Clive Myrie presents the fifth semi-final of the classic quiz, where contenders return to the black chair under the glare of the spotlight and the ticking clock to win a place in the grand final. Clive Myrie hosts and asks the questions on the contestants' specialist subjects, which in this episode are the John Rebus novels by Ian Rankin, Hamilton, Louis Theroux documentaries and James Craig, 1st Viscount Craigavon. The hunt for the nation's Mastermind continues as John Humphrys grills four more contenders on their chosen subjects and general knowledge. Four (and in later contests five or six) contestants face two rounds, one on a specialised subject of the contestant's choice, the other a general knowledge round. The specialist subjects are the Trans-Siberian Railway, Dusty Springfield, Monty Python films and Grayson Perry. Tonight's subjects are Elvis Presley, the Glorious Revolution, the Foundation novels of Isaac Asimov and Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em. Subjects tonight are Kurt Cobain, Empress Elisabeth of Austria, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Alfred Wainwright's Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells. John Humphrys asks the questions as the classic quiz reaches the semi-final stage. The specialist subjects tonight are the Suffragette movement, Cab Calloway, the Giro dItalia and the life and career of Robin Williams. All four panellists were asked questions on this occasion. The specialist subjects tonight are the short stories of Daphne du Maurier, the films of Studio Ghibli, Scott Pilgrim and Formula One. Clive Myrie hosts and asks the questions on the contestants' specialist subjects, which are the Empress Matilda, Stevie Nicks, the What Katy Did novels and Universal's Frankenstein films of the 1930s and 40s. Tonights specialist subjects are the Mughal Empire, the life and legacy of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Charles Dickens's Female Characters and Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone. The subjects are Scottish pop music from 1980-1999, Aston Villa FC, the history of the GDR, and Clarice Cliff. The contestant also wins the $10,000 if they answer the Ultimate Trivia Question correctly. Celebrity Mastermind 2021 contestants and episodes Episode 1 - Saturday, 19 December at 7:25PM Comedian Omid Djalili, reality star Charlotte Crosby, TV presenter Dr Zoe Williams and former. John Humphrys questions more contestants in the famous black chair. In the event of a tie, the players involved in the tie are asked one additional question. Clive Myrie asks the questions as four more contenders take to the black chair under the spotlight and the ticking clock in an attempt to become the next Mastermind champion. Clive Myrie hosts the classic quiz where contenders take the famous black chair. Celebrity Mastermind is a celebrity version of Mastermind, a British television quiz show broadcast by BBC television. The contestant's score is displayed on screen; beginning with the 201617 series, the border around the score gradually turns blue (black in the 201920 series) during the final 10 seconds. The first occasion was on the 1995 video special, when only regular captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton were asked questions; Hislop on "The Life and Lies of Jeffrey Archer", and Merton on "Absurd Newspaper Stories Between 1990 and 1995". He would then play the music on keyboard with an over-the-top hellish sounding climax. John Humphrys hosts the relaunched series of the classic quiz where contenders take the famous black chair under the glare of the spotlight hoping to become Mastermind champion. Tonight's specialist subjects are the Blandings stories of PG Wodehouse, Seattle Seahawks, the listed buildings of Liverpool and the music of Beyonc. Subjects in this first heat are Marvel Comics, Shakespeare's comedies, John Martyn and Pu Yi, the Last Emperor of China. The topics are: the presidency of John F Kennedy, the novels of Peter Carey, heavyweight boxing and the physicist James Clerk Maxwell. Four more contenders brave the black chair in another heat of the classic quiz and answer questions on Vivien Leigh, The Cazalet Chronicles, 1990s hip-hop and the Flight of the Earls. John Humphrys presents another heat of the classic quiz. In one send-up, which appeared on the television edition of Dead Ringers, the contestant offered to answer questions on Mary Queen of Scots, but when an answer was given, John Humphrys was shown saying "Yes, but you sexed that answer up". John Humphrys hosts another semi-final of Britain's toughest quiz. John Humphrys hosts the relaunched series of the classic quiz where contenders take the famous black chair under the spotlight's glare, hoping to become Mastermind champion. Subjects include the history of the Orkney Islands and the films of Laurel and Hardy. The subjects are Game of Thrones, Neil Young, Bournville Village and the life and career of Sir Edward Marshall Hall. The specialist subjects were The World of Glee; UK Dialling Codes; U2; Husky Dogs and Back to the Future. The subjects in this episode are Plantagenet Queens Consort 1154 1485, members of the Weasel family, Eurovision in the 21st century and Birmingham City FC. Clive Myrie hosts and asks the questions on specialist subjects, which this week are the films of Tom Hanks, Sir Edward Elgar, Bess of Hardwick and Bjrk. Ninety-six contenders start the journey towards the final but only one can be crowned Mastermind Champion. The contestant answers the questions while the Master Mind is isolated offstage, the Master Mind then returns to the stage to answer the same five questions. John Humphrys presents another episode of the classic quiz. Clive Myrie hosts the classic quiz where contenders take on the famous black chair. Tonight's specialist subjects are the novels of Alan Hollinghurst, Harold Larwood, The Vicar of Dibley and the life and works of Edouard Manet. John Humphrys invites four more contenders to answer questions in the black chair. The winning contestant faces off against the best-performing expert in the "Ultimate Trivia Challenge.". Clive Myrie asks the questions, which tonight are on Great Britain at the Winter Olympics, Goodness Gracious Me, Francis I of France and the High School Musical trilogy. Host John Humphrys invites five more contenders to answer questions in the black chair in the last semi-final of the series. The specialist subjects in this heat are The Wire, Scott Joplin, the writer Alan Moore and Beatrix Potter. The hunt for the nation's Mastermind continues as John Humphrys tests four more contenders on their specialist subject and general knowledge. Master Minds (2020- ) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Series Writing Credits Series Cast Series Produced by Series Music by Series Casting By Series Production Design by Series Makeup Department Series Sound Department Series Camera and Electrical Department Series Casting Department The subjects are the Miss Marple novels of Agatha Christie, the Scottish national football team, John Clare, King Henry VII, and the life and work of Aubrey Beardsley. John Humphrys presents another heat of the classic quiz. John Humphrys asks the questions as the hunt continues for the nation's Mastermind. John Humphrys asks the questions as the hunt continues for the nation's Mastermind. Instead there is now a brief monologue from the winner at the end of each episode about how pleased they are to have won. Tonights subjects include the human body, Leicester City Football Club and the life and works of Frida Kahlo. In February 2021, Humphrys announced that after 18 years at the helm of the show, he would leave the show. This episode's specialist subjects are The West Wing, Bob Marley, Neil Gaiman's Sandman series and John Hawkwood. Specialist subjects tonight are Joni Mitchell, the Radio 4 sitcom Bleak Expectations, Alan Turing, and the history of aviation to 1914. The specialist subjects in this heat are Harry Potter, modern jazz, the English Reformation and the musicals of Andrew Lloyd Webber. This round consists of five open-ended questions, each on a different topic. Subjects tonight are Australian Test cricket, James Ellroy's LA quartet, Kirsty Maccoll and King Henry VI. This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 23:00. [5] The original black chair was given to Magnus Magnusson as a souvenir when he retired from the show,[10] and is now owned by his daughter Sally Magnusson who inherited it following her father's death in 2007. Contestants answer questions on specialist subjects and test their general knowledge. Master Minds is an American game show airing on the Game Show Network. Contestants write computer code to calculate the shortest . John Humphrys invites four more contenders to answer questions in the black chair. The search for the nation's Mastermind reaches its conclusion as John Humphrys invites the six finalists to make once last visit to the famous black chair as they attempt to win the glass bowl and the title of Mastermind. [citation needed]. John Humphrys presents the grand final of the classic quiz. The format was different, however, with Wise, then Morecambe, being asked 10 questions each. Four more contenders brave the black chair in another heat of the classic quiz and answer questions on REM, Edward Lear, Gustav Klimt and the FA Cup. John Humphrys presents another heat of the classic quiz. John Humphrys presents the quiz. The hunt for the nation's Mastermind continues as John Humphrys grills four more contenders on their specialist subjects and general knowledge. Mastermind is a British television quiz show for the BBC, currently presented by Clive Myrie. Two contestants, Lucy and Ian, got off to a flying start by answering all of their questions correctly during their specialist round. If a question has been read out in full when time expires, but the contestants have not yet given an answer, they are allowed a few seconds to do so. The specialist subjects are the Peter Wimsey stories of Dorothy L Sayers, Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Wire and the Falklands conflict. This time, the subjects are the jazz pianist Bill Evans, Georges Remi and Tintin, William Morris, and Torchwood. The hunt for the nation's Mastermind continues as John Humphrys tests four more contenders on their specialist subject and general knowledge. John Humphrys hosts the relaunched series of the classic quiz where contenders take the famous black chair under the glare of the spotlight hoping to become Mastermind champion. Tonights subjects are the films of Wes Anderson, Richard III, the England rugby team and the novels of Nancy Mitford. The specialist subjects are Margaret of Anjou, Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals, the history of Canterbury and "The Simpsons". The relaunched series continues with another four contenders taking to the black chair, answering questions on their chosen specialist subjects to earn a place in the semi-finals. On 22 March 2021, it was announced that Clive Myrie would take over as host. The subjects are Alan Bennett, Cream, the novels of Dan Brown, Herbert von Karajan and Queen Mary. As the camera panned out it became evident that the chair itself was on a platter, slowly turning in a giant microwave oven. The subjects are islands of Scotland, Laurie Lee, Ginger McCain and Red Rum, and the films of David Fincher. John Humphrys asks the questions in another heat of the classic quiz. Tonight's subjects are Sidney Poitier, Greek mythology, Soundgarden and the Women's Institute. The subjects are the films of Ewan McGregor, British race courses, World Heritage sites and CJ Sansom's Shardlake novels. An always calm Peter Sinclair asked the questions (with none of the friendliness found on University Challenge).Contestants faced two minute rounds on general knowledge . Subjects in the first heat are Yes Minister, the Battle of Lepanto, JM Barrie and St Paul's Cathedral. John Humphrys asks the questions as the hunt for the nation's Mastermind reaches the semi-final stage. Subjects tonight are Asterix, the periodic table, the novels of Nick Hornby, Richard Feynman and Stan Laurel. Subjects tonight are the history of Las Vegas, the Anne books by LM Montgomery, Paul Simon and the Western films of John Ford. Subjects tonight are: Star Trek: The Original Series, the Rugby Union World Cup, the Fethering Mysteries of Simon Brett and the Life of Giordano Bruno. It began in 2002 as a one-off special, expanding to the current arrangement of 10 episodes, broadcast during December and January. Four Doctor Who aficionados compete to see who is the UK's top Doctor Who fan. The correct answers are revealed after both participants have revealed their answers. The subjects are Olympic track and field, the Tolpuddle Martyrs, Egyptian mythology, the graphic novels of Daniel Clowes and President Andrew Jackson. John Humphrys presents another episode of the classic quiz. The contestant with the higher score wins $1,000. He is Indian Singer, YouTuber by passion. John Humphrys presents the grand final of the classic quiz. In one of the parodies the show was called "Masterbrane". Topics are the Tudor monarchy, the travelogues of Michael Palin, postage stamps of the 19th century and Belle and Sebastian. John Humphrys questions four more contenders. The correct answers are revealed after both the contestant and Master Mind have played. The specialist subjects are Michael Palin's travel documentaries, Lady Gaga, Emily Dickinson and the BBC sitcom Mum. Topics are: the life and music of Bob Dylan, Sitting Bull, the life and work of Sir Arthur Sullivan and King Henry I. S42E06 Episode 6 September 20, 2013 BBC Two Clive Myrie tests four more contenders. The player who submits the correct answer the fastest wins the game. In his early routines Bill Bailey would often parody the Mastermind music, finding it very sinister. The hunt for the nation's Mastermind continues as John Humphrys tests four more contenders on their specialist subject and general knowledge. The series continues with another four contenders taking to the black chair, answering questions on their chosen specialist subjects to earn a place in the semi-finals. The specialist subjects in this programme are the summer Olympic Games, Duke Ellington, Hammer films and General James Wolfe. John Humphrys invites four more contenders to answer questions in the black chair. [citation needed]. A special guest would always be invited to present the trophy to the winner, with the exception of the final edition in 1997, in which Magnusson presented it himself. Everyone (including the other two experts) secretly and simultaneously locks in their answers, a contestant's correct answer is worth 50 points if the chosen expert got it right, and 100 points if not. The subjects are EastEnders, Puccini, Bill Shankly and the Battle of Trafalgar. John Humphrys asks the questions as the hunt continues for the nation's Mastermind. Mastermind's theme music is "Approaching Menace" by the British composer Neil Richardson. John Humphrys and the famous black chair return for another series of television's toughest quiz. The hunt for the nation's Mastermind continues as John Humphrys tests four more contenders on their specialist subjects and general knowledge. In this programme, the specialist subjects are the Mabinogion, the life of Jacqueline du Pre, Emily Temple and the life and works of William Gibson. Tonight's specialist subjects are the Mongol invasions, Aristophanes' plays, the rise of the East India Company and Broadway musicals of the 40s and 50s. John Humphrys invites four more contenders to answer questions in the black chair. Four more contenders brave the black chair with John Humphrys asking the questions in the classic quiz. Point scores are kept for both contestants and experts (now called "Master Minds"), and the winners of both groups face off in the Ultimate Trivia Challenge. John Humphrys asks the questions as the hunt continues for the nation's Mastermind. The subjects are Rudyard Kipling, Clement Attlee, Glamorgan CCC and Florence Nightingale. List of mastermind questions pdf . The specialist subjects tonight are Christopher Eccleston, Metallica, the life and works of Beatrix Potter and the Greco-Persian Wars. Expect a few passes and some 'I've started so I'll finish' from the iconic commentator as he tests England and Arsenal legend Alex Scott, former world boxing champion Anthony Crolla, football commentator Jonathan Pearce and record-breaking swimmer Mark Foster. The new series of Celebrity Mastermind begins on BBC One next month, with 56 contestants taking on "the famous black chair" to raise money for charity.. Tonight's subjects are The Vicar of Dibley, the novels of George Orwell, Roman Coinage and Harold Wilson. The subjects are Golf Majors, the Revolt of the Netherlands, the Hannibal Lecter novels of Thomas Harris, US Constitutional Amendments, Indian Premier League cricket and Hadrian's Wall. In tonights programme, the specialist subjects are The Undertones, Dads Army, Genghis Khan and Basil Rathbones Sherlock Holmes films. If the contestant responds incorrectly, the questioner gives the correct answer before continuing to the next question; answers to passed questions are read out only after time has expired. The subjects are Breaking Bad, the Spanish Civil War, the Clash and the Peter Wimsey novels of Dorothy L Sayers. The BBC's satirical current affairs quiz show Have I Got News for You has parodied the show several times, by turning the lights down except for spotlights above select chairs and playing the theme tune, before subjecting at least one of the panel to some rigorous questioning. The two contestants face off for 60 seconds. The duplicate chair was never used on air, except in the title sequence, which was recorded in London while the main chair was on the road. The specialist subjects are The Book of Mormon, the fiction of Franz Kafka, Durham County Cricket Club and The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. John Humphrys invites four more contenders to answer questions in the black chair. Tonight's specialist subjects are on The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, Marlene Dumas, the life and poetry of Edward Thomas and Guy Burgess. The second season began airing on December 7, 2020. In addition he holds the record for the highest ever score on Brain of Britain and has been a member of the Eggheads since that series debut. The hours and hours spent sitting on . John Humphrys presents another heat of the classic quiz. John Humphrys invites four more contenders to answer questions in the black chair. In the opening rounds four contestants each answer two minutes' worth of questions on a special subject and then have two and a half minutes on general knowledge. Tonight's subjects are the Romanov Dynasty, the life and works of Frederick Douglass, Harpo Marx and Otis Redding. Under the glare of the spotlight and the ticking clock, the contenders answer questions on their specialist subjects, which are the Pax Britannica trilogy, the musical Les Miserables, UK number one singles of the 1960s and The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. Subjects are the Harry Potter novels, the Waterloo Campaign, the Battle of the Bulge and Rosalind Franklin. John Humphrys asks the questions in a semi-final of the classic quiz. The hunt for the nation's Mastermind continues as John Humphrys tests four more contenders on their specialist subject and general knowledge. The subjects are the Bodyline Ashes tour, the life and work of Elizabeth David, Will Hay, British admirals of the Napoleonic Wars and the life and works of Mary Shelley. Clive Myrie tests four more contenders on their specialist subjects and general knowledge in the tenth heat of the series. The subjects include Life on Mars, the Titanic, Barbara Castle and the Periodic Table. John Humphrys asks the questions as the hunt continues for the nation's Mastermind. The subjects are Pink Floyd, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, the novels of James Herbert and the life and career of Theodore Roosevelt. Four more contenders face the black chair under the spotlight and the ticking clock in an attempt to become the next Mastermind Champion. Four more contenders brave the black chair in another heat of the classic quiz and answer questions on Prince, Thomas Telford, the Julio-Claudian dynasty and the novels of Charles Dickens. In the last episode of "Is It Bill Bailey?" The specialist subjects are the Gordon Riots of 1780, the history of Marvel Comics, Franklin D Roosevelt and FE McWilliam. John Humphrys presents the fourth heat of the classic quiz where contenders take the famous black chair under the glare of the spotlight and the ticking clock in an attempt to become the next Mastermind champion. Subjects include Wilfred Owen, Sir Michael Caine, Mad Men and the rock band Faith No More. The specialist subjects for the grand final are Thunderbirds, English test cricket since 1970, Elizabeth Gaskell, the Seven Years War, the Ryder Cup and the Battle for Berlin. John Humphrys hosts the relaunched series of the classic quiz where contenders take the famous black chair under the spotlight's glare, hoping to become Mastermind champion. The search for the nation's Mastermind reaches its climax as John Humphrys tests the six grand finalists on their specialist subjects and their general knowledge. Four more contenders take to the black chair. Tonight's subjects are the life of Ernest Rutherford, the Hitchcock films of Cary Grant, the motorways of England and the Poldark novels. John Humphrys hosts the classic quiz where contenders take to the famous black chair under the glare of the spotlight, hoping to become the next Mastermind champion. Tonight's subjects are the fauna of the Galapagos Islands, The Mighty Boosh, Uefa Champions League finals and Catherine de Medici. Clive Myrie hosts as contenders take to the famous black chair to answer questions on their chosen specialist subjects for a place in the semi-finals. If the contestant wins the round, they win $10,000 and return on the next show. If they give an incorrect answer or no answer, they are eliminated. John Humphrys hosts the relaunched series of the classic quiz where contenders take the famous black chair under the glare of the spotlight hoping to become Mastermind champion. Here's how it happened. John Humphrys presents the fourth semi-final of the classic quiz where contenders return to the black chair under the glare of the spotlight and the ticking clock to win a place in the grand final. The pairs are made up of four children who have been supported by a BBC Children in Need funded project and a celebrity partner. John Humphrys presents another heat of the classic quiz where contenders take to the famous black chair under the glare of the spotlight and the ticking clock in an attempt to become the next Mastermind champion. The specialist subjects are the Apollo space program, the Pitch Perfect films, the Appalachian Trail and Talking Heads. The specialist subjects are the Booker Prize, the city of York, the Busby Babes and the Russo-Japanese War. The contestant who gives the most correct answers is the winner. John Humphrys puts the questions to five more semi-finalists. The category not selected in the first round is made available again, along with a new category. Topics are the life and career of Sebastian Coe, the life and work of Eadweard Muybridge, The Byrds and Violette Szabo GC. The 'Mastermind' magic mix: Four contestants, three minutes, a lot of nerves. The show had three series over a 15-month period, from September 2000 to December 2001. Like Mastermind, 2 Minute Drill featured a leather chair, dramatic lighting and sound effects. Fulcher chooses 'Anglo-Saxon architecture', though displays no knowledge of the subject and makes up answers such as 'Toto from The Wizard Of Oz' and 'Elvis', and scoring no points. The subjects are Barbara Castle, Archbishop Makarios, the McAuslan trilogy of George MacDonald Fraser and Joe Meek. John Humphrys presents another heat of the classic quiz. By what name was Master Minds (2020) officially released in India in English? John Humphrys asks the questions as the hunt continues for the nation's Mastermind. Photos from the individual Mastermind episodes are listed along with the Mastermind episode names when available, as are the dates of the original airing of the episode. Later this year, @brookeburns and @marklabbett will reunite for the newest season of Master Minds", "We have some scary good news for you! John Humphrys invites four more contenders to answer questions in the black chair. Four more contenders brave the black chair in another heat of the classic quiz and answer questions on the Best Picture Oscar, Greek mythology, Joseph Bazalgette and the history of Manchester and Salford. The show was recorded, with original presenter Magnus Magnusson, on location at UK universities. On tonights episode, the subjects are: the life and poems of WH Auden, UK rap music, Louis Braille and 1970s and 80s British sitcoms. If the scores are tied after five questions, then the contestant is asked the "Ultimate Trivia Question," a question chosen by all three experts offstage before the show. Clive Myrie hosts the classic quiz where contenders take to the black chair. BBC One's Celebrity Mastermind 2022 line-up revealed David James, Janette Manrara, Ellie Taylor, The Vivienne and Jackie Weaver are among the familiar faces taking a seat in the famous chair. John Humphrys presents another heat of the relaunched series of the classic quiz where contenders take the famous black chair under the glare of the spotlight and the ticking clock in an attempt to become the next Mastermind Champion.