The hierarchical order of these functions is what establishes personality and behavioral patterns. Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, Knowing me, knowing you: personality and peer appraisal, Evaluating the validity of Myers-Briggs type indicator theory: A teaching tool and window into intuitive psychology. He's a strong, well-respected leader who knows how to command his forces. ESTJs are straightforward communicators and prefer to use their actions to communicatelike invading three nationsor using a comet's power to scorch earth beneath them while floating on giant death balloons. They are pragmatic and like things to be organized and clear. They tend to be warmly expressive and empathetic people who enjoy helping others reach their potential. They might even be surprised to learn that people really do appreciate them just the way they are, much like Data's friends appreciate him. They enjoy spending time alone, thinking about how things work and coming up with solutions to problems. rank it your way 1 Sherlock Holmes Organized Outgoing Affectionate Open Easy to Read. He can solve even the most complex mysteries within a matter of seconds. Kakyoin is introverted, prideful, and absolutely ruthless towards his enemies. INTPs tend to be highly logical and efficient thinkers. Focused on action, and able to handle the situation no matter what the circumstances throw in her way, Suki is a natural ESTP. ENFPs make up about 8% of the general population, 10% of women, and 6% of men. Related: Avatar: The 20 Most Powerful Benders Ever, Ranked. It oftentimes appears within the top five of any "best TV" list and has made waves for multiple generations. When he briefly loses his powers, he becomes overly cautious and afraid of everything around him, shutting himself down. Throughout the series, Killua learned how to connect with others and understand how important it is to show support during a friend's hour of need. Aang sees that the entire world is all connected, knows that sometimes things have different meanings than it may appear, another trait of an ENFP. Sponge Bob: ENFP (P's can be hilariously OCD- he takes a live and let live approach to life.) 2011;2(2):6773. This content contains affiliate links. NEXT: MBTI Of My Hero Academia Characters. He often has good ideas about how to execute a match but keeps them to himself for fear of how others will perceive him. In this video we discuss our least to most favorite MBTI types. I likey! Murie J. Beth loves chess and is focused on winning, using efficiency and strategy to be the best. Thank you for signing up! Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. As a result, INTPs are often misunderstood and can easily feel alone in the world. As they collect new information, INTPs compare and contrast it with what they already know in order to make predictions about what they believe will happen next. However, behind this goofy exterior, Ranpo is a serious individual who appreciates how much trust his colleagues place in him. Ginko attracts Mushi and travels around to keep them from cluttering in one space. ESTJ characters include Rachel Lynde (Anne of Green Gables), Thresh (The Hunger Games), Vernon Dursley, Dolores Umbridge, Minerva McGonagall, and Hermione Granger (Harry Potter), Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones), Mycroft Holmes (Sherlock Holmes), Estella Havisham (Great Expectations), and Peter Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia). has a traumatic past that morphed her personality into the INTP type. RELATED: Which Bungou Stray Dogs Character Are You, Based On Your MBTI? Just because introverts enjoy their alone time doesn't mean they don't like being around people. Vote up your favorite INTP characters, and downvote any you don't like as much on this INTP fictional characters list. "But when we look closely, we see that they work in different, sometimes even opposite ways," he explains. Mikey has overwhelming inner darkness that's always loomed beneath the surface. Ginko is a Mushi master. I wanted to make this video for quite a while and some of you requested it, so I fina. Katara is an ESFJ, as her healing ability would suggest. Cabbage Guy is the shining epitome of the entrepreneurial spirit, a true salesmanwho prefers the freedom the road has to off rather than any cushy desk job. ESFJs are concerned with the people around them and their well-being to an almost obsessive degree. With his quirk, Aizawa can erase any of his opponent's quirks just by looking at them. She's weird, she's wonderful, I love her. Answer (1 of 3): I think that personality is strongly linked to bending type, so it seems natural to combine types of bending in ATLA with MBTI types. She tried to foster community among prisoners, and never gave up. Here are the four levels of cognitive functions for an INTP. She controls Mai and Ty Lee, two people she considers her friends, with fear. Dr. Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones is a famous INTP character who searches for ancient artifacts in the hope of discovering more about the world and the people around him. He is constantly trying to help Zuko find his path and only wants the best for his nephew. However, when he was younger, Senkuu spent most of his time alone, toiling away in a science lab. Frederick Bhaer: Little Women. They enjoy new ideas and are adaptable in their lifestyle, if not always their thinking. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. She is the most responsible out of the group (most of the time) and could be a bit of a perfectionist. Special thanks to Funky MBTI in Fiction for informing many of my type choices. Rather than using his intellect to compensate for his weaknesses, Senkuu from Dr. Stone's strength comes from his ability to create anything as long as he has the resources. Br J Gen Pract. Unlike them, Ranpo isn't an ability user. Scarlett O' Hara and Rhett Butler of Gone With the Wind. As. Avatar (Franchise) 147/14. It kinda makes you wonder how Azula would have turned out with a kinder, less authoritarian father. Khonshu - INTP Though he may not always be one of Moon Knight 's most likable characters, there's no question that Khonshu does have his own moral code that he lives by and that he seeks to see implemented in the world of mortals. This show exceeds in a number of aspects, and one of the most lovable and successful ways is its characters. At the beginning of the series, he believes this is the only way for him to restore his honor and to help his father in the war. Iroh is constantly seen helping as many lost souls as he can. These entities, called "Mushi," aren't necessarily pure good or pure evil. Below is a list of some of the most famous people who are INTP personality types. Private Loner Tendencies Disorganized Avoidant Unemotional. sweet potato sushi roll calories. They are energetic, enthusiastic, and spontaneous people with a deep need to understand the world around them. 2019;13(2):e12434. avior, like high stakes gambling, high adrenaline activities, or dressing up as the blue spirit in order to free Aang from Admiral Zhao's custody. They are quick-witted, good with people, intelligent, and knowledgeable. People who score as INTP are often described as quiet and analytical. INFPs are the perfect match for dealing with pain and suffering, skillfully transmuting them into love and understanding. An INTP enjoys thinking about theoretical concepts and tends to value intellect over emotion. I think Neytiri is almost certainly an I because she doesn't generally like to spend time with lots of people and she likes to be alone. The Wired is comparable to what viewers know as the Internet. ), Senkuu Can Create Anything As Long As He Has The Resources (Dr. Stone). Patrick: ISFP (I thought about ISTP but F makes more sense.) The INTP personality type is known as the "Logician" since their thoughts and behaviors are based on logic. . In the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the nation of origin says a lot about a characters personality traits, whether its the free-spirited and adventurous Airbenders, the calm and fluid water tribe, or the hot-headed and dangerous fire nation. That is why Wario has both of these colors. While this often leads to fewer friendships, the ones that an INTP does gain tend to be very close. ENTPs are innovators, whether its coming up with faux bending to break into the fire temple or an airship slice - you can count on ENTPs to get out of just about any situation. Hanamiya Makoto may be known as the "Bad Boy" on the court because of his underhanded tactics, but there's no denying he's a genius. In Sai's case, his friendships are incredibly important to him especially considering how hard it is for him to open up. ENTP characters include Helena ( A Midsummer Night's Dream ), Mark Watney ( The Martian ), Tyler Durden ( Fight Club ), Benedick ( Much Ado About Nothing ), Augustus Waters ( The Fault in Our Stars ), Dumbledore, Fred and George Weasley ( Harry Potter ), Henry Tinley ( Northanger Abbey ), and Tyrion Lannister ( Game of Thrones ). This introverted tendency sometimes appears as an awkwardness that is only outdone by Azulas outright failure in any social situation. ESFP characters include Alexei Vronsky (Anna Karenina), Dudley Dursley, Ron Weasley, and Sirius Black (Harry Potter), Kitty Fane (The Painted Veil), Daisy Buchannan (The Great Gatsby), Rue (The Hunger Games), Lydia Bennet (Pride and Prejudice), Jamie Lannister (Game of Thrones), and Peregrin Took (The Lord of the Rings). So this is a myers briggs test chart thing for Avatar. Avatar: The Last Airbender is set in an Asiatic-like world in which some people can manipulate the classical elements with psychokinetic variants of the Chinese martial arts known as "bending". Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. They're quiet, and prefer to analyze and observe any situation before getting involved. In social situations, INTPs tend to be quite easy-going and tolerant. ESTPs make up about 3% of women and 6% of men. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. I haven't read any other articles about the Myers-Briggs types of Avatar characters. For example, she taught Sokka even though he tried to belittle her skills. However, as a god, he sometimes loses sight of such key values such as compassion. Once Zuko realized the errors of his way and the corruption of the fire lord and nation, he had a difficult time changing his path, but once he did, he knew it was the correct choice. As an INTJ, Amon abhorred rules and traditions, believing that everything should be open to questioning and change. Who are bestINTP fictional characters? 5w4. Content Self-Confident Outgoing Open Decisive. INTPs can be very independent and place a great deal of emphasis on personal freedom and autonomy. ISTPs are driven by a desire to understand how things work. Because of this, INTPs typically do best in careers that have a great deal of flexibility and independence. If your child is an INTP, it's important to remember that they may respond better to reason and logic rather than appeals to emotion. Myers-Briggs Types of the Characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender Azula, Iroh, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko - Like An Anchor Myers-Briggs Types of the Characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender Azula, Iroh, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko 7 July, 2020 Marissa Since Avatar: The Last Airbender is now on Netflix, I was able to watch it for the first time. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, The Big Bang Theory's Best Love Story Was (Surprisingly) Sheldon and Penny, Marvel's What If? They are future-oriented and natural leaders. Where INTJ is given the mastermind/tactician stereotype, INTP is given the mad scientist/geek stereotype. Yes, everybody's watched the Movie Avatar by James Cameron. ENFP - Avatar Aang The ENFP is probably the most popular type for the main protagonist in children's media, and Aang is the quintessential ENFP kid hero. By. INTPs have a rich inner world and would rather focus their attention on their internal thoughts rather than the external world. Shiro is classified as a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training). 6 Excellent Era. Disorganized Modest Suggestible Indecisive Guarded. They are realistic and excellent organizers. INTP at a glance. Values loyalty. They are logical thinkers but tend to view the "big picture" of things rather than fixate on small details. Mai is Ty Lee's best friend, and the moment Azula was about to attack Mai, Ty Lee decided Mai was more important, turning on Azula and supporting Mai's choice to save Zuko. The series is presented in a style that combines anime with American cartoons and relies on the imagery of East-and-South Asian, Inuit, and New World . This is all just my perspective on the characters after binge-watching the series on Netflix for the first time. Labeled as the mom friend of the group by Toph, Katara treats everyone like they need some structure in their lives. Next in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Guide, Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The show has just recently been brought back to Netflix for streaming as the service gets ready to make its own live-action version. Their high emphasis on logic can make it difficult for INTPs to not correct others when their arguments aren't rational or logical. People with an INTP personality tend to be more compatible with an ENTJ, ESTJ, or ENTP, potentially making them good marriage partners. People with INTP preferences are quiet, thoughtful, and analytical. Just for fun, here are the Myers-Briggs characters: types for a whole lot of fictional characters. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. Polite Easily Offended Timid Dutiful Private. ESFJs make up about 12% of the general population, 17% of women, and 8% of men. , but he's nonetheless a fan favorite. Remember that your INTP friends may not be the best at dealing with excess emotions, but they love to bond over deep conversations and shared passions. Social Emotional Altruistic Involved Open. Olive Penderghast is a rare female ENTP lead character. He leads the investigation against Kira, and is just one-half of the series' dynamic cat-and-mouse game. Ozai made Zuko believe that he deserved to be punished, a sin that Zuko was atoning for. By Kendra Cherry Only about 3 % of all people can be classified as INTP. Vote up the best examples of INTP characters. As one of the smartest anime characters of all time, its no surprise that Saiki is an INTP. The, Katara Is Focused On Her Community: The Consul - ESFJ, Sokka Is Innovative& Quick-Witted: The Debater - ENTP, Toph IsA Natural Scientist & Is Impatient With People: The Virtuoso - ISTP, Toph is an innovator and someone whos not afraid, Zuko Suffers When He Refuses To Live By His Ideals: The Adventurer - ISFP. She's always guided by what's right, but is practical enough to find ways to deal with the situation no matter what it entails, evidenced by her behavior during her imprisonment. 2010;60(574):382384. According to the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality test, INTP is one of the rarest of the 16 personality types,accounting for just2-3% of the population. Let's take a closer look at what each of these mean and how they shape this personality type's character. 8 Misty Rain. Here's my insight on each character's MBTI type and a short description on why I believe so. Because INTPs are not good at understanding the emotional needs of others, you may need to be very direct about what you need and expect in that regard. She was ready to explore new things and have an adventure, maybe even to see Zuko again. I wanted to make more guys, but there aren't a lot of picrews for guys. 7th ed. Angel is half-devil and half-angel, but he identifies solely as a devil. As much as Franken Stein may hate admitting it, he works better with a partner. The INTP is the logician among the 16 personality types of the Myers-Briggs model. Toph is a bold and practical character with lots of hands-on abilities. Ozai is a no-nonsense fire lord. ESTPs are naturally gifted at taking in the world around them exactly as it is, with no thought for any symbolism or hidden meaning beneath the facts. A forum community dedicated to all ranges of personality types and people. 16 Personalities as underrated funny Avatar: The Last Airbender Moments! When Zuko was having a hard time adjusting to regaining his honor, it was Ty Lee that pushed him to talk about his feelings. Jun 18, 2014 - Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. I follow my interests and let my passions guide my voice. Fans who share this personality type with any of the characters on this list are sure to see themselves in quite a few of them. Here's a lookinto the heads offan favorite benders by using this helpful psychological framework to analyze some of their key actions throughout the series.
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