katie duke nurse practitioner

Its sad. They have a great distance based program that is pricey. When the episode aired, it showed Duke crying on the sidewalk outside the hospital. Some of Dukes attendees, all of whom pay their own way, want more advanced nursing roles. Our profession will never be the same, Miller told me. Katie Duke is a passionate nurse who has strong opinions and will no doubt find another job and have continued success. Eight?. I know this is old but I just saw this episode and if you seen the very beginning of the show it had Katie Duke saying she would never want to work at another ERand then by the end of the show she was fired. They also monitor patients who are receiving and recovering from anesthesia. I do want to thank you for attempting to bring some balance to the discussion without using it as an opportunity to belittle another nurse. Think of all the the nurses she could prevent from being fired. Enroll in a Nursing Graduate Program. Walking Outdoors: Which Is Better? In April 2020, Miller said the public was exalting nurses as these superheroes and angels, while nurses themselves were tweeting about the horrible working conditions, enormous amount of death without any break being mentally and completely worn down and exhausted., Miller and Groves also found a fivefold increase in references to quitting between the 2020 study and the 2021 study. And she was talking with her manager about relaunching the Bad Decisions tour. She landed on her feet and is now working the ER at Roosevelt Hospital. She also loved the hospital: Her life, her friends, her purpose was there. That NY Med episode didnt go into great detail about circumstances leading to Dukes sacking. HOME | ABOUT | EVENTS | PRESS | CONTACT | SUBSCRIBE, Nursing Resources, Affiliate Links, and Discount Codes. Her parents were covering her school tuition, but they were otherwise estranged. Jun 2001 - Present21 years 10 months. An outspoken New Yorker and Nurse Practitioner, Katie pushes boundaries to explore the life decisions that don't always turn out like you expect. (New York-Presbyterian declined to comment for this story. In April 2020 and between June 2021 and September 2022, they collected more than 249,000 tweets that referenced nursing-related topics from more than 97,500 users. She obtained both her bachelor's and master's degrees in nursing from the University of Kansas, and is currently licensed to practice in Kansas and Missouri. Since the start of the pandemic, nurses have taken to social media in large numbers to share their experiences and vent. And even if they were, are Katies posts protected by the waivers the producers of NY Med no doubt have patients sign? According to Duke, the current team of nurses was short-staffed on nearly every shift. The most frequent question is, Katie, I have to get out of the hospital, but I dont know what else to do. Her advice: You have to create your own definition of what being a nursing professional means to you. She has a ready list of alternative jobs, including med spa owner, educational consultant and YouTuber. New York Presbyterian declined to comment on Dukes firing or anyone elses involvement. "I love the ER. Anyone hiring? I had no money, surrounded myself with a bad crew, was living in a basically condemned apartment with no self esteem and absolutely nothing going for myself. What I do know is that she made a choice and has experienced the consequences of that choice. Social media will get you nowhere. *Duke HomeCare and Hospice does not participate in the plan. Its nomenclature. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Update I was informed that later in the episode it showed Katie Duke working in a new ER and being filmed there. Shed gotten the placement through AMN, a reputable travel nursing agency. In January, she was hired full time by a health-tech start-up. The Clincher: Multiple pockets are available . Upgrade to a Bluetooth Stethoscope Eko Stethoscope Review 2023, Disability Insurance For Nurses What It Is & Why You Need It Today, Best Shoes for Nurses 20+ Recommended Nursing Shoes for Women, Gifts for Nurses: All The Best Nurse Gift Ideas in One Place, How to Pass the NCLEX with 75 Questions in One Attempt, Most Popular Shoes for Nurses: Alegria Clog, The Best Stethoscope For Nurses The Ultimate Guide to Nurse Stethoscopes. It didnt last. If you hung around nurses station and heard the way we talk about injuries, life and death, you might get the wrong impression but its just a coping mechanism, she said. We talk and think by mechanism of injury., But this is at odds with the romanticized image of the nurturing nurse which hospitals often want to project. And its really frustrating., Theyre firing nurses who are taking good care of patients in an environment where we are already so strapped for safe staffing. She has launched social media training programs, nurse travel and excursion, her very own scrub line, and a wildly popular podcast. She has such a huge audience and so many nurses that look up to her. Theres no way Katie would have said no, said Dukes older sister Rebecca, also a nurse practitioner. (Instagram) "It was a complete shock when they told me we're firing you . I dont like to focus on the negative aspects of social media for nurses, but this Katie Duke is one example is being highly publicized and merits a response. We feel emboldened. By 2025, you need a DNP to become an APRN. Even worse, Duke told ABC News the photo was a re-post from a doctors Instagram page and the doctor who took the photo was not even reprimanded. Were all human and in her case she was in a stressful environment, plus had TV cameras. The store never took the shoes back, so Duke started clinicals without incident. Not even nurses who are constantly held on a higher pedestal than others. Columbia (where Katie was fired from) is a unionized hospital. Scrubs & Beyond, a national retailer known for its fashion forward scrubs and outstanding customer service, is opening a store in Pembroke Pines, Florida. This was such a teachable moment, She could have used her brand that she has built to help other nurses avoid making the same mistake. Good people, Today, I'm joined by Katie Duke, nurse practitioner, mentor, creator, motivational speaker, and host of the top-rated Bad Decisions Podcast. Just wanted you to know, I saw an episode of NY Med that showed this story at the time she was fired. Those results are not available on DukeHealth.org. Duke assured Evans that it was okay to be strategic in the short term to occasionally moderate her voice or withhold criticism in service of the end goal: becoming a doctor. Vanna Padilla, a licensed nurse practitioner specializing in dermatology, has built an online following of 92,000 by offering skincare advice on TikTok and Instagram. It was advice Duke probably wouldnt have offered a decade ago. Reports of feeling betrayed, undervalued, and unsupported have risen, the ANF study said. She did get a new job at another local ER. Many such stories find their way to Katie Duke, a longtime nurse and advocate for medical creators who has 142,000 followers on Instagram. Being disposable and disposed of is really uncomfortable. She was also angry. It came when emergency room nurse Katie Duke was fired for posting a photo to Instagram. Anyone who has been in a hospital probably understands good nurses must be an unusual combination of saint and scientist. On her podcast, Duke tells a story about her early days in nursing school. Your first year as a nurse is daunting. Receiving her Associate's degree in Nursing in 2004 from Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes Jewish College and then her Bachelor's degree in Nursing in 2011 from Hunter College (alumni twins! Arguably, it has fueled her success. Because nurses are often on the frontline of medical care, they need to be extra careful with what they post on social media, said Nancy Spector, director of regulatory innovations for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. *This plan is only accepted at Duke University Hospital, Duke Regional Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital, and Duke HomeCare & Hospice. learn from my mistake.. Learn more about our survey process. As a result, nurses are leaving hospitals in droves. Katie Duke is a no-nonsense kind of nurse who has a personal motto of deal with it. It may even be her nursing motto. The photo captured a messy but empty trauma room that had been used to treat a man hit by a New York City . How do I move forward as an honest resident?. This was not staged but there are things that happen behind the scenes that explain the situation. Social Media was something that sort of indirectly happened because of an opportunity I had while filming a TV show with abc at my old hospital. ), and furthering her education with her Master's of Science degree as a Nurse Practitioner in 2015 from Columbia University, Katie Duke has harnessed . I am a nurse in NYC, have worked at Columbia, Katie and I have mutual friends, I am very familiar with the operations of the nursing unions in NY, and I have had this conversation with other nurses here. Katie Duke Nurse Practitioner, Speaker, Creator New York, NY. How TikTok Live Became 'A Strip Club Filled With 15-Year-Olds', Creators Are Rallying For The Midterms - But Getting Political Isn't On The Agenda, From Camping To Cheese Pizza, 'Algospeak' Is Taking Over Social Media, How Breastfeeding Mothers Are Being Sexualized On Social Media. A competent, leading, compassionate nurse, with so many years of experience who was loved and respected by people on the unit?. Audacious public figure and sought after motivational speaker, Katie Duke, hosts a show that shares stories of both struggle and success. Duke Health contracts with most major health insurance carriers and transplant networks, including the ones listed below. Having a presenceas long as it is evidence-based, accurate informationis valuable. I was told I was being fired for being insensitive, she said. University of California--San Francisco. New York-Presbyterian declined to elaborate on Dukes firing. (Peters told Forbes that any funds he generates online are put into a research foundation supporting transgender health and LGBTQ mentorship.) See ourprivacy policyfor more information. Duke insisted she did nothing wrong, but understands how people outside an ER could believe her humor is morbid. Katie Duke is Board Certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Host of the Top Rated Philosophy Podcast "Bad Decisions", Keynote and Motivational Speaker, Lifestyle Influencer, and Mentor. Responses are Apparently, Duke was being too real. Duke continued, Tonight is about some fun, its all about some pretty offensive digs at the health-care system, our government and our health-care leadership. She made an off-color joke about hospital administrators. My journey has gifted me a special empathy for patients in similar situations. One nurse she heard from recently said shed been fired for posting a photo celebrating a colleagues last day at the hospital. Back Submit. I, on the other hand, did not. Katie Duke nurse practitioner, public speaker, leader, social media influencer, healthcare media consultant, editorial contributor, marathoner Library Hours Summer Hours Monday - Friday | 8am - 5pm Academic Hours beginning Monday, August 21st Monday - Thursday | 8am - 9pm Friday | 8am - 6pm Saturday | 10am - 5pm Sunday | 12pm - 8pm fashion solid tops; form by cherokee; infinity by cherokee; jackets, vests & labcoats; maternity; mens apparel; ww core stretch; ww professionals; ww revolution; chef apparel . According to Duke, he acknowledged that she hadnt violated HIPAA or any hospital policies but said shed been insensitive and unprofessional. Shed recently started a new contract job, and her employer wouldnt give her time off. The adjustable drawstring includes an inspirational message from nurse practitioner and social media personality, Katie Duke. *Duke Primary Care, Duke University Hospital, Duke Regional Hospital, and Duke Raleigh Hospital are not participating with this plan. When the second season was announced, the producers decided to stick with many of the same cast members. The hospital was reimbursing her graduate tuition and provided her health insurance. I realized after some time that my ability to reach and influence people was a great gift that I wanted to embrace. Shes in a great position to become a public speaker and teacher of what not to do with SM Im curious to see where she takes it. Neonatal nurse practitioner tuition can fluctuate based on location, school, and degree type. I want you to have a more defined sense of your f---ing worth, and a greater confidence in your voice, she said. I think that if the photo was the only thing posted, without her personal commentary about a real-life tragic event (that she made light of), I think it would have been perceived as harmless and shed still have her job today. It was poor choice for Katie to post this particular social update. She doesnt try to rationalize these missteps, but shes not exactly remorseful. Why shouldnt the public see nursing culture for what it really is? And then if you are thinking about individual practices they don't really have the bandwidth to be updating a policy and procedure manual.. Watch our video Apply Now Explore our Programs Specialty Certificates Faculty Admissions Info Family NP Faculty But also about the frustrations of working a demanding service job. Since its founding in 2019by CEO Joe Ammon, whose wife is herself a registered nurseClove has made medical creators central to its growth strategy and built a sprawling influencer program involving hundreds across the country, from nursing students to physician assistants and surgeons. Emphasis is placed on family-centered, culturally sensitive care. She now offers events and workshops that teach nurses how to start a side hustle. However, Katie is resilient. I had a job before I even finished my program. Generally, NNP tuition ranges from $700 to $1,000 and over per credit. These are real people with real emotions and real passions, and in order for them to take care of their patients, they need to take care of themselves, she told Forbes. I could see having to go to a social media sensitivity class or something, but I sympathized in shock and my heart went out to her. Is it a possibility it was staged? Now I check my posts so no one gets offended or thinks I am a cold-hearted person.. It would be impossible to convey every aspect of every situation in one-hour of television., 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Nurses make up the nations largest body of health-care workers, with three times as many RNs as physicians. I wish I could work at a hospital that would allow me to take great care of patients and help train and educate new people coming on board and, at the same time, use my platform as an opportunity to spread awareness about the value of nurses and supported working environments and safe staffing. Katie Duke's story spotlights the hazards of social media in hospitals. Read more. There are many examples of nurses being fired for social media use, but Katies story is one of the most well-known and allows for a very teachable moment. And veterinarian Thomas Hamilton, known to his nearly 4 million TikTok followers as Dr. Tom, has transformed the conversation around care for animals that are often misjudged as aggressive. For two days in late September, Duke traversed the Hill with another Figs ambassador, Kamilah Evans, an OB/GYN resident who has been open on Instagram about the physical and emotional toll of her work, the racism shes experienced as a Black health-care professional and the seemingly superhuman expectations of her job. . Im not saying that nurses should be monitored any more closely that anyone else, but unfortunately its an option for any employer these days so everyone should be on their toes about it. I asked Duke if she ever wanted to be anonymous, to simply do the work shed been trained to do. Katie Duke is a no-nonsense kind of nurse who has a personal motto of "deal with it." It may even be her nursing motto. She explored other options. Among them, she told me later that week: Nurses should work in hospitals; nurses are merely support staff for doctors; nursing isnt creative or entrepreneurial; nurses are tireless and have endless reserves of patience; nurses keep their discontent to themselves. You need someone in your corner telling you what your managers really need from you, helping you learn to interact with your preceptor, and really just manage your life. Emphasis on chronic disease management and women's health. Saturday, August 17 2019 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM [EST] 950 I Street NW, Suite 501, Washington, DC, 20001, United States Sounds like a huge setup to me. Six? Even so, the example still has the potential to help many nurses avoid making similar mistakes. Margaret has been hired by one of her clinical sites, Children's National Medical Center, for a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner . I am so grateful that my presence on social media has helped people not only within the nursing profession, but in other industries as well. But as Duke discussed the problem of staffing shortages, Schakowsky turned to her aide. She moved to New York and made something of herself. Simple. It actually filmed her there. In the Emmy Awards 2020, she showed up to introduce the honor for the exceptional supporting entertainer in a dramatization arrangement. This faculty member has reported no outside activities that relate to their Duke responsibilities. Suddenly, Jamie Lee Curtis is everything everywhere all at once, When Jill Biden went to Africa, her comment about 2024 stole all the attention, nations largest body of health-care workers. The reasons, she said, included concern about my credibility in my field if I were to be away from clinical practice too long.. Over the course of her career, Kathleen R. Delaney, PhD, APRN, PMH-NP, FAAN has studied inpatient psychiatric treatment environments, particularly assuring safe environments by proactive approaches, engagement and creating patient-centered cultures of care. She was swimming in muddy waters. She presented the award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series which was won by Julia Garner. . When she reposted a photo of the messy aftermath of a miraculous case that a chief resident had already shared on his own Instagram, she ran into trouble with higher-ups who viewed it as insensitive. She took her loss and won! Required fields are marked *. The reason for her dismissal? The assault charges were dropped, but I definitely started it, Duke said, in her typically matter-of-fact way. Mary, in my opinion the photo wasnt the problem. This archaic mentality of healthcare workers not being able to express themselves or live their lives outside of their role as healthcare workers can sometimes feel a little bit dehumanizing and also just not very empoweringespecially when our jobs are so stressful and hard as it is, he said. Class Size: 40. One recent nursing school graduate, Anthony Scarpone-Lambert, told Forbes that it was drilled into the curriculum pretty much day one to not post photos or anything related to his role as a nurse on social media. But her hospital employers dont love the movement shes aiding, thats encouraging nurses to criticize working conditions and culture or to leave bedside work entirely. While New York Presbyterian declines to comment on the situation, she further explained how her supervisor did not believe Duke had breached hospital policy or violated the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPPA, a set of regulations intended to protect patient privacy. man vs 6 train. But thats starting to change. It allows an opportunity for people to get access to information that they may not have had before., Medical professionals have been moonlighting as social media stars for years, and still more got into it during the pandemic to reach wider audiences with health information, debunk myths about Covid-19 and illuminate what was happening on the frontlines. I did see the episode and was totally shocked when she was fired. Ms. Duke is an advocate for the profession of Nursing, with over 15 years of mentoring and media advocacy experience. Report this profile Report Report. Duke is certainly not the first medical professional to get herself into trouble on social media. Healthcare influencer Katie Duke was fired from her post as an ER nurse at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell for reposting an Instagram photo of an empty trauma room with the caption: "Man Vs. 6 Train. Most of the nurses that get into trouble have good intentions but they just dont know how far reaching social media can be, Spector said. ", Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Plastic surgeon Dr. Blair Peters has partnered with Clove, a company making sneakers tailored to frontline health care workers. In fact, it is my understanding is that a physician shared the same photo without the caption and didnt lose his job or receive a known reprimand. One in 5 Americans seeking help with a health issue now turn to TikTok for advice before approaching their doctor, a recent CharityRx survey of 2,000 U.S. adults found, and nearly the same number trust health influencers more than medical professionals in their community. The nonprofit Association for Healthcare Social Media was formed in 2019 to help the medical community responsibly use these platforms as educational tools. Healthcare influencer Katie Duke was fired from her post as an ER nurse at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell for reposting an Instagram photo of an empty trauma room with the caption: "Man. Its almost like a loss of meaning, she said. You have every right to express your opinion, as do the others who have blogged or posted about this situation. The Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Epsilon Chapter recently awarded two Duke School of Nursing (DUSON) . Katie Duke is Board Certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Content Creator, Speaker, and Nursing Advocate. She obtained both her bachelor's and master's degrees in nursing from the University of Kansas, and is currently licensed to practice in Kansas and Missouri. Inseams are as follows - Regular: 29" Petite: 26.5", Leg . Many hadnt been inside an entertainment venue in nearly two years, and even now, their heads flashed with images of dystopian nightmare: the body bags and cold storage trucks; the last-ever FaceTime calls; the unvaccinated patients who spewed invective before being hooked up to respirators. But its code of medical ethics emphasizes that actions online and content posted may negatively affect [workers] reputations among patients and colleagues, may have consequences for their medical careers (particularly for physicians-in-training and medical students), and can undermine public trust in the medical profession..

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katie duke nurse practitioner