The Guardian, 12th March 2020. You are too kind and this is a lovely thing to read at the end of the working day. Any of us who had family who lived through the Second World War in Britain or America knows how make-or-break that relationship was and how crucial Buckingham Palace was to morale and the alliance. Ive just read about a French court ordering the removal of a statue of Our Lady from a town off the west coast of France citing separation of church and state. Way back on 17th July 2017, I published some predictions about the Royal Family and Prince Harry. Yes we are all looking for some truths While compiling this chapter, I asked Nick Campion (Author of Born to Reign) his views on whether he thought Britain would become a republic. Jessica I knew there were chances coming but I never saw this. Julie. This one is particularly helpful as I have had some difficulty tearing myself away from this soap opera. Yes, Prince George does have these historic transits by Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. They will be offered the same status as Princess Annes title-free son, Peter Phillips.. We may have another viewpoint on tiaragate among other things, whenever Angela Kellys book comes out. Thank you for letting me know. We are now on the top of a mountain. In fact it seems to do more damage to Harry than the Royal family in my opinion. There is also synchronicity with the archers in the Bayeux Tapestry, now a popular internet meme, showing Harold and William). Ive just been asked by the Daily Express to look at Harrys chart, so I wont spill the beans about the rest of the chart here. We saw it with Dianas father; we saw it with Meghans father. She met the lover who slightly resembles Harry, years away from the pregnancy. This is what you read two years ago, back in 2019, on this website . Would he be happy detailing his Montecito house layout for all to read? Do you think she was pregnant the second time? And the US /Britain relationship is the powerful centre of those allies. Was it Russia befriending China as USAs enemy? You saw William as King, not Charles. We do not know. By the way the Queen will have left everything to King Charles. I have readers who have become very much better by using alternatives like walking (especially walking in a group), meditation, yoga and particularly hypnosis. Id not seen this. I never got a positive vibe about Meghan, and I still believe that she will leave him and try and take him to the cleaners. But if you were to ask me my opinion what actually should be done, then I would say ask each congregation how they want things done. Attempts to establish their own court ?? In all cases everything omitted was Russian. I feel very sorry for Harry. It is an outstanding bible which should be on every astrologers bookshelf. As a person of color, I am drawn to the public display of the chaos that has been their life. I have quite a few psychic readers, but also professional mediums and clairvoyants, on this website, so I will be interested to see what they say. Astrology is usually ignored by the establishment (publicly) but very much used privately. The Oprah Winfrey racism interview could have gone out at any time at all. I am out from under my rock. Interesting that Janie Bee mentions JER the body language guy. Thank you. Harry bisexual? At one point, JER points out that she suddenly looks to the other side of waiting crowds and goes over to be hugged by a young woman. Thank you so much for your strength and your insights. There is something so deeply wrong about the whole thing. As for royalty, I think no human being should be the subject of another I cant get it Royalty seems so archaic to me Bloodlines, privileges by birth, power over people It must be my French revolutionary side kicking in (!) You can let this kind of soap opera go in one ear and out the other, so to speak, if you even somehow understand the plot. Some people have said he looks sincere but I see real darkness in him and around him, its deeply sinister. This places them at odds with some Scottish churches and no doubt a lot of lay people as well as some of their own bishops and clergy. He had already heard their vows, days before. There are others in the Diana camp who may have an open chequebook. In Vedic tradition, as in Christianity, the eagle is representative of a messenger from heaven-other schools of thought see the eagle as a symbol of divine majesty. This has been a fascinating read and very eye opening. He wrote that QEII had mars closely conjunct jupiter so thats why she became queen at a young age as it didnt take long for jupiter to progress to exact conjunction with mars. Though the question remains for which government! The Roman Catholic Church has for centuries, had a rule that clergy remain unmarried and celibate, from the Pope down to the lowliest parish priest. The subject seems anachronistic or it proves that The Establishment is as odd as it was in Henry VIIIs time. Much has changed in the last 12 months for Harry and Meghan, who are preparing for the arrival of their second child - a baby girl - very soon. Again, when Prince Williams godmother Lady Susan Hussey resigned after a (strangely recorded) conversation with the head of Sistah Space (Hackney), Harrys chart resonated. I felt compelled to cross reference the comment re the medium Claire Thomas. Looking at my own family lineage as Ive been studying the family tree for 10 years now; we are the rainbow in spectrum if one must look at the evolution of skin color. I am hopeful by the astrology you have presented regarding how we as humans (no matter who we are) will evolve and move forward as a better soul community and things like cycle of perniciousness gossip that pervades our society will be dissolved. There must be so many counsellors, psychologists and therapists questioning the advice that has led him to pursue the media and publishing in this way. The difficulty with eclipses (and those eclipses predicted the brothers rift) is that it can take years to find out, what you never knew at the time. British experts in constitutional law are said to have given him opinions on his nuptials with Camilla, allegedly sealed until he is dead. Confirmed marriage for CofE has to remain one man and one woman. I looked at the Tatler article, thank you. I agree with you that a life is at risk in the Royal Family. Maybe the therapist did and was ignored. I had hoped that he would find the family life that William seems to have achieved but that seems to be escaping him I think he has a lot of heartache ahead but I really hope that his next relationship will be the one to bring him home in every way. There will be a few people around the world celebrating the ingress of Pluto in Aquarius (and also celebrating the end of Pluto in Capricorn, the cycle which gave us Trump). Kyra Oser is the brilliant psychic who alerted me to it. To a non-narcissist, their behaviour is unfathomable, in my view. And this isnt a recent event. Comment *document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a8340387c95e5a203edfbde248e08f6f" );document.getElementById("d8f83e0456").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). By their nature, eclipses conceal, they never reveal, so we may find out some of the truth later, but it will continue to beg questions. Even the use of the name Harold in Spare and the fight mimics The Bayeux Tapestry Harold and William at war. I do hope that HArry finds what he is looking for and there is some reconcilation eventually. This all feels so much bigger than a mere shock book. It wasnt a Russian frock coat, it just resembled that of Tsar Nicholas II; Harry has Russian blood. Did you tell your readers that the Christine Keeler affair was in 1961? What a brilliant blogpost and the comments it has garnered! I wondered about timing, why release this book during a Mercury and Mars Retrograde ? I did hear from a psychic not that long ago that they predicted William would have an accident while onboard a helicopter. Similarities have been pointed out in photos of Simons daughter and Princess Charlotte and also Simons son and Queen Elizabeth. Some of this has come to pass: A complete split is possible between the male heirs in the United Kingdom. You have to remember Harry and Meghan did not even become engaged until November 2017. Hi Jessica, Peace is an interesting notion, given the complete lack of peace in the horoscopes in March. The astrology agrees. All it ever needed were actors and crew. It can happen on this transit. I do think the truth will come out, actually, because we are about to go into the same rare astrology cycle that took place when the monarchy signed its own rules on marriage into law. As such, they are not going to want to see this kind of sibling rivalry and drama play out amongst their own children. Im disappointed in Harry. I appreciate your knowledge. She knows that left to his own devices, he is bound to make the most horrendous gaffe. I think he hates Will nuts and best way to get to him and hurt him is by taking it out on Kate. Also interesting! Thank you very much for your website and the richness of information ! The chapter in Spare about Harrys life in the army and those he killed, will speak to men who have also served, killed and had issues with anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and so on. If true, the story about the Queens will is fascinating, and it would make sense in the context of Spare and all Harry has put in print about Charles, joking about his paternity. Perhaps M&H saga just another useful tool in that aim. He was also in sympathy to Anne Boleyn. As I said, sex, death and money. Also, I cant remember which newspaper/commentator I read it but concerns were raised about Hs detailed descriptions of the location of bedrooms, corridors, doors, gates, grounds, rooms and floors in the various royal residences in Spare. The psychic elaborated in the e-mail on a vision he had: he saw a black Mercedes driving at high speed through a tunnel and then crashing into one of the pillars. I think that maybe she has moulded herself on Diana knowing that would attract Harry, but its like she is playing a role and its not real, shes not real. Do you have any thoughts on that Jessica? As for Putin, Trump and Markle, karma cant come fast enough in my view. The fight would make their relationship stronger. Since that is yet to happen, we luckily have you, this space filled with wonderful people to express their piece of mind, share their piece of knowledge and info with the hive. If it hasnt happened for Spare, Im sure an AI based biography is close to becoming a reality. They keep on repeating the sentences I also need to look at Stormzy, who was part of a storm prediction I published about the wedding, days before it took place. Is it just me or is the following a very surprising public comment from an Archbishop of Canterbury its from The Daily Mail. Russia building there. It looks like March-June is the turmoil then there is a long leave-taking into 2024. Thank you. She loves a duel. As a Royalist, Ive been really shocked by Harrys behaviour these past few years and public tittle-tattling which is hugely embarrassing for the Royal Family/his father and brother. So both could be true. You might also call it Mind Games, like the Lennon song. And were not talking about the handbag. Mars at 16 Sagittarius in his Ninth House of foreign matters (as mentioned above) is aligned with a huge number of chart factors. H & M legal marriage certificate is the day of the big wedding. So are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, political pawns in a big game of chess? Because whatever she has planned, will be horrendously humiliating for them if she doesnt get her way. If one were writing the next episode of The Harry and Meghan Show, a separation would be good ratings. Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not encouraging. She wasnt a ruthless bully or seductress; she was actually a working politician who died for pushing this radical anti-poverty law through parliament. While the laws creation has long been attributed to Cromwell, Boleyns involvement was recognized as part of UK Parliament Week this November. End of quote.
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