Just a fanfic that takes place ten years after season eleven from CBC's TV Show Heartland. Rating: PG-13. Lucy glanced at Ty and closed the door of the cabin behind her. You were jealous of her talking with me He laughed. Recently Amy went on a European tour with him and his show jumping team. Then, a doctor opened the door of the hospitals room. Scott? Sure, Ill talk to him Then she remembered Im afraid he went to Calgary for the week, but anyways, Ty can.. She couldnt finish her sentence, because Tim interrupted. She wasnt Amy, instead, she had different eyes and also different face. A pain from the inside made her head hurt as she remembered. He saw the light of the sun in the blue summer sky. Back in the barn, Amy was coming back from her trail ride with the two horses. I brought you breakfast! She said smiling. Then she realized that she was being quite rude, so she added We can look for it later, when the fire stops, OK?. Lou Amy's sister thinks something is up with Ahmed and that he looks at Amy with more than just a professional eye. Other thought that crossed in his mind was the engagement ring that was hidden in his bedroom. We investigated about this woman, and we found in our archives that she had already been involved in other two cases, in which she escaped You made a favor to us Now we can make sure she wont do it again, she will be in jail with our worst criminals He explained. and Caleb had already left thats it she said. Back to the horse hes five years old, and is a racing horse. Its time said a voice in his mind. Tim left her daughter standing there waiting for an answer. Ty and Tim crossed looks when they sat on the dining room. What about if we died there? he thought to himself. I thought you would be home for lunch yesterday. Lou added. They were all dusty and full of injuries and bruises all over their body. Suddenly, she heard kind of a whistle near her ear. Finally! said Mallory and then remembered the last time she said it to Ty and Amy. It was a horses steps. We need to save our lives before looking for your suit She said. They shouldnt forget that this hadnt ended yet. Ty knew that he should wait since Amy had this accident. Again, wait one more time. Ty, laughed and bit the Muffin in Amys hand. I was just talking to your father and to Jack. He said and smiled. Lou grabbed her cell phone and photographed them. From where is it come Oh no!. I will They walked hand in hand. I need your help for that, Im having a little stomachache. Until one of her fr What if Bobby had a daughter who he left behind with his real brother Jack Flemming? He punched the tall guy in the face. He took a breath before explaining to give himself time to order his words. whos the originator of this page?Sorry for the bad english, but im german too! Amy took a Muffin and gave it to Ty. Amy looked at her hand with the golden ring and then looked at the clock, ten minutes passed. There was not much time, he couldnt live jobless any longer. The last time Amy had been there with someone else, was once she went with Ty, before he left mysteriously to see his father. She stopped when she heard a laughter coming from somewhere really close. Ty! she shouted. Yes! Mostly, Amy and Ty scenes. They both suck at being broken up. She had broken up with Ty two weeks ago, and she had a pain inside that revived every night. She stared at his calmed green eyes and tried to decipher what he meant with -. The dark summer blue sky covered the front porch of the house. Each word they laughed about hurt her. The morning sun shined and gave a warmer termperature to the atmosphere. He smiled and tried to hug her. Tim didnt talk since they got to the room, he remembered what he had gone through that night, not the fire but the ring they saw on Tys jacket. But please don`t let lucy get in the way of Amy and Ty that would be so sad if lucy did, this is awesomme i so want to read more!! Wait a second she thought, Im horse riding. To calm her, Amy said Just..Just wait well get you help. Really? No Nobody knows I guess He didnt know who it was, but the one thing he knew for sure was that if he gets to know who the person was, he was going to make him or her suffer a lot, and by a lot he meant a lot. She arrives at Heartland and meets Ty. Love it but I see Lucy as a little kind of danger for Amy please don`t make this a break up really love where this is going but please don`t let Lucy get together with Ty that would just be sad. Owns Hudson Vetinary Clinic. She stood up and went to the kitchen. This was really great I love watching heartland but with your writing I could not stop reading this!!! They found something near the lake he said while he pulled something from his truck. That question cut Tys breath. The women left the room. Ty took her hands. Well, well, well! What do we have here? Jack said with his western accent. After some hugs and kisses, the family arrived to Heartland with a smile filling their faces. Lou walked to the kitchen and looked through the window. She could see the concern in their faces and simply asked them to trust her, which they all agreed to do. They sat near the brilliant lake, and they started talking. Ty is in his studies but he has been working with Scott, he may not be a definite vet but maybe he can help. Her parents need a rest too Jack advised. Do you think Mallorys right? She asked him. Tys heart dropped. They stayed in silence a few minutes. keep up the good work. all i can say is amazing. The following memories were about her and Lou cleaning one horse from the ranch. Then she realized that she had fell asleep in the sofa. Just Lou, Mallory, Lisa, and us. And I think that Lou told Peter too, A policeman found your jacket, and guess what dropped from one pocket?. We each grabbed a horse, I got Harley and Amy, a troubled horse she had been working with. When she was going back home, she thought about her father and about Ty, if theres was anything to worry about. It must be late She said and tried to stand up. Now she was going to have to make that clear to Ty. Grandpa, Are you ok? This was the first time they had listened Jack mention those words. Ty pulled off his boots with one hand; the other held all his toiletries and a change of clothes rolled up in a towel. Unexpectedly, they heard a knock in the door. I luv this blog mostly ur fan fiction keep writing please!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fire was taking over the shore of the river faster than they expected. We told him that he should get a break; he stood all the week here taking care of you. In fact isnt pain what I feel, because if it was, it would be negative. Thanks a lot for your comments and also for reading my FF! The birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing everything seemed alive and happy, Mallory thought. takes place in season 7. Now I feel so important Ty admired. So Amy how have you been doing with Wonder? Jack said starting the conversation. She gulped, she felt really sensible, like if any single word would hurt her. Oh, sorry honey, I couldnt make it Hum..and hows Amy doing?, Shes fine, pretty excited about her wedding plans, also horses, you know, Tim was upset enough for not to talk Its getting late, I have to hung up, Ive got some things to do Ty was definitely right. Please take your time Ty moved his head trying to thank Jack. Ty looked at her Amy, may I ask you something?. Thanks for visiting!PS:I understood your English very well ! Amy, Spartan and Wonder. She was running, and jumping, she felt free and unstoppable. He bit the other one after receiving an aggressive smash in the stomach. What happened? She ran to him. Suddenly he felt like a pain on his stomach. 8. Thats the way son. He saw Amy in the open arena and waved then smiled. Lou carried her daughter tightly in her arms and walked next to Amy with Peter by her side. Tywhen I was in comma, I had some strange thoughts and I remembered some things She kept on talking. If I were in your shoes Ill try to convince her, not only talking but doing something really special, so she wont deny your offer. Tina got hurt showjumping years ago but ever since then she never went in shows that envoled her jumping her sisters amy and Luo understand what she is going throu but there dad has had . Amy sat over Tys knees while he put the ring on her hand. Who knows maybe I have to cook, Lou will sure forget about it, shes too busy planning the future of her baby and for the dude ranch She whispered when she said too busy, He half-smiled after listening to his daughters comment and thought for a second. agreed would love to see where the story ends up, plz post chapter seven eight and nine as soon as possible. That didnt go so well last time, right? They laughed. ( if your write another) You are such an amazing writer. Suddenly, she felt like she had low pressure and she fell to the floor. He left you here, huh? She smiled at his angelical face. . I see you're enjoying it,expect new updates quite soon! So what are you going to do all day, just sit down? Ty asked. you could post it here! Know what? So..?She was afraid of what she might hear. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hes kind of scared of speed. She had gotten better these few days. ***NEWEST UPDATE, as of April 2022*** Check out Chapter 16 for more information, but I am thinking of rewriting this entire story, thoughts? Have you ever considered writing a book . - Chapters: 38 - Words: 58,214 - Reviews: 235 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 25 - Updated: Dec 26, 2016 - Published: Aug 15, 2016 - Status: Complete - id: 12103422 + - A/N this is strictly an AU story Hes back to normal she thought. There, she saddled her loving horse Spartan, and took both horses to the open field. They laughed at each other and almost couldnt stop. Awww! hope you will post the next chapter soon !? With his coffee in one hand, he waited for some minutes, watching his family ranch and also admiring himself in how good he had managed to keep it the way it had always been. "Come on guys were going to miss Amy at the airport" says Jack. Lucy stood up in front of Ty, looking into his eyes. Tim said What? You can tell me everything you want, but you cant tell me how I feel. this is great your a really great writer. Next to them, was Mallory, talking nonstop, as always. "ok meet you there" Lou responds. Ty was so nervous that he couldnt stop walking around hes bedroom. Hi Tanja,Yes, this story was invented by me. Ty was sure he would get it but Amy still didnt know why this time it would be different. His heart-beat accelerated to double speed. Amy laid in the white bed and fell asleep. Good night. Thanks Ty answered while he walked into Amys bed room. Lucy never did I didnt ask her either Ty regretted. That was their daughter Charlotte, the four day-old baby. She made the horse follow her to the barn. Although. Amy had a tiny smile at how much Ty loved her. Some red lights flashed in her eyes and made difficult to see. So whats for dinner? Amy sat in the kitchen and drunk a glass with water. Whats her name?. heartland is so amazing. Come on, sit down, Ill tell ya said Ty before Tim and Jack could speak. She couldnt understand why this horse was afraid of running in races, he could run perfectly well there. He smiled and drove carefully to Heartland. I have to go to see Cooper, its been a week since I saw him last time I miss him so much. The other man, walked to Jack and shook his hand. In her white pajamas tank shirt her eyes contrasted. See you at lunch He kissed her forehead. Ty still was still asleep with his face stuck in the pillow. Full of excitement, from the other side of the wooden fence, Stinky stared at Amy. Lets go He said in a low voice. But when the part starts with Ty and that girl, I tend to skip over that part and hope it goes back to him and Amy at the ranch. Well thats weird He answered to the bunch of descriptions of Amys dreams. I think Im making process, I decided to start slow not to make him run for now. Ty took out the hair from her face and kissed her the sweetest he had ever done. How are things around there? Tim asked remembering the talk he had had with Amy few days before. Ty wanted to know who was the one who shot her and why. Tim pulled out of the drive way to take the way to Heartland. She didnt know him, but felt that he felt the same way she did. She tried to take it out before anyone realized, but it was worthless, her family saw her and of course Mallory said something. Blood, lost of blood split in the wooden floor. Looping regarda Amy qui son tour regarda Fut. Amy moved her head to Tys shoulder. I dont know. Oh my god! If I only knew we would be together she thought. One second lasted hours. Ty asked. Thanks buddy Come this way said and took him by his mane. Thats not the most important thing now. . HeartLand -FanFiction- by BaylieBean 73.7K 1.2K 47 Based on the show HeartLand, Amy and Ty Borden desire to foster 14 year old Lilith. Spartan was just meters away when two firefighters that were near heard his footsteps. When Amy turned around, saw Tys legs about to touch the floor. We have to tell them now She stuttered as she pointed to her family They will know what to do. She had phoned him some days ago, and according to Jack, Lisa was supposed to come back by today. !i am curious about what happens next with amyand whether she marries Ty. He was right. Like something crushing and breaking. Hes coming with Ashley, they saw smoke from the trailer, the fire is growing too fast Lou replied. Does he fly? Amy asked to herself. He has missed you a lot, believe me That guy woke me up three times last night, he didnt wanted to sleep, he needed his miracle girl. Ive just woke up! Nice look! he laughed. Yep, Amy IS pregnant, I knew it! Whats going on? She asked and crossed her arms like a detective about to find out what the mistery is about. You don't know in what you two are getting yourselves into. She spoke with an evil voice. this is a really good story, you should continue writing it, I really want to see where it ends up! They kissed another time and they returned to the house while Ty hugged her from her back leaving his hands on her waist. but i hope this is not the end of the story?!Lea. We have reasons why we are not together. Suddenly, they both heard a noise and turned around. Yeah, whatever youre thinking of like when you went up to that crazy bull just so she could see you were more man than me Caleb laughed while Ty tried to look for an intelligent answer. The first image that came to her mind was her mother talking to her when she was six years old, she was teaching her how to ride her pony. The following day, Tim was driving on the Highway on his way to Heartland. Two of them grabbed her shoulders and took her to the car. Lou handed her a bowl with salad and another with just cooked meat. He stood up and sat in the sofa next to Amy. Alexia Fleming and her two sisters, Lou and Amy had just lost their mom in a car accident and really miss her a lot. It was challenging to talk, but they found the way to start. Her eyes light up and her breath speeded up. When Amy realized that the whole family was watching, her cheeks flattered, and she smiled nervously. Just to clear things up. Suddenly something crushed Amy felt pain in her nape. She grabbed her cell and typed him a text, she was being decisive!! Hahah, Great job! We were having lunch when suddenly a bullet came through the window and hit your head Lou answered while she got closer to her. As soon as she finished, she started feeding one by one the horses in the barn, as she did almost all days. Jack shot some questions to Amy while Ty started thinking. Ty couldnt move but just cough and cough. Wonder accompanied them. He opened it and found something shinny, a diamond, a ring. After talking with him, she seemed more confident than she did before. Chapter 1 Amy woke up, after having a hard night. A cold crystalline tear dropped from her eye. Jack saw her, and immediately realized whom she was talking to when he heard her say dad. It was just her brain working and reminding her things, it was from that unconscious part of your brain that works only sometimes when you need it. The rhythm of their footsteps broke the beautiful silence of the country side. Amy strangely didnt like him from her first look. They hugged for a while and then Ty said So, youll be fine if I am your miracle boyfriend? He said emphasizing in the word. Unfortunately a little short, but anyway as good as the previous chapters! They were just meters away. The guy turned around and saw Tys face. Spartan continued galloping trough the smoke. My jacket! he shouted as he put his hands on his head. So, if the van wasnt theirs, who do you think the owner was? he asked as a professional detective from those old films in black and white. Amy touched his heart, and realized that it was still beating, and he was breathing. Ty, are you staying with her? We will come as soon as we finish Jack knew that Amy and Ty needed time. i would love to read more. She ran faster but accidentally fell to the grass when an old branch of a tree made her loose balance of her body and Tys too. Amy and Ty got to the kitchen. Go on writing fast pleaseLea, wow that was fast!i am excited about what happens with the engagement ringnice chap!Lea, ahh there it is what we all waited for! It was the most amazing thing that had happened to them after getting married. Neither Tim nor Jack didnt know what to answer. "Ty I love you so much" Amy said. He is outside. Amy smiled and hugged him. After that of course he would return all the pain to the guy who did it. Most of the chapters, do involve sexual themes. Night check? Ty pointed the barn with his thumb. Out of the blew, Ty broke the ice, and said I dont do this all the time, Im not used to saving people..Im not a type of Superman, or anything alike, Thank you She added. She took Ty by his waist and sat him on the horse. She ran faster, but her legs hurt. She couldnt think of a better way to begin. Amy works for Prince Ahmed and Heartland. Ty wanted to cry, shout, and make everything possible to go back in time and erase everything he had done. You can grow up from the outside, but youre still the outgoing and exaggerating Mallory he said in a sigh. Could you talk with Peter yesterday? Amy asked after s short silence. Ty, we cant tell you what to do. If you get married or not, thats not our decision. Jack said more calmed. Her cell phone rang; it was Ty, who had sent her a text message telling her to look through the window of her room. In the pilot episode when Ty does sees Amy with Jesse and Amy was trying to Jesse not to drive because she knew that he was drunk, and Ty thinks that Jesse was hurting Amy, he fights with Jesse and Amy just leaves because she seem to be mad at Ty for thinking that Jesse was hurting her. Come on! What was that? Amy wondered. He found other girl and I was in the middle It took me that long to figure out I loved him Mallory, its your time to choose now. Amy realized the negative attitude from both horses and said Hey! Dad, Is everything OK? Amy asked as he saw Tim staring to Ty. Chapter Eleven. wow the new chapter appeared fasti am so glad this story is written in an easy style because i am german and i would not understand it if it would be more difficult (sorry for the bad english ;) )you are a great writer and i hope it would not be so long to the next chapter. A smile appeared in her light-colored face. Lucy bit her lip and simultaneously asked What are you doing here?. Ty went inside the house and she followed him. But Im sure theyll figure it out, they always do. Jack was parking his truck near the other vehicles when he saw the violent scene happening right in front of hes eyes. i wanna read more! Mallory felt important and intelligent from the inside, noticing that her mind had developed the news in another way that anyone had realized yet. You wont get me! Lou said as she ran to the barn with that voice of a ten year old girl. They don't know what is ahead, but they take the chances of something bad happen, to. What the hecks going on She thought. Jack listened carefully at Ty while he thought. Are you OK? Amy asked. Tims coming to help me. Please keep adding to the story . There are no maybes said both of them. Unfortunately, they suddenly heard the voice of Mallory saying So cute!. I have some big news She showed the baby. She felt a pain in her neck, without knowing if it was because of Ty, the girl or maybe Ty and the girl. Amy? he said, still as sleep. The ground wasnt moving, in fact she was the one moving. He glanced at the girl, who was confused and shocked. A doctor came to see her some hours ago, said she was fine. Amy woke up, after having a hard night. "Can someone get Katie dressed" says Lou from the front door trying to find Georgie coat. Jack and Tim grabbed some horses and ran near the fire to look for them. The only thing that Ty could think about was how was he going to fix this problem. Finally, it was time to let Amy go home and to return to her normal life. OK he took his cowboy off his head and left it in the kitchens table. I I just dont know what its going to happen between us. Why? he modulated those words in his mouth. Keep up the good work I would like to see where this goes. After ten minutes, other fifteen fire fighters joined them with their trucks. Hey grandpa she said. remember what I told you last time you said maybe?. No reason; in fact we have been studding some similar cases, and we found out that she has psychological problems.He warned. The chapters in the series are from the in between scenes we do not see in Heartland. She had lots of thoughts, that she couldnt sleep over. You ready? Ty asked while he helped Amy pack her stuff in her bag. Except for the lock of hair that covered her forehead and mouth that was still untouched by the blood which now was also spread in the floor. He didnt saw Jack, Tim or Lou who were always waiting outside.
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