hartford public schools staff directory

SPED - Student Services 860-379-1653. Si se perdi la presentacin, puede verla completa, Student Support Services (Special Education, MTSS, 504), Services for Multilingual Learners, World & Dual Language Programs, Non-Discrimination Policy, Title IX, & Section 504. Please see below for some updates from Hartford Public Schools. Today, February 15, 2023, one hundred (100)school buses were on Harford County roads equipped with AngelTrax Stop Arm Cameras. Esta tarea diaria ser de ayuda para mejorar su nivel de alfabetizacin y, a la vez, su desempeo general dentro y fuera del saln de clase. Department, Food and The New Hartford Board of Education does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical disability or learning disability), genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut state and/or federal nondiscrimination laws. West Hartford, CT 06117. PA ARESCO, PAIGE aresco.pa@easthartford.org More. BOE Meeting 7:00AM - 9:00PM CIBA Lecture Hall. School Nickname: HPHS School Phone: (860) 695-1300 Grades Served: 9-12 Type: District Theme: Website: view our site Principal's Name: Flora Padro Principal's Email: padrf001@hartfordschools.org Overview: Founded in 1638, the historic Hartford Public High School services students in grades 9-12 in the greater Hartford, CT community. Staff Directory - Town of West Hartford. Applications will be available Tuesday, January 17, 2023, through Friday, February 10, 2023, on hcps.org and in all middle school counseling offices. If you are having any issue logging in or have questions, please be sure to enter . She is a product of the Hartford school system and graduated from SMSA and received her Bachelor's degree from CCSU. *To access Clever, students must go into Canvas, select the help icon displayed as a question mark, and sign into their HCPS account. Edgewood Middle Pencil Pouch from 21-22 School Year RECALL. The Math Department at Renzulli Academy is aligned to the. He was born and raised in Connecticut, graduating UConn with a degree in History and Political Science and getting his Masters in Teaching from Sacred Heart University. 2 0 obj Si no lo ha ledo, le recomiendo que le eche un vistazo en su filial de la Biblioteca Pblica de Hartford! Frequently Asked Questions, HCPS She is very involved in her community while she advocates for others. ** Please click the Google Image below and enter your East Hartford Public Schools Google Account Information. Mr. Ruiz teaches middle school math at Renzulli. News and Events, Inclement 550 Main Street Room 210 Hartford, CT 06103 ___________________________ Cynthia A. Cannata Acting Clerk of the Commission FIC/2012-310/FD/cac/3/13/2013 Thank you, Ms. Lombardi, for taking this extra step to make our students feel valued! Step 3: Select Request an On-Demand Session!. Hall Directory. All rights reserved. When your child will be absent or tardy from school, please contact our main office team at 860-561-2300. Directory. <> The Blueprint initiatives are mandated by a law passed by the Maryland General Assembly and our plan must be laid out in a format provided by the Maryland State Department of Education. He was born and raised in Connecticut, graduating UConn with a degree in History and Political Science and getting his Masters in Teaching from Sacred Heart University. On Thursday, I had the pleasure of participating in one of my favorite events - Read Across America. Human Resources Officer, Hartford Public Schools; Chief Information Officer, Hartford Public Schools; and Hartford Public Schools c/o Alexandra Deeb, Esq. She has been an integral member of the Renzulli Academy team for. East Hartford Public Schools; Adult and Continuing Education; Anna E. Norris School; Connecticut IB Academy; Early Childhood Learning Center at Hockanum School; . Staff Directory. Login. Do you know about our Learning Together program? MD Fox art teacher, Ms. Ms. Lombardi talked with two local grocery stores, and they agreed to let her create mini art galleries of student work in their stores. This celebration of literacy brings together our partners, our volunteers, and our dedicated staff. East Hartford Public Library. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Technology & Engineering Teacher, Grade 8, Sedgwick Middle, Sedgwick Technology and Engineering, Sedgwick Grade 8 Team 8-2, Instructional Paraprofessional Kindergarten, Hall High, King Philip Middle, Bristow Middle, Mathematics, Special Education Paraprofessional Substitute, Whiting Lane Elementary, Early Learning Center, Whiting Lane ELC, School Counselor, Grade 10 (A-Cly), 11 (A-Das), and 12 (A-Cr), Sedgwick Middle, Sedgwick Resource Teachers, Sedgwick Grade 8 Team 8-1, Conard High, STRIVE, Conard Clinical Support, Webster Hill Elementary, Webster Hill Grade 1, King Philip Middle, KP Unified Arts 6, KP Physical Education and Health, Bristow Middle, Bristow Technology and Engineering, Concert Jazz Band, Freshman Band, Jazz Band, Hall High, Special Education, Pupil Services - Special Ed, King Philip Middle, KP Diamond Team, KP Resource Teachers, Health, Leadership, Physical Education, PE Strategies, Physical Education, Whiting Lane Elementary, Whiting Lane ELC, Smith Elementary (STEM Magnet), Charter Oak Elementary (IB Magnet), COIA Kindergarten, COIA ESOL, Sedgwick Middle, Sedgwick Grade 6 Team 6-2, Special Education Teacher - Intensive Behavior, Sedgwick Middle, Sedgwick Resource Teachers, Sedgwick Grade 8 Team 8-3, Hall High, Conard High, World Langauge, Conard World Language, World Language, French and Spanish Teacher, Garnet Team Leader, King Philip Middle, KP Garnet Team, KP World Language, World Language, Charter Oak Elementary (IB Magnet), COIA PreK, Sedgwick Middle, Conard High, Sedgwick World Language, Conard World Language, Webster Hill Elementary, Webster Hill Grade 2, Conard High, Capstone, Social Studies, AP Capstone, King Philip Middle, KP Emerald Team, KP Resource Teachers, Anonymous Alerts / Report Suspected Bullying, Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan, Covid Tracking & Positive Case Notifications, West Hartford Cares Crisis and Community Resources, 2016-2017 Profile and Performance Reports, 2015-2016 Profile and Performance Reports, 2014-2015Profile and Performance Reports, 2013-2014 Profile and Performance Reports, 2012-2013 Profile and Performance Reports, 2011-2012 Profile and Performance Reports, 2010-2011 Profile and Performance Reports, 2009-2010 Profile and Performance Reports, 2008-2009 Profile and Performance Reports, 2007-2008 Profile and Performance Reports, 2006-2007 Profile and Performance Reports, 2005-2006 Profile and Performance Reports, 2004-2005 Profile and Performance Reports, 2003-2004 Profile and Performance Reports, 2002-2003 Profile and Performance Reports, 2001-2002 Profile and Performance Reports, 2000-2001 Profile and Performance Reports, Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Home, Pre-Kindergarten Lottery Application Information, The Early Learning Center (ELC) Preschool Program, Pre-Kindergarten and Early Learning Center Family Handbook, Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program, Instructions for Creating your PowerSchool Parent Portal Account, Adding a Student to Your Existing PowerSchool Parent Portal Account, Navigating the PowerSchool Parent & Student Portal, Administrative Guidelines for the Use of Technology, Statement Regarding the Use of Graphics on Web Sites and Blogs, Educator Evaluation & Development Program, Administrator Evaluation & Development Program. Student Pre-Registration Handshake Link or sign up on-site in GSU. Invito a todos los estudiantes a que participen en el desafo United We Read de United Way de este mes. This daily task will help you improve your literacy skills and, in turn, improve your overall performance inside and outside the classroom. NHPS Subcommittee Meetings (audio format), Information (contains Site Shortcut pages not visible), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). WHPS proudly celebrates black history month in recognition of the many outstanding accomplishments of . John A. Langford School / Staff Directory. The Board of Education of Harford County, appointed by the Governor, is the policy-making body for the She comes to us with a lot of experience in dealing with and managing crisis. 860-561-6600. Helping our students in a positive environment. She has been awarded the Nabors Service League McLoughlin Award for Volunteerism, an award that "Recognizes students who demonstrate a commitment to their community through innovative service. Ms. Teawdatwan has worked in preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, and 4th grade classroom and has taught summer school biology in Philadelphia at a local charter school. East Hartford Public Schools; Senior Services . Grades 11-12: 395 Lyme Street, Hartford CT 06112 - (860)695-1011. 2287 Kyle Armour IB Teacher School: 860-233-8236 Michele Aronson Clerk School: 860-233-8236 Cynthia Asal Saxophonist, Composer/Arranger and Educator, has been performing for 22 years and teaching for 16 years. %PDF-1.5 While in college, Ms. Teawdatwan took on different leadership roles with the university's Campus Kitchen, College Access program, Questbridge Chapter, and national service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. Weather, Press In May 2016, the Board of Education of Harford County approved the submission of the JROTC application and the establishment of the program at Joppatowne High School. BAK - Bakerville Consolidated 860-482-0288, NHE - New Hartford Elementary 860-379-0713, New Hartford Public School District Office 860-379-8546, Jeffrey F. SousaSuperintendent of Schoolssousaj@newhtfd.org 530 Main StP.O.Box 315. Superintendent I have over 25 years of teaching experience. Location: Hartford High School, 121 School St, Hartford, MI 49057, USA Mar 23 No School Mar 31 Spring Break Apr 3 Spring Break Apr 4 Spring Break Apr 5 Spring Break Apr 6 Spring Break Apr 7 Board Meeting Time: 7 PM Location: Central Office Apr 17 1/2 day for Students Apr 19 Senior Trip Apr 24 Senior Citizen Lunch Time: 1 PM - 2 PM 37 Highland Avenue | White River Jct., VT 05001 | 802-295-8610 | 802-295-8611 . <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> East Hartford Public Schools; Adult and Continuing Education; Anna E. Norris School; Connecticut IB Academy; Early Childhood Learning Center at Hockanum School; . You can view the calendar presentation and discussionfrom theBoard of Education meeting on December 19, 2022 in its entirety. Before working at Renzulli, he taught for 5 years in New York City. BAK - Bakerville Consolidated 860-482-0288, NHE - New Hartford Elementary 860-379-0713, New Hartford Public School District Office 860-379-8546, Jeffrey F. SousaSuperintendent of Schoolssousaj@newhtfd.org 530 Main StP.O.Box 315. To find out more about the United We Read challenge, Thank you to everyone who participated in the Community Budget Forum on Tuesday evening. Lower Level . Staff Directory. Thank you for your continued partnership. Ms. Teawdatwan is originally from Bangkok, Thailand and moved to the United States at the age of four. HUSKY Health includes insurance coverage for medical, dental, and behavior health with little or no out-of-pocket costs for most services. Disfrut leyendo este libro en el aula de preescolar de la seora Hunter y la seora Cruz en Wish Museum School! She has been awarded the Nabors Service League McLoughlin Award for Volunteerism, an award that ", Recognizes students who demonstrate a commitment to their community through innovative service.. Gracias, seora Lombardi, por dar este paso adicional para que nuestros estudiantes se sientan valorados. All you have to do is set aside 20 minutes each day to read. Click here to read the draft implementation plan. Staff. Counseling Services, Special Education Free Meals for Students. East Hartford Public Schools; Adult and Continuing Education; Anna E. Norris School; Connecticut IB Academy; . He holds a Bachelors degree in math and Spanish from the University of Connecticut, and Masters from Edinburgh University in Scotland. La seora Dawn Lombardi, maestra de arte de MD Fox, se merece un reconocimiento especial por encontrar una manera creativa de compartir los trabajos de sus estudiantes. Aiken Elementary School; Braeburn Elementary School; . El dueo de uno de estos supermercados, Bravo en Wethersfield Avenue, incluso est pensando en la posibilidad de crear un concurso de arte para los estudiantes! Education, Social EHMS at a Glance. Central Chief Financial Officer Philip Penn and I discussed the details of the proposed 2023-2024 budget, including plans to mitigate the deficit and spend remaining federal COVID relief funds. Clear. All you have to do is set aside 20 minutes each day to read. Children must be at least 3-years old as of September 1, 2023 and be toilet trained. New Hartford Public Schools; Staff Directory; ANT - Antolini School 860-489-4169 . This will give each student an opportunity to highlight their strengths whether they are artists, public, speakers, or computer savvy. Alyssa is passionate about volunteer work with the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. Teaching, Home Instruction (Home CA AIVALIOTIS, CARRIE aivaliotis.cl@easthartford.org More. Click here to view a short video about the implementation plan. Para obtener ms informacin sobre el desafo United We Read, Gracias a todos los que participaron en el Foro de presupuesto comunitario la noche del martes. Pursuing Music Education, Jeremy attended Western Connecticut State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Music Education. Fax 860-738-1766. endobj I am open to working with each student to find a way to help them succeed and look forward to working with both them and you this year. This option is best for consistent support, in a single subject area. Behavior Technician. East Hartford Public Schools; Adult and Continuing Education; Anna E. Norris School; Connecticut IB Academy; Early Childhood Learning Center at Hockanum School; East Hartford High School; East Hartford Middle School; Franklin H. Mayberry School; Governor William Pitkin School; John A. Langford School; Joseph O. Goodwin School; O'Connell School . EB BASILE, ERIN basile.em@easthartford.org More.

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hartford public schools staff directory