If I push down on the the cover or apply weight to the top, the vibration reduces significantly. Hi I have a variable speed ecostar and am now having the drive error, drive stalled. Turned on the motor and smoke and a oil type substance came out of the capacitor. "@type": "BlogPosting",
It could also be a loose switch in the back of the motor. The pump may be reversible, able to accept either 115V or 230V, so the incoming voltage must match the set-up, +/- 10%. Same thing with the pump lid, there is an o-ring that on some pumps can fall off the lid when the lid is removed, or become mis-positioned. Is the wire the correct size wire? You should be able to lift up on the pump just slightly, to push something thin, 1/4 thick or less, beneath it. Is there something on the board I need to change? All breakers have some wiggle to them usually, but a very loose breaker could be a hazard for arcing or even fire so should be checked out, if so. I currently have Hayward RS750CA and it starts leaking underneath. Usually however, a howling or moaning sound from the pool heater, is low water flow. Sometimes it hums but wont start and other times there is nothing. Is the replaced pump and motor problem? Conversely, and by the way, when pressure is much lower than normal, that indicates an obstruction before the filter, like clogged pump or skimmer baskets or an impeller clog. I keep reading that it could be a seal. Hi Jack, according to the manual, the Drive Error Pump is Stalled error usually refers to water or moisture on the circuit board, under the display panel. Ohms reading should be between 0.5 and 1.0 ohms max. Check all the wire connections inside the motor on the terminal board, the 2 wires and the ground wire. Thanks. Sun was beating on it. You could also adjust the pressure switch (on most heaters), to allow it to come on with slightly less pressure, (1 psi instead of 2 psi). We opened the pool a few weeks back with no pump motor problems. The pump has power, turns on, and seals are tight, however it will not cycle the water. That motor is sometimes used on the Hayward Superpump which is the only pump with a SQUARE pump basket. },
You should also check for loose, crimped or broken wires or rusty terminals on the capacitor. Vacuum hose air leaks from splits in an old hose. If the pump runs without water for very long it will burn up the shaft seal, and if run for hours and days, can literally melt the pump, sometimes even catch fire (rarely), even with a small amount of water in it. The capacitor is like the battery in your car its needed to help get the pump up to speed (3200 RPMs) fast. You will need a new plug and a new outlet and maybe a new pump too (? Also, if there is a GFCI outlet connected, perhaps it is tripped? Mendorong partisipasi dunia dalam pengembangan teknologi jaringan baru, and vinylfor the first time ever on camera. News Reporter Reveals On Live TV That Shes Been Secretly Recording Dec 14, 2021. First, in regard to my Hayward pump basket lid, it is hard to turn counter clockwise, when i need to remove it but it does turn. Reset is immediate after error is corrected. When I turned off the pump I saw that it spit a little bit of water out of a Jandy Valve. I just purchased a new pump and installed it but once all the hoses are connected even with the pump off the pump is leaking from the strainer housing. Hi Rod, if the pump motor was submerged, then it is D.O.A. It does this everyday and then starts working like normaly for the rest of the day. The Intermatic T106M timeclock is the standard outdoor timeclock, then you can set it to run 12 hrs daily +/-, or as needed. What do you have the output percentage set to? My pump seems to be working fine but Im having an issue with the flow pulsating out of the filter. When it shuts down, does the High Salt light come on? By morning all the dead algae filters back into the pool and it take about 4 days to clear. I bought same pump and electrician put on old twist lock cord from previous pump. It was probably spouting water several feet in the air, which soaked the motor, and popped a breaker? "caption": "In The Swim Blog"
"caption": "In The Swim Blog"
Inspect the area where the wires connect to the motor, aside from that Im stumped havent had the chance yet to work on too many VS motors. Well call it assy B. Assy B has a bad on/off switch that sparks when you try to dislodge it from its position, but DOES start and run, until I unplug it. Any thoughts? You could take the motor or pump into an electrical motor shop for confirmation. http://www.inyopools.com/blogSHOP at our online store! Hi Rick, if thats a new thing, there is probably something loose and leaking (air) when the pump shuts off. The symptoms you describe could be shorted windings, or it could also be just a bad capacitor, or it could be a motor that is locked up, from small amounts of rust inside which is often the case for motors that have sat all winter long. The pump is connected after the filter and before the salt chlorinator. I owe you a beer if you are ever around my neck of the woods. Get support by contacting us online, hayward Baal School; Skill Training for Girls New motors are always set to accept 230V when shipped, but can fall out of adjustment, or if you are using 115V, then the motor (if reversible voltage motor), the motor can be switched to accept 115V. But, that may not be it, if you say the shaft is getting stuck each time? Hi Anessa, Hayward VS pumps are known to have Drive Errors, whereas Pentair, I dont hear so many problems about the Intelliflo. Inspect the gasket as well, for nicks, dry-rot or other damage that may affect the seal. Water at the base of the pump: 1. could be from a loose pump lid, dripping when the pump is off, 2. could be a leaking outlet pipe fitting, oozing from where water leaves the pump, and running down the sides of the volute, and dripping off the bottom, or 3. could be the shaft seal failing, behind the impeller. Use jumper wire to jump TH terminals. Hi Matt, sound like the bearings have gone bad, and now they are so bad that the shaft has locked up or is binding, and that trips the breaker. Hi Mark, should it be 115V? Hi Susan, hmm thats quite a conundrum! Hi Dave..your honest opinion please..new 14000gal gunite pool with hayward sp3400vsp pump September 2014,ran a month winterized and ran fine for 3 years, when company came to open up the pool in 2017,pump stuck,installed new 3400@ $1200. A pump that simply wont start is a frustrating problem. 3. loose pipe coming into pump, drawing air around fitting threads If I shut the pump off for a little while and put it back on it repeats the same thing over and over, strong at first for about 5 minutes then weak. Or could it be a dirty motor or ground wire that isnt connected well enough? The rooms are equipped with a [] | Egypt Travel & Tourism Agency. Tried to vacuum. hayward blue essence troubleshooting. Try adding another inch of water. A click on the outlet you say? Basically it ran normal and then would get loud, and then go back to normal. New motor sounds like the thermal overload switch (located at 12 oclock in the rear of the motor) is shutting off the motor, which is usually not a good sign, and mostly means the pump is on its way out. I never had this problem before. Hi Joe, I would first suspect an air leak, Superpumps can also draw air from a loose drain plug and easily around the square lid gasket but the usual suspect is the pipe coming into the pump. I have a Hayward super pump every once in awhile when I go to unplug to backwash it sparks and trips the breaker. Probably not cant think of another issue. Could also be a clog in the pipe. If it makes no noise at all, that is often a loose wire or no power. What is happening? When in front of the pump, problems like a clogged impeller, air leak into the pump, or clogged skimmer line, or low water these will produce filter pressure lower than normal (on the filter pressure gauge). registration, authorized Check that the shaft spins properly, and recheck all wiring. Air can enter pressure side if the water is not making it all the way to the top of the filter or chlorinator. http://bit.ly/InyoPoolsListen to the Poolside Chat podcast!iTunes:http://bit.ly/PoolsideChatSoundCloud:https://soundcloud.com/inyopools-comLIKE us on FACEBOOK! So,as a first step to see if the power outlet is broken or not, I tried to charge my cellphone to the power outlet and it is charging. It shouldnt be overheating, not in twenty seconds, but I suppose it could. Once it finishes calibrating, cycle the main switch from AUTO to SUPER CHLORINATE and back to AUTO. Hayward offers environmentally responsible, cutting-edge pool and spa equipment for residential and commercial, in-ground and above-ground pools. Open faced impellers need very large pliers, or a strap wrench, some have special tools to remove open brass impellers. It is brand new. Replace the seal in the same orientation as you removed it, and reassemble. Lots of things to check, but its either air entering the system, or an obstruction, both on the suction side of the pump, or before the impeller. I have the intermatic digital two speed timer. Our pump wont start at all after opening the pool. Many two speed split capacitor motors use the capacitor to boost it to high speed, check the capacitor for bulging, splits, leaking or loose wires, or test for capacitance, or test with new one. No matter what setting I put it in its backwashing the sand into the skimmer. Probably not your pump basket being full causing this but improper air flow caused by debris/dust. I rechecked the wiring, everything seems good. Products, learn Hi we have a Hayward DE filter for a 2040 in ground. Professional Profile, View All It could be air in the pump, or it could be that the pump is too big (powerful) for the number of pipes. If so, you may try to glue them in place with JB Weld or similar, and if that doesnt work, a new housing would be in order. ]), it should cleanly separate the two copper tabs of the stationary switch. How do I get the lid tight enough? It ran and then we shut it off. So, grab the opening portion with pliers, while the wrench is holding the shaft still, and turn counter clockwise, it should come off, if it breaks, a new impeller is needed, but thats rare, they usually will budge. If your new pump is the exact same make/model/horsepower as the old pump, then the pump is not the problem but if you switched make/models check the pump flow curve, because even though it may be the same hp, different make/model pool pumps produce Vastly different flow rates. The motor model # is C48L2N134B1. Didnt I switched it off properly? Loose connections or insect infestation on contacts, or loose breaker etc, could also cause a different type of start/stop problem, very rapid. Motors have a thermal overload switch which will shut off the motor if it gets too hot to operate, and in such cases, it will turn itself back on again after it cools, usually in 15-20 mins. I will try that tonight. I removed it from the pump housing to troubleshoot it was pumping weakly before stopping. If I wait for a few minutes after that, the pump starts up again at full speed. Every time I vacuum my pool and then back wash and rinse. The Inspect Cell indicator will now reset and will later come back on after another 500 hours of use. Just be sure to buy the correct seal for your make/model pump, for the Powerflo Matrix pump, thats here: https://www.intheswim.com/p/hayward-spring-seal-w-seat-spx1250xz2c SPX1250XZ2C. I have a D.E. Hi Freddy, usually a clicking noise may be a relay, which are used in control systems for pools. It could also be that the power cord is not rated for 15 amps, which is the likely size of the breaker for the outlet (but check the breaker amp size). Any tips on getting the cover off to get to the capacitor (after removing the two screws)? Check the incoming motor voltage to be sure it is correct, too low or too high can cause problems. Go to the grocery store and come back and its dead. Disconnected the chlorination device, and direct connected it eliminating that. Touch both leads of your meter to the capacitor terminals, does not matter which lead touches which terminal. I replaced the motor a couple of years ago. of and to in a is " for on that ) ( with was as it by be : 's are at this from you or i an he have ' not - which his will has but we they all their were can ; one also the Following this procedure will identify Royal Tulip Beach Resort is located near Port Ghalib, 42 km from Marsa Alam. If the filter multiport was recently re plumbed, be sure that the pipe from the pump goes into the valve port labeled PUMP, and the pipe to the pool is connected to the valve port labeled RETURN. The pump keeps kicking off every 24 hours and I turn it back on by hitting filter. But the clicking, that sounds like a centrifugal switch, on the rear of the shaft, which could be a voltage issue? Checked pump, and appeared that pump had to keep priming . Is it a defective motor or something else? Relays are usually small cubes, about 1 square, sometimes black, sometimes clear, mounted on a circuit board. Joe, must be a bad motor yeah, to pull 58 amps, never heard of such a thing! This week the motor What seems to be the problem. Push the diagnostic button until T-XX appears on the display. Other causes of high pressure could be unrelated to the pump size, such as an obstruction or restriction on the return line, or a partially closed valve, or plugged wall returns, or eyeball fittings in the pool that are too small. Pool Heaters have a thermostat, and just like a house heater, they turn themselves on/off to maintain a temperature. The pump never turns off but it should pull the water through constantly. I hooked everything up, and Im getting a lot of air returning into the pool. Step 3: Is your cell clean? so.it shut off again. Was working fine until I backwashed and cleaned the basket by the pump. Checked to see that there was no short in the wire with an ohms meter . '' ''' - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- In a Quirked world where most people have a superpower-like uniqueness to them, His is among the most dangerous. My pump is one horse power. 2. loose pipe coming into pump, drawing air around fitting threads Hi Tiffany, in most inground pool cases, the pool pump should be powered by a breaker on the home main panel, which powers a breaker on the pool equipment pad sub-panel breaker box. Attach a bond wire to the Eco star drive pump or tighten the loose screws on the bottom of the motor. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: cd77petanque.com Comit de seine et marne de ptanque HI David, did anyone empty the pump basket recently? Shock the pool first and overfilter, before pulling pump. Typically, any dilemmas with your Hayward pool pump are likely related to either electrical or plumbing situations. PUMP IS 15 YEARS OLD. "width": "611",
It was off this morning and I reset the breaker. We believe it needs a new seal. Is this a new or older installation? What can I do? Please help! Ive had the pool for 25 years with no problems until now. Hi Pat, yes they should be plug and play, was the cord attached already, or did you install? Thoughts? What could be wring? The unit works fine for approximately 4- 6 hours, then the Check Salt and Inspect Cell flashes (salt level on the unit reads 2600 ppm). Hi Kathy, the clicking could be the start switch in the rear of the motor, not fully disengaging. Any suggestions? If you have an automatic controller, it could be a rickety relay or something. Hi Dave, check the owners manual to be sure that the cord size used is proper for the motor, and the plug, is a 3-prong grounded plug? I have a Hayward Self Priming Super Pump Model # C48J2N131B1. I have a Hayward North Star that I rebuilt with new motor, shaft seal, all new rubber seals, impeller, and diffuser. If you have a local electric motor shop in town, you could drive your motor over there for testing. Could be a change in vibration, press down on the pump, to see if the tone changes. To rule out the filter, if you have a multiport valve, run the pump on the Waste or Recirculate position. I have tried everything, please help because I am running the filter all the time. For more info, see page 36 of the Hayward heater owners manual. The electrician checked wiring and installed new breaker and does same thing. "@type": "Person",
If you're researching Blue Essence, we're more than happy to help you figure out the best solution for replacing, upgrading, or repairing your system. Any suggestions?? I also noticed that the repaired motor IF its a broken off grease cap, tap in a sharp screwdriver into where it threads in, to get some bite, and then slowly and firmly back out the broken off threaded connector, turning CCW, then replace with a new Grease Cap, or a 1/8 threaded plug. I would inspect it for corrosion, wire tightness, water damage or insect damage. Glad that you replaced the sand, normally lasts 5-7 years on larger sand filters, but filters below 21 diameter need it more often, and very small filters 12-14, need it almost every season. We live in Arizona, so the automatic freeze setting isnt an issue. I connected Line 1&2 plus bond. So, I dont think you can use this motor, (sorry), unless you are able to add another 110V wire, and run both connected wires from a Double pole breaker. second most common is the pump lid or drain plug, lube the lid oring and teflon tape on the drain plug. Loose connection inside the plug or socket. If not, but the shaft and impeller spin freely remove the start capacitor, normally located in the motor rear, at 9 oclock, and write down the MFD number, and then order one online, or at a local electric motor repair shop. Hi Davy, Grass clippings, seeds, gravel or other small debris can clog an impeller and reduce suction. The waterfall pump should be a simple system, just a suction line and a return line (no valves? However, when I check the connection at the wired, there is definetly juice there. Thanks for the help. 5. You only need to touch both terminals briefly with the tip of an insulated screwdriver, to discharge the capacitor. Packing Pool Putty or Silicone around the fitting is a good fix, replacing the fitting is a better fix.
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