i had the same thing happen on the first fish i caught on my flipping rod down at falcon. Out of curiosity I called Dobyns and St. Croix with the following results: - Dobyns - my call was answered immediately - the rep stated that returns are processed typically same day or next day and entire process takes 2 weeks max. In the case of man-made of natural disasters, we maintain constant lines of communication with customers through the activation of our Business Continuity Plan. Even though Loomis-Goltl scored 18 points, it wasn't enough to hold off the Patriots. Checking on a claim? thats the way it should be though, for as much as they cost. The Loomis Company, headquartered in Berks County, PA, is one of the top 100 diversified insurance brokers in the United States. All rights reserved. By the way, I would never intentionally break a rod to take advantage of a replacement program but breaking my nearly 20 year-old 843 GLX and only paying $110 to replace it with their $450ish upgrade was a helluva deal for me. Loomis Customer Service throssing Aug 13, 2021 T throssing Well-known member Messages 361 Reaction score 3 Location Lyons, CO Aug 13, 2021 #1 I have been a devoted G Loomis customer for decades, but this is now going to change, based on my recent experience with their warranty department. Use this page to find answers for your general questions about Loomis and its services. Get in touch with the Loomis sales support team and learn more about how our cash management solutions can help streamline your business. We are in a unique situation that creates chaos. All rights reserved. G. Loomis. For warranty questions, click here. For fly rods more than 15 years old, the Xpeditor service fee is $250. G. Loomis rods are covered by a Limited Lifetime Warranty against non-conformities in workmanship and materials for the life of the original owner. Outside of Canada please call 1-905-460-2530, Our call centre hours are: Monday to Friday 08:00 to 20:00 Eastern, Quebec 08:00-17:00 Eastern, Write us at: Being understanding of a company during these times is everyone's own deal. G Loomis Inc Rating Overall satisfaction rating Address: 1359 Down River Dr, Woodland, Washington, United States, 98674-9546 Web: www.gloomis.com Add contact information for G Loomis Inc Add new contacts A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | New | Updated Our CollectShip service provides you with options to make it easier to process shipments. Hopefully others have a different experience. Our services include property & casualty, marine & aviation, employee benefits and personal insurance. Please fill out all the fields and click Submit. Please edit your content to remove the highlighted words below. mheichelbech Box 7011Wyomissing, PA 19610Phone 610-374-4040Fax 610-374-6578info@loomisco.com. I had rodthat I broke earlier this year. . I broke the tip section of my Loomis rod in early July. Every company is different, and has different challenges. Contact us. Took it fishing a few weekends ago. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. We have become too dependent on other countries cheap labor pool. Transition and implementation support is in place to assist and alleviate issues during transitions to Loomis services, whether you are new to the industry or just new to Loomis. Yes, the $50 is a lifetime deal and it's also my understanding that no receipt is required. It showed up in less than a week. Be the first to hear about products releases, news and events. But, it should be able to lift a one pound fish, glad they saw my point and shipped out a new one at no charge. Register your G. Loomis rod within 30 days of purchase. A legendary reimagination of an iconic series of actions, the G. Loomis NRX+ Mag Bass Casting Rods are built with the most advanced technologies, construction processes, and componentry with an emphasis on universal actions and tapers to give anglers the all-around performing rods. Regardless of the situation, there is a dedicated support or account resource ready to help. As I was afraid, I was referred back to Loomis, they said Loomis would not allow them to exchange it at the store. Customer Services | Start a Warranty Claim, Register your Rod, Discover the Xpeditor Tip Program, Explore Xpeditor Services - G. Loomis US Free ground shipping on orders over $35 Find a Retailer Region: United States Conventional Fly Apparel & Gear About Us Support How Can We Help? "If it does happen, call the G.Loomis toll-free customer service line (877-577-0600), and our staff will walk you through the process. Go online and get the warranty info. Depending on the rod series, the Xpeditor Service for casting and spinning rods range from $100 to $175, while fly rods range from $125 to $275. Box 219594 Kansas City, MO 64121-9594 (800) 633-3330 Contact Us Headquarters Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. One Financial Center Boston, MA 02111 (800) , See Also: Contact Support Preview / Show details, Contact Us Better yet, see us in person! Please note: applicable product discounts will be displayed in the cart. Just giving anyone who may find this to be pertinent, the news I just received from Loomis customer service (after a 22 minute wait on the phone). Search all available positions or learn more about eligible benefits. Sales Contact. 427 Pido Road Peterborough, ON K9J 6X7, See Also: Loomis customer support Preview / Show details, If you have questions about Loomis Enzymes products or integrating Loomis Enzymes into your practice, don't hesitate to contact us! Doing so unlocks access to our comprehensive Xpeditor replacement program and other warranty options should you require support in the future. Loomis has awesome customer service - I should know 'cause I've had to use 'em more than once (try three or four times) and that's one of the many excellent reasons I continue to buy/use their rods. I had a small bass on my Loomis dropshot rod, and it broke about a foot below the tip as I was lifting the fish into the boat. Contact Loomis. With JetSure, we reimburse you up to 50% of your financial losses due to an aircraft AOG event. Will be the last time for me. I just keep the loomis shipping tube so I will have it to send the next one back in. I'd heard good things about Loomis customer service and learned first hand today that it lives up to billing. 850 N. Park RoadP.O. Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. 2021 Copyrights. Right after we got off the water I went to try and take the rod back (I've had it about a year). Xpeditor service for NRX replacement delayed 1 to 2 months. Contact us - G. Loomis US Contact us IMPORTANT! Do you need a receipt (ebay purchase) to get a rod replaced? We try to reply to inquiries within 24-48 hours. For complete details on G. Loomis' limited lifetime warranty and the Xpeditor Service, how to register the rod, initiate a claim . Customer Service 1-855-256-6647. Is the $50 replacement policy a lifetime thing? . A legendary reimagination of an iconic series of actions, the G. Loomis NRX+ Jig and Worm Casting Rods draw from more than forty years of technology, innovation, and design to meet the performance demand of today's avid bass angler. This is critical. G. Loomis Customer Service. Brampton, ON Canada, L6T 5S6. go online and print out the warranty form. Contact Us. Woodland, Washington 98674. G. Loomis rods are covered by a Limited Lifetime Warranty against non-conformities in workmanship and materials for the life of the original owner. Loomis Express has what it takes to be your Canadian shipping partner, with a wide range of Domestic and Export services to get your packages wherever they need to go. That's what we call going the extra mile. Display as a link instead, Our services include property & casualty, marine & aviation, employee benefits and personal insurance. These facilities are not open to the public! Our Xpeditor Service is a no-fault, no questions asked replacement program designed to get you back on the water fast (U.S. And Canada customers only). Doing so unlocks access to our comprehensive Xpeditor replacement program and other warranty options should you require support in the future. 850 N Park Road By According to the dictionary that I looked at, bashing involvesa level of prejudice. While fighting a small fish, the rod shattered in my hands, breaking into 3 pieces. See Also: Loomis human resources phone number Preview / Show details, For immediate assistance simply click on the live chat button to start a conversation with a Customer Service Associate Live chat hours: Monday - Friday 10:00-19:00 Eastern Customer , See Also: G.loomis customer service phone number Preview / Show details, Corporate Headquarters 850 N. Park Road P.O. For billing or invoice related questions email click An online web portal fornews, views and reviewson Agriculture, reaches out to theIndian FARMERfortransforming them into agripreneurswith free accessto any information they might need for their farming operations and for diversifying into value-added vistas. I was told I may get my replace sometime this month. 201 Westcreek Blvd Chaska, MN 55318 Name * First Last. For warranty questions, click here. here, To submit a claim for a lost or damaged parcel, please email your claim form, cost invoice, waybill or manifest to: claims@Loomis-Express.com, Please note this email is only for claims related matters. etc. sentiment_satisfied sentiment_neutral sentiment_dissatisfied G-Loomis Inquiry Form Please fill out all the fields and click Submit You can post now and register later. Register your G. Loomis rod within 30 days of purchase. Loomis Express. Please note: applicable product discounts will be displayed in the cart. Please note: applicable product discounts will be displayed in the cart. Our Business directory offers quality and professionally edited company listings, which are organized in the most relevant categories that enable customers to easily, locate businesses and businesses to easily find customers. Pretty good deal there too. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. I stated that since it broke on a fish and was not abused I didn't want to be out any cash. Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist. They send you the new rod and you send them the old one back. Whether it's close to home or around the globe, we deliver to addresses coast to coast in Canada and over 220 countries worldwide. If you are considering purchasing a G Loomis rodyou may want to factor this into your equation. If the guy had even one ounce of care about the deal I would have been more understanding. It is not my intention to bash G Loomis here as I have used their rods for the past 25 years or so and always been pleased although I have not had to utilize their warranty program or customer service.
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