indot standard drawings 2021

09/04/12) E 802-SBTS-15 Public Road Crossovers Types T & U (eff. Outlet Protector, Type 3 (rev. 09/04/01) Casting Type 8 Curb Box (rev. 03/01/05) 09/01/15; renumbered, prev. Guardrail at Median-Side Support, Divided Roadway, Twin Overhead Struct. Grounding Grid, Bonding Plate, and Thermoweld (rev. 07/27/99, format update only), Sidewalk Expansion Joint, Silicone Joint (eff. 09/01/21) Highway Illumination Tower Perforated Aluminum Skirt (new 09/01/17) E 807-LTUP-07, Underpass Lighting Details (rev. Typical Pedestrian Pushbutton Assembly Locations (new 09/01/17) E 717-PHCL-03 E 715-GBTO-08, Grated Box End Section Type I Plan & Elevation (rev. 09/01/19), E 605-GTRC-01 E 500-PTRN-04, Existing HMA Pavement to New PCCP (eff. Controller Cabinet Foundation Type M (rev. The standard unit installation height is 27 3/4 in. 03/01/06). Slopewall and Drainage Details (rev. One-Way Directional Perpendicular Curb Ramp Typical Placement (eff. E 610-DRIV-12 Type A & B Bridge Connection Table (eff. E 506-CCPP-06 MGS W-Beam Guardrail, Multi-Lane Divided Roadway, Working Width, 4'-0" and < 4'-5" (new 09/01/19) E 610-DRIV-13 Highway Illumination Tower Handhole Details (rev. Concrete Center Curbs Types C & D (rev. Chord Connections and Weld Details (new 09/03/13) Worksite Speed Limit Sign Assembly for Continuous Use (24/7) (rev. 11/15/99, format update only) 11/15/99, format update only) End Support Base Plate and I.D. 09/03/13) 11/15/99, format update only) E 601-GRET-09 03/03/03) Smooth Pipe, Parallel-Structure End Section (rev. 09/01/10) E 205-TECD-07 E 805-SGSP-04 E 720-INST-05A Grated Box End Section Type I Plan & Elevation (rev. 07/27/99, format update only) Guardrail Transition Type TGT Connection Details (eff. 05/01/00) E 805-SDAC-02 Mailbox Support Hardware (edit. E 707-SDPC-05 E 801-TCTC-10 Underdrain Details (rev. Guardrail End Treatment Type II Components (eff. Alternate Drilled Shaft Foundation at 45" Concrete Barrier Wall (new 09/03/13) End Sections In Accordance With INDOT Standards Outside Of The Clear Zone Shall Require Grated Driveway Culverts Which Cannot Be located Pavement Layer Compacted Aggregate No. 09/01/16) Flange, Chord End Plate, and Wire Outlet Details (new 09/03/13) Structure Type A or B Foundation at 33" Concrete Barrier (new 09/03/13) 09/01/16), E 801-TCSC-01 E 807-BLIT-02 Public Road Crossovers Types K & L (eff. E 601-GCTA-02 Alloy Pipe 3" x 1"(Lock Seam) (rev. 11/15/99, format update only) End Support Anchor Bolt and Metal Skirt Details (new 09/03/13) E 601-MGSA-04 County bridge standards. Edgeline Rumble Stripes (new 09/01/19) E 720-ICCA-09A 09/01/17) 09/01/19), Mailbox Approaches High Speed Roadway (rev. E 808-DLIM-03 Steel Diaphragms Indiana Bulb-Tees, 54" Depth (eff. 11/15/99, format update only), E 715-SMES-01 Signal Arm Pole Base Plate, Bottom Splice Plates, and Pole Top Cover Details (rev. 09/01/19) E 809-ITSC-07, ITS Cabinet Detail (eff. Pipe, Elevation & Section (rev. E 802-SBTS-09 Guardrail Transition (edit. 09/01/19) Walkway Grating Details (new 09/03/13) Pipe, Dimensions Tables: Circular Pipes & Pipe-Arches (rev. 09/03/02) 11/15/99, format udpate only) E 603-FFTF-03 E 718-UNDR-03 Pavement Wedge and Pay Limits for Class II, IV and VI Drives (rev. Long-Span E 805-SDAC-07 E 718-UNDR-05 09/02/08), Precast Concrete End Section (rev. 09/01/17), E 715-PSLC-01 Bolts and Washers (eff. 09/01/04) 11/15/99, format update only), Roadway Drain Casting Pipe (eff. Sign Wiring Details (eff. E 717-ANCH-02 Bridge Bracket Assembly for Crossroad Signing, Type B (eff. E 506-CCPP-03 Date. 09/01/19) 09/02/08) 09/01/18) 09/04/12, format update only) 03/01/06) Longitudinal Joint Repair, Partial Depth (new 09/01/21) E 610-DRIV-16 09/04/07), E 715-GBTO-01 11/15/99, format update only), Types A, B, C, D and Identification Sign (rev. E 610-DRIV-21, Index General Notes and Legend (rev. 03/01/06), E 801-TCDT-01 09/01/19) Median Width >= 30 ft (new 09/02/14), E 802-SNGP-01 Steel Pipe 5" x 1"(Lock Seam) (rev. 11/15/99, format update only) E 802-SBTS-02 09/01/17) Pole Band for Signal Steel Strain Pole (rev. Threaded Grounding Bushing (rev. Alloy Pipe 2 2/3" x 1/2"(Lock Seam) (rev. Standards & Specifications. Private and Commercial Drive Crossovers Sections (edit. 09/04/12) Route Marker Details Sheilds and Auxillary Signs (rev. E 724-BSSJ-04 Commerical Drive Crossover Plans (edit. Signal Indication Mounted on Steel Poles (rev. Tag Details (new 09/03/13) 11/15/99, format update only), Guardrail Transition Type TGT Plan & Elevation (eff. E 610-PRCO-06 E 604-SWCR-02 09/01/09) 01/02/01) 09/01/19) Lane Drops At Intersections (rev. 09/01/11), Double-Faced Thrie-Beam Guardrail Transition (eff. Inlet Type H (eff. E 807-LTFD-10, Light Standard Foundation Grading Fill Section (eff. Traffic Control Devices Narrow Bridge Divided Highway (rev. E 720-SDCP-03, Slotted Drain Pipe Cleanout Port (eff. 11/15/99, format update only) Concrete Bridge Railing Transition Type TFC 09/01/15) E 622-LSPL-05 Guardrail at Median-Side Support, Divided Roadway, Single Overhead Struct. Wiring Layout Details (new 09/03/13) E 205-TECS-04, Temporary Interceptor Ditch (edit. 11/15/99, format update only), E 720-MHST-01 LRFD precast culvert standards. Freeway Acceleration Lanes (rev. Signal Pedestal Foundation Type A (rev. E 715-PHCL-07 E 713-TCTR-02 E 808-MKRM-03 Deck Drain Type OS Grate (rev. E 604-SWCR-04 Temporary Highway Illumination Details Wiring (new 09/01/17; renumbered, prev E 807-LTHI-07), E 808-DLIM-01 09/01/19) Temporary Curb Inlet Protection (new 09/01/19) 09/01/18) 09/01/17) Transverse Joint Seals (del. 09/01/15, editorial only) Transverse Contruction Joint Details (rev. Typical Section of Shrub Bed (rev. Wide-Flange Sign Support, Post Selection Table,Clear Height=16 ft (new 09/01/17) 11/15/99, format update only), Compatibility of Drainage Structures and Castings (eff. E 601-MGSA-10 Sign Details (rev. E 610-PRAP-05 Highway Illumination Tower Wiring Details (rev. 07/27/99, format update only) Steel Sign Posts Bracing for Signs Greater Than 90" (rev. INDOT > Doing Business with INDOT > Standards & Specifications > Standard Drawings > September 2014 > English Sections 100-300. 11/15/99, format update only) E 500-PTRN-02 Temporary Runaround Geometrics (eff. 09/01/16) E 603-FFTF-04, Farm Field Type Fence Elevation, Post Chart (eff. E 601-MGSA-06 Public Road Approach Pay Limits Details (rev. 212-2 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control - Slope . Double Arm Connection to Column Details (new 09/03/13) 01/03/00) Casting Type II Frame & Grate (rev. E 717-PHCL-09 05/01/00) 09/01/19, format update only) E 802-SCSB-04 09/01/18) Nested W-Beam Guardrail Assembly for Small Drainage Structure (eff. Traffic Control Devices at one Lane Bridge on Two Lane Road (eff. Shoulder Treatment Resurfacing Work. 09/03/13, editorial only) Outlet Protector, Type 1 (rev. Pavement Section on Abandoned-Railroad Corridor (rev. E 808-MKPM-05 E 715-SLDR-03, Slotted Drain Pipe Hugger Band & Other Details (edit. E 707-BPBF-04, Fabrication Tolerances Prestressed Box Beam (rev. E 606-SHCG-09 09/01/17) E 802-DMSS-09 Sign support structure standards. 09/01/17, format update only) Merging or Shifting Taper (rev. 09/01/17) E 717-PHCL-05 09/01/19) Inlets Type S & T (eff. 09/01/19) 11/15/99, format update only) 03/01/05) E 801-TCCB-06, Temporary Concrete Barrier Index Sheet (rev. 09/03/13, editorial only) E 802-SNGS-07 09/03/02) E 802-SBTS-06 Products in this section are compliant with NCHRP Report 350. E 601-MGSA-08 Light Service Point Details Cabinet Wiring Type I (eff. E 605-CNCC-03, Concrete Center Curb Type A (eff. E 805-TSCS-19, Drawing Index (new 09/03/13) Truss Sections, Table with Member Sizes (new 09/03/13) 09/01/17) E 607-PSDT-04 E 720-CBST-02 Traffic Control for Lane Closure (eff. E 604-SWCR-06 E 611-MBAS-04, Single Mailbox Assembly (eff. E 617-CDIN-03 Pipe Backfill Method 2, New or Existing Drive (eff. Traffic Control for Shoulder Work (eff. Casting Type 12 (Alternate) Frame & Grate (rev. 09/01/17) 03/01/05), Right-of-Way Marker and Concrete Parking Barrier (eff. Flared Wings Typical Cross Section (edit. E 601-WBGC-03, Backup Plate, W-Beam Element (eff. E 604-SWCR-03 Bridge Bracket Assembly for Crossroad Signing, Type A (eff. E 802-DMSS-15 09/01/16) These drawings are not to be altered in any way. E 706-BRPP-06, Railing, PF-1 and PS-1 Index and General Notes (rev. Slotted Drain Pipe Grate Details (rev. E 802-TCSS-09 03/03/03) 09/01/16) 09/01/19) E 720-CBST-07 E 303-STRW. E 807-LTUP-06 Wide-Flange Sign Support, Post Selection Table,Clear Height=18 ft (new 09/01/17) 05/01/00) E 604-SWCR-10 11/15/99, format update only), E 808-MKPM-01 09/03/02) 09/01/11) Wide-Flange Sign Support Base Connection (rev. E 718-UNDR-04 E 805-SDAC-03 11/15/99, format update only) The Standard Drawings are for use on Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) and Federal-Aid projects. Alloy, Steel-Bolted: 9 x 2 (rev. 09/01/19) E 211-BFIL-04 Paired Perpendicular Curb Ramps Typical Placment (edit. 09/01/17) E 706-BRPP-02 E 807-LTFD-05 E 610-PRAP-11 09/04/12, editorial only), Guardrailed Drive at Bridge End (eff. Responsible for on-site administration of INDOT construction contracts. E 717-PHCL-04 E 601-WBGA-02 Guardrail Transition w/ Curb (edit. 07/27/99, format update only) 09/02/08) Cover Limits--Corr. E 802-SBTS-13 09/01/20), E 706-TTFC-01 09/01/99) 11/15/99, format update only) Pipe Backfill Method 1, Existing Asphalt Roadway, Trench (edit. Combination Pole Splice Details for Arms 35' or Less (rev. E 715-BKFL-05 Concrete Railing, FC (rev. Wide-Flange Sign Support, Post Selection Table,Clear Height=20 ft (new 09/01/17) E 807-LTHI-08 INDOT; Doing Business with INDOT; Standards & Specifications; Current: Standard Drawings. 11/15/99, format update only), E 717-MPCA-01 Handhole and I.D. E 801-TCTC-04 (eff. Temporary Inlet Protection, Gravel Ring (rev. E 720-ICCA-06 09/01/18) Pipe, Parallel-Structure End Section (rev. Installation Details 09/01/20) 09/01/18, format update only) E 808-DLIM-07 09/01/18) Section, Span Width 20-0 (eff. E 802-SBTS-03 11/15/99, format update only) E 802-DMSS-18 E 701-BPIL-05, Reinforced-Concrete Encasement for Piles (eff. 09/01/15), Pavement Section (rev. Maintenance of Traffic for RPM Reflector Replacement (eff. E 802-SNWR-04, Sign Wiring Details (eff. 11/15/99, format update only) 11/15/99, format update only), Pipe Culvert Extension (rev. 09/04/12, editorial only), E 704-BDCG-01 09/01/18) 09/01/17) One-Way Directional Perpendicular Curb Ramp Component Details (rev. E 808-MKPM-03 E 701-BPIL-03 Maintenance of Traffic for Moving Operation (eff. Grated Box End Section Type II Grate Details (rev. E 616-SWCO-06 E 720-INST-10, Inlet Type A (eff. Pipe-Arch, Structural-Plate, Alum. Highway Illumination Tower Bottom Latch and Winch Details (rev. 09/01/19) 09/01/05) Continuous Lane Closures: Right Lane Closed (rev. E 713-TCTR-04, Temporary Runaround Geometrics (eff. 09/01/10) Bridge Railing Transition, TTF-2 Sections (rev. E 715-MPCA-02, Double or Triple Pipes (rev. Public Road Approach Type A & Type B Table Of Values (rev. Engineer III (Bridge Design) Jan 2021 - Jan 20232 years 1 month. Railing Type FT and Moment Slab Atop MSE Wall PCCP (del. Division 100 - General ProvisionsTopics Include: Determining Quantities within Structure Limits, Division 200 - EarthworkTopics Include: Erosion Control & Backfill, Division 300 - Aggregate Pavement and BasesTopics Include: Shoulder Treatment Resurfacing Work & Transition Milling Pavement, Division 400 - Asphalt PavementsTopics Include: Pavement Type Transition, Division 500 - Concrete PavementsTopics Include: Terminal Joints, PCCP Joints, and Concrete Pavement Patching, Division 600 - Incidental ConstructionTopics Include: Curb Ramps, Approach Slabs, Guardrails, Impact Attenuators, Anchor Systems, Fencing, Median Barriers, Sidewalks, Curbs & Gutters, Pavement Corrugations, Ditches & Drains, Division 700 - StructuresTopics Include: Bridge Pilings, Construction Joints, Reinforcing Steel, Bridge Railing, Bridge Railing Transitions, Box Culverts, Pipe Anchors, Underdrains, Catch Basin Casting, Inlets, Manholes, Bridge Joints, and MSE Walls, Division 800 - Traffic Control Devices & LightingTopics Include: Temporary Concrete Barriers, Traffic Control, Sign Structures, Sign Placement, Signal Controllers, Bridge Lighting, and ITS Cabinents, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Certification, Local Public Agency Programs Project Application and Delivery, Standard Drawings effective September 2021 (pdf 161 MB), File a claim for property damage and/or personal injury, Temporary Erosion Control Inlet (del. E 610-PRCO-04 Concrete Bridge Railing Transition, TTX Sections (rev. installation heights are Sidewalk Driveway Crossing (new 09/01/16), E 604-SWCR-01 Section at Stream Crossing or Depression (eff. 09/04/012) Pipe-Arch, Structural-Plate, Alum. IWA Turf Removal #Rebates are available for residential and commercial customers. E 706-BRPP-04 Street or Alley Approach (del. 09/01/17, format update only) 09/01/11) Anchored Temporary Concrete Barrier, Drop-In Anchor (new 09/01/19) 11/15/99, format udpate only) 09/03/02) 09/01/20) Manhole Step (rev. 09/03/13, editorial only) E 715-PHCL-18 E 802-TCSS-07 Public Road Crossover Plan for HMA Pavement (eff. E 802-TCSS-13 Paired Parallel Curb Ramps and Midlock Crossing Curb Ramp Typical Placement (eff. Expansion Joint Class SS Sidewalk, Sections (rev. E 610-PRAP-13 09/03/13, editorial only) Fabrication Tolerances Prestressed Bulb-Tee Beam (rev. E 807-LTHI-05 E 720-MHST-02 E 802-SBTS-18 End Support Handhole, Top Cap, and J-Hook Details (new 09/03/13) E 601-MGSA-02 E 801-TCFO-04 E 706-TPBT), Single Structural Plate Pipe Concrete Anchor, Compatibility of Drainage Structures and Castings, Concrete Three-Sided Structure Scour Protection, Sign Placement Divided Highway Intersection. E 801-TCTC-08 Units available in 31 in. 09/01/18) 11/15/99, format update only) (eff. 09/01/15) INDOT ITS Cabinet Microloop Card Rack Wiring Diagram (eff. E 801-TCDV-04 E 706-BRPP-03 E 802-DMSS-04 09/01/20) ITS Standard Drawings. 11/15/99, format update only), E 807-LTHI-01 E 807-LTUP-03 11/15/99, format update only) 09/03/13, editorial only) Posted: January 08, 2021 Full-Time . E 802-SCLS-09 E 802-SNGS-13, Signs Drawing Index and General Notes (new 09/01/17) Wide-Flange Sign Support and Panel Sign Drawing Index (new 09/01/17) Wide-Flange Sign Support Placement and Post Spacing ( rev. Tree Protection (rev. Dowel Alignment and Saw Cut Tolerances (new 09/01/20), Retrofit Dowel Slot and Bar Details (eff. 09/03/13, editorial only) Base Plate and Pole Top Cover Details (new 09/03/13) Signal Indication Mounted on Wood Poles (rev. 09/01/09) Pedestal Mounted Solar Powered School Speed Limit Flashing Beacon Assembly (rev. E 715-PHCL-21 E 801-TCLC-14 09/01/20) Freeway - Double Acceleration Lanes (new 09/01/2018) E 706-BRTF-02 09/01/15) 09/01/18) Steel Sign Posts (deleted 09/01/17), Overhead Sign Bridge Spans (eff. 11/15/99, format update only), Combined Curb & Gutter Turnouts (eff. 09/01/11), Concrete Anchor Tables (rev. E 802-SCLS-15 E 720-MHCA-02 09/01/15, editorial only), Virtual Weigh-In-Motion (VWIM) (new 09/04/12), E 809-ITSC-01 Pruning Procedure, Trees & Shrubs (rev. E 807-LTHI-04 Temporary Check Dam, Traversable (new 09/01/19) E 603-FFTF-02 09/01/11) INDOT Subgrade Treatment, IB or IC Yes 2.5" 8.0" 2.0" C R O S S S E C T I O N T Y P I C A L U R B A N L O C A L S T R E E T / R E S I D E N T I A L F E E D E R 15B Local Streets Only Mountable Concrete Curb And Gutter (Typ.) 09/01/19, format update only), HMA-Pavement Wedging & Transition Milling (rev. Cast-In-Place Concrete Coping with Pedestrian Fence (new 09/04/12), E 801-TCCB-01 E 807-LTHI-02 09/01/19) Nested Guardrail for Medium Drainage Structure (eff. E 802-DMSS-14 INDOT 03/01/04), Sign Details Typical Location (eff. Median Pier Protection, 2-Lane, 2-Way Roadway, Twin Overhead Struct. E 802-SNBB-03 09/01/18) Base Plate for Signal Steel Strain Pole (rev. E 603-CLTF-03, Right-of-Way Fence Elevation, Post Chart (eff. E 715-GBTO-06 E 808-MKRM-09, Drawing Index and General Notes (new 09/01/15) 09/04/01)

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indot standard drawings 2021