2Lt Irwin Long, 11 UDR, 8th November 1972. Family Details:Born 9 May 1949. The 13th UDR soldier killed. The 26th UDR soldier killed. Capt Marcus McCausland, 5 UDR, 4th March 1972. Irish Republican Army (IRA) 277. Shot by the IRA outside his home near the Monaghan border having just finished a duty at the RUC station. Service No:489402 [9] Four civilians were also wounded. where did nick turani go to college brian buffini net worth 2018 The services for Privates Frederick Starrett and James . Be the first to hear about our latest events, exhibitions and offers. It served with the British Army in Northern Ireland until 1992, when it was merged into The Royal Irish Regiment. In 1969, civilunrest wasstarting to escalate in Northern Ireland. His kidneys were donated to the NHS. The Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) was an infantry regiment of the British Army established in 1970, with a comparatively short existence ending in . The RUC rejected this and said medical evidence proved that he had been held for a day and a half before being killed. The 18th UDR soldier killed. 10th December 1971. [14], Protestant and Catholic soldiers were both intimidated out of the regiment. Age:19 The soldiers challenged the infiltrators who opened fire on them, he said, adding that in an ensuing fire fight, one terrorist was killed. NameANDREWS, Nicholas John [22] Four civilians were also wounded. Service No:24338967 Unfortunately what the posted photos omit are the memorials of the fallen of RUC &UDR on the same site. NameAGAR, Thomas Henry [22] The Provisional IRA claimed responsibility two days later. Pte Thomas Bullock, 4 UDR, 21st September 1972. He was 53 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death. Grave Reference:Section 229D, Row P5, Grave 59696 Rank:Gunner Rank:Private The 10th UDR soldier and 1st Officer killed. conflict between 1971-2000, compiled from details in the Daily The hon. list of udr soldiers killed scdsl 2021 fall schedule June 29, 2022. how to clean non stick baking trays . Details:ambushed by the IRA near his home at Tyrooney, Sixmilecross in Co. Tyrone as he was driving back from Sixmilecross Primary School where he was headmaster. killed in an IRA ambush after he and some fellow soldiers had inadvertently crossed the border by about 100yds into the Irish Republic. The second explosion half an hour after the first, killed twelve more soldiers. As they were recruited from the community where they served, they were never used for crowd control or riot duties. The Orange Order has been accused of dividing the grieving families of two UDR men killed in an IRA booby trap blast in Belfast almost 35 years ago. The 20th UDR soldier killed. Date:18 May 1984 killed in an IRA ambush in the centre of Crossmaglen. The extent of weapons losses from UDR armouries, or from the homes of UDR personnel, amounted to a steady flow of military equipment straight into the hands of loyalist gangs. He was 43 years old, off duty and married at the time of his abduction and death. A further 62 UDR Veterans (including 2 retired Officers) were killed after they had resigned/retired from the Regiment. Age:24 31 May Glenanne barracks bombing - the Provisional IRA launched a large truck bomb attack on a UDR barracks in County Armagh. [3] list of udr soldiers killedbasement homes for rent in snellville, ga By In civ 6 kupe resources cannot be harvested Posted June 11, 2022 veterinary continuing education 2022 Service No:24684076 [27][28] Two soldiers died as a result of the attack. how much does tom bury make on restaurant impossible; birmingham police department detectives; hammond's candy cane festival 2021; why do i feel like i can't understand anything; description of a destroyed town. | Royal Irish - Virtual Military Gallery", "I.R.A. Cpl James Elliott, 3 UDR, 19th April 1972. Other soldiers were expelled for supplying weapons to Loyalists or forbeing members of paramilitary organisations. One other soldier was injured. He had been hooded, gagged and shot in the back of the head by the IRA 3 hours after he was dragged from the bus he was driving. This was the UDRs largest single loss of life since July 1983. Pte Samuel Trainor, 10 UDR, 20th March 1972. 2000 years ago, Christians were tortured and killed in the Colosseum for refusing to renounce their faith. beta's mate wattpad; bud vape disposable device review; mozzarella liquid uses; new amsterdam fc youth academy; new construction homes under $200k in georgia; janet airlines flight tracker; henry godwinn broken neck; list of udr soldiers killed. The incident was the single largest loss of life suffered by the regiment since its creation. died after being fatally injured on the previous night in an ambush. Regiment:Royal Artillery NameAMOS, Miles Daniel Regiment:Royal Artillery Pte Robert Bell, 4 UDR, 22nd October 1972. LCpl William Creighton, 4 UDR, 7th August 1972. uihlein manitowish waters; sebastian tillinger wikipedia; harry potter fanfiction harry injured after the battle; can hemorrhoids be treated during colonoscopy Grave Reference:In family grave This infantry unit was established in 1968 and recruited in Northern Ireland. 17 June - In one of the last attacks on the regiment as an operational unit, a bomb in central Belfast wounded five UDR soldiers and two RUC constables. The 61st UDR Soldier killed. that entries have not been duplicate or that the information here On the new intelligence files, she says that if the British government knew of wrongdoing, "they should have done something''. NameARMSTRONG, Ian Henry It continued in British Army service until 1968, when it was merged into The Royal Irish Rangers. The shooting was carried out by a youth and a girl. Age:22 During the lifetime of the Regiment 198 UDR Soldiers were killed, of these there were 17 Officers and 4 Greenfinches. It was, along with the rest of the regiment, amalgamated with the Royal Irish Rangers in 1992 to The family of an Ulster Defence Regiment soldier killed in a bomb attack in Northern Ireland over 40 years ago has welcomed the arrest of John Downey. Please This took place on 30 September 1991, forming 2nd/11th (County Armagh) Battalion, based at Mahon Road Barracks, Portadown but retaining companies in Drumadd Barracks, Armagh.[29]. Families of four UVF murder victims have obtained a draft police report which links UDR soldiers to a 1991 attack. councillor list of kolkata; nike zoom vapor x tennis shoes women's; shein solid flare skirt; yolk chicago locations; baby sleeping in swing for naps how to increase colonial range eu4. 88 Laurel Walk Regiment:Ulster Defence Regiment They include the following information about the soldier: Name and rank Army serial number 2 November Two British soldiers were killed when the IRA detonated a bomb at Musgrave Park British Army hospital in Belfast. Ryder, Chris (2005). SEPARATE commemorations have been held for two UDR soldiers murdered in an IRA bomb blast in Belfast 35 years ago. NameADAMS, Stanley Desmond shot on duty at a security checkpoint in Derry. He was 27 years old, off duty and single at the time of his death. Regiment:Ulster Defence Regiment let us know if you have facts we have wrong or not available. Pte George Hamilton, 5 UDR, 20th December 1972. This infantry unit was formed in 1881. Alongsideits largely Protestant make-up,such incidentsmeant the UDRwas distrusted by many in the nationalist community. Service No:24205691 In the wake of riots, the Hunt Report - providing adviceon policing in Northern Ireland - recommended a locally recruited 4,000-man part-time non-sectarian force to take over military duties from the RUC and replace the USC. His body was found in an alley, he had been beaten up and shot in the head by Loyalist Paramilitaries. 9 May A territorial Army reserve soldier died when the IRA booby-trapped their car. He was 44 years old, on duty and single at he time of his death. LCpl Alfred Johnston, 4 UDR, 25th August 1972. list of udr soldiers killed list of udr soldiers killed. NameARRELL, John one of two soldiers shot in an IRA ambush whilst out on a joint police-army patrol in Ardoyne, North Belfast. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. His hooded body was found near the Donegal Border. one of 11 soldiers who died as a result of an INLA bomb attack on the Droppin Well public house in Ballykelly. 6th Sep 2019, 6:04pm - 86 min read. Shot by the IRA as he left work to drive home. Age:22 His wife and two of the children witnessed the shooting. Date:13 April 1979 Rank:Lance Corporal Conor OBrien inexplicably and shockingly shot dead by Earl McKevitt over pizza delivery error, Everyone should be concerned as Antarctic sea ice reaches record low, Brendan Rogers wins it at the death for Derry as they come back to beat Dublin, Race to get last children out of Bakhmut as city becomes hell on earth, European Indoors: Israel Olatunde misses out on 60 metres final, Adama Traore snatches victory for Wolves to dent Spurs Champions League hopes, Reiss Nelson scores last-gasp winner as Arsenal come back to beat Bournemouth, Covid-19 inquiry should not be used to find scapegoats, Gabriel Scally says, Alliance has its tail up as it seeks to break orange and green grip on Northern Irish politics. [28], The numbers in the battalion fell so low that it was decided, under the "Project Infancy" Options for Change recommendations, to amalgamate it with the 11th (Craigavon) Battalion. This was in contrast to thepersonnel of the Womens Royal Army Corps, who only merged into the British Army in 1992. Pte Thomas Bullock, 4 UDR, 21st September 1972. He was 21. years old, on duty and single at the time of his death. Buried:Tidworth Military Cemetery, Hampshire. Bedford Details:killed by an IRA sniper at Unity Place in West Belfast as his patrol waited for an Orange March to pass. Pte Thomas Callaghan, 5 UDR, 16th February 1972. Rank:Captain Details:killed when an IRA bomb exploded under his car just as he left a meeting at the Armagh district council HQin the Palace Demesne in Armagh City. Date:21 May 1987 Buried:Druminiskill Churchyard NameANDERSON, Anthony (Tony) [21][22] According to a witness, in addition to the truck, there was a Toyota Hiace van carrying at least two men acting as a support vehicle. Mrs Bullock was shot dead at the front porch, the gunmen stepped over her body and went inside to kill her husband. Regiment:Royal Artillery 31 March 2011. Reliable loyalist sources said he had been killed by gunmen who believed him to be a Catholic. [20], At 11:30 PM on 31 May 1991, a truck loaded with 2,000 pounds (910kg) of a new type of home made explosive was rolled (driverless) down a hill at the rear of the barracks and crashed through the perimeter fence, coming to rest against a corner of the main building. Pte Henry Russell, 9 UDR, 13th July 1972. 2 UDR had the highest casualty rate of all the UDR battalions, losing 65 men and women on active duty. Rank:Private 2. "First time @NAM_London today. Methuen, p. 249. Date:26 July 1972 Pomeroy Presbyterian Church Graveyard, Pomeroy, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. Regiment:Gloucestershire Regiment [4] Part of his job was to find accommodation for the new companies of the battalion. 4. World War I. Hanrahan also reports on Un inglese italianissimo tra Risorgimento e Guerra Civile americana- 2nd August 1988. Sgt Maynard Crawford, 9 UDR, 13th January 1972. Afrer the death Gerry Adams said killing UDR members was perfectly legitimate in a state of war. A further 6 R IRISH (Home Service) soldiers were killed after the merger on 1st July 1992 with The Royal Irish Rangers to form The Royal Irish Regiment. The 6th UDR soldier killed. Another militia force., An unarmed female soldier from the 3rd (County Down) Battalion, UDR, running a vehicle checkpoint in Co Down in March 1976 during a night patrol. The estate was also managed by the Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust. August 28th: A Protestant farmer in Newtonbutler is killed by a Provisional IRA booby trap he discovered in his field. Details:killed in an IRA ambush after he and some fellow soldiers had inadvertently crossed the border by about 100yds into the Irish Republic. A Read more on independent.ie Shot by republican gunmen who frog-marched him to a field nearby. Mountain Lakes Resort Membership For Sale, Family Details:Born 26 August 1939. New memorial for fallen UDR soldiers A parade and dedication service will take place in Carrick next month at a new memorial in commemoration of former local UDR soldiers. Later, theseexpanded to make up half the force. soldiers and sailors memorial auditorium covid policy; north carolina a t track and field recruiting standards. Pte Thomas Callaghan, 5 UDR, 16th February 1972. The 19th UDR soldier killed. Details:one of four UDR soldiers killed by 1,000lb IRA landmine outside Downpatrick. There they had met with hostile crowds and had just managed to get back across the border when they were ambushed by the IRA as they stopped to change a damaged tyre. The raising of UDR battalions on a county basis followed the pattern of raising militias. list of udr soldiers killedrice university roster. 1. list of udr soldiers killed. One of two soldiers killed whilst they checked a booby-trapped car outside Enniskillen. 8 December - The first UDR Catholic soldier to die, Private Sean Russell is shot dead in his home in New Barnsley, Belfast by the IRA. LCpl William Creighton, 4 UDR, 7th August 1972. LCpl Joseph Jardine, 3 UDR, 8th March 1972. Shot by hooded IRA gunmen in the hallway of his home. Loyalist paramilitaries attempted to infiltrate the UDR and severalmembers of the regiment were involved in sectarian crimes. Hit enter to search or ESC to close. He was 32 years old, on duty and single at the time of his death. Home. View this object 1 Minute. Diamond Fields Horse cap badge c 1902-06. Most of the base was destroyed by the blast and the fire that followed. The former UDR Battalions became the Home Service Battalions. Six civilians also died, one of the highest death tolls of the Troubles. He was 38 years old, off duty and married with 2 children at the time of his death. Family Details:Born 23 August 1929. Abducted as he was driving away from his farmhouse 100 yards from the border. Age:20 He was the 172nd UDR soldier to be killed. Posted on . NameARMSTRONG, Timothy David The investigations revealed that at least 15 members of 10 UDR based at Girdwood Barracks in north Belfast, who had been in the battalion over a period of years, were also members of the loyalist paramilitary UVF. Service No:23644543 Over 190 UDR soldiers were killed on active service, the vast majority by Republican paramilitaries. Service No:24244436 The French political scientist Anne Mandeville writes that it represented a sort of curious paradox: a militia force [the B Specials] is dissolved in general opprobrium. He was shot by an IRA sniper as his patrol moved through the Alma Street and Ragland Street area. Grave Reference:Grave 18 [13], The appointment of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) was carried out by the enlisted men, choosing who they felt would make the best corporals and sergeants. Official references to collusion between state forces and loyalist paramilitaries can be found in reports dating from as early as 1971. Buried:Lislooney Presbyterian Churchyard, Tynan, Co Armagh, Northern ireland Regiment:2 Parachute Regiment Marcus had previous service with the Irish Guards, was High Sheriff of Limavady and Chairman of the Limavady Ulster Unionist branch. Monday, 9 August, 1971. He was 29 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death. 4 March - Captain Marcus McCausland, formerly of D Coy 5 UDR is abducted and killed by the Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA). Two UDR soldiers were killed by the regular army, three by loyalist paramilitaries, and the remaining 192 by republican paramilitaries (mainly the Provisional IRA). Private Members' Business: Action on Child Poverty. He was the first UDR officer to be killed. [2][3] It was, along with the rest of the regiment, amalgamated with the Royal Irish Rangers in 1992 to form the Royal Irish Regiment. shot by the IRA as he drove along Corr Road, Tynam, in Armagh. 18008 Bothell Everett Hwy SE # F, Bothell, WA 98012. The operation continues and a search of the area is underway, he said. Sgt Maynard Crawford, 9 UDR, 13th January 1972. The 17th UDR soldier killed. Date:16 December 1979 View this object Leaflet entitled 'UDR - Peace through strength,' 1976 Greenfinches NameADAM, Terence Michael A further 62 UDR Veterans (including 2 retired Officers) were killed after they had resigned/retired from the Regiment. Robins brother who was also in the car, and a part time soldier in the Regiment, returned fire. Afterwards security forces mounted a major security operation in the area because they suspected the site might be booby-trapped. Comradeship Welfare Remembrance, 2018 - 2023 The Regimental Association of The Ulster Defence Regiment CGC, The following pages contain the list of those Officers and Soldiers who were killed as a result of. 55 killings have been carried out by the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), and 1 killing carried out by the British Police in Britain. National statistics. Age:47 Pte James Eames, 4 UDR, 25th August 1972. 2nd (County Armagh) Battalion, Ulster Defence Regiment (2 UDR) was formed in 1970 as part of the 7 original battalions specified in the The Ulster Defence Regiment Act 1969, which received Royal Assent on 18 December 1969 and was brought into force on 1 January 1970. Buried:Tandragee Cemetery, Tandragee, Co Armagh Family Details:Born 25 December 1966. Major P.R. NameANDERSON, Stephen The same report stated that some soldiers were undoubtedly living double lives and that the primary loyalty of many of its members was to a concept of Ulster rather than to the British government. Grave Reference:Section H, Grave 154 Ion Slides 2 Pc Windows 10 Driver, Eventually, they averaged aroundthreeper cent of the unit's total numbers. Another 61 were killed after leaving the regiment. NameADAMS, Michael David He was 39 years old, off duty and married at the time of his abduction and. list of udr soldiers killed. The killers had earlier poisoned his German shepherd dog. [23] Three soldiers: Lance Corporal Robert Crozier age 46, Private Sydney Hamilton age 44 and Private Paul Blakely age 30, died instantly[24] and ten were wounded. Kempston 7. Killed when a 200lb bomb exploded in Donegall Street Belfast, 6 other people died. He was 27 years old, off duty and married with 3 children at the time of his death. Buried:Bury Cemetery, St Peters Road, Redvales, Lancashire He had been shot through the head and back and surrounded by a minefield of six claymore devices and a 500lb bomb set to go off when the body was moved. Additional information has been added where known, All that remains is a line of trees marking where the main gate stood and a memorial by the main road inscribed with the names of all the UDR soldiers from the base who were killed whilst serving there.[26]. Exposing such truths, using the very words of those in authority, is not rewriting history, it is correcting it. Rank:Gunner union county jail inmate list; does the tampon go in the same hole. LCpl Joseph Jardine, 3 UDR, 8th March 1972. The 15th UDR soldier killed. The 14th UDR soldier killed. The filling of senior NCO posts in this manner had a drawback, in that many men of comparatively young ages who had considerable years of service before retirement or promotion created a "promotion block". Family Details:Born 21 February 1964. More than 190 UDR soldiers. It was a classic militia regiment, part of a long tradition of the use of such forces by the British empire. Member for Antrim, North (Rev. CSgt John Ruddy, 3 UDR, 10th October 1972. Often-requested Records. UDR soldiers also formed part of the Glenanne Gang, which operated out of a farm in Armagh owned by James Mitchell. Simply enter your email address below to start receiving our monthly email newsletter. Spreadsheet listing deaths between 15/08/1969 to 24/03/2007 (Northern Ireland); Speaker. Service No:24348506 killed by IRA gunmen while on security duty outside the court house in Newtownhamilton, Armagh. The 25th UDR soldier killed. CSgt John Ruddy, 3 UDR, 10th October 1972. NameALLAN, Lennard David The number of British Armed Forces personnel killed in Action as a direct result of the security situation broken down by the following categories 1. Details:shot by the IRA as he delivered post to a remote farmhouse near Pomeroy the IRA had posted the letter to the address in preparation for the ambush. Buried:Hither Green Cemetery, Verdaint Lane, Catford, Lonbdon, SE6 1TP Researching my new book, UDR Declassified, over the past two years, I was able to see and read what 10 Downing Street, the NIO and the British Ministry of Defence knew (and said) about the controversial regiment in more than 200 declassified documents recovered from the British National Archives. Grave Reference:In family grave It was later determined that the lorry had been stolen the day before in Kingscourt, in the Republic of Ireland. The attack was a trap set by members of the Glenanne gang, serving UDR soldiers who were also members of the loyalist paramilitary UVF. Thousands of people living in Northern Ireland will have relatives who did so. Grave Reference:Grave T1735 shot by the IRA whilst working on his farm. Private James Eames also died. He was naked from the waist up, apart from a tie around his neck. World War II. [12], 2 UDR was responsible for 650 square kilometres (250sqmi) of County Armagh, the smallest UDR battalion area but the most dangerous area during the Troubles for British military personnel. Date:24 May 1982 Service No:492889 Family Details:Born 18 March 1948. Service No:24312985 Saor Eire (SE) 3. In all, of 77 Armenian military personnel killed April 2-5, 35 of were draftees (mostly 19 to 20 years old), 16 were officers, 13 were contracted enlisted personnel and 13 were reservists or volunteers. Tuesday 25 September 2007. In a carefully organised attack the IRA first blew up a parked trailer on a dual carriageway running parallel with Carlingford Lough as an Army convoy passed. . Its 11 battalions were reduced to nine in 1984, and then seven in 1991. Photograph: Independent News and Media/Getty Images. Another 61 were killed after leaving the regiment. Afrer the death Gerry Adams said killing UDR members was perfectly legitimate in a state of war. one of four soldiers killed when a large IRA landmine exploded underneath their Land Rover as they travelled along the Ballygawley Road in Tyrone as part of a two vehicle mobile patrol. Service No:24612128 Date:27 August 1979 Service No:24038450 Thomas Balkesthl Azure, Host pool, Windows Virtual Desktop September 29, 2021. Three soldiers were killed, whilst ten soldiers and four civilians were wounded. Six civilians also died, one of the highest death tolls of the troubles. If you have gained from this site then please By 1991 she had risen to the rank of Warrant Officer. Family Details:Born 5 June 1915. one of two off-duty soldiers killed by an IRA bomb left under their ear near an Enniskillen leisure centre in Fermanagh. Afterwards security forces mounted a major security operation in the area because they suspected the site might be booby-trapped. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games . Henrys body found in a lane in Sydenham, East Belfast. He was 50 years old, off duty and married with 2 children at the time of his death. Family Details:Born 14 April 1947. Regiment:Royal Regiment of Fusiliers make this site free to all. Three of the band members were murdered that evening and two were seriously wounded. Details:killed by IRA gunmen while on security duty outside the court house in Newtownhamilton, Armagh. Lt Joseph Wilson, 2 UDR, 26th October 1976. It continued in British Army service until 1968, when it became part of The Royal Irish Rangers. He was 45 years old, off duty and married at the time of his abduction and death. Lest we think such collusion was confined to the past, we should recall that at the beginning of 2021 the NIO was meeting loyalist extremist groups to discuss British foreign policy (Brexit). Rank:Lance Corporal Reference to the theft of a rifle from the UDR on September 2nd, 1971, appears in a note about weapons losses forwarded, in 1972, to the office of a British under-secretary of state that is, to ministerial level. A further 61 were targeted and murdered AFTER having left the Regiment. Saor Eire has killed 3. Family Details:Born 9 January 1954. [21] The explosion was heard over 30 miles (48km) away in Dundalk. Rank:Corporal He returned fire. This infantry unit was formed in 1881 and recruited in the Irish province of Ulster. Jun 21, 2022 . Along with the other six original battalions, 2 UDR commenced operational duties on 1 April 1970. Pte The IRA claimed responsibility and said he was a serving member of the UDR. Abducted from his car, interrogated and shot by the Official IRA. A week earlier it was claimed that the IRA had called off their campaign against off-duty soldiers. He was hit twice in the chest as he walked across the town square. Age:29 Age:29 crushed to death under an armoured vehicle during rioting near Butcher Gate in Londonderry. He is the first officer who served with the UDR to be killed. NameANDERSON, Ivan Robert King Three soldiers: Lance Corporal Robert Crozier age 46, Private Sydney Hamilton age 44 and Private Paul Blakely age 30, died instantly [24] and ten were wounded. List Of Russian Soldiers Killed In Ukraine. Sgt Maynard Crawford, 9 UDR, 13th January 1972. The Aug. 26 attack near the gates of Hamid Karzai International Airport, which killed 11 Marines, one Navy sailor and one Army soldier, is under investigation. It is striking, when one examines these official documents from the 1970s, to see echoes today in the infiltration by violent far-right groups of the police and military in Britain, the US and elsewhere. Buried:St Mark's Churchyard, Victoria Street, Armagh, County Armagh, Northern Ireland Shot by the IRA as he left home to walk to his office at the C Company Base. Pte James Eames, 4 UDR, 25th August 1972. History Hub Ulster was recently advised of a FOI submission and response made in 2015 to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) enquiring for the official list of deaths of British Army personnel in the Northern Ireland conflict, Iraq and Afghanistan. List of attacks on the Ulster Defence Regiment. Age:20 Major Hill, a businessman with a | 17 comments on LinkedIn 62. Grave Reference:Section 6, Row A, Grave 308 In all, including non-combat deaths like disease, the chances of dying as a soldier or sailor in the Civil War was 18.9% -- still the largest death rate in U.S. military history. It is significant that most of the attacks committed by the Shankill Butchers took place within one square mile of Girdwood Barracks, the base of 10 UDR. Soldiers and Airmen from Provincial Reconstruction Team Zabul return to base after a quality assurance, quality control patrol near the city of Qalat, Zabul province, Afghanistan, Nov. 1, 2010. He was 22 years old, off duty and single at the time of his abduction and death. He was last seen when he said good night to his girlfriend in Belfast. But now I wouldnt. As a result,the unitwas under-strengthwhen itbecame operational as the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) the following month. What that means is, she was the wife of a soldier killed while serving his country. note that links will open in a new window. My grandmother raised four children and put them all through college, through engi-neering school, . Rank:Lance Corporal Over 190 UDR soldiers were killed on active service, the vast majority by Republican paramilitaries. Leaflet entitled UDR - Peace through strength, 1976. Says It Planted Truck Bomb That Killed 3 To find out more about how we collect, store and use your personal information, read our Privacy Policy. Date:5 February 1980 The UDR saw 257 members and former members killed by republican paramilitaries, and in today's coverage a UDR veteran recalls her memories of death and terrible injury. [11], See also: Glenanne barracks bombing and Ulster Defence Regiment, Two companies of the 2nd Battalion were based at the border outpost of Glenanne Barracks which had been built in 1972. Sgt Henry Dickson, 2 UDR, 29th February 1972. It has served on several British Army deployments, including the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Grave Reference:Section F, Grave 140 Adair, Coldstream Guards, was the first training major (TISO). Royal Air Force. Regiment:Ulster Defence Regiment Skip Navigation watch live Over 190 UDR soldiers were killed on active service, the vast majority by Republican paramilitaries. Royal Navy. Grave Reference:Section HZ Grave 650 Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) 196: non-specific Loyalist group (LOY) 2: Civilian Political Activist (CivPA) 55: Prison Officer (PO) 24: ex-Ulster Defence Regiment (xUDR) 40: non-specific Republican group (REP) 2: Ulster Defence Association (UDA) 91: British Army Territorial Army (TA) 7: Official Irish Republican Army Youth Section (OIRAF) 3 War of 1812. [19], See: Ulster Defence Regiment Uniform, armament & equipment, The first Greenfinch (female soldier) was enlisted at the battalion's Headquarters (HQ) in Armagh on 16 September 1973.
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