia's lawyer, asks you and Henry for help. Watson informs you that the girl he saved from thugs was exactly Alice Carroll, and that she's also the girl Koffsky was in love with. Clydes love story involves a girl he wrote a song for when he was a teenager. Tip: all dream events are in your story book. With no way out and without the distraction of her phone, Jennifer falls asleep until she's accidentally freed by Petrovich on his way to the gym. The musician, for his part, agrees to hear you out on one condition: you serve him an Americano with Cream, Cinnamon, Popcorn and Star Anise. He was swept away by fans after the match, so he asks you to pass his thanks to Bill. Margaret advises performing hypnosis, which becomes a pretext for Watson to ask you to buy a leather couch. Although she didnt meet the man of her dreams, Elsa says shes more excited to meet her grandson. Which is the better option? Petrovich is horrified and hopes if he gives his future mother-in-law a Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom she might be in a forgiving mood. Ben says he saw someone with a face scar attacked Michaela, which she denies saying that it was only a fan. Tips and rewards: Selling to Fernando costs 25 diamonds. Youll need to ask Petrovich and remember what he tells you about the bed so you can pass the information onto Lucas. Before the match against the Raging Beavers, Ron has a premonitory dream about himself: he believes he could become a soccer star! or Fernando for 25 diamonds. Thankfully, Watson did find the recipe fragment at the scene and gives it to you. Watson recognizes her as a girl whom he rescued once. When Lucas hears that hes an actor, hes upset that this world will never know of his inventions and asks you for a Shrikhand with Maple Syrup, Cardamom and Saffron to help him feel better. The girls parents forbade them from being together as she was from a wealthy family, and the two teenage lovebirds lost contact. Margaret asks for a sofa in exchange for providing you with an exotic animal (a sloth). However, he explains that the cops are bound hand and foot. He claims he wore a bra to make it appear as if he were a woman. Cleo says shes using them for the Oh blondie! game show, which Mike roped her into. Tip: When talking to Carl about Watson not thinking the note is not enough evidence to put Mr. Fisk behind bars click slowly because you will be asked to get a painting to help Carl plan for the heist and it would be best to chose a painting in your cafe's style. Cleo says the ring is a family heirloom, so there's no proof of ownership as a result. He asks you to check on them to see if theyre all right, but it looks like the newlyweds may be out of their honeymoon phase. Gold gift from Olivia, and 1.000.000 star points (it's on upper left side on the screen, what dya call it?) If I sell to Donald will I get the cafe back? Mr. Bowen thinks he writes terrible lyrics, so hes going to steer clear of this job. Mike leaves the town, but will return as a customer at a much later level. Using a queens raid, Ron and his team win. Jennifer says it's practical and for support and talked to Mary in an interview about it. Then, he asks you to talk to Ann because Mary always seems sad when she comes home from the coffee shop, but Ann says they always have a great time laughing and gossiping. Ryan learned that his friends were murdered over a piece of land with oil rights. He owns over a hundred cafs all over the world but likes financing small independent cafs in order to help them become successful. It been like this for about 10 days. What Blue gift contains: Diamonds: 25-500. Koffsky will give you a puzzle question that is related to the recipe in the coffee shop: Greek Goddess of beauty and the answer to that is Aphrodite tea with nutmeg, rose, cinnamon. After this revelation, the impostor runs away (though sometimes he stays and demands to let him end his meal). Margaret thinks you should advise Koffsky to rent out part of his home to Clyde Bowen, who just happens to be looking for a place. With Ryan's help, the couple managed to find the secret society that the coffee shop customers belonged to. You can either tell Mary, or intervene and confront Bill about this first. Mary will ask you for a tapioca tea with milk, vanilla and cardamom, and Bill asks for the latest flooring. However I do not trust Donald completely and with Fernando I am confused as I am not sure I will get the cafe back so I want to hear from players who have already completed the storyline. Talk to Cleo about how it went later. Bill tries his best to sabotage this robot but only does more damage. While telling you how the dinner went, Bill asks for an Americano with Saffron and Cardamom.
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