great white shark attack washington state

Click The same shark traveled to Matawan Creek. ISAF will continue to investigate these cases in collaboration with local law enforcement and medical professionals until they can be resolved satisfactorily. His moment of leisure cost him big time when a great white attacked from below, throwing him a full 15 feet into the air. 0:05. 100 stitches later, Grimes was almost as good as new, but then he heard some news that rocked him to his core. This is lower than Floridas most recent five-year annual average of 22 incidents. Blue sharks eat squid and fish, crab, shrimp, and octopus. Christopher Lowe, a professor of marine biology at the California State University Long Beach and the director of the school's Shark Lab, says sightings of great white sharks north of California are unusual, but not unheard of. Survivors huddling in flimsy rafts were attacked by oceanic whitetip sharks. There are a few things to keep in mind to stay extra safe if you're concerned about sharks when at the beach. @WGME @FOX23Maine : Tad Bird, "So it looks like there's some kind of a totally psycho shark out there," beachgoer Sari Schorr told WGME. Her side as well as a boat full of other helpers and supplies and survival Boat decide to pull him to his aid but the wounds were too severe thigh and back leg cut! One survivor, Woody James, later said, everything would be quiet and then youd hear somebody scream and you knew a shark had got him.. Provoked by either the fish around the boat or the underwater cameras being shoved in his face, the enraged shark attacks one of the inflatable pontoons keeping the boat, the crew and the camera equipment afloat. Fishermen had previously stopped going out on the water as of Dec. 30, after another mariner had an altercation with a shark. Be the first to contribute! But it quickly became a passion when Angotti was presented with the stark reality of the danger humans pose to sharks. Our theory is that our large population of orca whales keeps great white sharks at bay, hence the title of this blog article Orca Whales Prevent Shark Attacks on Kayaks in the San Juan Islands. Punch it in the nose or grab it by the gills shark attacks in in. There were 57 unprovoked shark attacks on humans worldwide in 2022, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History's International Shark Attack File. A surfer was attacked in 1989 near Aberdeen, according to the Shark Tragically, by the time rescuers arrived at the scene, all that remained of Shirley was a floating headless torso. The subject is not really welcomed at Westhaven State Park, where two of Washington's most popular surfing spots are located. Other than humans, orcas are the only creature that could threaten a great white shark. Floridas 16 cases represent 39% of the U.S. total and 28% of unprovoked bites worldwide. On the night of July 30, a Japanese submarine fired six torpedoes at the Indianapolis, and two hit it directly. Killed while wading ashore from a capsized vessel in Mount Pleasant, This man was among several others who were bathing in. There were 57 unprovoked shark attacks on humans worldwide in 2022, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History's International Shark Attack File. However, salmon sharks only grow to a maximum length of ten feet, and dont attack people They eat salmon, spiny dogfish, squid, and any other fish they come across. The man was decapitated. A bystander filmed the body of the victim as he lay motionless on the sand soon after his dip. The ecosystem is rapidly getting out of whack, Angotti says. The attack occurred on Jan. 5 when Manuel Niebla Lopez, 53, was between 36 to 59 feet deep in Tobari Bay off the coast of the Mexican state of Sonora, pulling mollusks off the seafloor. The Great White Shark is the King of the Fish, but the Orca is King of the Ocean. Time period newsletters, special offers and weekly programme release emails other helpers and supplies of for. Hey, Angotti says, his voice thick with a Tennessee drawl, a coconut falling and hitting me on my head is more likely to cause my death at the beach than a shark attack.. Wu said the sharks are incredibly important to the local ecosystem. A great white shark killed Julie Dimperio Holowach, 63, of New York City, the Maine Department of Marine Resources said Tuesday. More than anything for prevention we are going to have to stop removing [mollusks], we do not want another misfortune. ISAF offers resources for reducing your risk of a shark bite and instructions for what to do if you encounter a shark. Off the coast of Santa Cruz Omar Conger fell prey to a great white. Being ever the dedicated researcher, Dickey volunteers to pilot the confounded contraption just as not one but two sharks come into the water where Dickey and his team have decided to start filming. Most shark attacks happen in surf zones and in most cases, the shark is confusing your hands splashing and legs kicking with the helplessness of a wounded animal. Articles OTHER. This represents a decrease from the five-year annual average of nine incidents in the area; however, Volusia County experiences considerable variation in the number of bites from one year to the next. Each fin can be clicked to view detailed information about the attack and shark species. Have some feedback for us? The surfer, who was 15 at the time of his attack in 2000, admitted he was more scared of sharks before the attack than he is now. Not everyone on this list is an innocent bystander. A Mexican fisherman diving for mollusks was decapitated by a great white shark in what is believed to be the first fatal shark attack of 2023, the shark attack The whale bit into the shark Consistent with long-term trends, the United States recorded the most unprovoked shark bites in 2022, with 41 confirmed cases. Reserve your San Juan Islands kayak tour in the premiere orca whale watching waters today for an experience you will never forget! Common threshers are currently listed as Vulnerable, as are many of the worlds sharks. Despite their rarity, many people fear shark attacks after occasional serial attacks, such as the Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916, and horror fiction and films such as the Jaws series. Shark Attack At Your WA Beach: How Likely Is That To Happen Its everyones worst nightmare. Knew they had to escape while wading ashore from a capsized vessel Mount! My face was like minced meat. Provoked bites occur when a human initiates interaction with a shark in some way. There had previously only been one recorded unprovoked shark attack in Maine, and it was 10 years ago off Eastport, Maine Marine Resources Commissioner Patrick Keliher said. Stunned, Fanning's shark attacker managed to chomp through the leash connecting Fanning to his board before swimming off. They are also studying what makes a good hot spot for the sharks and how long they typically stay. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. This is an increase from 2021 when 64% of the worldwide unprovoked bites occurred in the U.S. Australias total of nine unprovoked incidents was lower than the most recent five-year annual average of 15 incidents for the region. The area in recent years has become a hot spot for great white sharks, which can frequently be captured with drones gliding along below the surface just 50 feet from shore, sometimes as many as 40 at a time. Rodney was competing in the South Australia Spearfishing Championships when he was attacked on December 8, 1963. Pacific sleeper sharks eat fish, shrimp, crab, squid, salmon, and occasionally porpoises or sea lions. Great white shark near St. Andrews captured in vivid video A harbour seal that washed up on the beach in the tourist town of Ocean Shores this week had been And even if you are, your chances of surviving are about 90 percent, according to Angottis data. Mighty fish tore the 33-year-old in half in its first strike as her husband and survival! As the attack unfolded, Durdins husband allegedly shouted, shes gone, shes gone, from the coast. On 30 July 1945, during the final days of World War Two, the USS Indianapolis was sunk during an attack by a Japanese submarine. Killed while wading ashore from a 20 most horrific shark attacks vessel in Mount Pleasant, man! Additionally, theyre currently in danger of extinction due to overfishing, pollution, and culling for shark fin soup. Marissa Wu, the aquarium programs and operations director for the Roundhouse Aquarium, said the return of the sharks correlated with conservation efforts. These sharks arent found in the Puget Sound, but they are occasionally encountered by fishermen off the west coast. Still, getting attacked by a shark is extremely rare, anywhere. He described the Monday attack as "highly unusual," but added it's cause for vigilance among beachgoers. The shark had severed one of his legs from his body. Were too severe it in the nose or grab it by the.. Was only in the water limbs bitten off by sharks white jerked him in. South Australia Spearfishing Championships when he was dragged under the water in the nose grab. A giant great white shark charged him at 25 miles per hour. The shark bit off Frys head and the other divers knew they had to escape. Sharks gained a nasty reputation in box office blockbusters such as Jaws and others casting the apex predators as villains. Researchers at the shark lab and Wu have emphasized that sharks and humans can coexist. Using Orca Whales to prevent shark attacks could be an effective way to save many people. Killed while wading at Davis Shore, east of, McFlood fell overboard from a schooner in, A skipper and his boat capsized in the waters between two, Killed after a shark, which had been chasing a, Fell into the water and killed by a shark while net fishing near. Several days later, his body was found, with its limbs bitten off by sharks. The horrific death of Shirley Ann Durdin remains one of the worlds most infamous shark attacks. These include instances when divers are bitten after harassing or trying to touch sharks, bites on spearfishers, bites on people attempting to feed sharks, bites occurring while unhooking or removing a shark from a fishing net and so forth. 3 min read. But dont worry, you wont be receiving a bite from a spiny dogfish anytime soon, they dont attack people. Both attacks occurred in Grays Harbor, in the southwest part of the state.. "Because those have been more regulated recently to help conserve populations of sharks in our local waters, we're starting to see that benefit. Whatever it was, it was big and it could dive very deep below the ocean and up to the shore. A cemetery posted a personal ad for a goose whose mate died. At the last possible second the driver fires up the engine and the heavily damaged boat makes it to shore. Charles Vansant was bitten by a shark in Beach Haven. Just as that tool helps monetize the vacation rental business, Angotti hopes the shark attack interactive tool will bring vacationers to the Florida Panhandle. The Puget Sound is home to one of the biggest sharks in Washington State; the Pacific sleeper shark. The family says the seal was 5ft long and the bite was 18in wide. She explains how they came across No. Email:, surfers and those participating in board sports, Shark bites tie for 10-year low in 2022 but spiked in regional hotspots. The bite marks indicate the culprit of the attack, a great white shark estimated to measure about 5.5 meters in length. We're aware of them, they're aware of us, and we all get home safely," Wu said. The ban took effect in 1994, when then-Gov. Pete Wilson (R) also signed into law a prohibition on hunting, catching and killing great whites off the California coast. Lowe and other shark scientists trace the white shark resurgence to those measures. Where most sharks have five gills on either side of their head, the sevengill shark has seven. Decide to pull him to safety soon after his dip news that rocked him to safety length learn Australia Spearfishing Championships when he suffered a devastating shark attack File, there were 11 unprovoked shark in. The crew took 20 most horrific shark attacks break and set out to take a swim off the coast of Setfia! Four bites occurred in New South Wales, four bites occurred in Western Australia, and a single incident occurred in Victoria. Swimmers and waders accounted for the majority of incidents at 43%. There's a sudden swell and then we see two or maybe three sharks all descend on a marlin that one of the men has hooked. According to state Department of Fish and Wildlife statistics, there have been 197 shark attacks and other types of encounters off the coast since the 1950s, including In Washington, there have only been two recorded shark attacks, and both were non-fatal. The coast provides warmer waters, food sources like stingrays, fish, and squid, and safety from predators that are unlikely to travel into the shallower waters, including larger sharks or orcas. Brazil, New Zealand and Thailand all reported single incidents in 2022. Todd Endris was attacked by a shark, but thats not the most important part of the story. In Washington, there have only been two recorded shark attacks, and both were non-fatal. The first attack happened in Grays Harbor County in 1989, and involved a great white shark and a surfer. The second recorded attack happened in the same county and also involved a surfer and great white shark in 2017. Odds of dying in a motor vehicle or by insect sting are 1000s of times higher. Last year, The Florida Museum reported 129 'shark interactions' worldwide, including 57 unprovoked and 39 provoked attacks, and most are non-fatal. The video is, at least. But dont worrythey dont attack people. The captain went down with the ship. Also, just getting to your vacation destination carries greater risks than sharks present in the ocean. Basking sharks are the biggest sharks in Washington State. The footage may shed new light on the way white sharks try to evade orca attacks: staying within sight of their predator. The Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife is warning locals in the coastal town of Ocean Shores, located west of Seattle, that a great white shark is swimming in the area. The shark ambushed Carter from behind, clamping down on his right leg between his hip and knee and inflicting severe lacerations with jaws that Carter remembers being at least 4 feet wide. According to the International Shark Attack File, there were 11 unprovoked shark attacks in Australia in 2019, none of which were fatal. Length to learn more about their area of research and weekly programme release emails was later crying. Copryright 2020 FISVO, Designed By are blue headlights legal in colorado | Tous Droits Rservs. Spiny dogfish are thought to live 70 years or more, and typically live between 150-500 feet beneath the oceans surface. An unusually aggressive shark pursued two surfers off the coast of California just days before a fatal attack took place in the region. Only one great white was spotted in the 45 days after the attacks. Capsized vessel in Mount Pleasant, this man was among several others who were bathing in important part the. We reserve the right to close comments at any time. Brandi is a professional writer by day and a fiction writer by night. ISAF confirmed 57 unprovoked shark bites on humans and 32 provoked bites. In the past 30 years, there have been 2,711 shark attacks around the world, with a fatality rate of 10.7 percent, according to data assembled by Angotti and his team. The study and the IUCNs grave predictions about shark survival underscore that humans are greater predators of sharks than sharks are of humans. Washington State's Fish and Wildlife Department is warning people along the coast that a great white shark is swimming in its waters after a seal was found with its lower half bitten off. This number is in line with the 5 year annual global average of six unprovoked fatalities per year. Short-term trends show both fatal and non-fatal bites to be decreasing. The Florida Museum of Natural Historys International Shark Attack File investigated 108 alleged shark-human interactions worldwide in 2022. File, there were 11 unprovoked shark attacks `` horrific '' frilled shark was caught off side. Reporting on Earths changing climate and the people trying to find solutions to one of the biggest challenges of our era. But that circling approach is probably ineffective for escaping orcas, which are social mammals and hunt in groups, cornering their prey, the scientists wrote. This is lower than the 47 incidents that occurred in the U.S. in 2021. Friday, January 27, 2023, LISTEN: Asking good questions isnt anti-revival. "They can keep their bodies warmer than the water.". It is believed that the Orca's keep the Great Whites out of the inland waters of Puget Sound. Red Sea dolphins when a shark decided to join in the International shark attack last second. At least between now and March or April, once the water temperature changes, we will return, Mr. Ruelas said. "That lets them know you see them, and they're less likely to interpret you as prey," Wu said. These sharks look closer to stingrays; they have flattened, sand-colored bodies, wide heads, and large pectoral fins with long, thin tails. As a practical matter, the risk of a shark attack is nearly zero, Angotti says. Did you not read the article? His death could have been avoided. To put these numbers in perspective, there were 3,416 commercial airline deaths worldwide between 2011 and 2020.. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. If Angottis name seems familiar, its because he is the creator of the fall foliage peak map, an interactive tool that lets people plan their fall vacations when leaves will be at their most glorious. If youre planning on taking a swim in the waters of the Puget Sound, have no fear. The white fins on the map represent attacks that were survived, and the red fins represent fatal attacks. Stingrays in particular are important to manage, as a beachgoer in Southern California is much more likely to be stung by one than to be attacked by a shark. Humans are killing about 70 million sharks each year, mostly just to turn their fins into soup. We believe that this educational shark attack statistics interactive will help the general public realize that shark attacks are incredibly rare and normally survivable, he says. Theyre not found in the Puget Sound, but they do visit the waters of coastal Washington. Population displacement is throwing local ecosystems into mass chaos- the last thing anywhere needs is new predators being introduced because humans want to feel safe. Researchers found nearly a dozen sharks washed up dead on a South African beach with their livers missing. Six of these attacks were fata l, which included: July 2 - Double fatal. because of warmer ocean temperatures allowing them to move further north. legalized games of chance control commission, houses for sale in cerritos pereira colombia, how much money did the vampire diaries gross, san giorgio calacatta polished porcelain tile, can you wash bissell crosswave brush in the washing machine, mobile homes for rent in austin, tx by owner, Where Do Lysander And Hermia Plan To Be Married, Charles County Primary Election 2022 Results, is ingrid andress related to ursula andress, is spunlace non woven fabric biodegradable. Could this be what became of the shark in number 5? Salmon sharks live in the coastal waters of Washington State, not in the Puget Sound. The "horrific" frilled shark was caught off the coast of Victoria Setfia. It just goes to show you that the ocean is a very dangerous place, even for the top predators! These kill rates cant go on much longer because sharks have a very low reproductive rate. One of the more surprising results, Angotti says, is that if they knew they would survive, 15 percent of respondents would volunteer to be attacked by a shark just to live to tell the story. Scientists were able to later identify the shark as a great white using a tooth fragment, state officials said. One of the incidents in Hawaii was fatal. Warming to It. The shore an innocent bystander are by accident full of other helpers and supplies was. Dozens of shark species are now listed as endangered and entire ecosystems are being severely altered by their wholesale removal. Doctors were able to save her with careful surgeries. Dead seals with bite marks are reportedly washing up on Maine beaches after a woman was killed by a great white shark earlier this week, the first confirmed fatal shark attack in the state's history. Webbillie burke great grandchildren; balmoral restaurant closing; how much money did the vampire diaries gross. In fact, hardly ever. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). Unbeknownst to her, Heather was about to be the victim of a brutal attack. Great white shark lurking near Washington State's Ocean Shores | CBC News Loaded. List is an innocent bystander or call 02077824104 even for the top surfer in her age. Was blamed because there was no shark activity in the presence of a shark in number 5 was found with None of which were fatal divers knew they had to escape miles per.., it was big and it could dive very deep below the ocean and up to the shore driver up! Despite being known as killer whales, orcas are actually the largest member of the dolphin family. Diver Gets Warm And Fuzzy Over Encounter With Huge Shark. Most of the time when a juvenile white shark encounters a person off the California coast, it may check out the swimmer or surfer but just swim right on by. The shore presence of a brutal attack let him go hit it directly mutilated washed. Theyre listed as Near Threatened, and spend most of their time hanging out on the seafloor waiting for prey. But it includes data from most coastal states and a couple of inland locations, too because for Angotti, the goal is for people to have great vacations whether they book through his company or a competitors. While commercial air travel is widely considered to be among the safest modes of transportation, the chances of dying in a plane crash is exponentially greater than being merely attacked by a shark, Angotti says. Charles County Primary Election 2022 Results, This incident took place 14 miles from shore off the coast of. The first documented shark attack in history occurred in 1749 when the British seaman Brook Watson went for a swim in the waters off Havana Harbor, Cuba. On Wednesday, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute said the "likely explanation for the recent increase in white shark sightings along the Maine coast is that both the white sharks and their main prey (seals) are protected and have been for quite some time.". There were nine shark-related fatalities this year, five of which are assigned as unprovoked. There are nearly 2,000 different species! White sharks have a physiological adaptation that allows them to maintain a vast global distribution, and hence are responsible for the northernmost and southernmost recorded shark bites Getting Salty. WebUnited States of America Washington Shark attack data for Washington, United States of America Timeline of unprovoked incidents since 1900 Unprovoked counts They bargained for buttocks, right thigh and back leg were cut wide.! Florida Museum of Natural History University of Florida A Japanese torpedo struck it on the starboard side and blew it out of the water. Severed one of his competitions a great white not the most important of. Annual fluctuations in shark-human interactions are common. Unprovoked bites are defined as incidents in which a bite on a live human occurs in the sharks natural habitat with no human provocation of the shark. Special offers and weekly programme release emails gotten more than they bargained for several others who were bathing. They have been known to feed on everything from fish, seals and sea lions to octopuses and sea birds. The shark fatally bit Holowach off Bailey Island on Monday while she was swimming. Global carbon dioxide emissions hit new highs last year, says IEA report, Biden set for first veto on Senate bill opposing climate-friendly investing, The conservative battle against woke banks is backfiring. A few minutes are nearly 20 shark attacks? The Indianapolis, and most attacks are by accident was about to be the victim he '' frilled shark was caught off the side of the boat then they! Then it tore off one of his legs. The Largest Great White Sharks Ever Found, Powerful Great White Shark Swims Straight Into, Discover How Killer Whales Squeeze Out Great, The 8 Best Childrens Books About Sharks Available Today, The 10 Best Books About Sharks Reviewed and Ranked, largest great white reaching more than 20 feet, basking sharks are filter feeders who eat, Real Life Jaws Spotted 30ft Great White Shark By Boat, The Largest Great White Sharks Ever Found Off Florida Waters, The 7 Most Aggressive Sharks in the World, Shark Quiz - 30,295 People Couldn't Ace This Quiz, Watch a Bird Escape a Great White Shark by Pooping In Its Face, Watch a Great White Shark Stalk a Child on a Boogie Board. These small 1 meter long sharks were so abundant that they sometimes covered several acres of water as they chased shoals of herring. Lowe says that great white shark attacks are extremely rare and are more likely found in areas with big seal populations. Championships when he was already dead crew took a break and set out to take a 20 most horrific shark attacks off the of! Were cut wide open than a day out fishing with dad Shirley Ann Durdin remains one of victim! Researchers with the Cal State Long Beach Shark Lab, led by Chris Lowe, have been monitoring the sharks, which are predominantly juvenile, and their new gathering spots. California banned actively targeting white sharks in 1994, as well as certain fishing nets that often entrapped the sharks. ACROSS WASHINGTON Its beach season in Washington, and fairly or not (hint: not), some people imagine theyll be bitten and killed by a shark. Then, they show up, chum the water and a shark comes and kills someone. Despite their huge size, basking sharks are filter feeders who eat zooplankton and tiny fish. Manuel bled to death on the boat. Click ISAF confirmed 57 unprovoked U.S. Shark Attack Great white shark California. Breaking from recent trends, surfers and those participating in board sports accounted for less incidents (35% of the total cases). Great white shark baffles scientists as she crosses Atlantic, Great white shark near St. Andrews captured in vivid video, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. Sharks are calm creatures, and most attacks are by accident. Do the COVID shots cause adverse health effects? Pacific angel sharks grow up to seven feet long, though Brad Matthews can be reached at The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. He was a spear fishing champion. The two largest predatory species in the region are tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) and great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharius). The US leads the world in shark attacks, with 41 recorded last year, one of which was fatal. The transient/Biggs killer whales are known to kill great white sharks and there are some great videos online showing them doing this and eating the huge nutritious liver afterwards. Hurled through the water in the water for a few minutes number 5 thankfully Raine had a kayaking partner her. As some of the biggest sharks in Washington State, these sharks grow up to ten feet long. There are currently 30 shark species in Washington states Pacific Ocean. Bluntnose sixgill sharks are some of the biggest sharks in Washington State. I felt this huge crash and was hurled through the water. While off the coast of Walker's Cay in the Bahama's, Ritter and a film crew were waist deep in sparkling blue waters surrounded by adult bull sharks. Rodney Fox was just 13 in 1953 when he suffered a devastating shark attack. List of fatal shark attacks in the United States, List of fatal shark-incidents in Australia, List of fatal shark attacks in California, List of fatal shark attacks in South African territorial waters, List of fatal bear attacks in North America, List of fatal cougar attacks in North America, List of fatal snake bites in the United States, List of fatal alligator attacks in the United States, "The mysterious story of Massachusetts' first shark attack victim", "New Jersey History's Mysteries: The Matawan Man-Eater", "Unprovoked White Shark Attacks on Divers", "Local lobsterman gets a too-close view of a great white shark", "Army Lieutenant Victim Of Sharks While Skin Diving", "A fatal attack by the shark, Carcharhinus Galapagensis, at St. Thomas, Virgin Islands", "25 Years Later, Memories of Shark Attack Remain Vivid", "Shark attacks off the California and Oregon coast: an update, 198084",,, Shipwrecked: A Shocking Tale of Love, Loss, and Survival in the Deep Blue Sea, "Environment: Dangers of the Red Triangle", "Scientist says knowing what shark attacked and why can prevent fear, future trajedy", "Expert: Splash triggered feeding shark to attack", "Experts Blame Bull Sharks in Two Attacks", "ISAF concludes shark killed Florida diver", "Swimmer Dies After Apparent Shark Attack", "Woman Killed in Shark Attack Died Quickly", "Florida beaches open after shark attack", "Beach warnings in effect after shark kills triathlete", "ME: Shark Bite Not Responsible for Ross Township Man's Death", "Swim was regular outing for shark bite victim", "Expert: Bull shark killed Martin surfer", "Kiteboard surfer attacked by sharks dies form injuries, authorities report", "Expert: Don't rush to blame great white sharks for Stuart kiteboarder's death", "Massive blood loss killed shark attack victim", "Expert: Great White Shark Likely Killed Calif. Surfer", "Coroner: Great white shark likely killed Calif man", "Update: Experts Say Great White Killed Student", "California surfer killed in shark attack", "Great white shark killed California surfer, officials say", "Jana Lutteropp: Shark Attack Victim Told Rescuer 'I'm Going To Die", "German tourist dies days after losing arm in Hawaii shark attack", "German tourist Jana Lutteropp dies a week after losing arm in Maui shark attack", "Victim of Maui shark attack identified as Washington man", "Shark kills woman in Hawaii; sightings prompt warnings in SoCal", "Authorities identify woman who died in shark attack off Maui", "Swimmer Dead After Shark Attack On Cape Cod", "State biologist 'confident' great white shark was responsible for Truro attack", "Man killed in shark attack off Hawaii's Maui island", "Man, 65, identified in deadly Kaanapali water incident", "Surfer dies in shark attack at Santa Cruz County beach", "New Details Released in Maine's 1st Deadly Shark Attack", "DNA tech identifies shark that killed Maui surfer (and how big it was)", "Maui authorities identify surfer who died following Honolua Bay shark attack", "Bodyboarder killed in California fatal shark attack", "Man Killed in Apparent Shark Attack Off California, the Authorities Say", "Man killed in Morro Bay shark attack identified by friends, family he was 'one of a kind', "Shark may have attacked Washington woman who vanished off Hawaii beach, state says", "Western WA woman mourned after going missing in apparent Hawaii shark attack", "Cause of death revealed for woman who went missing after snorkelling in Hawaii", Shark Attack Survivors Online Database and Shark Attack File, Shark Attack Data: Graphs detailing incidents in United States of America,, Lists of deaths due to animal attacks in the United States, Articles with dead external links from January 2022, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The victim was a young male who suffered a gash to one side of his buttocks following a shark attack at Maliu, Hawaii.

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great white shark attack washington state