The Foundation makes grants in support of education, health care, human services, civic, cultural, youth and environmental activities of a taxexe. The link to the application will be emailed on April 1, 2023. The community foundation will con, The Clara Blackford Smith & W. Aubrey Smith Charitable Foundation was established under her will to support and promote quality education, health care, and human services programming for underserved populations. The Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation was established to provide support for charitable, religious, scientific, literary and educational organizations and programs serving the people of the State of Texas. Our primary geographic focus lies in East Texas and the Minneapolis/St. TI and the TI Foundation focus giving in key areas important to our company and our communities: 1. The Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation is a notforprofit philanthropic institution organized and operated primarily as a collection of charitable funds that will have long term benefit for the Wichita Falls area. Areas of funding interest include disabled individuals, disadvantaged children and youth, lowincome populations, traditionally marginalized populations, projects that cannot be easily accomplished without th, The Waste Management Charitable Contributions program provides support to organizations that have been approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charity and public organizations where any donations requested will be used exclusively for public purposes. Since 2002, the Children's Health Fund has granted 53 grants to Harris Health System related programs, 98 grants to Harris County non-profit organizations, and 10 grants to Harris County public programs in the aggregate of $7,412,541. Effective September 5, 2009, Letters of Inquiry will only be accepted from 501(c)(3) n, The Laredo Area Community Foundation solicits and accepts grant application from organizations that meet our funding guidelines. - Donor Name: Community Foundation of Greater Huntsville States: Alabama, Maryland, Arkansas, Texas, California Counties: Santa Clara County (CA), Harris County (TX), Pulaski County (AR), Washington County (MD), Madison County (AL) Cities: Mountain[ReadMore], Harris County has created a new $30 Million Small Business Relief Fund to support micro and small businesses recovering from the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a s. These organizations may be for-profit or non-profit. Applications open July 1, 2023. Along with disaster home repairs, the fund will support temporary . F. CARTER SMITH courtesy Lina Hidalgo Campaign. This grant deadline is May 31, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Eligible nonprofit organizations located in Aransas, Bee, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Nueces, Refugio, or San Patricio counties whose projects qualify under our guidelines are encouraged to submit applications. The Magnolia Trust is a small, limitedterm family foundation which supports nonprofit groups working to protect habitat and wildlife in Texas, as well as other environmental topics selected by the trustees. We strive to enhance the work that provides solutions and upward movement for our fellow citizens. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. The amount of the request should not exceed $10,000 with. If your organization, foundation or fundraising company has grants opportunities and you are looking to spread the word about it we invite you to contact us about it so we may be able to post your grant i. Contributions by KWDF are for the support of organizations that provide services to people in areas where our companies operate. Small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will soon be able to apply for grants between $5,000 to $25,000. Grants will support home repairs, emergency financial assistance, and unmet needs March 11, 2021 -- The Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund announced it is investing an additional $6.3 million in area nonprofits serving the most vulnerable families and individuals. Made by fundsforNGOs, FUNDSFORNGOS LLC See more ideas about foundation, harris county, grants. Geographical focus areas: AK, CA, LA, NY. The Foundation makes grants to qualified nonprofit organizations serving the Permian Basin region through which a broad range of philanthropic purposes are furthered and supported in the areas of education, arts and culture, health, social services, community development, and civic affairs. autoDisplay: false Donor Name: City of Houston State: Texas County: Harris County (TX) City: Houston Type of Grant: Award Deadline: 11/01/2022 Size of the Grant: $10,000 Details: The Artadia[ReadMore], The Idea Fund is seeking applications to provide 12 grants of $5,000 each to individual artists or collectives in the Greater Houston Area. The remaining 35% of grants are distributed within the state of Texas. The Foundation invites organizations to submit a Grant Request Application to describe how they would serve the Brownsville community by addressing one of these areas. Clarify all fees and contract details before signing a contract or finalizing your purchase. The primary beneficiary group is vulnerable and underserved children, youth and families. Areas of funding interest include Education, Environment, Neighborhood Development, Arts &, The Foundation makes grants to and investments in entities that are engaged in one or more of the following wealthcreation strategiesincluding emerging opportunities to incorporate sustainable practices within the context of healthy environmentsthat benefit low and moderateincome families and communities. Applications will open on September 1, 2023. We focus our corporate giving in four areas and give to the communities in which we live and serve and encourage our employees to support the organizations that they value. Albertsons Community Investment gives grants to nonprofit and school programs that meet the following focus areas: Hunger Relief, Health, Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyles. The Foundations approach to the funding of grants is simple to use its resources for the people of Fort Bend County and to support, strengthen and empower families and children through a broad continuum of communitybased services that meet the needs and values of the community. County commissioners unanimously approved Aug. 10 a partnership with LiftFund, an independent nonprofit that provides loans for entrepreneurs. The Tyler Library Foundation Fund supports the public libraries in Smith County and Smith County Area Libraries Together (SALT). Special consideration is given to charitable organizations that serve the youth of Grayson County, Texas. Requests for support in the areas of education, health, human services, environment, and the arts are welcome. The George Foundation strive to support organizations and programs that assist in developing strong, stable families across Fort Bend County. Organizations, El Paso Corporations charitable giving is guided by our responsibility to address fundamental needs in the communities where we operate, and by the desire to focus our giving on key areas where we can have a meaningful impact. Its our way of saying thank you for allowing us to be your neighbor. Recipients will be announced in August. The purposes of the Foundation are to aid Christian religious organizations, charitable organizations, institutions of higher learning, hospitals and other organizations of a general charitable nature. It is a taxexempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation of grass roots volunteers committed to improving the quality of life in the Texas Hill Country. In our commitment to all of the communities we serve, we have also donated to worthwhile organizations in other areas, such as New Mexico and Hawaii. } }); The Foundation serves the residents of the following 17 counties: Tom Green, Crockett, Sutton, Kimble, Mason, Llano, San Saba, Menard, Schleicher, Reagan, Irion, Concho, McCulloch, Runnels, Coke, Sterling, and Glasscock. Grants are awarded to qualified charitable organizations in both Arkansas and Texas. Funds can be allocated to pay workers, suppliers and rent, among other needs. Funding requests to support new projects and programs or expand existing ones are eligible. Houston, TX 77022. Requests for support in the areas of arts and culture, education and job training, health and human services, Christian ministries, children and youth programs, animal welfare, or environmental concerns are welcome. Director of Grants & Non-Profits performs fundraising, administrative management, financial management, grant support for Precinct2gether, Inc. 501c3 nonprofit organization and for Harris County Precinct 2. Our contributions program focuses on improving the mental, social and physical wellbeing of the elderly populations in those communities. Within Arkansas, the foundation focuses on the southern and eastern portions of the state.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The application window will open on Sept. 20. This organization will help manage the program and help business owners apply, according to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. The Sid W. Richardson Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations in Texas to help them fulfill their missions. Most grants are in the $1,000 to $25,000 range. The Foundation is a private fa. Through their generosity, Edwin A. Applications open June 1, 2023. The purpose of The Brown Foundation, Inc. is to distribute funds for public charitable purposes, principally for support, encouragement and assistance to education, community service and the arts. The first round of grants from the Greater Houston COVID-19 Recovery Fund includes $1.5 million invested in 30 nonprofit partners to provide critical basic needs assistance, like food and emergency financial assistance, to vulnerable families and individuals who may not receive any other aid, such as government stimulus. The Foundation accepts grant requests throughout the year and has no deadlines for submitted requests. The Sundt Foundation is focused on the needs of disadvantaged children and adults. Established in 1997 with an initial $4.5 million contribution from ONEOK, the ONEOK Foundation supports nonprofit organizations throughout our operating areas. Donor Name: Houston Fund for Social Justice and Economic Equity State: Texas County: Selected Counties City: Houston Type of Grant: Grant Deadline: 08/23/2022[ReadMore], The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) invites applications from persons or entities who operate on-road and/or non-road drayage trucks and cargo handling equipment at seaports and rail yards located within the air quality nonattainment areas of Texas. The Joe Barton Family Foundation provides substantial financial support to select charitable organizations within Texass 6th Congressional District to enable them to achieve aggressive goals that would have been otherwise unattainable. Website by GroupM7 Design, About UsDonorsAdvisorsNonprofitsScholarshipsGiving Day. The specific wealthcreation and preservation strategies are: Advancing home ownership, Supporting enterpris, The Fieldstone Foundation was created by the Fieldstone Group of Companies (Fieldstone) in 1983 to provide grants, leadership development and service to nonprofit organizations working to support individuals in the communities where the companies within Fieldstone do business: Orange, Riverside, North Los Angeles and San Diego Counties in Southern California, Salt Lake City in Utah, and San Antonio in Texas. Change in Policy Relating to Letters of Inquiry. Dallas Womens Foundation seeks out and invests in organizations striving to create longterm, positive change. Our goal is to achieve sustainable social impact throughout the larger nonprofit infrastructure. 140 Broadway 46th Floor New York, NY 10005, 2023 Artist Awards BIPOC Arts Network & Fund (Texas), Request for Proposals for Affordable Rental Housing Program (Texas), 2022 Houston Awards for Contemporary Visual Artists in Texas, The Idea Fund for Individual Artists or Collectives in Texas (Round 16), Community Foundation of Greater Huntsville launches MartinConnects Fund, Harris County Small Business Relief Fund Texas, Water Conservation Grant Program to Reduce Water Use in Texas, Houston Fund for Social Justice and Economic Equity Business Grant Program (Texas), Texas: Seaport and Rail Yard Areas Emissions Reduction (SPRY) Program, William J. and Dorothy K. ONeill Foundation Grant Program, Applications Open for Inspiration Fund Grant Program 2023 Washington, BLM NIFC Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program, New Jersey: Teach STEM Classes in Nonpublic Schools Grant Program, 2023 Walter E. Lipe Charitable Trust Grant Program, Beach Cities Health District: Non-Profit Agency Grants 2023 (California), City of Modesto Community Development Block Grant and Emergency Solutions 2023 2024 (California), USDA/NIFA: Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program, Request for Proposals to Build the Capacity of Arts and Cultural Organizations New York, 2023 Produce Safety Mini-Grant Program in Minnesota, Grants available to provide access to Healthy Foods Minnesota, Request for Proposals: GFAP Technical Assistance Grants 2023 (Minnesota), Willis C. Helm Charitable Trust Grant Program in Minnesota, Robert Stewart Odell and Helen Pfeiffer Odell Fund (California), Grants for Organizations engaged in Child Welfare Work in New Jersey, 2023 Bureau of Land Management Montana/Dakota Aquatic Resource Management. Preference is given to purposes that assist in furthering the Foundations pri, The Meadows Foundation exists to assist people and institutions of Texas improve the quality and circumstance of life for themselves and future generations. The A&J Family Foundation seeks improved health outcomes in our community through the growth of valueadded, Integral Medicinebased healthcare services for medically underserved individuals and families in North Central Texas. Grant applications are accepted throughout the year. Applicants must be non-profits with 501(c)(3) status serving the East Texas region. Applicants may apply for grant funding of $100,000 in a focus area that supports their mission, programs, or services. And because the needs of the community are wide, the Foundation is set up and positioned to meet an almost unlimited range of needs within these areas. The Silverton Foundation targets its grant making to serve disadvantaged and underserved populations. The fund was created with funding from the American Rescue Plan Act and is being administered on behalf of Harris County by LiftFund, a nonprofit community development financial institution. The Foundation does fund grants outside of. The Kerr Foundation supports 501(c)3 organizations, programs and institutions that provide new or enhanced opportunity to those within the granting areas, particularly the young. Qualifying developments are asked to discuss ways to layer their investments with other city initiatives and plans; this phase may involve several discussions and meetings across city departments, such as: The Department of Public Works and Engineering, The Department of Housing and Community Development, The group submits a formal application(original application), If the city finds application (including financial pro-forma) aligns with city initiatives and agrees with financial assumptions then the division begins to draft an economic development agreement with City of Houston's Legal Department. The companys philanthropic efforts focus on feeding and otherwise caring for the needy, childrens issues and law enforcement. Areas of funding interest include Education; He, The Coastal Bend Community Foundations grants cover a broad spectrum of projects presented by eligible organizations located in its sevencounty area. Field of Interest include health, education, arts, youth services, scholarships, etc. Harris County Recovery Plan Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 2021 Report . return false; Grants are basically directed to the Fort Worth/Tarrant County, Texas area. The intent of these large scale projects is to dramatically improve the quality of life for the affected individuals, leading to better lives and stronger Texas communities. Fleetwood Memorial Foundations purpose is to provide virtually instant nostringsattached grants to certified Texas Law Enforcement or Fire Protection Personnel who are injured in the performance of their duties or to the families of such personnel who are killed in the performance of their duties. Activities that are religious or political in nature. The purpose of the Evans-Merrick Music Grants Fund is to support and encourage traditional and/or classical music activities in the East Texas region. The Montgomery County Community Foundation was established to create and build a permanent fund to provide for the present and future wellbeing of our community. Donor Name: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality State: Texas County: Selected Counties Type of Grant: Grant Deadline:[ReadMore], The William J. and Dorothy K. ONeill Foundation provides grants to strengthen families and improve communities in which ONeill family members live. Grant requests up to $1,000 will be considered. Currently, our focus is on education and environmental priorities as we support the companys vision of being the place to work, the neighbor to have, and the company to own. var winWidth = $(window).width(); Grants are restricted to Texas based organizations for programs in Texas, primarily in the Houston area. In 1996, the Foundation opened its first office outside of Galveston to assist in the grantmaking process for most of North Texas. The Eugene Straus Charitable Trust was established in 1974. var winHeight = $(window).height(); We fund programs and organizations that play a role in: Building an economic foundation for strong neighborhoods, Helping neighborhoods flourish and thrive. It was established in 1995 from the sale of Providence Memorial Hospital to Tenet Healthcare Corporation for $130 million. Special consideration is given to charitable organizations that serve the people of Grayson County, Texas. General Operations: unrestricted funds that support the general operations of a nonprofit organization and help it fulfill its mission and vision, helping lead to measurable results for the organization by the end of the grant period. Collaborate initiatives are encouraged. For additional information please review our Grant requests for facility maintenance and furniture are discouraged. var winWidth = $(window).width(); & Edna Zale Foundation honors the tradition of its founders through grants that stimulate change. Currently, our focus is on education and environmental priorities as we support the companys vision of being the place to work, the neighbor to have, and the company to own. The grant deadline is June 30, 2023,at 5:00 p.m. Established to share Gods bounty in Texas and beyond, The Trull Foundation strives to help children and families, those affected by substance abuse, the Palacios Texas area, and the coastal Texas environment. var features = 'width=' + dWidth + ',height=' + dheight + ',top=' + dTop + ',left=' + dLeft + ',scrollbars=no,toolbars=no,menubar=no,status=no'; Geographical area of interest Kansas, Oklahoma, or Texas. We address fundamental needs by supportin, The Embrey Family Foundation strongly believes in building healthy vibrant communities for all people. Brookshire Grocery Co.s Community Connections activities include assisting Habitat for Humanity, the East Texas Food Bank, United Way Day of Caring, Speci. Special consideration for contributions will be given to qualifying programs in which Am, Amon G. Carter and his wife, Nenetta Burton Carter, incorporated the Amon G. Carter Foundation in 1945. Alief Independent School District. . Request a Grant Writer. The Foundation also seeks to maximize its investment in the community by enhancing career potential for young adults in the automotive industry. Harris County Recovery Plan Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 2021 Report . (Tax Revenue, Grants, Gifts etc.). While resources are limited, the non-profit may sometimes issue a loan for housing expenses, such as rent or a deposit. wDialog.focus(); The Erick Dampier Foundation was established to help develop and assist youth who do not have the same opportunities that others might have. All housing units must be located within the Harris County service area, which includes unincorporated Harris . Recipients will be announced in August. The Foundation has biannual deadlines o, The Wachovia Foundation is a private foundation that is funded annually by Wachovia Corporation. Thats why we have developed meaningful relationships with more than 800 nonprofit partners in the eight states we serve. Odessa/Midland, Texas Area. The grant committee encourages requests not to exceed $10,000. ; Lawrence, Leavenworth and Topeka, Kan.; Enfield, Conn.; Metamora, Ill.; Columbus, Ga.; and Center, Texas. Areas of funding interest include Arts, Culture, & Humanities; Education; Health; Human Services. While Austin and Dallas funding currently constitutes a small fraction of the Foundations overall annual awards, the grantmaking directed to these cities continues to grow. Research has shown that when you help a woman move up in society, you help her entire family. Copyright ETCF. The Foundation received its principal funding of $295 million as a distribution from the estate of Mr. Albert Kronkosky, Jr. in August 1997. Grants are made in these fieldsofinterest as they relate to the mission statement of the Foundation: Civic, Community Service, Cultural, Education, Child Development, Health & Rehabilitation, Animal Welfare.
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