joint base charleston directory

Learn about your transportation options and key and essential information when moving to a new installation. They meet at the Aero Club near the control tower. The Joint Base Charleston team servesmore than 90,000 Active Duty Military, Reserves, Government Employees and Contractors and Military Family Members. Contact information for key programs and services at this installation. In supporting Joint Base Charleston, the former Charleston Naval Base has been transformed into a multi-use Federal Complex (231 acres) with 17 Government and Military tenants, as well as homeport for 6 RO-RO Ready Reserve Force Ships, 3 Coast Guard National Security Cutters, and 2 NOAA Research Ships. . Below are instructions for each. Hb``$WR~|@T#2S/`M. The 628th Force Support Squadron enhances the quality of life and combat capabilities to diversified services at Joint Base Charleston in South Carolina. The 628th ABW's primary duties are to provide installation support to 53 DoD and Federal agencies, servicing a total force of over 79,000 Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, civilians, dependents and retirees on Charleston AFB and Naval Weapons Station Charleston. The school section of this document has more detailed information on the local schools. They have a robust, growing, market share in the low country to support their fantastic Orthopedic Surgeons. The cost of living in Charleston is 11.5% higher than the national average. Exit I-95 to I-26 east (to Charleston). If you are unsure of where you should "check in" for your new command at JB Charleston-WS, call the Base Quarterdeck for directions and guidance as to proper check-in procedures and ask for further assistance/directions from the guards at the gate. Gregg is one of just 20 faculty members selected for this seminar. This single online gateway provides access to comprehensive information on military operated and military subsidized child care options available worldwide. 3 Directions to the USCGC Hamilton and Oak, Vessel Support Facility (VSF), NESO, and Fisheries. Deployment Related Health Assessment: 843-963-6900or843-963-6683, 204 West Hill Boulevard The Air Force officially named its facility as Charleston Air Force Base in June 1953. A large medical clinic near NNPTC in Goose Creek has just finished construction. The legislation ordered the consolidation of facilities which were adjoining, but separate military installations, into a single Joint Base, one of 12 formed in the United States as a result of the law. JB-CHS-AB 673-XXXX . This information covers key facilities and phone numbers a newcomer should find helpful. During this period, the Weapons Station was the Atlantic Fleet's load out base for all 41 nuclear ballistic missile submarines. Email: Hours of operation: Joint Base Charleston Passenger Terminal is open 24 hours a day. Exit airport and head for I-526 east (also known as the Mark Clark Expressway). Now he's a sexy single dad and Charleston's most successful venture capitalist. During the Cold War, the Naval Base (19021996) became the third largest U.S. homeport serving over 80 ships and submarines. The state-of-the-art Child Development Center offers parents of children 6 weeks to five years old a variety of wonderful child care options. Show or Hide Navigation . Vehicle insurance in South Carolina is expensive, so be sure to research rates in advance so that you have sufficient funds available. A network of support and leisure services offer service members and their families options to engage with the community. 101 Lawson Drive. AIR BASE DIALING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Its purpose is to provide military personnel the information necessary for their move to the area. Charleston Air Force Base Law Enforcement & Security. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. Please contact your gaining command to make arrangement for a sponsor to meet you for checking in during and after working hours. In October 2020, the Coast Guard purchased 166 acres on the former Naval complex to construct a super base, so as to consolidate all Charleston area facilities and become the homeport for five Security cutters and additional offshore cutters. Exit I-95 to I-26 east. Joint Base Charleston is a hub for the storage, maintenance, and exportof military suppliesand armored vehicles. The telephones on Joint Base Charleston Air Base and Weapons Stations operate differently. Once in the site, the sponsor will be asked to create a household account and password unique to his/her family. NITAAC is not responsible for registration. Approximately 20% of all jobs in the Charleston Metropolitan area are tied to Joint Base Charleston. 7:30-4:30 Monday thru Friday Commissioned in 1941, Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Charleston had two distinct missions: as home for two strategic submarine squadrons and a tender, and as an ordnance station with capacity for more than 60 million pounds of conventional ordnance. Travel Hwy 52 (Rivers Ave) for 1.5 miles and at the first light turn right onto Redbank Road - base is 3 miles ahead. These students will go on to execute the DoDs no-fail nuclear mission. COMM phone number for Joint Base Charleston Military & Family Readiness Center - Air Base, DSN phone number for Joint Base Charleston Military & Family Readiness Center - Air Base, FAX phone number for Joint Base Charleston Military & Family Readiness Center - Air Base, DSNFAX phone number for Joint Base Charleston Military & Family Readiness Center - Air Base, Email:,P5_MSG_TYPE,P5_EID:MilitaryINSTALLATIONS,Installation Address,85989, Map:,+Building+500,+Joint+Base+Charleston+SC+29404, JB Charleston Base Phone Directory July 2020, Emergency Contacts for Disasters & Evacuations. uuid:a5134806-0d90-4ed7-8574-5acffe9a4265 In addition, the Charleston Naval Shipyard repaired frigates, destroyers, cruisers, sub tenders, and submarines. The gate to the JB Charleston-WS, South Annex will be on your left. Each program strives to provide a safe and nurturing environment. There is no shuttle from Charleston International Airport. Follow the directions listed below. M%mLLiO^,=47;680OfPc$U. %%EOF To call the base operator from the continental United States: 843-963-1110 or DSN: 673-1110. JB-CHS-WS . @O@d17} $D From I-95 take, I-26 East to Ashley Phosphate Road, exit 209 A. Base Information & Events Freedom Fest, Tree Lighting, Run the Runway . This is not an official military website. They maintain $2B worth of physical infrastructure across 23 thousand non-contiguous acres. uuid:ec778869-f083-4332-b592-f1c47d280176 Separation History and Physical Exams: 843-963-6683 Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic. 3043 0 obj <>stream This is a website dedicated to our men and women serving at JB Charleston, SC. Where you live determines what public schools your child(ren) will attend. From I-26 East take exit 215 and turn left onto Dorchester Rd (0.7 miles); when Dorchester Rd ends, turn left onto Rivers Ave (Hwy 52) for 0.2 miles; at the first light, turn right onto McMillian Ave (go 0.8 miles); drive past the guard shack and at the end of McMillan Ave turn right onto Hobson Ave (1.6 miles), finally turn left to parking at Pier P (PAPA). Distance Unit Conversions Straight line and driving distances from Charlotte, North Carolina to Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina are conveniently converted for you into miles, feet, kilometers, meters and nautical miles. The school section of this document has more detailed information on the local schools. H|j0D9J%[@@ {=8+$*_54,;$&f\0Y7[lDY/lJF+nuknSpZ@4n!hV\h}W`ZKHRwLI$xbP:=lXK?^ZS@ermz1w1kD7L^/=*[%)/nn,0 Kc Exit I-526 at North Rhett (Exit 19) and turn left onto North Rhett. Resource Site. Latitude, Longitude 32.898611, -80.040556. U__O3012pkg`; The former Charleston Naval Base has been transformed into a multi-use Federal Complex (231 acres) with 17 Government and Military tenants, as well as homeport for 6 RO-RO Military Sealift Command Ships, 3 Coast Guard National Security Cutters, and 2 NOAA Research Ships. Approximately 20% of all jobs in the Charleston Metropolitan area are tied to Joint Base Charleston. Carlisle, PA 17013-0000. The Atlantic Ocean and its beaches form []. Advertiser Login. Acrobat PDFMaker 10.1 for Word Phone Directory. Telephone Number (s) 843-963-6880. The 437th Airlift Wing (437 AW) operates the C-17 Globemaster III strategic airlift aircraft in support of its mission to provide airlift of troops and passengers, military equipment, cargo, and aeromedical equipment and supplies worldwide in accordance with tasking by Air Mobility Command and unified combatant commanders. Also refer to South Carolina's annualhurricane guide during the hurricane season. Therefore, as a last reiteration, it is essential, members do not out-process without having the appropriate passports/visas for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. Contact Us. Member and/or dependents are not allowed to final out-process without the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. Because of our mild climate and moderate cost of living, Charleston has a very large population of retirees. It is augmented by a parallel, collocated Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) "associate" wing, the 315th Airlift Wing (315 AW), which shares the same C-17 aircraft with the 437 AW. Naval Weapons Station Charleston ID/CAC Card . 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs. A joint civil-military airport, JB Charleston shares runways with Charleston International Airport for commercial airlines operations on the south side of the airfield and general aviation aircraft operations on the east side. Flight and Operational Medicine Clinic (FOMC) Telephone Number (s) FOMC: 843-963-6683. If you dont already have an account, you can create one. View the in-depth overview. Ensure member and/or dependents have the required passports and/or visa prior to final out-processing. jerome.collins Utilize these resources to help you and your family balance life in the military. Joint Base Charleston (Air Base) is located about 10 miles from downtown Charleston, South Carolina, on approximately 3,400 acres of land within the North Charleston city limits in Charleston County. Approximately 20% of all jobs in the Charleston Metropolitan area are tied to Joint Base Charleston. To call JB Charleston Public Affairs: 843-963-5608 or DSN: 673-5608. COMM phone number for Joint Base Charleston Military & Family Readiness Center - Air Base, DSN phone number for Joint Base Charleston Military & Family Readiness Center - Air Base, FAX phone number for Joint Base Charleston Military & Family Readiness Center - Air Base, DSNFAX phone number for Joint Base Charleston Military & Family Readiness Center - Air Base, Email:,P5_MSG_TYPE,P5_EID:MilitaryINSTALLATIONS,Installation Address,85989, Map:,+Building+500,+Joint+Base+Charleston+SC+29404, Emergency Contacts for Disasters & Evacuations. Family Child Care/Child Development Homes. TRICARE is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense (DoD),DHA. Photos & Images. JOINT BASE CHARLESTON, S.C. (AFNS) -- More than 600 Total Force Airmen, U.S. Air Force Academy cadets and Air Force ROTC cadets gathered for a three-day Black History Month aviation heritage event at Joint Base Charleston, Feb. 16-18. Joint Base Charleston SC 29404. Therefore, as a last reiteration, it is essential, members do not out-process without having the appropriate passports/visas for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. Change Installation. The Naval Health Clinic provides health care services to 12K enrollees and 5K naval nuclear students. Jobs on Post. Turn right onto Ashley Phosphate Road then turn left onto Cross County Road (go 2.2 miles). UTM. Although the Department of Defense may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Since Charleston, SC is on the Atlantic Coast we are naturally in an area where Hurricanes are a possibility. Travel east for 2 miles, staying left at the fork and traveling another 2 miles, through a traffic light. The 628th Air Base Wing attained Full Operational Capability (FOC) on 1 October 2010 with an event taking place at Marrington Plantation at the Naval Weapons Station. To call the base operator from overseas: DSN: 312-673-1110. Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina 29404-4704 To access this tool, log in to Military OneSource with your email and password. Located on the Air Base. The greater metropolitan region has a population of over 700,000 and we enjoy a great relationship with civilian communities where we actively participate in many civic, social and cultural events. Rental cars are available on-site and commercial transportation is available from the airport to the base via taxi. Although the Department of Defense may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Online phonebook can be found here: JB Charleston Base Phone Directory July 2020, 7:30-4:30 Monday thru Friday Parents of school age children are encouraged to do their research regarding schools and education in the tri-county area. 0 Additionally, they also provide expeditionary Airmen to combatant commanders in support of joint and combined operations. Southern Heartbreaker: A Charleston Heat Novel DB109046 10 hours 16 minutes by Jessica Peterson read by Pilar Witherspoon "He was the bad boy I fell for in college. In addition, NWS Charleston contains more than 1,800 on-base houses for Navy enlisted and officer dependents as well as Coast Guard dependents, and has a child care facility, elementary and middle schools. Because of the mild climate and moderate cost of living, Charleston has a very large population of retirees. )U!$5X3/9 ($5j%V*'&*r" (,!!0b;C2( I8/ Joint Base Charelston also serves members from other military services. Through special events, activities, programs and services, we take care of you across the airbase and weapons station! Get Directions. HWrH}+Q Closed Holidays. The facility is an amalgamation of the United States Air Force Charleston Air Force Base and the United States Navy Naval Support Activity Charleston, which were merged on 1 October 2010. 'Accelerating the Legacy' is an annual event hosted by JB Charleston that honors the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen by developing today's aviators and . Dominant and decisive, Ford Montgomery is used to getting what he wants. 455 Fletcher Road. Exit I-526 at North Rhett (Exit 19) and turn left onto North Rhett and drive approximately 5.6 miles. They bring armored vehicles, medical efforts, paratroopers and cargo where its needed. Additionally, they also provide mission-ready expeditionary Airmen to combatant commanders in support of joint and combined operations. The facility is an amalgamation of the United States Air Force . DSN NUMBERS JB-CHS-AB . Thomas Health System, including Thomas Memorial Hospital in South Charleston and St. Francis Hospital in downtown Charleston, became a full member of WVU Medicine at the end of last year. With a rich military history and a moderate cost of living, the area has attracted many military retirees that now call the Lowcountry home. Personnel relocating to JB Charleston who have a need for child care must request care at JB Charleston-WS's Quarterdeck is not manned 24/7. Joint Base Charleston is a hub for the storage, maintenance, and exportof military suppliesand armored vehicles. These students will go on to execute the DoDs no-fail nuclear mission. Looking to learn more about Joint Base Charleston ? Charleston Midlevel Corporate/M&A Associate. Maintained local DoD network exchange on a sensitive unclassified NIPRNET and classified SIPRNET networks and servers for 841st Army Transportation Battalion, Joint Base Charleston to ensure full . Charleston, South Carolina, 29404-5000 View on Google Maps. . Once in the site, the sponsor will be asked to create a household account and password unique to his/her family. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website. JOINT BASE CHARLESTON, South Carolina -- Ukrainian soldiers wounded while fighting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, arrive for a base tour at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, Feb. 22, 2023. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. To call the base operator from the continental United States: An official website of the United States government, Accelerating the Legacy is an aviation heritage event that honors the Tuskegee Airmens legacy, offers professional development and networking opportunities to Total Force Airmen, and inspires the next generation of aviation professionals. The 628th Air Base Wing and the Naval Support Activity provide installation support services to 67 distinct organizations/mission partners, ALL service branches, and approximately 90K service members, retirees, and families. Emergency numbers are listed on the front cover of this directory. Newcomers arriving after normal duty hours, on a holiday, or weekend or after 3:30 p.m. each business day must turn in their in-processing package at the MPS Customer Support Section on the next duty day after visiting their gaining unit following arrival. Since Charleston, SC is on the Atlantic Coast we are naturally in an area where Hurricanes are a possibility. The gate to the JB Charleston-WS, South Annex will be on your left. The Naval Support Activity has expanded its mission and Department of Defense support role with over 40 tenant commands, and today is a training center, with the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command (NNPTC), Nuclear Power Training Unit, Propulsion Facility, and Border Patrol satellite academy; Naval Consolidated Brig, Charleston; Mobile Mine Assembly Unit; Explosive Ordnance Detachments; Marine Corps Reserve Center; an engineering complex, with the Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic[3] (NIWC, this is the largest employer in the Charleston area) and is close to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast; 269 above-ground ammunition magazines, maintenance and storage of military ordnance including mines, and serves as an Army logistics hub, the busiest continental United States surface port in the defense transportation system. Ashley Mikaio), 437th Airlift Wing Integrates with Bomber Task Force, JB CHS Civil Engineers train multi-capable Airmen, Titans of Flight: JB Charleston Air Expo 2022, Indigenous Nation's Equality Team - America's First Warriors, Being an Airman Leadership School Instructor, Air Installations Compatible Use Zones Study March 2019, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Provides up-to-date information on education for military children K-12. JB-CHS-WS . DSN: 312-242-3801. website. The 437th and 315th Airlift Wings provide rapid global mobility using the largest fleet of the C-17 Globemaster III. DSN NUMBERS . For more information on NWS, please visit the installation's homepage. Joint Base Charleston Links. This event, which is open and free to all Joint Base Charleston personnel, provides an opportunity to see the latest in emerging technologies and network with . Support and assistance is available to you if you have a family member with medical or educational needs. Charleston International Airport services the tri-county area and is in close proximity. EEp~Cp=yAJ4fF:f%Gf%+.mSn~|iEj#)?wbnw:foNQS9zXzQt*6ahVn 0 t/a_X^%o})Q7O!Q eOy6:u&%;n493ZrBk2l1C=tN`Y|0(x=ydI6N=Q)$Q/a#loC{~&ISfx Joint Base Charleston serves more than 80,000 Active Duty Military, Reserves, Government Employees and Contractors and Dependents. Both are located in the heart of the Lowcountry, the portion of historic South Carolina where pine and oak forests meet with the natural beauty of Intercoastal Waterway marshes and gorgeous barrier island beaches. Family Child Care/Child Development - In Home Services. After hours Nurse Advice Line, for non-flyer and family non . Adobe PDF Library 10.0 The 628th Air Base Wing's primary duties are to provide unsurpassed installation support to 53 DoD and Federal agencies, servicing a total force of over 79,000 Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, civilians, dependents and retirees on Charleston Air Force Base and Naval Weapons Station Charleston. More than 3K sailors graduate and continue on to the Nuclear Power Training Unit, (NPTU). Resources for this U.S. military airport: This page was last edited on 1 February 2023, at 14:41. From Charleston International Airport, take the access road to Michaux Parkway and turn right. Joint Base Charleston Official Website. H10&fdeP 26 Surgeons make up their group, with representation in General, Hand, Foot & Ankle, Podiatry, Spine, Sports, and Total Joint. About AU. JB Charleston Exchange. (843) 963-5729. The telephones on Joint Baseharleston CAir Base and Weapons Hurricane season is 1 Jun through 30 Nov. New residents should plan accordingly which includes preparing a hurricane supply kit, review your homeowner's insurance and seek information on hurricane safety. Since the IOC phase, personnel on the Naval Weapons Station and the Air Force Base have been working vigorously to make Joint Base Charleston a success. All rights reserved. When space is available in the facility of choice, MCC will send a notification message to the email provided. The Riverfront Times listed the Webster Film Series as one of the top events for people in the community to attend. The Main Gate is approximately 1.5 miles on the right on Dorchester Road. However there are numerous taxi services from the airport. The last major work done on Joint Base Charleston runways was in 1968. This information is for both on-base and off-base at JB Charleston, SC. Driving Directions to Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station. And he just set his sights . The facility is under the jurisdiction of the United States Air Force 628th Air Base Wing, Air Mobility Command (AMC).[2]. The Youth Center for school-age children has a multitude of programs, activities and camps. Earlier this month, Thomas and Camden Clark Medical Center, both WVU Medicine affiliates, filed a joint certificate of need with the Health Care Authority to . application/pdf Directions to the JB Charleston-WS South Annex (Naval Consolidated Brig, Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR), US Army 595 Transportation Terminal Group, or Surface Deployment & Distribution Command (South Atlantic Outport), Exit airport and head for I-526 east (also known as the Mark Clark Expressway). More than 3K sailors graduate and continue on to the Nuclear Power Training Unit, (NPTU).

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joint base charleston directory