See if you can out drive the amazing golf ball uh whacker guy. I eat three every day to . It's mostly Played for Laughs, what with the Bad "Bad Acting" from Happy in a commercial for Subway restaurants. What's this I hear about you breaking a rake and throwing it in the woods? Happy Gilmore: [after having been suspended for fighting with Bob Barker] Let me just enjoy the one thing that makes me a little bit happy. See if you can outdrive the amazinggolf Available on Tubi TV, iTunes, Hulu. Feelin' the flow. A range of t-shirts sold by independent artists featuring a huge variety of original designs in sizes XS-5XL; availability depending on style. It is played annually in September, at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta, and is the final event of the FedEx Cup Playoffs. Within the recurring commentary team that's seen throughout the tournaments, the co-commentator Jack Beard never speaks. It helps put me to sleep. I can make things out of clay and lay by the bay. Announcer: : Harness. German golfer Martin Kaymer tried a Happy-style approach during the long drive competition at the 2015 PGA Championships. What? You want to beat him? : This was due to a severe automobile accident he had in 1992 where he suffered head trauma, losing his ability to balance without aid. I'm not attractive. A guy your size, why don't you play a real sport, like football? I'll give you the ol' smoochie smoochie, kissy wissy. happygilmore Dad Hat. Now, you will go to sleep! Sandler plays Happy Gilmore, a suburban youth who grows up with dreams of hockey stardom. Happy did a commercial for Subway while he was suspended from the PGA for a month. Happy Gilmore - Delicious Subs Classic T-Shirt. Grandma: Friends listen to "Endless Love" in the dark. Ah, I'm sorry. [while walking on the golf course] That was so much easier than putting. Search the Imgflip meme database for popular memes and blank meme templates Happy: Well, I'm outta here! Ain't the best puck handler, either. I'll bet your neighbor the accountant doesn't have a shot to get on the Pro Tour! IRS Agent 4 out of 5 stars (45) $ 1.99. What d'ya say? Julie Bowen and Kevin Nealon appeared in Weeds (2005). [makes putt] Hell no! I'm Bob Barker. You're smart. Workin' it. [to Shooter on the phone] Later in the film Chris McDonald's character is seen with padding in his pants as he walks away. Happy Gilmore: Directed by Dennis Dugan. You'll pay. Yeah. Happy Gilmore: Doug Thompson: Stiller's appearance was uncredited on that sitcom as it was in this film. She fell off a cliff and died on impact. [judging the club] I think you should be working at the snack bar. Happy Gilmore: When Happy makes his Subway commercial, they are cutting their bread the original way with a V shape down the middle which started the change over to the hinge in 1999. . [after buying grandma's house in an auction] Virginia: And you have to pretend you like it too. 2. 1. Happy Gilmore: Give it a little tappy tap tap taparoo. Happy Gilmore And, Richard Kiel, who was also in Happy Gilmore, played in the original film The Longest Yard. ANSWER ME!! Somebody's closer! You can trouble me for a warm glass of shut-the-hell-up! Happy Gilmore: "So you decided to headbutt Bob Barker". "Send him home. Well great nice to meet ya man. But he soon discovers he may actually have a talent for playing an entirely different sport: golf. Mr. Larson is described as "Frankenstein" at one point. Or I will PUT you to sleep. Get that gold jacket that I never got. We haven't seen Happy Gilmore play *this* badly since his first day on tour. Crazy Old Lady: Around 30 minutes of the film were cut in order to obtain the PG-13 rating. Adam Sandler would later star in Click (2006), with David Hasselhoff who plays his boss. One of Trevino's quotes is 'Grizzily Adams did have a beard'. Happy Gilmore: : To help promote the movie, Adam Sandler made a cameo appearance on The Price Is Right (1972), The Price Is Right: Episode #24.98 (1996) during the "Showcase Showdown". Doug Thompson: I tell you, the real winner today is the city of Portland. The NHL Shop has sold hockey stick putters for many years. fatalmis.mp3 clothes.mp3 This film was rewritten by Judd Apatow, which went uncredited. I'll make you a bet. All you ever talk about is being a pro hockey player, but there's a problem: you're not any good! You hate me don't you? The flow all good things. The fact that this commercial is one of the most memorable scenes in such a timeless and heavily quoted movie is a huge win for Subway. I *wanted* to but I just couldn't do it. Nov 24, 2014 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. $7.95 delivery Jan 30 - Feb 2 . You're the best. Then who knows? Oh, I'm sorry about that. Bruce Campbell auditioned for the role of Shooter McGavin. Technical Specs, [referring to Terry, while sitting on her bed inside her room in the nursing home], [arrvies at Grandma's house to see a bunch of boxes outside her house], [Gets thrown out of the house by Happy and smashes through Grandma's front glass door and rolls down the porch stairs]. [arrvies at Grandma's house to see a bunch of boxes outside her house] Energy. ARE YOU TOO GOOD FOR YOUR Grandma: Sir, could I trouble you for a glass of warm milk? Harness energy, block bad. All good things. Soon after, the ball bounces on a green and rolls into the hole, making a hole in one. Happy Gilmore: I'm sorry baby I didn't mean that either. "All you ever talk about is being a pro hockey player, but, there's a problem", Happy thinks he is singing to Teri, his now ex-girlfriend, "You can't just take her stuff, she's TOO OLD", Chubbs tells Happy about how he lost his hand, "Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass", "Are you going to recite me a poem? Nursing Home Orderly [Happy hitting a big drive], Beep.wav(132K) Happy: Damn it! Chubbs: [Happy Gilmore cheers and uses a golf club to do bull dance]. : Happy Gilmore - Waterbury Open Badge Design Essential T-Shirt. Look at that. 364 days until next year's hockey tryouts, I have to toughen up. ", "Happy Gilmore, you're starting to sound like a golfer", Mr. Larson (Happy's former boss) threatens Shooter, "I had to hit it off Frankenstein's fat foot", ohyeah.mp3 Get out. Happy Gilmore: Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago. Happy Gilmore: [voice over narration] Uh, who won that fight, anyway? . Hey, you've got one eye, Chubbs. I don't hate you. [to Shooter] Jack Ass! See, they gave me this card: free Subway for life. [after having been suspended for fighting with Bob Barker] Get off of me! Happy Gilmore "The price is wrong, Bitch. I hate that Bob Barker! The hockey player Happy mentions in the beginning of the film is Terry O'Reilly. Vancouver featured prominently among all the Happy Gilmore filming locations. Jackass! Well I got his HEAD! All you ever talk about is becoming a pro hockey player, but there's a problem: you're not any good. Happy Gilmore: Happy's shaggy homeless caddy (Allen Covert) is named Otto in the credits. [intentionally antagonizing Happy] Shooter's gonna choke! Shooter McGavin: Chubbs: ANSWER ME! We have to take the house and if you can't get the money together in 90 days, we're gonna have to sell the house to someone else. Happy Gilmore, come on down! [Happy leaves; Virginia follows; Shooter smirks in triumph]. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Golf's no different from Hockey. "You're a lousy kindergarten teacher", likethat.mp3 [jumps on the hood of his car] [standing outside the batting cage] "OuuuuHappy learned how to putt. Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey! It also is featured in Man on the Moon (1999). It makes me hungry. There is *no* way that you could have been as bad at hockey as you are at golf! Adam Sandler later worked with Burt Reynolds nine years after Happy Gilmore (1996) in The Longest Yard (2005), which was a remake of The Longest Yard (1974), in which Burt Reynolds previously appeared. It's circular. die_clown.mp3 Happy Gilmore I'm afraid that's impossible, sir. ball. You should talk to my neighbor, the accountant. ", hg-breakfast.wav It's like a carousel. Damned alligator BIT my hand off! Happy Gilmore Grandma, you didn't pay your taxes? Happy: You eat pieces of shit for breakfast? Answer: Lee Trevino. $16.95 $ 16. You lay another finger on me, I burn the house down and piss on the ashes. Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. Happy Gilmore T-ShirtVintage Happy Gilmore Baseball Cap. Richard Kiel played the Frankenstein monster in The Monkees: I Was a Teenage Monster (1967). Ah ah. With plenty of slapstick humor and hilarious product placements (i.e., the subway commercial in the middle of the film), Happy Gilmore did not fear doing whatever it took to get the people . You wanna go to the Sizzler and get some grub? Share the best GIFs now >>> He's a publicist's *dream*. Happy Gilmore: Adam Sandler initially offered the role of the nursing home orderly to Rob Schneider. Happy Gilmore (clown laughter) "I hate that clown." And now I have a new reason: kicking your ass! This is a biggie, time's ticking. Happy Gilmore: Early in the movie, Chubbs tells Happy he could win a gold jacket, to which Happy responds, "Gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit?" Imgflip supports all fonts installed on your device including the default Windows, Mac, and web fonts, including bold and italic. [intentionally antagonizing Happy] Virginia: And you have to . They wouldn't let me play on the Pro Tour anymore. Don'tGo.wav(294K) Happy: Please don't go. McDonald was driving in the Lake Arrowhead area on a Saturday night when he drove his classic silver Porsche off the highway, taking out a gas meter at Stater Bros. and ended up in an embankment. (Sounds of a ball rolling) Happy: Yeah!! Well, Real Estate is a hobby of mine Shooter McGavin: Happy Gilmore: He's never called by his name by any of the characters, but his name tag says "Hal L". See, they gave me this card: free Subway for life." ~ Happy Gilmore. I just may! Since it's about golf, that makes it a comedy. Happy's Girlfriend: I am not spending the rest of my life with a loser. I'm not taking her stuff, alright? She's too old. When his . Nobody save for maybe Mike Myers can pretend to make fun of shameless product placement in movies while shamelessly placing products into movies the way Adam Sandler can. Happy Gilmore: ,Happy Gilmore: IRS Agent: KickMyOwnAss.wav(39K) I didn't think so", "If you beat him up tonight, I've got to get up in the morning and explain to the papers", "Circluar, circle, with the music, the flow. Hey! ", hg-clown.wav Mover Get ready to tee off with the best quotes from Happy Gilmore. Happy Gilmore: . I just couldn't get the ball in the hole. Happy: I want to kiss you all over and over and again. The following were used in the making of this site: "Adam Sandler." Wikipedia.Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Schneider turned it down because he wanted Sandler to use more famous people and not always rely on his friends to play all the characters in his movies. Soon after, the ball bounces on a green and rolls into the hole, making a hole in one. The crowd goes wild] Happy Gilmore : [shouts] He shoots, he scores! A fizzled hockey player takes his slap shot and violent impulses to the golf course in an attempt to win enough prize money to save his grandma's house. It's all in the hips. OneReason.wav(45K) Joe Flaherty (I) as Jeering Fan "You suck, ya jackass. 1996 | Maturity Rating: PG-13 | 1h 31m | Sports Movies. [while driving, pours leftover subway food on her] You have been doing this your whole life. [Happy hits the sandwich off a tee and straight into the fan's open mouth]. She's dead. Bob Barker: IRS Agent Weekley replicated it after his tee shot on the first hole and went on to defeat Wilson 4 & 2, with Team USA winning by 16 to 11 for their first Ryder Cup victory since their famous comeback in 1999. What's going on here, huh? Happy are you okay? What do ya say? Shut up, Happy. Happy Gilmore: [Punches Happy in the gut, then proceeds to punch him in the face ten times, sending Happy falling into a pond]. Bay also appeared in the 1998 series finale of Seinfeld (1989), as did Ben Stiller's father, Jerry Stiller (in his recurring role as Frank Costanza). Grandma? [to the IRS Agent] [while getting pelted with baseballs inside the batting cage] You little son of a bitch ball! Requires talent and self discipline. Grandma? You're very good-looking. Shooter McGavin: Sorry Shooter, there's nothing I can do. Happy Gilmore It's all in the hips. Sitedeki tm videolar tantm amaldr.. Les meilleurs rpliques de Happy gilmore ! Doin' the Bull Dance. [stopping Happy from fighting Shooter] Happy Gilmore: Enter your credit card, billing and shipping . The two of them walk away, Picks up beer bottle and smashes it in half, Shooter McGavin is holding a speech for other golf players, after bending Shooter's club and while he's quickly walking away, speaking to shooter after making his first drive of the championship, after the air conditioner falls out the window and on an old lady, to Happy as he rushes out of his apartment, referring to the man standing in front of them wearing unusual clothing and a straw hat, Shooter has just purchased Happy's Grandmothers house, Happy Gilmore cheers and uses a golf club to do bull dance, after Happy putts for Waterbury victory, sort of disappointed, Happy does a funny victory "dance" with his caddy, after Happy finally sinks his putt after 7 tries, Happy pulls the guy's shirt over his head and then punches him in the face, to himself while getting pelted with baseballs inside the batting cage, the press is interviewing Shooter McGavin, in Doug's office, after having fought with Bob Barker, impersonating the announcer for the game show, the Price is Right, Happy visits his happy place one last time, he sees Chubbs, Chubbs plays and sings "We've Only Just Begun" on the piano, Young Happy, hits a hard plastic ball into his father's forehead, Happy fires a shot, and it shatters the glass in front of the coaches, a TV is broadcasting Happy's tirade on the golf course, arrvies at Grandma's house to see a bunch of boxes outside her house, Gets thrown out of the house by Happy and smashes through Grandma's front glass door and rolls down the porch stairs, Happy leaves; Virginia follows; Shooter smirks in triumph. Happy Gilmore Bob Barker: This guy sucks! Back in 1965, Sports Illustrated said I was going to be the next Arnold Palmer. Oh my god! Little Nicky for the line "Popeye's Chicken is fucking awesome." or Happy Gilmore for having an actual Subway commercial in the movie. Before his first tournament, Happy asks Chubbs why he didn't play a real sport, "like football, or somethin'." To hell with that. But I can't, you know, because I'd get in trouble. Slightly downhill? I am good. How nice to meet you. I didn't see it, could you tell me if it went in? Happy Gilmore: All good things", "Give me one of them big ones, I don't care", where.mp3 [after missing a slap shot by far] Virginia: The film was made for $12 million and grossed a total of $41.2 million worldwide, with $38.8 million of that at the North American domestic box office. Happy Gilmore "What the BLEEP"(continual bleeping), hg-bottle.wav Happy: I AM GOOD! Come on down! Happy Gilmore: Oh, she got hit by a car. T-Shirt. Halfway through the movie, I didn't know what I wanted more: laughs, or mustard. Are you Oh, yeah. Happy: Oh, good, because I'm a hockey player. She's old. | Probably a great golfer huge ass. "Where were you on that one, dipshit? Happy Gilmore. You can't just take her stuff, she's too old! WarmMilk.wav(97K) Bob Barker studied Tang Soo Do for decades under Chuck Norris and his brother Aaron Norris. I'm sorry, I have no discretion here. However, he did play a golf pro in Tin Cup (1996). Virginia: Sir, can I trouble you for a glass of warm milk? Look at this stupid thing. Filming & Production Who the hell is Happy Gilmore? : Uh-oh! "Happy Gilmore" was released 20 years ago this week, and the movie has something of a cult following on the PGA TOUR. [shouts] Feel it. In the Waterbury Open scene, Chubbs is seen wearing a Lacoste v-neck jumper with a logo of a crocodile, very similar to Chubbs' nemesis the alligator. Step right up, folks. You took his hand. Happy's Girlfriend: You're going no where, Happy, and you're taking me with you. What do you think? What are you doing Happy? Doug Thompson: "Happy Gilmore." officially launches and restaurants open in Colombia . I mean, I can bring furniture from my place over here. To play hockey. Happy Gilmore: [referring to the man standing in front of them wearing unusual clothing and a straw hat] Get me outta here! Why don't you shut the hell up. Why didn't you just go home!! Happy's Waterbury Caddy: I realize that the commercial was . At least ten times. I gotta finish up. Although the commercial itself is a very funny part, it was just very ridiculous and over the top to have an actual Subway commercial within the movie. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse, it goes up and down, and AROUND. Grandma: And shout out to me and @kylezimmer11 for our future . I mean, look how he's standing. I don't know. I would have. Was the very first winner of the MTV Movie Award for Best Fight. What are you talking about? Both Julie Bowen(who plays Adam Sandler's love interest in this movie) and Richard Kiel were both in Tangled (2010) and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (2017-2019). google_ad_width = 728; Shooter McGavin: "You're in big trouble, lil pal - I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!" You know that alligator that got your hand? Where are you going with those clubs, punk? I bet you get a lot of that on "Let's Make A Deal.". [to Grandma] Happy's Girlfriend: Yeah? I just may. Check out the name tag. IRS Agent Sandler then re-wrote the role for Bob Barker who agreed to appear in the film. ?? So you decided to headbud Bob Barker? Happy Gilmore: And Grizzly Adams had a beard. Happy Gilmore: See, they gave me this card: free Subway for life. [to the clown hole at the mini-golf course after it spits out his ball] It happens. Virginia: . [grimaces in embarrassment] Suck my white ass ball! How you doing, Happy? [in Doug's office, after having fought with Bob Barker]. Mr. Larson: You're gonna need a blanket and suntan lotion, cause you're never gonna get off that beach, just like the way you never got into the NHL you jackass! Here's what some of the players had to say about the Adam Sandler classic. Bob Barker: Happy Gilmore: Workin' it. You no want breakfast? Happy Gilmore: But I didn't have any money. Sir, can I trouble you for a glass of warm milk? Shooter McGavin: 2. This is going to be hilarious. But if you miss, you got to give me a big fat kiss. BEAT IT! Well, You're a little banged up but no serious injuries. Tough.wav(282K) [scene when Happy gets in the batting cage and takes balls to the head]. Rent Happy Gilmore (1996) starring Adam Sandler and Christopher McDonald on DVD and Blu-ray. Oh, man. It's circular. Shooter McGavin "NO", hg-closer.wav | Chubbs: Soon after, the ball bounces on a green and rolls into the hole, making a hole in one. Do you always carry a puck with you? You know what's driving *me* crazy? Clothing. Shooter McGavin: He and Bob Barker are now dead-last. [Happy hits a bad shot] So you had a fight with a game show host on national TV. Yeah it is about time. Whoa, look pal, my grandfather built this house with his bare hands and my Grandma's been here over 60 years. [Happy gets out] You gotta rise above it. "Yeah!! This is not hockey, Mr. Gilmore, no matter how much you want it to be. I think I just killed her! Mrs. Gilmore owes the IRS $270,000 in back taxes. | The concept was inspired by Adam Sandler's childhood friend Kyle who was a hockey player. Oh, well, now your back's gonna hurt, 'cause you just pulled landscaping duty. How am I supposed to chip with that going on? google_ad_slot = "7608030754"; At the bottom, Happy headbutts Bob]. A wannabe hockey player discovers he may have a talent for a different sport: golf. I don't want a *piece* of you, I want the *whole thing*! Happy's Subway commercial. Just easin' the tension! We have to take the house and if you can't get the money together in 90 days, we're gonna have to sell the house to someone else. Bob Barker beats down Adam Sandler, the meestah meestah lady jumps on a moving car/gets crushed by an air conditioner, and Happy goes crazy on a mechanic clown. Beat him on the course. Comedy, Sports and Fitness. All Rights Reserved. THEN GET THE HELL OUT OF MY LIFE! Happy: I was put on this planet for one reason. That house is like four hundred yards away. [after Happy putts for Waterbury victory, sort of disappointed] Look, I know that and I'm sorry, all right? ", "Looks more like a country club than a nursing home", "You could trouble me for a warm glass of SHUT THE HELL UP", "Step right up folks! [Happy turns to Chubbs] Happy Gilmore : Oh, man. You can't just take her stuff. Happy tackles Bob, resulting in both of them rolling down a hill. I've seen those finger paintings you bring home AND THEY SUCK! Hey, why don't I just go eat some hay, make things out of clay, lay by the bay? Shooter McGavin: Damn you people. Ever since I was old enough to skate, I loved hockey. Happy Gilmore: This movie and Employee of the Month (2006) feature one of the actors singing the song "Kiss You All Over" by Exile (1978). //-->, bitch.mp3 Now's not the time. We're gonna be okay, Grandma. Happy: Good luck. Fine. [Happy walks into Doug Thompson's office]. Yeah, everyone's coming around. Happy Gilmore is a 1996 American sports comedy film directed by Dennis Dugan and produced by Robert Simonds.It stars Adam Sandler as the title character, an unsuccessful ice hockey player who discovers a newfound talent for golf. Happy Gilmore: Doug Thompson: Happy Gilmore : That's what I call a hole-in-one. There was some guy out there giving me crap, and it took every ounce of my energy not to hit him. Virginia: Mover: Subway sandwich from Happy Gilmore -Quotes | Anyclip, I don't wanna hear it. Announcer: My Puck.wav(66K) You can't take her house. : Check the "Share this folder" check box and then click on the "OK" button. You better relax, Bob. "You just made a fatal mistake, Mr Candy-Ass!". 2. [Young Happy, hits a hard plastic ball into his father's forehead]. I would have. We're gonna be okay, Grandma. First released on February 16, 1996, the Adam Sandler movieabout a hockey player-turned-aggressive . I've seen the work you bring home from school and it's terrible.". Or I will PUT you to sleep. You can trouble me for a warm glass of shut-the-hell-up! JackAss2.wav(41K) Once during a game, he jumped into the stands at Madison Square Garden and fought with a fan. You've got to kick him off the tour. breakfast! Why you don't you just go HOME? Hey, if i saw myself in those clothes I'd have to kick my own ass. He shoots, he scores! Now you're gonna get it, Bobby! [to Shooter] Mr. Gilmore, I'm your caddy! Chubbs: Grandma : [watching Happy's Subway commercial] It makes me hungry. Talk about your all-time backfires! Let me carry these, alright, they were my grandfather's, they're pretty old. JackAss1.wav(29K) Chubbs: Happy Gilmore. That's right, I'm gonna beat your ass on the course! #HappyGilmore #Subway #GolfDon't forget to like and subscribe! . 151. When he learned that he was going to win the fight with Adam Sandler, he accepted the role. *Now* you've had enough bitch. All right, maybe we should get back inside. shit.mp3 Cold-cut combo from Subway! "Spoken like a true asshole." ~ Chubbs. A page for describing YMMV: Happy Gilmore. Nobody, Grandma. Jerry Thornton 7/15/2020 5:53 AM. Happy Gilmore: Shooter: Your in big trouble though, pal. That's two thus far, Shooter. : Happy Gilmore: Happy: I'm stupid. From Happy Gilmore 1996Enjoy More @JCH 007. Get out the way. [in slow motion, Happy hits a ball a great distance. See if you can out drive the amazing Golf Ball, uh, Whacker Guy! Where are you taking all her stuff? Happy: Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. Announcer: tournament down in Florida. [watching Happy's Subway commercial] Happy Gilmore: 4. Sorry. In October 2017, Christopher MacDonald was arrested for drunk driving. It's over. While Caddyshack is widely regarded as the greatest golf movie ever made, this is undoubtedly the second greatest.. What are you talking about? Easy", "More time in the sand than David Hasselhoff", "I just couldn't get the ball in the hole", "A guy who can drive the ball that far, he could really draw a crowd", "Anybody else's fingers hurt? Distant neighbor: Time to go home there, Happy Gilmore: Happy Gilmore: Virginia: Really? : Happy: Hey, if I saw myself in clothes like those I'd have to kick my own ass. "(Sounds of the clown spitting out Happy's Golf ball) [to Happy] In 2016, Verne Lundquist stated he still gets a monthly $34 check from the Screen Actors Guild for his appearance in the film. The only two true PGA golfers in the movie are Mark Lye (the golfer who talks to Happy at the cocktail party) and Lee Trevino (the silent golfer who shakes his head in disbelief, only saying the line "Grizzly Adams did have a beard.") You're gonna give that shit up. "alot of censored swearing", bottle.mp3 Who are you waving at, Happy? Happy Gilmore: Give me my ball, come on, pop it up, you dirty bastard. Hang on, I'll be right down there! The various golf tournaments are sponsored by AT&T . Shooter McGavin: Waterbury Open 1996 - Happy Gilmore Essential T-Shirt. Oh, he's gonna be on the tour that's that's super. You want a piece of me? /* happy-gilmore */ Steve enjoys golfing with the guys, grilling on Saturdays, and shopping for polos at Jcpenny while his wife looks at "lady stuff." Steve dreams of one day taking his family on a trip to a "less fortunate" country, in hopes that his children will learn to appreciate what they have.
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