kentucky twist tobacco

I've tried to like it and it doen't seem like a bad tobacco, nice fine shag that packs well and burns ok, smells interesting in the pouch a sort of smokey chocolaty manure. This may be mild on the palatte but has a goodly amount of nicotine, as to be expected from fire cured types. Once you've had a few puffs though you're left with a dry mouth that tastes something like an ashtray. Admittedly a must have baccy for every cigar aficionado. Does anyone else experience this, or am I just weird? This is now my all day smoke. It's a surprisingly complex blend for being just straight Kentucky. Simply the best! I've tried KK in a couple of different pipes (cobs and briars) and notice no appreciable difference. Excellent room aroma as well. Long live Kendal Kentucky! After I smoked all of the sample, I bought another 8 oz, perfect with an apple meer of great reliability. We live in a great time, with so many varieties of tobacco to choose from. Pouch note is slightly floral, a bit musty, and reeks of something like rancid chocolate. |Privacy Treating diseases caused by tobacco use costs $1.5 billion a year. Has light topping with an herbal quality and a minor floral note (though not the traditional lakeland one might expect). I highly recommend this tobacco to smokers that want a cool full flavored high nicotine smoke. The plant today known as tobacco, or Nicotiana tabacum, is a member of the nicotiana genus - a close relative to the poisonous nightshade and could previously only be found in the Americas. At least it did me . Each focus group session included open-ended questions and was conducted by . 4 Kendal Twist is a hearty, robust rope tobacco made with Virginias and dark-fired leaf. I bought this in bulk and smoked a little bit of it when I received it. I showed this blend to other experienced and long-term pipe smokers and they had the same reaction as I did - It looks like a cigarette rolling blend. Meaty, tangy, oily, a little sweet, fermented, a little smoky. I have a chaw every now and then for a bit of nostalgia, but I've yet to smoke the stuff. I haven't seen this latter pheonomenon discussed on Tobacco Reviews. Pipe Manufacturer & Retailer Spotlight | A fantastic blend that has all the flavours and aromas I enjoy in a smoke. He'd chew mostly when he was gardening, which he did very well. Won't bite and only sports a slight harshness if you puff too fast. Surprisingly its a bit stronger than the batch that I had last year, but still delivers. Here at BNB Tobacco, we offer the lowest price on the web for . My simple excursion finds me with my Comers Deluxe 225 Pot, (an estate pipe that I recently restored myself) smartly clutched, rolling with a vigorous bowl of Gawith, Hoggarth & Companys Kendal Kentucky. Going to jar up a few oz's of the KK and see what happens in a few months. $ 59.00 $ 56.00. Try it you'll probably like it. Overall, the tobacco flavor seems rather bland to me. Makes it super easy to pack, light, and smoke. Where to Buy To start, I don't like a shag cut. If you have tried the Dark Birdseye, think of this as a lighter version. It impresses me as medley of Kentucky flavors. Pure bliss for lovers of Kentucky Burley , strong and full bodied smoke that burns clean and dry! Please select how many inches of tobacco you would like cut for your order. If you are not used to blends that impart a powerful dose of nicotine, don't drive while smoking. Personally, i hate cigars so this blend is not my cup of tea. . Being a shag, KK is fairly easy to pack and very easy to light. KK has a floral taste with occasional soapy tones. Not this one, as long as it's packed correctly and not dried out too much. Similar Blends: Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Dark Bird's Eye, Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Kendal Dark Shag Unscented , Peterson - Irish Flake, Mac Baren - HH Old Dark Fired, Samuel Gawith - Brown No. The floral taste gets a little old by the bottom of the bowl. Edit 9/12/17: I am half way through a 500 g sack of this, so it is really a 3.5 on my scale. If smoked carefully, KK is tasty, full and rich. Just pure tobacco that asserts its presence and keeps a smile on your face. Machine Made Cigars . Exceptionally full and well rounded. No tongue bite but does have a tendency to fatigue the palate. Got some Dark Birds Eye this time too, I seem to like that a bit better than the KK. If you want to know what Kentucky tastes like, this is the blend to try. There you have it, gentlemen! Harmonious smoking qualities with characteristics of slight smokiness (from it's curing method), mild nutty and cigar-like overtones, enough natural sweetness to just round out flavor and aroma. A pleasant, no nonsense, smoke - recommended for those moving up from aromatics and those desiring a change from English blends. The flavor stays consistent to the bottom of the bowl to a fine white ash. I always make sure the jar of Kendal Kentucky in my cellar is topped off. Looking threw my cellar for something for xmas morning I discovered a 6 yr old gallon jar of this blend pop the lid and was greeted with a nice moist & sweet burley smell very unique, knowing shag cut I grabbed a fair amount for a couple of bowls , let it air dry on my tobacco bowl(paper plate) for 30 Min. The only possible drawback to this blend is the amount of nicotine it imparts. The shag cut burns well and not too fast. None of the "soap" taste in this fine lakeland blend, it is a regular in my rotation. It does taste somewhat cigar-like to me. Hap, I've never even HEARD of those twists. Mild To Medium Strength: The Kentucky Select Gold Pipe Tobacco ranges from mild to medium in terms of strength. Kentucky Select (Gold) 5lb Bag Pipe Tobacco. The fact that it manages to be all that it is while still consisting of a single tobacco is a testament to the artistry with which it was produced. GH Kendal Kentucky is in a single word.. STRONG.. The taste does not change down the bowl, and I found that rewarding because it starts off wonderfully. Sadly, I never inherited his touch or feel for growing things. And it is also ok for blending if you want to add some extra streangth to a milder tobacco. Summary: A shag-cut dark fired tobacco that mediates the smoky flavor with some sweetness for a satisfying full-power all-day smoke. Customers Who Smoked Black Twist Also Smoked: Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Twist. I love blends that yeild thick copious smoke. I really like Gawith, Hoggarth and if this were more a standard ribbon cut or a flake I think I would love this one. The flavour has been well described here; being (to my tastebuds) woody and toasty with a hint of spice and a slight bitter dry edge softened with a natural and delicate muscovado sweetness. Speaking of "finish", the finish on this one makes me immediately want to fire up a second bowl (resist that temptation unless you have the nicotine tolerance of a 2 pack a day Marlboro Man). I have been adding pinches to some lighter English mixtures, which fills them out nicely. I like this best as a blender. This tradition dates back to 1792 and Thomas Harrison. The Lakeland essence fades with a little time to air out, and is not nearly as pronounced as in other G, H & Co. blends. Us I get slightly bitter cocoa. Makes for some interesting mixtures if combined in the leftover jar. Smoking Kendall KY, for the first time, is like going to the senior prom with the bouffanted barmaid from the local taproom and she's driving her '72 Eldorado with the leopard skin seat covers. It reminds me of the little Italian Toscanino cigars which are made from a similar tobacco. Great smoke. Something just built up to the point that all I could taste was this cloying smokiness and little else. Not terribly so. Room-note: strong, also. This is a fairly strong, but exceptionally cool tobacco for the lovers of dark fired Virginias. From cigars, moist tobacco, traditional chewing tobacco, or roll your own cigarettes - Dirt Cheap is your home for all things tobacco. In the end, although they seem quite different when smoked back to back, I can honestly say that if only any one of the three were available, I would lay in a large stock of it and be thankful. I bought this because I wanted to smoke a shag cut. Actually, it burns too fast inside for my liking. Already on first few puffs I got greeted by a decent smokiness, that intensified a bit more as I progressed. Sweet with toasty notes it burns like a dream. This is a serious experience, not to be taken lightly and not to be forgotten. Once I smoked Kendal Kentucky I pretty much stopped wanting to smoke anything else. It's wonderfully full-flavored, honest, clean, smokey goodness. Kendal Kentucky is a full-bodied, full strength tobacco of 100% African grown (Malawi, Uganda, and Tanzania) variation of the actual Kentucky seed. stuffed my favorite chimney meerschaum & 2 charing lights& some steady puffing,was hit with a smooth & more mellow KK then when it was young very nutty ,sweet & much more mellow no tongue bite no matter how aggressive I smoked ,detected a sweetness that was not there before ,what can I say if you like 1 diminutional tobacco (not a bad thing in this case) with a little N kick in the pants this is a good blend for that but I would recommend put some in the cellar(office closet)for several years. I will check out the link you posted and report back on my findings. This is not a patio smoke for me, not in this windy city. 1-24-10 Mixed in 30% or so of Nicotiana Rustica. There's lots of Kentucky flavour, which is pleasant unless the pipe's puffed with too much force; it can become a touch acrid if it's pushed, but gentle sips bring out the best. One of my favorites. Its a good outdoor tobacco as well, retaining its flavour in a way many tobaccos somehow dont. Kendal Kentucky, being a Burley, burns with no problem as you might imagine. From these strings, you can cut or bite off pieces into the size of your choice and then chew to your preferred consistency and texture. Surprisingly finicky to keep lit for a shag but this may be due to the high humidity this late August. As its name implies, Kentucky Cheroots Cigars are an American made cigarillo-style treat made from the esteemed Avanti company. A very nice smoke. The blend is fairly coarse for a shag, nicely hydrated, and dark brown. Highly recommended. I've been smoking this now for over six months and it is a permanent part of my rotation. Still moist (almost too much so) so I figured, what the heck, why not? Just wider than a true shag, but handles like a shag. Piping, what a wonderful hobby. It's great stuff, just a little too much for me. No nonsense full rich tobacco taste, if you like straight tobacco and some strength this could be for you. There is only the slightest hint of lakeland-like essence to it.. Smells of a log cabin with a fire roaring in the Franklin stove and a coffee pot brewing on top. Kentucky Health Department Works with Insurers and Pharmacists to Offer People Medications and Counseling to Quit Using Tobacco Products Bobbye Gray from the Kentucky Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program is a registered nurse and a trained expert in helping people quit using tobacco products. Dont smoke on an empty stomach. After a night in the humidifying jar the 'twist' became quite pliable and less brittle, also it tasted damned good to chew due to the absence to flavoring or sugar in the tobacco. These tobaccos are fire cured which gives them their distinctive aroma and flavor. This is also a good Tobacco to clean out a smelly pipe the has to much aromatic flavor in it. This tobacco is the best of both worlds. Although this is a fairly strong tobacco I had no probelms with the occasional inhale because of it's seemingly complete lack of additives or flavourings (which always seem to irritate my lungs). I haven't tried Dark Bird's Eye yet, so we'll see. In reality it is a 'twist' of tobacco and whilst it claims to be a chewing tobacco it is also very smokable. There's no much I can add to the great reviews below. Similar Blends: H&H Old Dark Fired, Irish Flake. This one may not please everyone but its a nice reminder of what pipe smoking can be. You are using an out of date browser. Grow a set of balls and experience what our forefathers relied on to build the wonders of the world. A minute after opening the container I had stored it in my wife said to me "I can't sit here!" The first pure (dark fired) Kentucky blend I came across, and I'm excited to get more of this! To call it substantial would be a bit of an understatement. Also, it is good with a sweet drink to keep the tastebuds in balance. Maybe there's a blend out there on par with this, or somehow surpassing it, but I haven't found it. This tobacco will find a place among my tobaccos for the occasional smoke. From the first puff, I was relaxed, mellow and in my happy place: perfect! Smokey toasty woodsy nutty with a hint of cocoa and brown sugar . This is spicy, smoky, earthy, a little sweet, leathery, a little incense-like (the faintest of Lakeland essence far in the background), and a bit chocolatey. Dark fired tobacco twist grown, harvested, and fired in western Kentucky on our small family farm. Click here to try again. Twist Twist is a form of chewing tobacco in which the tobacco leaves have been rolled and twisted together into a rope. Sale! Oliver Twist is the brand of tobacco you have been looking for. I like it better than the more modern H&H Old Dark Fired which is so popular now, but this is mainly due to the fact that KK is less processed, and has more N, is more straightforward andwell old fashioned. This is the one for me. Nationally, the rate was 5.7%.2 Fluffy shag. that's for sure. Mine was delivered slightly moist, but I smoked it as delivered and did not worry about drying it. Kendal Kentucky burns to a fine white ash, and leaves the bowl clean of dottle. Then I lit it and all became clear. 1 product. For a Virginia lover, it was a little off base for me. Stonehaven, Aged Burley Flake, etc. It's like cream on your tongue. Imagine that, in a world of any flavoring available. On the nose, you'll find aromas of honey, tobacco, and caramel followed by a full-bodied palate of citrus, nutmeg, brown sugar, and leather. Kentucky TWIST Payments is a portal designed for the Cabinet for Health & Family Services TWIST partners. Nicotine level is very high. These tobaccos are fire cured which gives them their distinctive aroma and flavor. Not far from three nun taste, but really better. The shag cut makes it very easy to pack and to stay lit, providing a cool smoke with no tongue bite at all. Does well with a sprinkle of Scotch Snuff on the top! My review comes again from a very generous gift from a friend, some 6 bowls coming from a bulk. Kendal Kentucky has a lot of positive attributes, and very few negatives. There's a lot in here. I will probably mix it with some weaker and milder aromatics or Virginias that need a little kick. By 2018, that number had fallen to 14 percent. I like that family of three strong shags by GH: Dark Birds Eye, Kendal N7 and Kendal Kentucky. Some floral, some herbal and spicy. Exceedingly strong in nicotine. The Moscow mule is a well-loved classic and this Kentucky twist is a great choice for all the bourbon lovers out there. If you swallered a plug of that, you didn`t have to swaller another on top of it to make gettin` sick worthwhile. Love the fluffiness that makes a pound seem like so many more. . It is tasty, strong and has a rich sweetness to it. I would characterize it as very fine long ribbon. Kentucky King Large Twist - Tobacco Products. What a great smell. Kentucky sucks ohio is better The state is home to the world's longest cave system in Mammoth Cave National Park, as well as the greatest length of navigable waterways and streams in the contiguous United States, and the two largest man-made lakes east of the Mississippi River.Kentucky is also known for its culture, which includes horse racing, bourbon, moonshine, coal, My Old Kentucky Home . KENTUCKY KING LARGE TWIST 12/CT. Implementation date and strength of law. Not with Kendal Kentucky. Despite the shag cut I found this tobacco to be easy to deal with and lacked both the wimpy ability to put flavour across and the temperamentality I usually find in this kind of tobacco. KK doesn't change much at all during the smoke. Cigarette/Cigar Orders are processed and shipped in 48-72 hours. Unlike other strong tobaccos the effect of this one is more mental than bodily; it perks you up rather than make you feel heavy or drowsy. The sample i'm reviewing seems very dry so perhaps I just have a bad batch, this one is going to the back of my draw. I'm enjoyin' 'em all, but Kendal Kentucky is the real bell-ringer. The flavor is unique at least to for me right now but I really like it. Similar Blends: Mac Baren - HH Old Dark Fired. So let it all hang out and make this blend a pleasurable delight, I am. I can only say that I really like it and will keep something like this around at all times. Smokes very much the same in cob or briar. Being a shag cut, it burns a bit fast, but clean with a very consistent, deeply rich and rugged flavor that translates to the long lingering, pleasant after taste, and pungent room note. Choose Quantity 1 for total $13.74 2 for total $27.48 3 for total $41.22 4 for total $54.96 5 for total $68.70 6 for total $82.44 7 for total $96.18 8 for total $109.92 9 for total $123.66 10 for total $137.40 12 for total $164.88 15 for total $206.10 20 for total $274.80 24 for total . I suspect I'll like that too. Zippo Japanese Collection Manual #5, 1997, By Kesaharu Imai, Good Used C. New Old Stock Pipe, 122 Very Nice LaRocca, Featherweight Italian Pipe. | I have smoked this in various size bowls and the smaller ones fair better. As much as I'm hypertolerant to Nicotine and smoke almost exclusively very strong tobaccos, I find Kendal Kentucky a bit too much in the strength department. 1. Kentucky Select Pipe Tobacco 1 lb (16oz) - Gold. I cleaned my pipes and tried again, and it was almost worse. Works great as a blending tobacco as well. Be aware of sufficient drying to prevent mold, or adding propylene glycol to inhibit mold while keeping it squishy. Over the years, tobacco sales have brought billions to the commonwealth. I can't imagine ever getting a craving for this specifically, but it is very good. Each tobacco imparts a unique aroma to the pipe during the smoke. Take good meal before you start your bowl. This very sentiment is stated as a "clash" in the review of Emeritus Account 2011-07-30 and I concur with his statement completely - two stars. In the UK this tends to be sold in bulk form as dark Kentucky shag. Firmly recommended for those who like this sort of thing. Kendal Kentucky is like the male protagonist in many a Tennessee Williams play: hulking, broad-shouldered, and brooding, but with a definite depth, complexity, and more than a little personal darkness. I pick up a few chocolate notes here and there. Following this initial phase, the robust characteristics of full-strength burley dominate the pallet the entire life of the bowl. It has a great thick smoke output this is a big plus for me. Smoke: some barbecue (again non-smoky), burley character, slight cream. I think this is a tobacco that is fit for its purpose, it has an inspirational quality that can comes well to hand when I want to be perked up. review sounds, when lit, all things considered, this is really a remarkably well-behaved burley bordering on possible desert island smoke status. Pipe News |, |About I therefore prefer to use a filter pipe to reduce the unwanted acrid taste. I agree, in fact, that is pretty much how I like to smoke KK. Tin note: barbecue without smoke. Even a novice such as myself can pretty easily smoke it down to the proverbial white ash. ADDRESS Porthusvej 100, DK-5700 Svendborg There's a good amount of nicotine here. It has one of the strongest doses of nicotine available. Qty. Among Kentucky high school youth, 8.9% reported currently smoking cigarettes. This is a flavorful smoke, best reserved for after a meal. Bottom line: A really wonderful tobacco. Pipe Used: Ropp pot, MM Little Devil Cutty, Tavern clay. & Conditions | DMCA Straight up stoved burley tobacco. Lots of flavour and nicotine. blah blah blah. Kendal #7 is very similar to this, though in that blend you can taste a little fruitiness from the Virginia which this is lacking. I was always a huge fan of Drum tobacco when I used to smoke RYOs, and that contains to my nose, the same Kentucky leaf as this.

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