On the upside, people with this placement tend to think through things in non-linear or associative ways, making connections that only seem absurd or irrational to others. Anything artistic, especially music and poetry, are wonderful mediums for the Mercury in Pisces to use in communication. They have a strong desire to help those around them, or even strangers. The astrological cause for the timidness and technical malfunctions is the debilitated Mercury in his birth chart. The late great Albert Einstein, legendary singer/songwriter Elton John, and actress Emma Watson are examples of successful people with Mercury in Pisces. She may also find it challenging to assert herself and speak her truth. I've appreciated his bluntness and honesty regarding unfavorable placements, his insight into the areas of life in which they fall and his imput on the brighter side of my chart. Mercury in Pisces is a unique and independent blend of minds whose deep emotional connection to one another may not be obvious to the casual observer. Stars are part of creation and must never be worshipped according to The Last Word of God, and older authentic religious revelations. I accept the possibility that Patrick Watsons analysis may be inaccurate and assume full responsibility for any actions I independently undertake in response to the analysis of my horary. I have my mercury in pisces (8th house, in retrograde) and my jupiter in virgo (1st house, conj AC) so I assume that this applies to me? If it receives harmonious aspects from the rest of the chart, it is easier to integrate in a positive way. With Mercury in Pisces, people can find outlets in various creative expressions, including music, art, writing, photography, and dance. This person will have a constant wanderlust and desire to be on the move. To become successful with the traits of Pisces Mercury, Jupiter should be dignified to support the native. With your communication skills and personal charm, you make great friends wherever you go. Thank you, Renu for sharing! Meditation is very helpful to harmonize and strengthen a healthy connection between mind, body, and spirit. This placement creates a harmonious balance between our logical and imaginative sides. Mercurian energy is all about communicating, exchanging information, learning. This astrological placement indicates that she often feels a need to express herself creatively, and her sensitivity to the feelings of others can make her especially intuitive toward the ones she loves. Mercury will ingress into Pisces today. They enjoy reading, and they might have literary talent themselves too. Thanks for writing on this topic. It wants to create magic, not deal with duties and details. However, if Jupiter is dignified, it saves Mercury from continuous mistakes. 2) Timing recommendations provided by this electional service are based on Patrick Watsons opinion of astrological factors and are not guarantees of desired results, and are not intended to contradict, supersede or be in any way a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals in other fields such as medicine, law or finance, etc. Edgar Caycefour planets plus the north node in Pisces. She loves children and animals, but she also loves nature and other human beings. Production guide and directory with crew, equipment, digital media, pre-production, post production, production support and talent services. Interesting article. I feel a constant struggle between my intuition and imagination (Pisces) and my overthinking (Gemini). Mercury is agile, quick, objective, genderless. It felt like my chart wasnt looked at. However, there are also benefits to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. And Pisces is a dual water sign with Jupiter as its lord. I say work but Im sure its an activity of joy for you. Hence, the moment when you experienced the traits, please check which planetary period they had and in what sign was it? Pisces, which is the 12th sign in Vedic astrology, represents foreign lands. Coinbase automatically converts the USD price into the current exchange rate for currently accepted cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dai (DAI), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and USD Coin (USDC). Water signs are linked with mysticism, the unconscious, emotions, depth. Mercury in Pisces men are the wittiest and most charming among other astrology signs. As a result, they might miss important factors or data and tend to misunderstand the importance of statistical information. If you have Mercury in Pisces, fear not! Theyre often interested in spirituality, mysticism, religion, music and animals. In Astrology, the planet Mercury symbolizes communication, sanity, knowledge, and risk management skills. When looked practically what Mercury in Pisces does is decreases the activity of the logical part of the brain. Another significant weakness of this Mercury sign is indecisiveness. A bulk of the information given to me was about general astrology. Patrick is an excellent astrologer and will provide you guidance and insight. Search, get listed, or request production services. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. They have a belief that there is a supreme power guiding everything on earth. Enjoy our world-class food, live music, and impeccable service blended with a breathtaking, panoramic view of Arlington's Entertainment District. I had a general chart reading today with Patrick. Mercury in Pisces is in a mutable water sign and takes on the qualities of its ruler Jupiter, expansive, visionary and boundless. They have a soulful quality about them, with their philosophical nature and love of music. I had a fabulous consult with Patrick recently. During this time, communication, technology, and transportation can become disrupted, leading to confusion and misunderstandings. Mercury in Pisces is more empathetic and less detail-oriented, so they are sometimes better at counseling and talking through less tangible issues and topics. People with Pisces placements can access both the world of dreams and reality. Mercury often goes retrograde. With that being said, they support religious or spiritual principles when expressing themselves which often gives them great respect. Tl, dr: If youre thinking about doing a reading with Patrick, go for it! Simply put, practical details are not your thing. Thank God, somehow I could manage to overcome the riddle. Dont forget that this placement too should be interpreted in the context of the horoscope as a whole. Moon is handle in basket aspect as well. The Mercury in Pisces person can accused of lying simply because they aren't clear. Thanks. This trait can be especially helpful in topics where spirituality and creativity is important. This can be really paralysing in your everyday life. If you have this placement, you might often feel that you are misunderstood. They find it hard to clearly express themselves to others. He is a deep, mysterious character. I have also mentioned him to my friends who are interested in Astrology. The effect of astrology writers like you is priceless. When this happens, they start to improvise by harnessing mental tricks in an attempt to succeed in activities related to calculation, statistics, trading, traveling, logistics, etc. This is further explained at the end of the article. This Mercury in Pisces transit has the potential to enhance your creative skills and talents, making it a perfect time to develop new ones, such as painting or music. The New Moon is conjunct Neptune (25 Pisces), conjunct Mercury (5 Aries), sexile Pluto (29 Aquarius) and square Mars (28 Gemini). The Sun transits Pisces between 19 February and 20 March approximately (under the tropical zodiac). These people are excellent communicators and have a vivid imagination. When they do meet someone special, though, they lose all of their shyness and spend all their time with that person. Mercury is the planet of merchants, mental intellect, and clear thinking. Moreover, when Mercury is located in Pisces, it is in the 10th house from its own sign Gemini. I. E. lets spend 15min talking about what the 8th house represents versus what this means for me. Their stories inspire us to embrace our unique talents and use them to make a difference. Everyone who abuses them or tries to take advantage of their weak logic receives karmic lessons sooner or later. Overall, I couldn't have been more satisfied than this. Thank you very much Jeffrey for your wonderful and honest words. This is a temporary influence that creates brain fog, abstract thinking and illusions. Hello! Highly, highly recommended! They are able to relate to what others are feeling, and they want nothing more than to be loved and cared for as well. They are very sensitive to the arguments and criticism of others and tend to carry grudges inside them for a prolonged time if they feel hurt. The energies and thoughts of individuals with this combination dissipate into the air due to constant imagination. She puts her all into her close relationships, and sees the people who are close to her as a part of who she is. It means that Sun is in Cancer while Moon is in Leo zodiac signs in a natal birth chart. Mercury is curious and agile. I have great confidence in the result of his work on my chart as it speaks to the events in my life and who I am. It helped me a lot. Instead, it adapts with Sun and increases the intelligence of a person concerned. The cancellation or support in life comes through matters described in Pisces Venus. The 10th house in Vedic astrology signifies high achievements and status in life. Ive been attracted to astrology for about 30 years, mostly via friends in the field. They find it really difficult to analyze clearly and tend to just stay optimistic which can put them in danger to execute irrational decisions. Martin, great article for me. The strongest trait of Pisces Mercury is their highly active subconscious mind and understanding of higher morals and ethics. This is a transit that feels very dreamy, and it is a good time to reorient and do some damage control with your motivation and resources. So I feel like, I could be happy like this but I have to function properly in the physical. It also rules young age, siblings, short trips, movement. 3)Prices are provided in USD. When Mercury is in Pisces, it means necessary steps should be taken to ensure that everybody is happy with the results. Hence, this disposition of Mercury from its home supports them in succeeding in the world of spirituality and other similar imaginative creations.
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