One two.Michael forcing his brother's head into Fredbear. Michael Afton has been denied parole multiple times since 2006, and is awaiting another attempt to be released in June 2022. After surviving the Bidybabs, Michael slowly and carefully crawls through the Ballora Gallery, thankfully avoiding Ballora. They had 11 children. So last year, I made this series early in the year. Jack-O-Chica | William Afton ", "Who's this madman? So Mike and Veronica, being the more rebellious people in the group, came up with revenge. His dead body is shown in the Help Wanted Game Over. Henry: Basically adopted Michael since William is a terrible father. Plushtrap Chaser | This is seen further in the book when asked in the form of a question what he would like for his end of week bonus he circles the money basket with emphasis meaning Michael values money and could be a very materialistic person. However, Terrence was adopted by his mother and father. After beating a Custom Night preset on Very Hard mode, a cutscene plays the event after Ennard wearing Michael's skin from the Real Ending. Michael is the second protagonist to die in the Five Nights at Freddy's series, the first being his little brother from. I don't think he heard me at all because when I say I explained to him I mean it. In the third cutscene, his skin seems to be more of a green color and his eyes are now dark gray instead of blue. As a twin with his brother, he acted as a guard at the prison. Minireenas | Now we'll see what happens to him more in the next part but it's not surprising. The job he wanted going into it was a security guard. Michael Afton (or simply Mike) is the deuteragonist of the 1997 animated film, Five Nights at Freddy's 4, one of the protagonists of its 1997 animated follow-up TV show, The Golden Years, and the main protagonist of the 2000 and 2009 animated sequel films, Sister Location and Freakshow, respectively. The sound of Michael running in Funtime Auditorium and Ballora Gallery. It's June 21st. He's dead now- Character information Full Name Terrence Michael Afton Gender Male Age Teenager (his age was not confirmed as far as I know) Birthday (Not sure if it was confirmed either but I assume somewhere between 1964-1970 Birthplace Somewhere in England (I think it was confirmed they live in England + they are British) Occupation There are multiple scribbles in the book drawn by Michael, implying that he enjoys drawing and is extremely talented at it. What is spell save DC 5e and how do you calculate? He's not the same anymore. Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery. Afton, whose real name is [REDACTED], is a major character in BlueyCapsules. Siblings Nightmare Fredbear | One-Shot He married Mary Estelle Grogan. After the burning of Fazbears Fright, Michael finds a job as an entrepreneur for a new location called Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place. Michael Afton The actors father was a man named William Afton. While Fazbears Fright: The Horror Attraction is being worked on, Michael takes a job there as a security guard, which doubles as him being a performer for the attraction. There are multiple scribbles in the book drawn by Michael implying he enjoys drawing and is extremely talented at it. The other ones are Mike Schmidt from the first game (in the. Ian, having a crush on her thought it was the greatest thing in the world. Michael AftonElizabeth Afton If you were to count the security guard from Security Breach, however, this is no longer true. The rest of what is said in the minigame, presumably belonging to the spirit within the Fredbear plushie, with lines such as "I will put you back together", seeming rather strange for him to say. One of Phone Guy's phone calls from the original. He cannot "chew gum excessively", as he claims on the logbook pages. Aftons younger son is a prankster, and he is nicknamed Eggs Benedict because his HandUnits keyboard has malfunctioned. Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. After he finds out his father seemingly dies, Michael finds out that his sister, Elizabeth, disappeared at sister location. Male Special Delivery's game over screen is merely a screen saying "You Lost" and removing remnant. He hates his little brother for unknown reasons, and has apparently abused the child for a long time, so long to the point that it's one of the main reasons for his emotional breakdowns, besides an unknown event related to springlock suits. ", "Yes Ian, that would be nice." Dreadbear | Lizzy then picked up her phone and called Ian. Afton Family Ronan and Tate | Chose to burn in FFPS fire, and is the 'brave volunteer' mentioned in Henry Emily's speech. Not to mention William's surveillance of Evan, it's very likely that he was experimenting on Evan to try and see what kind of emotions Evan can release, with that being agony. In spite of that, he continued to eat his popcorn, unfazed by this revelation. If youre wondering how old Michael Afton is, youre not alone. One-Shot Evan most likely did see a kid getting stuffed into a spring lock suit. His father, William Afton, is the co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment. Official @WINGS O' FIRE cereal, If Ballora is Mrs. Afton, does that make Molten Freddy Michael's mom , What if Freddy was the night guard And we played as him And the other 4 animatronics are night guards to And we have to survive against Michael Afton And if Michael Afton jumpscares you get stuffed Out of your suit Or Michael Afton might jumpscare a different animatronic. He is also known as Crying Child in the Five Nights at Freddys franchise. He was thinking of how he was going to keep everyone safe. While he may seem young, Michael Afton is actually quite old. Locking his brother in rooms.Scaring his brother (all formerly).Wearing a mask of Foxy the Pirate (presumably formerly). In his monologue in the Custom Night cutscene, Michael revealed that he was hired on his father's request to blindly find and free his sister Elizabeth, and seemed happy when saying Elizabeth was "free now", further showing his affection for her. The Puppet The ultimate guide has already confirmed that there are elements of the books that are canonical in the games, one of them is the death of the mci in 1985, elizabeth does not die for a few weeks after that event, the books also make it clear that he was 5 at most because he was going to kindergarten, it is only necessary to do subtraction to . However, as the minigames progress, his skin gets progressively more rotten due to Ennard hiding in his body. Scrap Baby | Indicating that in fact, he has NOT found Will yet and is just about to come looking. His short name, "Mike", is noticed on the white sticker printed above the screen from the HandUnit. Alias(es) The Bite of '83 minigame can be played on Night 5 in FNAF 4. He can still hear in his sleep and I don't want him saying that. In 6, he would be the same age as 3, since 6 and 3 take place in the same year. At the end, an animatronic named Ennard leads Michael into the . After pulling into the driveway, Ian and the girls got out and proceeded to enter the house. When you finish the Custom Night challenges on the hardest difficulty, you will be rewarded with a cutscene that shows what happened to Eggs Benedict after the Real Ending. Stuff like this makes me question some things about the logbook or at least parts that don't involve the name 'Cassidy'. In SL, which takes place around 1995-97 (the year isn't certain, but definitely is after 1) he'd be around 28 - 30. Hudson | Because the temperature got too high, the remnant's hold was weakened enough for Mike to lose consciousness. Evan was rushed to the hospital where he would be treated. His appearance is now very reminiscent of William Afton in the previous games. The Missing Children (Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz & Cassidy) | Afton Robotics, LLC | William Afton | Ralpho | Have a good night! One-Shot Michael could potentially be vengeful of his father William due to his actions as he vowed to "come find him" and reading within the lines could mean he wanted to kill him this was seemingly true as he wasn't hesitant in letting him burn to death in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place along with himself. We should all run while we have time. Status However, he doesnt share the affection of his parents. In 1983, Michael begins to bully his little brother, jumping out and scaring him while wearing a Foxy mask. Sensitive and timid with an intense fear of animatronics, he was an easy target for his asshole older brother and spoke exclusively in emojis. Dunno why, he just kinda has the personality of someone around those ages. Cassidy: I wanna kill him but I can't because I'm in a stupid suit. Ennard climbs into Michaels body and uses it as a disguise for a week until his body becomes too suspicious as it begins to rot and decay. Michael is shown to be a sadistic and manipulative trickster, who never ceases to emotionally and psychologically abuse his younger brother. He was released from custody after a trial, but he still hasnt been convicted of the crime. The couple married in 1964 and had 11 children. Michael Afton (also nicknamed as "Eggs Benedict" by the HandUnit) is the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. Spring Bonnie | Mike Schmidt is never seen in-game, except for his blue eyes when he is stuffed in the Freddy suit during a Game Over. He hugged her and she noticed a bruise on his face. Nightmare Mangle | Lonely Freddies | However, the fact Phone Guy was an adult and worked at the pizzeria most likely since 1983 (because that was the time in which the springlock animatronics were still wearable and Phone Guy made the tapes for them) and that the brother was a kid during The Bite makes it impossible for them to be the same person. The Missing Children (Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, Foxy the Pirate & Golden Freddy) | I need to call Ian.". Michael during his time off watches episode one of his favorite soap opera show The Immortal and the Restless on television while enjoying popcorn. Rockstar Bonnie | In the Survival Logbook, Michael is shown to be sarcastic, making various comments about Fazbear Entertainment's lack of safety or care for its employees. C.C. "Lizzy, can I talk to you? Father After she died in the hands of Circus Baby, William Afton sent Michael to free her in Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. Visit. As with his father William, and as evident by the Golden Freddy mode cutscene, Michael speaks using a South-Eastern English accent. At webnews21, we bring the trendy news of the globe regarding politics, entertainment, education, food, and health. Michaels mother was also a circus owner. He is the son of William Afton, and older brother of Elizabeth Afton. Animatronics The younger brother wouldn't have seen this, as he was unconscious the entire time he was at the hospital, and even then, pills aren't made to help severely fractured craniums. He seems to be motivated by an unstoppable desire to kill children. Daycare Attendant | Species As well as this, other reasons included unprofessionalism, and odor. Funtime Animatronics What he saw in there, is a story for another day. His nickname is a reference to a type of food named "Eggs Benedict". He then left the room and entered the next. As such, it is impossible to determine the exact date of birth for Afton. Michael later discovered that his younger brother was his real mother, and he decided to hide his identity. His character is a naughty kid. He was bullied by his older brother for being afraid of the dark. Souldozer | During his adulthood in Sister Location, Michael is shown to have matured greatly and changed as a person, an example being when he returned to his job at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental every night of the week despite the danger, which HandUnit mentions, implying that he is extremely brave. Frank the Diver Nightmare Foxy | He had a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, who later died. Eggs Benedict's name is actually a type of breakfast meal. He is the third protagonist to be jumpscared and live, as the player gets jumpscared by Funtime Foxy at the end of Night 3 but the next night starts after that. While they were driving away, Lizzy saw a faint, purple figure with a knife behind them. Michael also shows sadness at the fact that he is now a monster unable of being seen in public, forcing him to hide in the shadows. In FNAF 1, which takes place in 1993, he would be 26. He had felt remorse for what he caused, and put himself on the path to redemption. It is revealed on Night 5 that he is the child's older brother. CC was the victim of the Bite of '83, having occurred at his ninth birthday party after his head was caught in an animatronic's jaws during one of his brother's pranks, and ultimately died from his injuries. In the television series, Terrence is the deuteragonist. His closest confidant is his Fredbear plushie, Friendbear, who cheers him on through the best and worst of days. Whether youre wondering How old is Michael Afton, we hope youll find some interesting facts about him. Can you hear me? The actors mother was named Elizabeth and his father is named William. He is the victim of the nightmare animatronics. I've always figured 14. "So what happened to him, is still sticking. Michael was born on June 21, 1970 and was 13 in FNAF 4, Elizabeth Afton is 11, and Evan Afton was 9 when he died. The possessed Y/n was a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. Baby Crawlers When they uncovered Afton/Springtrap from the Safe room, no one questioned, how bout we dont use this bloody, smelly, disgusting Animatronic and put it in an attraction., Is Fnaf 4 from The crying Childs Perspective or Michaels Perspective. There are fewer people around him, and one of them is hiding behind their house in fear. Classic Animatronics In fact, Christopher Aftons son Michael was born on the same day as his sister Elizabeth. Lizzy called for Evan and he came running to her. I should be dead, but I'm not. Michael speaks with a robotic voice in . || Official Discord Server: will be updated soon, Press J to jump to the feed. As the youngest child, he was babied relentlessly by his mother until her death in 1980, when he was six years old. Should the 8-bit fnaf characters get plushies? Years after the closure of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Michael is tasked by William to go rescue his younger sister, Elizabeth Afton, down in Circus Babys Entertainment and Rental, an underground facility storing the Funtime Animatronics. As of September 2013, Michael Afton is 37 years old. Michael finds a job listing for Freddy Fazbears Pizza, the restaurant is searching for a security guard to work the nightshift. Little did he know that that job would end abruptly for him Now going back to the girls, Ian had just arrived to pick them up and was taking them back to the Afton house. Rockstar Animatronics Lizzy and Veronica were on their way to a restaurant for a date. In the fourth cutscene, his skin becomes a darker greenish-brown; his eyes are also now completely black. Michael Afton died on September 14, 1977 at 62 years old. Two days before the party, when the child enters his bedroom, Mike jumps out from under the bed, causing the child to fall to the floor and break down again. Puppenator | We both know Evan is a little sensitive but your dad knows this. Jason had gotten accepted for the job and passed his interview. Mother Ice Freddy | Michael, when he was still a living human, greatly resembled his father in appearance, to the point of being mistaken for him. Unknown. When asked why he wanted the job on page six, he states it's for the free pizza, implying that his reasons for working are fairly simple. Nightmarionne This is Thesecret1070. Full Name DJ Dan | He is shown to be a friendly and popular person, as all of his neighbors happily wave to him in the end-of-night minigames. Evan soon died from his injuries. Following this Michael sends Baby to the Scooping Room. Michael may also suffer from depression, as he shows sadness at the fact that he is now a monster unable of being seen in public, forcing him to hide in the shadows. T. hey slept there for a little while and in the morning after they'd eaten breakfast, they heard reports of a murder that happened inside that hotel. His background is mostly told via silent actions within retro-graphics, or by reading between the lines throughout the games. Christopher Afton Michael T. Afton, 1943 - 2013. He and his brother were reportedly accused of murder, but were never prosecuted. While he is generally a heroic character in his adult appearances, he also appeared as the main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4, which takes place in his teenage years.Here, he is the Crying Child's emotionally abusive older . During the whole cutscene, Michael says: Father. As of September 2013, Michael Afton is 37 years old. Twisted Wolf Poison Foxy | Freddy in Space 2 New Freddy | On Night 4, Michael wakes up in a springlock suit. However, the survival logbook has to take place during FNAF3, as Fazbear's Fright merch, Two Reasons Why Michael Afton Can't Be the FNAF3 Guard, I drew a silly so like idk might as well share here too, I found this leaked gameplay for FNaF Remnant Rising: Revengeance. Rockstar Foxy | He has three children and four grandchildren, and two of them died young. Easter Bonnie | Toy Bonnie | He is the son of William Afton, a renowned serial killer. He is dressed in a black shirt with white stripes and has a brown hair and hazel eyes. Michael Afton is the main protagonist of Sister Location, serving as one of the technician's for the animatronics and isknown as Eggs Benedict (due to HandUnit's keyboard malfunction). Mike Schmidt appears in the Help Wanted game over room, although it is unknown where this image comes from as Mike survives all the nights he works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Elizabeth/Baby: Michael's younger sister. But something is wrong with me. He has a crush on Dakota Moore, the daughter of FNaF4 creator William Afton. He was buried in Aultorest Memorial Park, Ogden, Utah, United States. On November 12th, Michael gets paid $120 for the night shift. The answer will surprise you! Top Five People Search Sites: A Complete Review, AssignmentCore: Pay Experts to Do Your Programming Homework, What to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyers Qualifications, Why is it important to monitor your blood pressure at home, Health implications when traveling abroad for the elderly, Considering an FLR? The first being the protagonist of, Michael is the fifth character in the series to physically reveal part of his human appearance, with his silhouette being seen through the mirror along with purple eyes. HOWEVER. Fazbear Entertainment | ", "Fine but only because he's my favorite besides your sister.". In the movie, he is the main antagonist. Nightmare Balloon Boy | It was left there by a previous volunteer who failed to meet the requirements of paragraph four. Mariominous If the survival logbook was made for Fazbear's Fright, how is it possible for Mike to chew gum? Born in London, England. Eyes In 1944, Michael was 29 years old when on December 16th, The Battle of the Bulge began in the Ardennes forest on the Western Front. It will answer all your burning questions and will give you the details you need to know about your favorite actor. Phantom Animatronics | The fire kills Michael and Henry. Ive tried to understand but the lore seems to be merged with theories and confusing. However, there's also the theory that Missing Children Incident happened before The Bite of '83, which, if true, would make it impossible for the brother to be Foxy. He underestimates the strength of the mechanical jaw, only excessively laughing with his bullies as his brother's head is stuck. The player then hears Circus Baby's voice repeating "you won't die", and he then rises in an unnatural manner while the regurgitated animatronic eyes show up in the sewer. Mike needs to hydrate himself so he doesn't dry up and fall apart. Michael's bullying worsened over the years, and came to a peak in 1983 when C.C desperately tried to warn him after accidentally seeing the death of Charlie Emily at their father's hands. Michael's amusement at his younger brother's terror quickly soured as Fredbear bit down, crushing C.C's skull and splattering the birthday crowd in blood. Lizzy then hung up the phone and went back inside. Starting out as a cruel bully, after accidentally killing his brother, he decided to atone for his mistakes by becoming a technician at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental so he could save his sister's soul. He is the son of William Afton, who is the main antagonist of the . Five days before his younger brother's birthday party, he locks him in his room, laughing sadistically from the outside. His appearance in the mirror in the "real" ending appears to be a blacked-out image of Rick Astley from his infamous 1987 music video "Never Gonna Give You Up". After Night 6, he was called "Employee of the month", due to his dedication, and praised for overtime. He is a massive fan of K-Pop girl group LOONA, who attended his fatal ninth birthday. Mr. Renner Music Men Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! (Female-led Relationship) Heres What You Need to Know. As they pulled up, a teenager with a red hoodie was hanging around there. This poses as a threat to Michael however as they start hunting him down in a maze of vents whilst Michael is busy doing work in his office. He also works as a babysitter at CB Pizzaria. Upon closer examination, the first three lines spoken in the Night 6 minigame, where the child passes on, are highlighted in grey text, revealing it is Michael at the child's bedside apologizing. Plushtrap | The actress is the oldest of the three children. "Hey, hey, dude calm down. Elizabeth Afton, Fazbear Frights/Tales from the PizzaPlex Aftons mother, Cassy, homeschooled him until she passed away. But I'm not. The Fredbear plushie seems unfazed by what he is doing, only asking what he has done "this time". The last three people he walks by look on in confusion. On Night 1, Michael got a job as a technician at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, and HandUnit greets him. This is genetic and exclusive to the Afton family. He should be dead, be he is not, so he will assist his fathers work friend with commiting arson. Michael Afton is the Five Nights at Freddy's 4 night 5, and possibly more, protagonist, as seen when he draws Nightmare Fredbear in the logbook under the "recent dreams" page. Do you know them or? One day before the party, Mike locks the child in the Parts/Services room, the child banging at the door sobbing. As Ian got out to pump gas, the kid approached him. Nightmare Animatronics In 6, which takes place in 2017 he would still be 29 (still a floating timeline). ", "You guys look like you need help. It also reveals that his favorite TV character is Clara from the, Michael actually prefers a basket of cash instead of, The Survival Logbook heavily implies that Mike Schmidt and Michael Afton are the same person, as the owner of the logbook also named "Mike" draws the casual bongos, exotic butters, and the soap opera The Immortal and the Restless from Sister Location, only things Michael would know, it was asked "List ten reasons why applying for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza seemed like a good idea at the time? These children were eventually rescued by Charlie's friends before any true harm could come to them. Shadows Brown But Lizzy and Ian were thinking the same thing, which was, "What'll happen next?". Create a sustainable ecosystem by using solar roof panels! He married Barbara Afton in 1964 and had 11 children. Chica's Magic Rainbow | Afton, whose real name is [REDACTED], is a major character in BlueyCapsules. While he has been killed a number of times, his sole focus has been on murdering children. Infected S.T.A.F.F. Hair Mega Brow | WARNING! Ian then quickly checked them all out, and just like that, they were on the road again. Lucky Boy | Animatronics This should be impossible as Mike survives all 7 nights. Michael Afton seems to be fixing the mistakes that his father, William Afton, made. Now then, on the road, Ian called his friend, whom some of you know quite well. The bite victim (AKA Crying Child,) is the son of William Afton .
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