going gray cold turkey

Every four weeks it was time for a touch-up. Reading all the blogs has really helped and I will keep you posted on my progress. But that's ok. I earn money as an Amazon Associate from qualifying purchases. I had been considering going grey and so, this was the perfect time to attempt it as I could save a lot by not having my hair colored. We need to stop feeding ourselves with stereotypes, which are idealized and unreal. i really want to grow out the gray! Grrrr, I wish I had not started coloring again. Always real. A pixie cut could have been an option, but I wasnt ready for a drastic change of color and cut at the same time! ALTERNATIVES TO THE LONG GRAY COLD TURKEY GROWOUT. I felt so freefree of the shackles of colorfree to be the real me. jt is a very bold and couragous move to go gray.i too am tired of hiding my authentic self and recently shaved my head to start over fresh.i am excited for my new look!Solomon said that gray hair is glory and beauty and is found in the way of righteousness! It was difficult at first but I've got used to it now; I have shoulder length wavy hair that I always wear up I only have a few more cuts to complete my transition to a fabulous silver white with darker gray at the back just like my mother and grand mother. But I have a plan. I had people walking up to me, asking me if my hair was real. Lol, nothing special! Turns out, a lot of women are sick and tired of society pressuring them into spending precious hours and dollars in hair salons. I have been going through the process of thinking about stopping colouring for about a year and then suddenly I had a shift and felt strongly that I wanted to be a more authentic me. I love my shiny, healthy, one of a kind hair now! I love love love my silver grey hair and am kicking myself for not undoing the shackles of colouring a long time ago! Its a process like everything else. My transition to gray hasnt only shown me the plan nature had with me and my silver strands., but it also has shown me what I am capable of doing. I totally hear you. After all, I had decided to get rid of all the chemicals, as well as the time and money spent on the tint! But when her hairdresser freaked out over the decision, she realized she was heading into territory that for many is a no-go zone. I could feeeeeel that I wasnt that girl. I went on a great adventure to find myself. ! NO!! This "sit and wait it out" method worked well for me. The right style, and a willingness to endure 3 months of not so great hair, allowed me a pretty fast transition. Many things in life are worth the wait and allowing your silvers to grow in naturally is another. Being myself, accepting myself and not caring about other peoples opinions that was the true self I was about to embrace completely, I went to my hair salon and asked them to lighten my hair. Firstly, I decided to get my hair cut short it had been in a bob style. This is a movement. Rookies (and I used to be one!) That day, that woman not comfortable in her own skin, terrified somebody could spot her grays, decided to embrace her natural hair. I knew I was ready and I did it cold turkey. The color is silver, grey, and an inch of brown dyed hair. My hair is very long and dyed dark brown and my roots are growing out gray with silver highlights. I have never loved my hair more. Yes! There are lots of ways to transition to gray from cold turkey by letting your hair grow out naturally like I did, to cutting your hair very . The amazing women in my life tell me every day how stunning and sophisticated I look. A different cut helps to eliminate a bulk of the hair you're trying to match or catch up to it also introduces the element of new. My mother died her hair up until she passed away and both of my sisters color as well. The next thing I knew I heard myself say, Hi! I have very black dyed hair so the skunk thing is very obvious! YOU CAN DO IT LADIES, , DO NOT LET ANYONE FORCE YOU BACK TO DYE. I feel so free without the shackles of dye. I just found you when I started looking for help on going gray. Check out my review of it. I hate the blonde and am debating colouring it back to dark brown and starting over in March. If you choose to go short, you can cut that time down tremendously. Hi Im 47 and 40% grey. I changed hair stylists when I was 38, and we switched from pull through cap frosting to foil highlights and low lights. I experienced the kind of support thats often rare to find even face to face. my hair grows fast, so after we colored it dark (what was my natural hair color) then we allowed time for the roots to grow enough that she could pick up and highlight from the root all the way out. February 24, 2022 by Ronni Diamondstein. I will look like their grandmother. I am 68 years old, retired, and healthy. Over the last 10 years or so, my stylist has highlighted it every 3rd visit to help mask the gray roots when they come in. I have received positive comments to date excepting only my origianl hairdresser. I have long hair, so underneath my old dyed hair is about three quarters a way down and the grey is coming through naturally, The colours she is using on top blend in beautifully (using a mixture of high and lowlights and she will use different shades each time). Even with the dye I am unhappy with the results~ broken hair-never the exact shade I am looking for. So after a few more color sessions on the length only -Balayage- I was done! I thought I was just growing my hair out but little did I know I was growing and changing on the inside too. Maybe you can relate. We interact, share experiences, laugh together, encourage and empower each other. For full Affiliate and Copyright Details Please Read My Terms & Conditions Page. It took me 9 months to be done with several big chops. I'm with ya Andrea! I've already cut back to washing my hair only 2x a week, and I also have an array of purple shampoos being delivered to me via Amazon and visiting friends. The root hair around my face is snow white but the rest of my hair is white, gray and brown at the roots and the rest of it is the auburnish color plus blonde highlights and dark low lights, so its a mix of many colors right now. Coping mechanisms. I dont know if anyone is still on this blog. I hope you didn't change your mind! Apr 25, 2019 - Feeling blah while going gray? My decision was based on repeated allergic reactions (that were steadily progressing to a sever breathing emergency) to dye. Do you want to try color? So, I said, sure, why not? I wear my hair pixie short to chin length bobs and most often, layered. Do you think that when the color is all gone that my hair will look a little thicker. I intend to keep going like this till all the old dye is out which probably another year or so and then I will have grey tones put in, my hair cut shorter (although not sure about that one) and then leave it alone and grow old gracefully. Bring it on ! Over 60 Hairstyles. It can be very difficult to get the people that love you the most to accept your decision. I started coloring my hair in between jobs a few years back to look younger for interviews, and I regret that decision. During a period of depression, I colored it and had so many comments about how it took off ten years of my age. Advantages of Going Gray Cold Turkey with Long Hair. I must say the hardest part for me was the patience. and so now I have made the determination.I am two weeks into it. The connection I have found in social media is surreal sometimes! This is more than just a hair color. This, added to the fact that, as a working single mom of three children, its not really practical to spend my precious time chasing my roots every week! And then something came over me. . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. These . All Images in this blog belong to the women in the picture, myself, or were used with purchase or commercial permissions. If you want to transition so no one really notices the change, then find a stylist who can take you through the process. My children are in their 20s and both have a lot of grey hair. I cut ties with people and places that have not been serving me. I do feel sad sometimes, because I am used to seeing myself with dark brown hair. I'm so glad I found this website to encourage me to keep going. What about all the stares? So if you do speak to someone, please make sure that person has had experience with transitioning gray. Going "cold turkey" is definitely challenging, but I'm now convinced that it's the best path for most women to take. I started going gray last year (age 45) and the more I looked at myself in the mirror the more I wanted to go back to coloring it. I have dyed my hair black since I was a teenager, I have light skin and blue eyes and the contrast was beautiful. i also look for products online too!! I'll take a good long time sitting on the fence, but once I make a decision, that's it. Copyright disclaimer: All content is written by Joli A. Campbell or Guests, that content belongs to QuickSilverHair or the respected author. So thankful and inspired from all these comments. These past few years were simultaneously the most difficult, most scary, most rewarding, and most freeing of all. 6. "For my hair, I need a lot of moistureI started going gray when I was 15, so every three . Anyone want to buy a few boxes of dye, cause Im never going back!! Hahaha! Salon Transition. The 3rd month was my breakthrough; I got a pixie haircut! They can then consciously use coping mechanisms to . There is a strong movement that is beginning to take shape! Hi I'm 48 and suddenly I just don't feel me, being brunette. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. All-over toning (avoiding the new growth as much as possible), after the highlight processing was complete. WOW!!! Thank you. However, I remembered how pretty my mothers hair was when she stopped coloring and allowed her grey to come in and, I had a couple friends and cousins who were allowing their grey to shine. It has been one year since I have not dyed my hair and there were times when I considered starting again and I am now at that point of no return. It will sound so cheesy, and others have said it, but you grow in many ways on this journey, and it is so much more than hair. Here are a few ways to make your cold turkey gray hair transition fun and easy! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Around the age of 45 she asked me, now, *why* do you only want highlights/lowlights instead of color? Hi Jennifer! Will switching from permanent to semi-permanent dye make my transition to gray easier? The men in my family are a little harder to get through too. I guess this will be a journey and ill probably have to come and read your wonderful posts often for encouragement!! Color correction, cold turkey, shave your head, try a pixie.Whatever floats your boat. He is a silver fox and very supportive. So, after looking at many, many gray-hairedwomen on the internet I took the plunge with the help of my supportive, skilled stylist. Have you spoken to anyone regarding using semi permanent during the transition? Thank you, Anne! The first months were the hardest because it was so weird to see my gray/silver roots grown in. I support yours, mine and all others in this huge decision and process. We will see! Supportive Instagram groups, such as @grombre, @embrace.the.gray, @silverandfree, @silversistersinternational, @cottonhairedwomen, @artinaging, @flyageless and @thesilverwomen, just to name a few, are amazing accounts supporting silver sisters. "I went blonde because I started going gray when I was 23. To Tanya, dont worry how youll look and especially dont worry about what others think. Its was almost like I wanted to create and opportunity to commemorate the experience, really give is space, honor every part of it. get a regular trim every six to eight weeks to keep your hair healthy and growing. They are colorful and they also do a great job of covering up the gray, plus they look cool and fashionable. besides, living in Vermont makes it easier too- women here seem to be more natural. Reading these posts convinces me it is the right choice. Some of these approaches include: 1. Wed love to know the name of the product your hairstylist uses! There are moments at work when I feel a bit insecure about it, but no one seems to be staring, so I guess i'm ok. I think the important thing here is to create a social conscience rooted in respect for other humans, to eliminate labels and break beauty taboos. My only thing now is that I do relax my hair and my gray hair looks its best when it is just relaxed. It was awesome seeing my natural hair revealed after all those years of using permanent hair dye! Joni's grey hair transition started when she was in her 50s, and tired of dyeing. Or to get tattoos? While you are waiting be sure avoid these common pitfalls while going gray. Those are some of the online and offline activities that help women with gray hair thrive and live their lives to the fullest! I was frustrated by the fact that I was having to color it every two weeks to get rid of the new grey regrowth coming through and I resented putting chemicals onto my scalp which might not be a healthy thing to do. The cold turkey method involves letting your gray hair grow as it is without putting any effort. Thank you. You come out the other end more confident. Firstly, I decided to get my hair cut short - it had been in a bob style. Not all stylists/colorists are created equal either, my semi permanent was applied at the salon who had assured me it would wash out.. Not so, unfortunately. AVEDA Blue Malva Shampoo for Gray Hair, and neutralizes brassiness in 33.8 fl oz/1 litre. My husband is supportive as is one of my very close female friends. I stopped dyeing my hair in September 2017, after thinking about it for several years. SITE CREDIT. I was really emotional at this stage which you can see documented in this video. Ironic since it seems to grow fast when in coloring mode. He looked me right in the eye and said, You should totally do it.. I loved it. Today. You have given me a lot of hope. I just turned 65 and have been coloring my brunette hair for 30 years. I didn't though. Heres my story about when I transitioned to gray hair and kept busy on social media platforms created for bold women like me. I am so happy I came across it. Seems to be ok but then I coloured it again! I didn't get a great reaction from my hair dresser, so have stopped going there, and currently looking for somewhere new. While at 55 years, I look much younger than my age; part of that comes from taking care of my skin in my youth and the other being DNA. These are just two of the benefits Ive discovered while transitioning to gray hair but Ive detailed out 18 more in this video! I refuse to let anyone else makle me dye my hair, I use jhirmac and bio silk NS ONCE a week I use a clarifying shampoo, I am sorry I ever re put hair color on my hair, it made me have to go through this process of getting dye out, but I refuse to cut my hair short I get my hair trimmed every so many months, I have it at shoulder length. The silver roots are really there in two weeks!!!! Thank you all! It's fun to cut about 1/2 inch per month and watch the grey take over. In 2019, Turkey produced 1.45 million tonnes of tea (which was 4% of the world's total tea production), which made it one of the largest tea markets in the world . I decided to transition this week. Translation: if you have mid length hair between jaw and shoulders it will take you 20-24 months to grow out your gray hair cold turkey. I'm 72 years old, healthy, people often mistake me for early 60's. I had women coming up to me asking me who my stylist was because they wanted the same unique colour. A proven go-to hairstyle for growing out gray hair is also one or two French braids. No, no, and no. I feel beautiful, I feel proud, I feel free. Be prepared to be a bit purple until you get it right! I am 35 and resent using chemicals so frequently on my hair. It was literally; WTF am I doing??!! Cold turkey, shave, partial color, and strip color and add toner. I explain my feelings about my gray hair transition so far, and tell you . Mix a little in with your conditioner and experiment on strength. What do you eat??? Yes, there is always going to be that one person with an opinion but that person's opinion really has nothing to with you but their own issues. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, it! My hair is past shoulder length and I was a natural redhead so no matter how much dying I do, it immediately shows and truly doesnt ever look natural anymore. Cold turkey, she decided to find out. A bit of color on your cheeks can add a rosy glow to your face. Upkeep: Tone & Blow Dry every 8 weeks $95. I very soon discovered that there was a strong movement going on on Instagram! If your hair is already a few months into the transition. Ive been growing mine out for 6 months and its only just now covering the crown of my head. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Products for Natural Gray African American Hair, Thinking About Reinvention? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. And my very best to you and your mother. Id developed an allergic reaction to dye after dyeing it every 2.5 to 3 weeks for countless years. I was DONE! There are many ways to go gray including getting a cute pixie, blending grays with lowlights and/or highlights, shaving your head, getting extensionsor going cold turkey. And then there is the cold turkey method which I personally chose to do. blond, he told me my hair looked awesome and that my roots were a beautiful color. I felt like I want to rebel against anything that inauthentic. OWN it! It is used when a person suddenly stops consuming a substance such as alcohol, tobacco, or another drug, instead of gradually . For me it is about finding my identity in something other than outer beauty. I dont want to look like I am letting myself go. I just chose to go gray cold turkey, no color corrections, no interfering in my natural grow-out process even if this surely wasn't the most stylish solution Anyone who has started going gray knows that this doesn't happen overnight; it's a process that seems to take forever, and you have good and bad days. Like so many of you, I am so happy to have found this blog! I had expected to keep adding some color low-lights for contrast, but really liked my own color. I decided to go gray but I am feeling torn. One day I caught myself fantasizing about going gray. My colorist says highlighting isnt a good idea because it will add another color to the hair. I'm 56 (almost 57) and would be totally gray if I stopped coloring every 4 weeks. Do it! Now, I am proud of meat 53, Im finally comfortable in my own skin, and hopefully, my own hair! Have a hair appointment this Thursday. Was I more beautiful then? And ecstatic because I wasnt that girl at all!. We get excited just to see each other embrace our true selves; we have built bonds that I never thought would be possible in the virtual world! I still have a 10, 12, 14 and 16 year old. What is the most expensive way to go gray? Hope it goes well, I really want to stop the madness! I was also growing tired of keeping up with the roots. It was becoming a trend, and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. All subscribers are eligible for the annual giveaway on Dec. 1st. I was just too white on my crown to pull it off properly. Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer for the fastest hair dry. Cant I just dye my hair gray and skip the whole transition? Who you want to be, and what you want to put out into this universe. 3. These how-to steps will get you started as you go from your cover-it-up-color to the gray . I found myself looking at grey photos of women on the internet, I so loved the color. I started colouring for real by the time I was in my mid-twenties. I explained that my other stylist had told me I did not have enough grey at that time to color itshe picked up a mirror, held it over my head and said, Look at your rootsI think you have enough grey now. I filled my head with knowledge and my heart with self-love.And it changed my life!!! I was even more tired of scheduling my life around my hair! Thank you @bree. Honestly, once you decide to go gray and you get through the first 6 months or so, it gets so much easier! Long story short, I went to my stylist and I explained to her that I would like to stop dyeing my hair and Id like to grow my greys out. Haircut $80. Please feel free to share. Whether you choose to do highlights and blending along the way or just go cold turkey and grow it all out naturally, some days are simply better than . And, my hair was healthy looking. She lifted the dark hair colour in three appointments, and after that, we regularly trimmed the fake colour off to get to my real hair. I patiently waited for it to grow, while keeping the overall length. Youd think Id just told them of my plans to commit a capital crime. 3 years ago I did what many of my friends thought was crazy and foolish. In the beginning, of my transition to gray hair I scoured the internet, Pinterest, and Facebook looking for women who had posted about their full transition to gray hair. I am also in the healthcare field and do not want to look unkept to new and existing patients. At this time there was no more highlighted color, just my natural hair. I like it! Right now I am at 7 weeks and for me the roots color is a cool shade while my blonde is brassy. Who did we think we were fooling?!). I miss that! HOW TO GO GRAY FROM DYED HAIR. Question Two: What is the fastest way to get completely gray hair? Your young one may just LOVE having the cool mom with the awesome grey hair ? My hair is healthy, stylish and I like it. will often in their eagerness to please over promise and under deliver. Check it out. Thanks all for the push in the right direction. This is the first time visiting the web site.. In the grocery store, I just love to pass the aisle with the hair dyes, and feel so thrilled I am done spending my time and money looking for the perfect colour every 2 or 3 weeks.I had the perfect colour all along.. QuickSilverHair is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This site has given me the courage. Rock it! I was already aware of the beauty norm that dictates society, that any woman with gray hair has let herself go, so I decided to start coloring it. As I said, I planned to retire when I turned 52 meaning a cut in pay, so, in August, I asked my stylist, what approach we needed to take to allow the grey to take over. 8 Months into the Transition . If I could just buzz cut it & grow out from there Id be fine but that would sure look stupid for a while lol. , I just need support, I did also use some of sallys temp grAY HAIT COLORS BY ROU. It will take a few more cuts to clear out all the old highlights, etc, but after 5 months, I have a head of beautiful grey hair with dark roots (all my own, no artificial color). I have a very good stylist, and we worked with a combination of color one month, skip 2 months, highlights/lowlights the 3rd month, skip 2 months and start over. I was done! Im about 4 or 5 weeks grown out. With a pixie or very short cut, it will take 3-9 months. My name is Lisa. So many gorgeous greys! I'm in month 2 going cold turkey and building confidence as I go. Be prepared to take more selfies than you have ever done! I have to admit, I was confident and determined enough not to need any support or motivation to stay strong. It helps to read about the experiences other women are going through and makes me feel connected and accepted as I am among my peers. I had a lot of thoughts to work through as I tried to make sense of this time in my life. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. NEVER. Vaczi said to stop using shampoo that is for color . 243K followers. In many parts of the world, hair salons were closed for long . I am so happy to have found all of you ladies that like me have made the decision to go grey! Ive been debating going gray for a few years now, and now on the brink of turning 40 I feel ready for so many of the reasons you mentioned but one of my biggest reasons in my hair is so dry and brittle. lot's of lean protein is important, avoiding too much fat, eating the right carbs, and drinking lots of water is key. Just let your natural gray hair come in as it will. 32. Its like being pregnant in your first trimester where you just feel fat but you dont look pregnant yet. People have mentioned the grey especially round the face and a large patch which you can see when I put my hair up but now I just say yep we are all getting older. It was absolutely thrilling. So, I get my hair cut every month regardless of which length Im keeping it. I stuck with growing out the color and every time I had a new cut, I could see the grey/white strands of hair shining through more and more (especially around my face like a light). PROS & CONS TO THE COLD TURKEY GRAY GROWOUT METHOD. She was enjoying a bottle of wine, dinner, and a few laughs with her hubs. Approximately one year and three months into the grey hair transition, the overall effect is, er, patchy. So, I became curious as to how much grey I actually had and if it would look as great as it did on my family members. . I hate hate, hate doing it anymore. That was a mistake; it played weird with my new growth and left a stain even after washing it tons. If you choose to go short, you can cut that time down tremendously. So liberating to let go of colouring. For more information on going gray naturally, you can follow along here where Ive journaled about my experience along they way. It helped but did not lift it all. i just turned 60 and am so tired of everything about it. I love my grey hair (my husband loves it too). How To Survive Going Gray: The First Year: Tips, Tricks & HacksThis is everything I could think to say about my year of transitioning to gray. And dont give a f#ck what other people think. In many places, it still is, for men at least. As far as men are concerned if they care so much about the color of my hair , then I wouldnt want to waste my time with them . Going gray cold turkey (i.e., without help from a salon) is a popular way to transition to gray hair as it is inexpensive and doesn't damage your hair. I felt that I looked like I was letting myself gothat I didnt care about how I looked. Hair dye seems to be the final frontier in my transformation to the all-natural, simplistic lifestyle that I seek.

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