Are schedule changes applied to other systems? EL296V - Variable-Speed, Two-Stage Gas Furnace, EL296E - High-Efficiency, Two-Stage Gas Furnace, SL280V - Variable-Speed, Two-Stage Gas Furnace. Please refer to the related questions below for the meaning of runtime and percent demand. comes disabled by default. Select photo and the new photo will appear and you will be prompted to reject /delete, or accept. To use Away Mode, you manually put your system in Away Mode when you leave your house by tapping the Away button on the home screen on your thermostat (bottom left). Linksys Netgear Xfinity Apple D-Link 2Wire Signing up for a demand response program with your utility provider could provide the following benefits: How do I sign up for a demand response program with an iComfort thermostat. Simple location based names like Upstairs, Downstairs, Hallway, Living Room, etc. The ultimate controller for precise comfort, The most versatile thermostat for your comfort needs, The simple, stylish and smart thermostat that you can trust. You can always change this setting again under menu > settings > account > account info in the thermostat. These alerts require service by a licensed HVAC Contractor within 24 - 48 hours to fix the issue. Thank you so much for taking your time and knowledge to support my concerns. For sale is a refurbished Lennox iComfort WI-FI 10F81 thermostat that is fully working and has been factory reset so it is ready to pair with your existing HVAC equipment. A two stage system operating at 25% demand will run the first stage 50% of the time. Maintenance and Efficiency You can specify your Smart Away settings such as away fence and away set-points in the iComfort E30 Mobile App under menu > settings > away. What if someone is home and I leave the house with Smart Away turned on? Why does my iComfort accessory show No Response / Unreachable? The Feels Like feature is a combination of outdoor and indoor temperatures and indoor humidity to determine what it actually feels like in the home. You can go to menu > settings > humidity to modify the dehumidification and/or humidification set-point(s) in your home. This means that your energy company has interrupted or is affecting the supply of electricity in your area or home to reduce the demand on the power grid. In your mobile app or web portal, you can tap/click on your email address on the top right and then View Account. Press the thermostat icon with + button and your will enter the "Add iComfort" screen. If your system data is not displaying within the System tab, please contact your dealer. You can utilize the Smart Away feature on the iComfort E30 thermostat to do this automatically. How do I turn on/off the monthly performance report email? You can add a new iComfort E30 Smart Thermostat to your account by simply logging into the new thermostat with your existing account. What can I do to reduce cooling or heating demand? To sign in on the thermostat, go to menu > settings > account. Why does my purifier life say 0% when the lamp is still on? Tap on the menu button on the top right. Parts & Filters Get information on replacement parts and filters. 4. For example, if you edit "Winter" schedule in system "Upstairs", and you would like to apply the same change for system Downstairs, you would need to edit Winter schedule for system Downstairs too (via modes/schedules > schedules > edit schedules). In the "account info" dialog, turn off "email updates". Select day or hour at the top 2. enabled, then youll see only one knob to control the single set-point for the desired temperature in your home. Model No. Please do NOT use any numbers in the name like Bedroom3. Heating 5. 3. ASHRAE 62.2 is a national standard that provides methods for achieving acceptable indoor air quality in typical residences. 1: Tap is the menu button on the thermostat: When attempting to change the temperature while in either mode, Google Assistant will respond "mode not supported". The Away button is also available in the mobile app and web portal in the my homes screen. Fan For Heat Pump (HP) and air-handler systems the following Runtime parameters are displayed 1. From the removed thermostat, login using your iComfort E30 credentials under menu > settings > account. When Feels Like is turned on, your iComfort E30 will display this temperature. What Lennox equipment is compatible with iComfort M30? You can also change the Away set-points at any time under menu > settings > away. Dehumidifies when there is a call for cooling and dehumidification. Control4 provides a professionally installed, personalized smart home experience that gives your family intuitive control of nearly every smart device in your home. When Feels Like is turned on, your iComfort S30 will display this temperature. System has not run long enough to get the pressure readings that the system uses to reduce the life of filter or lamp or the contaminant level in the purified air has not been high enough to decrease life by 10%. And youll now save money and energy when youre not home. Can I install the iComfort M30 Smart Thermostat myself? Your monthly summary report displays the average demand for each component in your system. Amazon Echo/Dot is hands free and voice controlled. Yes, you can cancel a Peak Monitoring event at anytime, before or during the event. Go to your iComfort and select the Register option. To stop receiving a monthly email containing the performance report of your iComfort E30 system, you can follow these steps: On the web portal: 1. Why and how is Schedule IQ different than winter, summer, spring/fall, and save energy schedules? For the software versions please refer: 1. The iComfort Wi-Fi and iComfort S30 have different mobile Apps and consumer web portals. To generate the pin, go to your thermostat, then go to settings > account and at the bottom of the page press the "Generate Pin" button. The goal is to heat the outdoor unit to evaporate the water. monthly report email receive monthly performance report. Control4 is a registered trademark of Control4 Corporation. This means youll always be comfortable and saving energy when youre away. Reminder (yellow) This may be a reminder to change your filter or a maintenance reminder, for example. If you select Custom, a time/date appears and you have the option of setting the hold for any length of time. Service equipment. How do I access the iComfort E30 Smart Thermostat settings? Select day or hour at the top 2. One system controls all rooms upstairs while the other system controls all rooms downstairs. The temperature on the thermometer isnt always the temperature you feel. This could be in your attic, basement or garage. Choose your features. As a result, your system is still heating or cooling your home. Make sure you have performed the WiFi configuration (WAC) for your iComfort. The thermostat will maintain comfort by continuously adjusting the capacity of the system. A re-registration of your iComfort is required. To sign in on the thermostat, go to menu > settings > account. Maximum file size is 20MB. You can find a dealer near you here: Once installed, the dealer can pair their mobile device to the Lennox iComfort Smart Hub to easily make changes from anywhere in the home, saving them the hassle of walking back and forth from. 5. However, if you have iHarmony zoning, a change in a schedule for a system does apply to all other zones in that same system. Lastly, choose an existing home if you already have one or tap the "Add New Home" to enter a new home. For a non-zoned system, if the thermostat name displays the default System then it will be called Thermostat in Alexa. 2. Phone How do I access my iComfort S30 performance report? It is designed to work with Lennox-brand non-communicating equipment and most other brands of heating and cooling equipment. After signing in, you'll be able to view your iComfort system settings, adjust the temperature and view reminders and alerts - just as you would on your iComfort thermostat at home. The iComfort S30, E30 and M30 are IFTTT compatible. Make sure your AppleTV / iPad / HomePod is setup as a home hub and running the latest firmware. How do I change the date & time in my Smart Thermostat? How do I upload pictures to my iComfort S30 and E30 thermostat? Heat Pump Only 4. What iComfort settings does Control4 support? For E30 systems that are used with non-communicating HVAC systems the runtime is calculated based on the relay setting in the EIM (Equipment Interface Module) You can view runtime information for your system in the web portal for iComfort E30, under menu >performance report, or in the monthly email performance report. How do I set-up Wi-Fi on the iComfort S30 Smart Thermostat? What does this alert or notification mean? An email with instructions will be provided. With Smart Away youll never have to remember to put your home in Away Mode when you leave your house or remember to adjust your thermostat temperature when you return home. The iComfort Wi-Fi and iComfort M30 have different mobile Apps and consumer web portals. Perfect Temp. You can purchase iComfort E30 from an authorized Lennox dealer. iOS device not connected to your home wifi network, please ensure you have setup a home hub for remote access. Usually this is in the form of electric heating provided by the indoor unit. Maintenance - A notification your HVAC Contractor sets in your thermostat for planned maintenance or service intervals. How does Google Assistant work when thermostat is in 'Heat and Cool' mode? Select photo and a screen will appear asking you to either accept or reject/delete the photo. To generate the pin, go to your thermostat, then go to settings > account and at the bottom of the page press the "Generate Pin" button. Lennox iComfort S30 Smart Hub Lennox iComfort S30 Smart Hub . Cisco (By default your thermostats temperature deadband range is 3F )Alexa will confirm your request, saying Thermostat is in auto mode, aiming for 70F (21.0C). If you are accessing remotely i.e. For example, an outside temperature of 85 degrees, plus a humidity level of 75% means the temperature outside feels like 95 degrees.iComfort S30s and iComfort E30s Feels Like function works the same way. This means youll always be comfortable and saving energy when youre away. To sign in on the thermostat, go to menu > settings > account. How do I change my login or email address? Getting started: You will need to select 'Enable skill' in the Alexa app. From home screen go to menu (top right of home screen), select settings, then scroll down to notifications and select, then select PureAir maintenance, then select calendar, run time or disabled. What features or advantages does the iComfort E30 Smart Thermostat offer? Runtime for a day is in hours, while runtime for an hour is in minutes. We recommend you dont try to fix the issue yourself! Alternatively, on the mobile app, you can also go to menu > settings > away. If photo option is selected for screen saver but no photo is uploaded or has been deleted, then the system will display the Lennox logo. Cooling demand will typically increase as the outdoor temperature increases. Click on Performance Report. (home in away) For example, only customers that have electric heat will see electric demand as a variable. Step 1: Connect Wi-Fi (On Your Thermostat) Having a Wi-Fi-connected thermostat lets you take control of your system from anywhere at any time with your connected iOS or Android device. What is the difference between calendar and run-time in reminder settings? Logging in will automatically add the iComfort S30 Smart Thermostat to your account again. The Emergency heat option is not available for non-heat pump systems.If this feature available to you, you can find it and turn it on by going to modes/schedules > emerg. As you transition from fall into winter, you will typically see your heating demand increase. Electric Heat only 3. Contact your Lennox Dealer. If you want to understand how efficiently your equipment ran see How Hard Did the System Work? Save power during maximum or peak times of energy usage in your area. Once you have created an iComfort M30 account and your are signed-in on the thermostat, youll be able to use the iComfort M30 Mobile App and web portal to control your thermostat remotely from anywhere. If you need to find a new Lennox dealer go to the dealer locator on Please go to for iComfort Wi-Fi, or go to for iComfort S30. Login to access your Lennox iComfort Consumer Portal. As a result, your system is not heating or cooling your home. With Schedule IQ, you also can set At Home Day and At Home Night set-points and times. Runtime for a day is in hours, while runtime for an hour is in minutes. Runtime would be 100% for this case. In the web portal, you can select to view runtime according to a day (in the last 10 days) or a time in the last 24 hours. Login to your iComfort S30 account using the web portal ( 1) Remote View: Allows your dealer to remotely view the status of your system. Customer Support. Belkin Single Stage Single stage systems have only one operating capacity, on at 100%. Electric Heat only runtime includes time in defrost mode, Auxiliary heat, Emergency heat setting or if the heat pump is unavailable. Electric Heat only 3. Program your thermostat to set the heating set-point even lower when you will not be home. - Two Factor authentication should be enabled for your iCloud account : - To set up accessories and automation, allow Home to use your location. Video URL: 2. Cooling 5. Verizon. Please refer Apple Support pages or Contact Apple Support for any issues relating to your iCloud account, Home hub setup or Apple Home app syncing issues on your iOS devices. A zone maps 1:1 to a system or an iHarmony zone. Move the knob to view a specific day / hour The temperature and humidity values represent the average for the day / hour. The table below 3. This includes when Fan circulation is manually set to On and when allergen defender is on. How do I unlock the iComfort E30 Smart Thermostat display? If the hide/show panel is not displaying in your web browser view, you are instead getting the menu button on the top right. 3) Alerts and Notifications: Allows your dealer to be notified when your system needs maintenance and when critical alerts and warnings occur (your dealer does not get reminders, for example for replacing the filter, or other informational messages you may receive). Please click here to view instructions on re-registering your iComfort thermostat. To turn it on, go to menu > settings > heat & cool. What are my Smart Thermostat screen saver options? How do I add a new iComfort E30 Smart Thermostat to my existing account? To view the weather forecast in your area and current outdoor air quality conditions, simply tap on the weather icon in the home screen. Runtime would be 100% for this case. Alternatively, you can add your new iComfort E30 Smart Thermostat to your account by using the web portal or mobile app, by entering a pin you generate on the thermostat. How do I add a new iComfort S30 Smart Thermostat to my existing account? What do the different notification colors mean? How do I change the heating or cooling mode? Check if the Echo/Echo Dot is powered on and is connected to the Internet. How hard is my system working? You will receive a message on your thermostat when successfully enrolled in your utility providers program. Log in to the iComfort S30 web portal. This is because your window size is not wide enough. 1. Depending on your equipment, you may have different humidification and/or dehumidification options available. What variables can I turn on/off in the hide/show panel? By default the zones are labeled Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3 and Zone 4. iComfort S30 Smart Thermostat To find a dealer near you, click here: Here is a list of all the possible variables for an iComfort E30 system: If the system is having issues obtaining data for a variable, it is not displayed on the graph, and instead it shows in this panel with a warning icon. This includes when Fan circulation is manually set to On and when allergen defender is on. Pressing the fan icon will allow you to manually control the fan mode. Display settings are only available in the display itself and they are not available on the web portal or mobile app. In your Apple Home app, under Home settings check if at least one of your home hub shows as Connected. How does iComfort M30 know when to dehumidify or humidify? Your system will automatically go into Away Mode. The other schedules (winter, summer, etc.) With a premium service that supports the iComfort platform year-round, you can provide homeowners services that includes: proactive method Change filters. 2. How does iComfort E30 know when to dehumidify or humidify? Max - Recommended for drier climates. It is divided into 3 sections: 1. From the removed thermostat, login using your iComfort S30 credentials under menu > settings > account. Alternatively, you can add your new iComfort S30 Smart Thermostat to your account by using the web portal or mobile app, by entering a pin you generate on the thermostat. 1) From the home screen, tap the Modes/Schedules button. Perfectly. When this occurs, youll see a status message on the home screen that says Ambient Lockout. Once you are in the home screen, make sure your system is online and not in Away/Smart Away (otherwise the menu button is not available). The iHarmony system can support up to four zones. I do not see my iComfort Accessory in Nearby Accessories list while pairing, I see Couldnt add iComfort accessory error while pairing. Check with your local utility provider to see if they have a demand response program. You can check what it means here: What does this alert or notification mean? How do I restart or reset my iComfort E30 Smart Thermostat display? All heat pumps operating in northern climates (below 35F) normally need a supplemental heating source. Description. heat. To turn on Schedule IQ, in your thermostats home screen, go to modes/schedules > schedules and select Schedule IQ. Smart Away works with multiple users in the same household, as long as they have a smart phone/tablet and participate is turned on. Cooling 5. Most HVAC systems are one stage systems. The table below 3. Your iComfort system humidity settings are located under menu > settings > humidity. What features or advantages does the iComfort M30 Smart Thermostat offer? Raising or lowering the temperature is not supported when using a Perfect Temp or Schedule mode. If you would like to see what the default set-points were at the time of purchase, then you can tap "Restore". 3. Owners Support | Manuals, Parts & Service | Tax Credits | Lennox Owners Assistance Find all the resources you need to keep your system running perfectly. Press the thermostat icon with + button and your will enter the "Add iComfort" screen. How do I get access to the website to control my Smart Thermostat? To enable/stop receiving a monthly email containing the performance report of your iComfort S30 system, you can follow these steps: On the web portal: 1. Register & Review Register your Lennox product to receive updates and offers, and tell us what you think about it. The Google Assistant makes it easy for you to control your Lennox iComfort S30, iComfort E30 and iComfort M30 with your voice. If an outdoor air sensor is installed, check your thermostat display for the temperature reading or for error notifications. From home screen go to menu (top right of home screen), select settings, then select Advanced Settings, select View Dealer Control Center, select Proceed, select Equipment, and select PureAir S. Then scroll down to the bottom and select either reset purifier (will reset just the lamp life) or reset filter (this will reset just the filter). The duration of load shedding depends on your region, your energy company and your service contract. How does Google Assistant work with iComfort? What is the difference between Remote View, Remote Access and Alerts and Notifications? How do I change or disable the PureAir S sensor-based notifications? And it is located here on the iComfort M30 Mobile App: If you add an iComfort using the iComfort M30 Mobile App or via the web portal, youll need to generate a pin on your thermostat under menu > settings > account. Having an iComfort E30 account allows you to control your thermostat remotely from the web portal and mobile app and it also allows you to utilize other advanced features of your iComfort E30 Smart Thermostat such as Smart Away and Schedule IQ. How do I change information in my profile or account? Where can I download the iComfort M30 Mobile App? What are the recommended Wi-Fi routers for use with iComfort S30? 4. These alerts require service by a licensed HVAC Contractor within 24 hours to fix the issue. Find a Lennox Dealer in your area who can take care of your home comfort needs, or view a list of all Lennox Dealers. Climate IQ works with all Lennox outdoor communicating equipment. Website. For example, every night at 10 p.m. set your iComfort, 1. For example, if you set your heat set point to 60F and your cooling set point to 80F at the thermostat itself, then you have established a temperature range of 20 degrees. Thank you so much for taking your time and knowledge to support my concerns. Runtime can be analogous to how much distance a car ran without accounting for its fuel efficiency. 1) From the home screen, tap the Modes/Schedules button. 3. Emergency heat is when you use your supplemental heat (2nd stage) by itself, without the use of your heat pump (1st stage heat). If you have multiple homes, confirm that the systems are in the first home. When you go to menu > settings, youre viewing and changing the settings for that one system. Weather-On-Demand: Live up-to-date weather data and seven-day forecasts. If you do not have an outdoor air sensor, check your Wi-Fi connection. To find a dealer near you, click here: When hour is selected, the system mode and fan mode are those at the beginning of the hour. Cooling 3. Perfect Temp. Fan values runtime represent when the fan ran alone without heating or cooling. To stop receiving a monthly email containing the performance report of your iComfort M30 system, you can follow these steps: On the web portal: 1. The Smart Away feature relies on the iComfort M30 Mobile App running on your mobile device (smart phone or tablet). Heating 2. 2. When you have a schedule selected, if you make manual changes to the temperature set-points, youll see a message about the schedule being in Hold since you have manually overwritten the schedule set-point(s). Runtime would be 100% for this case. Why does my Smart Thermostat say Defrosting? 6. Your dealer configured these reminders for you during installation, but you can always modify the reminder settings for how often you want to be reminded under menu > settings > notifications in the reminders section. You can set up your HomePod, Apple TV 4K, Apple TV (4th generation), or iPad as a home hub. With Schedule IQ selected, it will automatically change set points according to your geofence and Away settings. ASUS How does Alexa work when thermostat is in Heat and Cool mode? Tap on the menu button on the top right. How do I access my iComfort M30 performance report? iComfort S30 These are dealer only configuration settings screens in the thermostat. What is the range of the proximity sensor? You can choose between these two sources under menu > settings > display > outdoor temperature source. Yes, it can support multiple smart phone users living in the same house. Runtime for a day is in hours, while runtime for an hour is in minutes. Tap the menu button, and then select the notifications button to view them Click on your account / email address at the top. For example, you can create a scene called "Arrive home" to set multiple iComfort thermostats in your home to desired setpoints. To generate the pin, go to your thermostat, then go to settings > account and at the bottom of the page press the "Generate Pin" button. If your system is in heat/cool mode, then youll see a red knob for controlling the heating setpoint and a blue knob for controlling the cooling set-point. What is ASHRAE 62.2 answer give definition from IOM? A two stage system operating at 75% demand run first stage 50% of the time and second stage 50% of the time. iComfort Wi-Fi. Schedule IQ is a smart schedule that works with Smart Away.
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