The Dawn Of The Pump That first successful pump-gun was the Winchester Model 1897, which was an improved variant of the Model 1893. Editor's Note: This Collector's Corner column is an excerpt from the November 2017 issue of Gun Digest the Magazine. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. After World War II, Ithaca resumed production of the Model 37. Lay-a-, The Ithaca Model 37 is one of the original classic shotguns along with the Remington Models 31, and 870, and the Winchester Models 1897 and 1912. ** The mark HG indicated registration with the BATF. I wanted one so bad for a while. 3% Credit Card Processing Fee will apply. 25 Improved Cylinder vent rib barrel. Browning sold this patent to Remington, and the plan was to put the new gun on the market in 1917 as the Model 17. It was designed to be used only with black powder, and after it was on the market for a short time, Winchester had John Browning beef up the receiver and make several internal changes to enable the gun to handle the smokeless propellants higher pressures. I'll strongly reccomend against ,"slam firing" the 40 year old used shotgun of uncertain history. His website and phone is 607-273-4510. America has been called a nation of riflemen, and those who learned how to shoot with a rifle are likely to be more comfortable sighting down the rib of a shotgun with one barrel. It later became General Recreation Inc., which added general sporting goods, outdoor clothing and catamarans to its line. I wanted one so bad for a while. Some opinion that it can cause un due wear of the trigger group, I have never done it enough to prove out either way. Ithaca Model 37 Slam fire * 12 Ga * 2 3/4 chamber * Barrel length 26" * Front bead sight * No interstate sales tax This Ithaca is in used condition, The finish is worn is a few places. The 1893 was caught between two eras in firearms history, the end of black powder and the beginning of smokeless powder. WANT TO PURCHASE CALL SHOP 716-941-3946, ITHACA MODEL 37 PUMP 16GA PLAIN BARREL CHOKE FULL BRASS BEAD FRONT SIGHT DATES ABOUT 1953 SERIAL NUMBER 528135 RECEIVER AND BARREL MATCHING SERIAL NUMBERS. Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. The cutoff date on that is around 1975. The receivers of todays Model 37s are made the way they were made years ago, from a solid block of steel. It has aggressive checkering on the polymer pistol grip and r, Metal surfaces rate near excellent, minimal handling marks. However, plans changed when Ithaca became aware of a patent obtained by designer John Pedersen for an improved version of the Remington Model 17, which was due to expire in 1936. the "stub" was removed and iirc the slide stop was altered to pevent the hammer from locking. Description: Ithaca, 37, ds police special, 12ga, slam fire, 20" bbl, fiber optic front sight, fixed rear sight, the is a bird scene engraved on receiver, this is a factory gun, it was acquired by the Florida Highway Patrol in 1973, the wood stock looks very good, there are no cracks or . Ithaca Gun Company 420 N. Warpole Street Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, The Ithaca Gun Company From The Beginning, Ithaca Featherlight Repeaters: The Best Gun Going: A Complete History of the Ithaca Model 37 and the Model 87. . I've only done this on target loads. With all of the moving parts needed to make a 97 work properly, I can't imagine it was an accident. Good. I first found this out rabbit hunting when I was a kid. Finally, in 1937 Ithaca was able to bring the Model 37 to the market. He did not consider it of any fundamental importance and thus it was not included in his detailed publications. Seems that there's a lot of Ithaca 37 fans on here so I thought I'd make a post with the serial numbers. A favorite of sportsmen, police and the military, the bottom-ejecting M37 made before 1975 or so could be slam fired super fast due to the design of the sear. Very interesting stuff Jaguar, you seem to know these guns very well. Buyers beware : My son bought a brand new, in the box, model 37 Featherlight 16 ga. pump from an Ithaca dealer in or around 2012-13. Came late in life to shooting but is making up for lost time Well, the slam fire feature goes all the way back to the Winchester 97. It has a 20 inch barrel with a brass bead front sight. More than one million were produced over its 60-year life-span between 1897 and 1957. The original Ithaca Gun Co. of Ithaca, New York, was. The Model 87 data came from the serial number records of the Ithaca Acquisition Corporation. Learn how your comment data is processed. This, Excellent, light finish wear, few small scratches. I have to say that our Slam Firing Shotguns would appear to be an urban myth, born of non Ithaca owners mystical reverence of our chosen shotgun! The Model 37 has the fewest parts of any pump shotgun, promoting reliability and creating a smooth, light, positive action. A 12, 16, and 20 gauge. They will pump-fire just like the Ithaca Model 37. They tend to be heavier and are not as easy handling in the field. Hope no one was in the room above him. The DS Police Special that Matt has came factory standard with rifle sights on a 18.5-inch barrel and a park finish. Winchester decided to go ahead and do their own, but soon found out that the little toggle that opens the bolt to load the first shell was a Browning patent. The company was founded in Ithaca, New York, in 1880 by partners William Henry Baker, Dwight McIntyre, John Van Natta and Leroy H. Smith. In the early 70s the company went public and within a few years ran into financial troubles, sold off everything except Ithaca, and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1978, closing the plant for several months. A slightly used but still functional Ithaca Model 37 DS Police Special provides a great afternoon of fun down at Demolition Ranch. 12 GA PUMP ACTION 3 ROUNDS 19 BARREL. The Ithaca Model 37 is one of the greatest shotguns ever made, light fast handling, all machined parts, no plastic or stamped parts. An LGS has a 37 for $250. I also have a Remington Model 17, which we know to be the precursor of the Model 37. In 1937, it was released as the Ithaca 37. i have read that models after 1977 can not be slam fired. 1942 per the page above. With the growing popularity of smokeless powder, and to avoid any injuries and lawsuits, the company did what might have been the first recall by a firearms manufacturer. Thanks! However, law enforcement agencies could order new guns with the slam fire if desired. Serial Number: 371659823. It's a featherlight model with the dog and such engravings. *** Approximately 67 King Ferry Models were made. Then as the shell is lifted up toward the chamber, another shell slides out of the magazine under the guide arms preventing closing of the bolt face. The pump, or slide-action, can do any job well. Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 Theyre very smooth, dependable, and durable firearms, Ithaca 37 Featherlight 16 gauge 2 3/4" shells 28" barrel shotgun made in 1970. Make: Ithaca. My older Ithaca is capable of slamfiring. As such, its value would be around $400. I'm no authority. nice wood. With the depression dragging on and another war looming on the horizon, it was possibly the worst time to introduce a sporting arm. Here's a 1971 Ithaca model 37, the last popular firearm to offer slamfiring as a feature. It then mentions that this fault is impossible on the Remington M31, M11 and sportsman, and Savage M720 (all guns with disconnectors)(my words). LOP TO NON ORIGINAL PAD 14", Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight is a pump action shotgun in 12 Ga. ITHACA MODEL 37 FEATHERLIGHT DEERSLAYER 12 GA. BLUED 20" SMOOTH BORE BARREL $320.00 Free shipping Vintage Original Ithaca Model 37 - Front Bead Sight $45.00 $5.15 shipping 15 watching Ugly 20 Gauge ITHACA Model 37 FEATHERLIGHT Deer Slug Barrel FIBER OPTIC Sights $274.95 Free shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED All these Model 37's had the serial number prefix of 381. I have a 1973 Ithaca Model 37 and have never tried to slam fire it,so I do not know if it will slam fire or not.Guess sometime I should try it and find out. They then knurled the end of the barrel so you would have to pull down on the spring loaded barrel to load, often placing the butt end on the ground and if those old paper shells got stuck or your hand slipped the gun would go off. In 1975, Ithaca discontinued this feature on most of their model 37s by installing a trigger disconnector. It's a featherlight model with the dog and such engravings. It has a 28-inch ventilated rib barrel. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "An Official Journal of the NRA | A Look Back at the Ithaca Model 37 Shotgun", "The Ithaca Model 37 In U.S. Military Service", "Evolution of shotguns in the Marine Corps", "Vintage LAPD Ithaca M37 Shotgun Lottery", The decision was made to wait until the patent for the Model 17 expired in 1933, at which time Ithaca would introduce a new bottom-ejection slide-action to be known as the Model 33. GOOD WOOD, EXCELLENT BORE. JavaScript is disabled. May be due to pressure on trigger by operator as action slide handle is pushed forward. Even without a shell holder, the gun offers 7+1 rounds of awesome power. This page was last edited on 4 February 2023, at 19:08. Fire a pump gun and the chamber isnt reloaded until you rack the slide. Fire an autoloader and, if theres ammo in the magazine, you instantly have another round in the chamber ready to go with your finger on the trigger. It's a "newer" "old" 37 with a SN of MAG - 870042xxx and it did come without the two carrier screw locking screws. The other thing is simply there are stronger systems out there. The gun was called the 1911 but knick named "The widow maker" Interesting guns. . He also hangs out in the I love my Ithaca section of shotgunworld as lecky56 The Model 37 was based on a patented John Browning design. It jammed from the first day he used it. By signing up you agree to's The management at Ithaca wanted to give the Model 12 some competition. One of their classics was the John Browning-designed Model 37 shotgun introduced just before World War II. Stay in the know. Stocks and fore-ends have laser-cut checkering and a nice red/brown stain, which brings out the grain of the fancy walnut. SOLD FOR: $1385. A Colorado company, Baldritch & Associates, bought Ithaca in 1967. (hold the trigger down, keep pumping the action and it will fire multiple times) I've only done this a couple times just for fun. In 1987, the name of the Ithaca 37 shotgun was changed to the Model 87. on this subject, I have corresponded with the renowned author and US firearms expert Bruce Canfield. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke marked improved cylinder, and 13 1/2" LOP. Out of stock. Year of Manufacture:. Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. . Serial Number: 371493073. Ithaca changed back to calling these Model 37's after a relatively short time marketing the '87s. Each stock has a black Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke measured modified, and 14" LOP. Manufactured in 1976. What to know about the classic Ithaca Model 37 pump-action shotgun: The pump-action shotgun has been the favorite choice of many American hunters for well more than a century. More than two million Model 37s have been produced over its 80-year history. This Shotgun is in Very good condition with some signs of wear present. 16 Gauge, Guns Listing ID: 741035The Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight Deerslayer is a vintage pump action shotgun that was designed off a John Browning patent. Other special models over the years have included the Military & Police, English Style with a straight grip, Sporting Clays, Grouse Special, Hogslayer, Home Defense, Rifled Deluxe with a rifle barrel for slugs, Magnum, Bicentennial and others. The slide release is pressed and the slide retracted completely then pushed forward. Model 12s also are drawing premium prices. Used. Length of pull: 13 3/4" Chamber: 2 3/4" Guns International Sellers Terms and, 26" Mod, Solid Rib, Pad has been replaced 13 3/8" Lop, Wood shows handling marks Nothing Bad, 97% Blue, Shiney Bore, Buyer pays 50.00 shipping Pa residents add 6% sales tax, Price is for che, Designed by John Moses Browning, and originally manufactured in 1937, the Model 37 Featherlight has stood the test of time, providing generations of sportsmen with a reliable firearm for all types of, Ithaca model 37 Ultra-Featherlight 20ga with 25" vent rib barrel fixed modified choke 2 3/4" chamber. Evolution Of The Model 37 The Model 37 operates in much the same way as other pump-action shotguns. mod choked. Ithaca model 37 feather light. It's a pump-action shotgun that features a unique "slam-fire" capability. Gas-operated actions are dirtier due to the burnt powder that accumulates and they generally require more maintenance and cleaning. Other than the name change, it was the same gun. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Eight major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed. DECENT REFINISH OVER SOME LIGHT PITTING. However, law enforcement agencies could order new guns with the slam fire if desired.The Ithaca 37 (or Model 37) is a pump-action shotgun made in large numbers for the civilian, military, and police markets. The Best Gun Going) Gauge: 12, chambered for 2 3/4" Shells. I do know the 1975 will slam fire not sure about the 1977 yr or model. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke measured improved modified, and 14 1/4" LOP. Year Designed: 1933 Manufacturers: Ithaca Gun Company and Industrias Marcati (unlicensed clone from Argentina). Features include: J-frame, similar to Model 36 Chiefs Special, except alloy frame and 1 7/8 in. Out of production since 1975, the Model 37 is now back and every bit as mean-looking and effective as it was in the jungles of Vietnam, where it was effective to 75+ yards with 000, 00, and #4 . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. There is no record I know that explains the rationale behind it. This is the aluminum receiver model with the checkered English straight Grip Stock, Guns Listing ID: 697407Ithaca model 37 Featherlight12 ga pump action.30\" plain barrel full chokesuper nice woodnice overall condition, Another great item from Gainesville Pawn! The design is derived from the JMB designed Remington model 17. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!