illinois comptroller child support payments

A statement that the CP/obligee may request an explanation of the decision by telephone inquiry to a toll-free number or in person at a Department local office arranged by appointment through the toll-free number. The person receiving Child Support must NOT be receiving Public Aid or have received Public Aid in the past(If the Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services is involved, contact the Illinois Attorney Generals Office for collection). If the CP/obligee receives Medical Assistance only and never received TANF cash assistance, the Department will only retain the amount designated as medical support to reimburse the state for Medical Assistance payments made for the child(ren). The Circuit Clerk will send an annual notice of Support Service Fees due. Upon cancellation of TANF cash assistance, the CP/obligees current child support and the balance of any past-due support that had been temporarily assigned during the TANF period will no longer be assigned to the Department. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. All information is required. If, as a result of the reconsideration, the CP/obligee is entitled to child support received by the Department, such support will be issued no later than 30 calendar days after the date of the reconsideration decision. Does the CP/obligee expect that the NCP will continue to pay child support regularly? Account Review Inquiries from Non-Assistance and Intergovernmental Cases If the CP/obligee disagrees with how the Department has distributed her/his child support and has never received TANF cash assistance, she/he may contact DCSS and ask for a review of the account. However, if they are not emancipated (have their own household without a parent or guardian), they will be required to bring a parent or guardian to the interview. The incomes of both parents are combined and the number of children the parents share are identified. You are entering a secure area. Administrative orders may be enforced by DCSS or through the courts. For those states that do not allow direct service, DCSS must send a request to that state's child support agency to serve an Income Withholding for Support. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. to make payments. ALL REGIONAL OFFICES ARE NOW OPEN FOR IN-PERSON ASSISTANCE ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND THURSDAY FROM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. IN LOVING MEMORY - JBT Fathers may be required to pay for genetic testing. The fee schedule is: Payments of $0-$500.00 - a Flat Rate fee of $14.95. Application. Be sure to include your case number and Support Service Fee on the face of your check and mail to: Click here to pay your support service fee online. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services places payments and refunds on hold when problems are encountered with mailing addresses. Call the DHS Provider Help Line at 1-800-804-3833 to see if payment is pending. JB Pritzker, Governor Theresa Eagleson, Director. The Homeless Prevention Program provides assistance and supportive services directly related to the prevention of homelessness to eligible individuals and families who are in danger of eviction, foreclosure or homelessness or are currently homeless. An account review decision will contain the following required information: The amount of funds, if any, to which the CP/obligee is entitled; The date by which such funds will be issued to the CP/obligee; The name and work location of the account review worker; A statement that the account review decision is the Departments final decision which is reviewable in state court unless reconsideration of the account review decision is requested in writing within 30 calendar days of the date of the decision; and. If the CP/obligee currently receives TANF and Medical Assistance or has received them in the past and disagrees with how DCSS distributed child support payments, she/he may contact DCSS and ask for a review of the account. If you do not have an active child support case with the department and would like one, a customer service representative will be able to answer your questions and take your application. Parents can call the Child Support Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-447-4278 or write the DCSS Regional Office in their area to request the account review. A CP/obligee who is interested in optional earmarking, must contact the DHS caseworker who can further explain and help to determine the money potentially received under this option. If you don't know where your child's other parent is, the DCSS will assist you in locating him/her. Attention: Child Support History Request If the NCP/obligor loses his/her job and cannot pay child support, the NCP/obligor should contact DCSS as soon as possible to report this change in circumstances by visiting theDCSS website at or by calling the Child Support Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-447-4278. This is a secured portal for users of the Illinois State Disbursement Unit System, which processes child support checks received from employers and non . This notification must be made in writing on a Change of Address form, which can be printed below. Either parent my request modification of a child support order at anytime, but proof of a substantial change in circumstances must be provided. To report this information, visit the DCSS website at,orcall the Child Support Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-447-4278. The CP/obligee may get an explanation of an account review decision by calling a toll-free number. The three main guidelines are listed below: Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. A reference to an attached copy of the original account review decision which is enclosed with the reconsideration decision. The ILSDU is the payment processing center for Illinois child support payments. All information is required. According to Federal and State laws, all Child Support cases that have anOrder for Income Withholding for Supportand/or have received assistance from the Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services must have their support payments go through the Illinois State Disbursement Unit. You can also download it, export it or print it out. Custodial parents/obligees who have non-assistance cases, should contact the DCSS Regional Office to report the situation. If the obligor files for unemployment insurance benefits (UIB) in Illinois, the Department of Healthcare and family services can have child support payments deducted from those benefits. Ifthe CP/obligee gets a new child support order, he/she must contact her/his Department of Human Services (DHS) caseworker and DCSS worker and give each a copy of the order. How to Change your Address For more information on the State Disbursement Unit, see theIllinois Department of Healthcare & Family Service website. This is explained in more detail in the section titled If the custodial parent/obligee is receiving TANF cash assistance, will child support payments be received?. are in addition to the child support payment amount. Persons using a teletypewriter (TTY) may call 1-800-526-5812. If the CP/obligee gets a new child support order, his/her DHS caseworker and DCSS worker must be contacted and each given a copy of the order. Paternity and child support may be established in a single appointment/interview with the alleged father. Changes to existing orders are processed quickly. Your payment may take up to seven business days to be posted to your child support account. This is called Current Excess Child Support. There is a $36.00 annual Support Service Fee that is assessed by Illinois State law on all Child Support cases for the administration of child support payment records which is payable to the Circuit Clerks office. In addition, if a CP/obligee receives cash assistance with the child(ren) and also receives spousal support or maintenance through a divorce decree, those payments are also automatically assigned to the Department. To report these changes, call the Child Support Customer Service Call Center at 1-800-447-4278 or SDU at 1-877-225-7077. 603/Internal Revenue Intercept - Refund Amount. 2014 - Child Support Services (3.2.2 prod4) TANF Arrears Reduction (Clean Slate Program). DCSS will review the account and advise the CP/obligee of the results. Cash payment for Child Support payable through the Circuit Clerks Office is accepted in Room136 at the McHenry County Government Center. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Due to the volume of checks processed by the SDU, you MUST follow the guidelines below to insure proper credit to your account: Illinois State Disbursement Unit 2023 ILLINOIS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Obligors will have to register to use this service. Do not budget this income in determining eligibility or amount of assistance. If the CP/obligee thinks that the child is entitled to more than an equal share, the CP/obligee has the right to get a lawyer and ask the judge for a larger share of the child support payment. The following are examples of how pass through is paid to the custodial parent/obligee: Pass Through Payment to Custodial Parent/Obligee $100, Pass Through Payment to Custodial Parent/Obligee $200. 2023 McHenry County, IL. These records reflect both the date and the amount of the payment. It is not necessary to request a reconsideration before an action is filed in state court. This check represents the additional amount collected which is yours. However, as of June 1, 2003, Illinois law allows the Department to extend current child support until the child graduates from high school or attains the age of 19, whichever comes first. If the custodial parent/obligee does this, benefits will not change. Carol Stream, IL 60197-5400. . However, only one parent will be ordered to pay child support to the other parent. Electronic Payment Automatic Withdrawal Payments (Deduct from Your Bank Account) Online automatic withdrawal payments can be made through ExpertPay. When the judicial process is used, the Department is represented by the county States Attorneys Office or the Illinois Attorney Generals Office. Register for ExpertPay. The program is managed by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture. The Illinois child support program is for families. It is our goal to be responsive to you, and to provide you with excellent customer service. Some community organizations such as WIC Food Centers (in Chicago) and Head Start. If the NCP/obligor lives outside the state of Illinois, including some other countries, DCSS may still be able to help the CP/obligee get child support. to the first payment on a new bank or PayPal account. Persons using a teletypewriter (TTY) may call toll free at 1-800-526-5812, Champaign, Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Ford, Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, Shelby, Vermilion, Bureau, Grundy, Iroquois,Kankakee, Kendall, LaSalle, Livingston, Will, Alexander, Bond, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Edwards, Fayette, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Lawrence, Marion, Massac, Monroe, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Randolph, Richland, Saline, Union, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White, Williamson, Fulton, Henderson, Henry, Knox, Marshall, McLean, Mercer, Peoria, Putnam, Rock Island, Stark, Tazewell, Warren, Woodford, Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, JoDaviess, Lee, McHenry, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside, Winnebago, Adams, Brown, Calhoun, Cass, Christian, DeWitt, Greene, Hancock, Jersey, Logan, Macoupin, Mason, McDonough, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, Pike, Sangamon, Schuyler, Scott, Illinois State Disbursement Unit Addresses, Order Forms for Hospitals, County Clerks and Local Registrars. At this time, registration is only available through the full website. This check is for child support received by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services as a result of Unemployment Insurance Benefits. If the CP/obligee has a non-assistance case and misses an appointment and/or does not cooperate during the process, the case may be closed. a 2.95% convenience fee is charged to all payments If the CP/obligee thinks the child receiving SSI is entitled to more than an equal share, the CP/obligee has the right to get a lawyer and ask the judge for a larger share of the child support payment. Payment should be made with a money order, cashiers check or certified check. If the alleged father has been determined to be the father of the child, an Administrative Paternity Order will be issued by DCSS or a judicial Paternity Order will be issued by the judge. The Child Support Appointment Notice will provide the date, time, and location for an interview and the information/documents the CP/obligee needs to bring to the interview. Domestic violence occurs when a person uses physical or psychological abuse, threats, intimidation, or harassment to control another person in a family,household, or caretaker relationship. A state law that went into effect January 1, 2005, gives the Department the legal authority to continue to collect the amount that was previously ordered as current support through income withholding to satisfy all unpaid support after the end date of the order. DCSS will continue to provide services until the CP/obligee tells the Department that these services are no longer needed or fails to cooperate with DCSS. Always include the name of the person responsible for making the Child Support payment and the court case number on your check. In Illinois, this information must be provided to the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). DCSS may obtain, as part of the child support order, health insurance coverage for the child(ren). If you still receive TANF, your caseworker must reduce your assistance payment by this amount. The DCSS computer system automatically calculates the delinquent amount and serves the NCP/obligors employer with an Income Withholding for Support to deduct an additional amount from the NCP/obligor's wages until the delinquency amount is paid in full. The person paying the Child Support MUST live in the State of Illinois (If the person paying the Child Support lives in another state, contact the Illinois Attorney Generals Office for collection). Also, if past-due support is owed at emancipation, the amount that had been paid for current support may be extended until the past-due amount is paid off. Only one pass through payment is issued per month even if the CP/obligee has more than one NCP/obligee paying child support. In Illinois, child support services are administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) Division of Child Support Services (DCSS). Child support payments can be deducted from UIB only by the Department for CPs/obligees who have a child support case. If the child support order does not say how much of the child support is for the child who is not in the TANF case, the child support will be divided equally among the children and an equal share for that child will be sent to the CP/obligee. The Circuit Clerk keeps a record of every payment made for Child Support.

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illinois comptroller child support payments