funny baseball nicknames for jersey

He will wear "All Rise" on the back of his jersey for Players Weekend, and it's the perfect symbol of this year in baseball. Thor is a no-brainer for the top-five. Baseball Nicknames: 595+ Cool And Catchy Nicknames, Black TeamNames: 650+ Catchy and Cool names, Masquerade Ball Names: 677+ Best And Catchy Names, Team Names Starting With B: 600+ Catchy and Cool Names, Baseball Team Names: 650+ Catchy, Cool names, Baseball Facility Names: 500+ Cool, Catchy Names Collection, 470+ Noodles Brand Name Ideas, Suggestions And Domain Ideas, 450+ Oats Brand Name Ideas, Suggestions And Domain Ideas, 440+ Candy Brand Name Ideas, Suggestions And Domain Ideas, 385+ Laminate Brand Name Ideas, Suggestions And Domain Names, 435+ Lingerie Brand Name Ideas, Suggestions And Domain Ideas. But what about nicknames? 21. The resulting "e-e" sound somehow morphed into Ickey. Baseball was widely recognized as the national sport of the United States by the late 19th century. 1 Down Orange Crushers Up 1 Down The Orange Ladies Up 1 Down Orange Gladiators Up 1 Down Orange Chicks Up 1 Down Orange Dudes Up 1 Down Orange Impact Up 1 Down Bengals [5] named after the orange tigers Up 1 Down Orange Crush Up 1 Down Papaya Pulverizers [7] Up 0 Down Orange Storm Up -1 Down Orange Fire Up 0 Down Lady Marmalades [8] 19. It all gets taken back a notch as you realize (and as he has clarified) that it's pronounced "koontz". They allow us to quickly communicate our thoughts and feelings to others. Nicknames and baseball players just seem to go together like bat and ball. 7. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Red Team Names : Hello Friends, for all of you, we are going to bring a Red Team Names for all the people, we hope that you will be very much pleased with the Red Team, who will be waiting for you.You have provided and many such lists we will try to give at the next time, we have attempted to this list for you after finding a lot of red team names, so hopefully Ist Oh he's more than you . Columbia Fireflies Okay, get your mind out of the gutter. Mike HargroveHuman Rain Delay We often struggle to think of a witty way to describe ourselves. We have some ideas. No. And apparently the number 42 has something to do withlikelike, man.and the universe and stuff. Rona Gonzales Dedy Kabin rai Kamidi Pallu Zalfa Misliyanti Paizley Adams Dihyah Jagoan Febby Supriatna Elisa Tovati For some reason he enjoyed telling folks he was born in Tralee, Ireland. "), but it is Mays' brilliance that infuses it with life. I Am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, a Self-Taught Marketer with 10 Years of Experience. 1. And we only have history being made since then. Bowling, Name Ideas George Herman "Babe" Ruth, Jr. Babe Ruth was a Professional Baseball Player who also went by the names the Bambino, the Sultan of Swat, and the Big Bam. 41. 24: Scrabble (Marc Rzepczynski)An homage to two players named Doug (Gwosdz and Mientkiewicz), who were both called "Eye Chart." He didn't just make great plays, he made magical ones. Sparkles for Kris Bryant International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges. 22. Nope. Any name that was the theme of a classic ESPN commercial makes the top 10, so Pujols The Machine is an easy choice. Here are the 50 bestand often very politically incorrectnicknames in baseball history. 38. Fireflies. There are, of course, common-sense restrictions. Or maybe he was just worried he'd spill something and wanted to be prepared. Each Hit. But for those that follow. School Leavers jerseys just aren't complete without the addition of a personalised name above the graduating year. It is very popular in the Caribbean, North America and some parts of South America, and East Asia, particularly in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. And if we dont see these nicknames on the backs of jerseys, were going to be awfully disappointed. Jose BautistaJoey Bats The All-Stars: A great name for a team that is made up of all-star players. Sharks Purple People Eaters And theyll be able to wear patches on their uniform with the name of an influential person or organization. And speaking of Lee, it wasnt as though he was a mental giant himself. One of the more well-known names on this list, Goose Gossage spent 22 seasons in the league playing for nine teams. Your name is your team's identity, so you should consider the brand you want to build for your team. You would have to think most athletes would love to know they're still being chronicled decades, even centuries, after they played their final gamesI'm just not so sure this is why they'd want to be remembered. One look at the famous puppet and a glance at the power-hitting lefty, and youll know why. Mark Fidrych was called "The Bird" because he sort of resembled Big Bird on "Sesame Street.". Maybe he needs to spend more time playing the great board games from the company bearing his name. The backstory nickname. Mantle, a star athlete from Commerce, Oklahoma, was offered a football scholarship by the University of Oklahoma, but wisely chose baseball. He's got a custom camouflage jersey, complete with matching hat. Good night batters. 10. No. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. Wild Horse for Yasiel Puig US $4.99Expedited Shipping from outside US. 13. Helping Startups/ Companies/ and Small Businesses to Enhance Their Business Through Branding and Marketing. Obi Yan for Yan Gomes Dance, Team Names Darrell EvansHowdy Doody is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Rzepczynski is worth 31 points in Scrabble, plus whatever you can get for double- and triple-letter score. Fitness And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards. need a name for Baseball inspired buddy? Remember those? First of all, what kind of toolbag gets a customized jersey with the word "MONKEY" on the back? I happen to own a Jeff Reed jersey. Currently, he is helping the NamesFrog team in producing good content for their audience. On A Mission to Help Small Businesses to Be a Brand. The game is played between two teams, and each team has nine players. I have to admit that I like where Gelz, who is a Bills fan, was coming from with this, but I can't help think that he missed the mark a bit. And you think Nomar Garciaparra invented the step-out-of-the-box-and-adjust-your-batting-gloves routine. angel academy current affairs pdf . 10: All Rise (Aaron Judge)"All Rise" is not exactly a nickname -- nobody calls Aaron Judge "All Rise." So is Big Sexy. Wayne Gretzky might be the sport's greatest player, but Red Wings legend Gordie Howe, in many respects, was its most popular. These don't strike me as particularly clever (Williams hated the nickname), but they are a big part of the game. All rise, indeed. In my Baseball Nicknames:, I use combinations that are appealing to the eyes, interesting to others, convey my personality, and are easy to spell and pronounce. Ticket to see your Redskins play on Sunday: $75, Parking and transportation costs associated with the game: $35, Beers, hot dogs, nachos, foam finger and cash you lost when you dropped your wallet in the bathroom: $195. El Oso Blanco for Evan Gattis 12: Corey's Brother (Kyle Seager)It's not quite a nickname, but this is what Kyle is wearing on the back of his jersey for Players Weekend, and it is fantastic. Jimmy WynnToy Cannon Actually, there's only twobut they're big ones. Known more commonly as Three Finger Brown than by Mordecai, Brown capitalized on losing most of his index finger in a childhood farming accident. Don't ask me what that meansjust report all future sightings of these guys to Puck Daddy for further evaluation. This nickname has gotten better and better as Bautista has embraced his role as one of baseball's tough guys, and he'll have this one splashed across the back of his Jays jersey this weekend. Copyright 2023 Sporting News Holdings Limited. No. This is because nothing else advertises your team love/loyalty like a jersey. Follow @blamberr, Watch more top videos, highlights, and B/R original content, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. So, let's play ball! jersey nicknames ideasforeign birth registration ireland forum. Nicknames can be self-assigned such as for gamertags for online video game play, or given by others. It couldn't have been easy for Dick Pole to introduce himself to teammates as a 19-year-old rookie in the Boston Red Sox organization. Blackout. I guess this is what decades of playoff futility has brought to Washington. 11. 8. Razor Shines saw limited action as a player in the league with limited duty as a first baseman for the Montreal Expos. Given to Thomas by White Sox broadcaster Ken Harrelson. No. 46. William Ellsworth HoyDummy Hoy No. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Condor for Chris Sale I loved them. Mija Montanna Rae Furiosa Sachin Chloe Monroe Alanna Thomas Claire Abbott Mia Hurley diareah Wahyudi Dmunii Ferssagnann Nancy queen What are some unique and funny names for Jersey? A player may be known by their nickname more than their real name. Vince is from Philadelphia and I've been to sporting events in Philadelphia, so it takes a lot to shock us. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Blackhawks. In April 2012, Predators fan Victoria Martin submitted this jersey foul to the Puck Daddy blog and she was just as confused as I was as to what inspired this fan to forgo the traditional (and cheaper) "RINNE" jersey in favor of "PEKKA HEAD.". By Exodus Wear | 2016-10-13T12:23:47+11:00 February 15th, 2011 | Nicknames | 0 Comments 8. No. Sorry, I couldn't resist. They called Don Mossi "Ears" because he had big ears, and they called Walt Williams "No Neck" because he didn't have much of a neck. Rhythm. These don't strike me as particularly clever (Williams hated the nickname), but they are a big part of the game. It's nice to know that this old Green Bay couple is still so much in love after all these years that they feel the need to display their sexual attraction to each other via sausage innuendos on their Packers jerseys. 33. 1. 14. Honorable mention at the catcher position goes to Tuffy Gosewisch, Biff Pocoroba, John Wockenfuss, Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Casper Asbjornson, Malachi Jeddidah Kittridge, Johnny Gooch, Gene Vadeboncoeur, Doug "Eyechart" Gwosdz, Creighton Gubanich and Osee Schrecongost. Here are 175 funny, clever, good-to-great, stupid and humorous team names for your fantasy baseball team in 2023. . Some people may draw inspiration from their favorite athlete or celebrity while others might choose a name reflecting an attribute, they are proud of. Stink for Rougned Odor "The groundhogs" 23. Master Minds: This is one of the coolest softball team names on this list. Click Start designing, and our free and user-friendly Mockup Generator will guide you through the design process. Theme Names for Corporate Event 25. Rickey HendersonMan of Steal The list is split into sections first, jersey names suitable for all sports, and then ideas related to specific sports. His jersey raises a lot of questions, but chief among them, in my opinion, is why he's wearing it over his Chris Pronger jersey. Born Urbain Jacques Shockor, Urban Shocker spent 13 seasons in the league, playing for the New York Yankees and St. Louis Browns. Braves: Big Jeff OK, I hear you. Other athletes with big personalities seem. Really? 2. It's dirty, simple and stupidmuch like the fellow wearing it, I'd imagine. 43. Presumably, Balboni was given the name because of his propensity to hit home runs. Others use them to show off their uniqueness. Pickles Dilhoeffer made his debut with the Chicago Cubs in 1917, but spent his final three seasons with the St. Louis Cardinals, where the catcher batted .245. 15: Thor (Noah Syndergaard)It looked like Matt Harvey's "The Dark Knight" nickname would become a classic, but his injury woes have left the great Mets nickname to Snydergaard, who does indeed control lightning and is the only one who can lift the hammer of Thor. However, sometimes, it can be difficult to come up with a good nickname for ourselves. So, give it a try. Victorino plays the game with endless energy and spunk, but his heritage rules the day. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. But Mr. "MAN JUICE" here doesn't fall into that category. Name Generator That would definitely be worse. Teammate Lee May once quipped, Very nice (play)where do they plug Mr. Hoover in?. Maybe "CLARINETGUY" was already taken. Manage Settings Up 11 Down Green Goblins [4] Up 4 Down The Green Machines Up 3 Down Chameleons [5] Up 2 Down The Evergreens Up 2 Down Big Green Up 2 Down Mint Condition Up 2 Down Olive Outlaws Up 1 Down Shades of Green Up 1 Down The Green Lights Up 1 Down Below are some tips to choose a good nickname. 4. The reason I'm writing about nicknames is because MLB recently announced that for the weekend of Aug. 25, the league will relax the restrictions on uniforms. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame by the veterans committee in 1953. But it is clear that Appling didnt mind complaining about the physical demands of the job all the way to the Hall of Fame. If you want to see myJeff Reed jersey foul, you're going to have to follow me, Amber Lee, over on the Twitter machine. Scrabble is perfect for that last name (though Words With Friends might be more culturally relevant). League: Minor League Baseball Double-A Northeast Affiliate: Double-A affiliate of the New York Mets Location: Binghamton, New York Sometimes it just takes a name to get a good laugh and maybe some merchandise. You wont get confused by people with someone else having the same nickname. 50. From the Rubber Puckies to the Unicorns, here are some of the best and weirdest nicknames ever considered. SoI'm on the fence. Sometimes for inspiration, you have to look at what others are doing. There aren't many Ravens fans that are publicly and passionately devoted to their quarterback, Joe Flacco. One look at his stats and you understand this one: 1,406 career steals and a record 130 in 1982. Doubles For Jesus Good Wood Beavers The Has-Beens McGlove'n - Or just replace "love" with "glove" on a number of different sayings. No. 482 Best Names For Softball Team. Marketing | Branding | Blogging. In Friends,Chandler Bing's TV Guidewas addressed to Miss Chnandler Bong. Here are some best and clever baseball team names and name ideas. I personally only have one middle name, but apparently McLish's parents took it a step further when giving him a namesake. 20: The Big Hurt (Frank Thomas)It was probably Chicago's boisterous announcer Hawk Harrelson who came up with this marvelous nickname, which needs no explanation. Honorable mention: Mr. Cub (Ernie Banks)It's a really good nickname for Banks, but it is provincial. Pete LaCock spent nine seasons in the league, but never surfaced as an everyday player. In fact, some players with nicknames were given nicknames for their nicknames. In 2009 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette posted this photo that a reader sent to them from a Hurricanes/Lightning game she had attended the night before. It is believed that baseball had evolved from some unidentified version of the bat and ball game that was played in England, and then the game was brought to the continent of North America by English immigrants. Having a unique nickname have a lot of advantages. They can be used as a term of endearment or to show affection. 3: Big Papi (David Ortiz)People often complain that baseball nicknames ain't what they used to be, and that's probably so. But normally if you're going to go out of your way for the stars and stripes, you'd pick an American player to rep on the back of your jersey. Here's the entire list of every jersey nickname. If you watched Maddox patrol center field for the Phillies in the 1970s, you immediately get the name. Rays. San Jose Rubber Puckies Sharks was chosen from 2,300 entries in San Jose's. A baseball nickname can be a description of a player. Former Expos teammate yes, Johnson was originally a member of the Expos Tim Raines once collided with him during batting practice, looked up at the 610 hurler and proclaimed, Youre a big unit.. It's hard to even imagine. Big Sexy for Bartolo Colon Here are some of the famous softball nicknames that you can try for your sports pros: Adams Family - Similar wordplay as above. Mariano RiveraThe Sandman "The squirrels" 27. You will be redirected once the validation is complete. Sure he looks like an idiot in that moment, but he looks a lot smarter now than anyone who actually went out an purchased a "Lin" Knicks jersey. Everybody should be satisfied with the name. Not that beer, we all know about that beer. Jersey Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names, Redneck Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Swablu Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Vinaya Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names, Aurelius Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names. 5 Best Softball Nick Names For You; 1. The Brooklyn Bridegrooms have one of the best defunct team nicknames. The game has become so popular that it is now one of the most played games ever. Arizona Diamondbacks . Someone lucky would be able to get a short nicknames these days because all the short ones are already taken by people. Mehroz Sohail is a computer science student. Famous Athletes Nicknames. Former Bengal Elbert Woods, better known as "Ickey," received that particular nickname because his younger brother couldn't say Elbert properly. 21: Oil Can Boyd (Dennis Boyd)He might have been Oil Can because he drank a lot of brew at one time -- beer being called "oil" in Merdian, Miss. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. Patsy's career was much longer, as he spent 13 seasons with Chicago, St. Louis and Cleveland, where he acted as a player/manager. One fan in attendance (@twomins4hooking) spotted this America enthusiast, snapped his photo and submitted it to Jersey Foul. What are types of nicknames you could use? The jersey is the pinnacle of fan gear; even the replicas are expensive, and if you are a true super fan, getting that authentic, autographed jersey is going to max out yourcredit card(s). 28. The brother of George and Patsy Tebeau, Pussy Tebeau's career lasted only two games in July of 1895. Some things to consider while coming up with a nickname for Jersey are here: 1. And "The Millville Meteor" does have a ring. Don Mossi His nickname suggests as much, as it is indicative of a man who . Baseball In fact, he hasn't even earned the respect of some of his teammates several years into his tenure. Maddox's magnificent center-field defense inspired awe and overwhelming tributes, my favorite being Harry Kalas' "Two thirds of the Earth is covered by water, the other third is covered by Garry Maddox.". Ernie Lombardi Cey, by the way, is one of the most underrated players in baseball history. Lynn Nolan RyanRyan Express If you ever saw Brooksie do his work around the hot corner, you would quickly understand the moniker. 25. "El Oso Blanco" for Evan Gattis 8. It doesn't matter if Semin stays or goes, "MAN JUICE" isn't going anywhere. He died in 1961, just five months shy of his 100th birthday. If you're on . 44. This item has an extended handling time and a delivery estimate greater than 7 business days. So we either have a bargain shopper or a Friendssuper fan here. But the catcher hit his way into the Hall of Fame. Below, we have the list of over 100 funny and creative names and phrases perfect for jersey customization. He has since requested another, less violent name. Funny Baseball Nicknames Knight Of Kennett Square Twitch Old Iron Hands Earache The Earl of Snohomish Blimp Honey Boy Bugs Yip Satan The Mississippi Mudcat Grandmother Leo The Lip Fly Guys Humpty Blimp, Porky Belleville Basher Gloomy Gus The Naugatuck Nugget The Big Hurt Murder October Pepperdine Peach Roxy, Rubberlegs Turkeyfoot Cracker When I first came across this photo on Twitter, I assumed this Bills fan probably got a discount on a misspelled Scott Chandler jersey. No. For example, here are some of the best Baseball Nicknames: that I have brainstormed: Once youre done brainstorming, go through your ideas and select a handful of them. A Canadian Professional Hockey Player is considered by many to be the best who ever played the game. Well, you cant. Need to know: Mike Trout would be No. Players will be able to wear jerseys . Buck would shrug. He's at a Ravens road game, meaning he may have traveled there. And Ohs other nickname, The Stone Buddha, is pretty amazing, too. Baseball Tomato Face In two seasons with the Atlanta Braves and one with the Florida Marlins, Tim Spooneybarger appeared in under 100 games but did manage a respectable 3.24 ERA while in the league. Major League Baseball and the MLBPA has created the "Players Weekend" to add some color into the game. You wouldn't think the name "Chicken" would be the way to go, but that's what William Van Winkle Wolf went by throughout his 11-year playing career in the late 1800s (one year in major leagues). ", Ebby (to manager): "You think I need a nickname? A player may be known by their nickname more than their real name. Same thing with "The Say Hey Kid" -- the nickname is fine (it comes from Mays' habit of saying "Say Hey! Picking a good nickname can be hard. As I'm sure there are humorous names not in this list, feel free to chime in with others that come to mind. 3. 13. Perhaps he was planning for a potential confrontation? Same with Clayton Kershaw. Aloysius Harry SimmonsBucketfoot Al There are nicknames that describe the player's game. Joe MedwickDucky-Wucky (alsoMuscles) Football 11. Ears(alsoThe Sphinx) 6. Hello! 4. let me present the Baby Daddy year 12 jersey nickname ideas! 40. I don't mean to be harsh herebut this guy is a total idiot. One unintended consequence of this truth is the "custom" fan jersey. The Kraken for Gary Sanchez Seasons changed between pitches when he was at bat. We have lots of students asking us for nickname ideas so we decided to create a page where we list nicknames we have done previously. As much as it pains me to say at the moment, I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pa., and even I find this completely unacceptable. Bills. 34. For as long as young boys and men have been batting baseballs around, they have given each other descriptive nicknames for facial features, deformed body parts, the way they played the game, hair color and, the most popular, shortening their surnames. Funny baseball nicknames for jerseys are a great way to show off your unique personality on the diamond. Enter Matt Stairs -- the Wonder Hamster -- who could crush dingers in the most remarkable ways. Teammates, seemingly out of self-preservation, never called him Ducky-Wucky, but chose instead the name, Muscles. Tony Gwynn was sometimes called Mr. Padre, Al Kaline is Mr. Tiger, Tim Salmon is Mr. Angel, Jeff Conine is Mr. Marlin, OK, there's nowhere really to go with all this. Youth Baseball Team Names. Some people use them to identify themselves better. Have you ever imagined how a simple game played with just a bat and a ball became so famous all over the world? I'm currently a naming specialist at WorthStart. The following nicknames are our picks of the most creative nicknames for your team. Here is the best nickname from every team for Players Weekend 2019, which will be held from August 23-25. It was the veteran Doby who dubbed him Mudcat, saying that he was ugly as a Mississippi mudcat.. Group Chat The name of the team is, to an extent, responsible for the members feeling included and working in unity. 25. While in reality, every name on this list could probably be considered the most random, Cannonball Titcomb seems to stick out more than others. Sources say the first baseball game that was officially recorded in North America was played in Canada on June 4, 1838. Kings. Not to mention cheap as hell. The great ones have nicknames, somethin' like Oil Can or Catfish ", Manager (looking ready to retire): "You got three minutes.". Don Mossi. And how can you possibly have a better nickname for a closer than The Final Boss? 31. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The different language nickname. 12. Need to know: All five of these would look amazing on the back of a jersey. 6. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. Starting pitcher Dennis Ray "Oil Can" Boyd spent 10 seasons in the league, playing for three different teams. Some deserve Hall of Fame slots alongside Bobson and . No. The word nickname derives from the Old English ccennmic, meaning, literally, add name. There are many different things to consider when deciding on a new moniker. 15. 2: Cool Papa Bell (James Bell)It's the most musical nickname in baseball history, and sports history. It is famous enough to be considered a whole countrys national sport. The issue with this absolutely ridiculous jersey isn't the fact that it says "DOGGIESTYLE" across the back, nor the fact that he decided on the frat-bro standard number 69. This guy obviously is. He only played with the Blue Jays for a season-and-a-half, but he still hit 32 homers. After signing a four-year, $38 million deal with the Yankees prior to the 2005 season, Pavano made just nine starts in four seasons, going 3-3 with a 5.00 ERA. As a Minnesota Twins fan, I vividly remember chanting "BOOOOFF" when Boof Bonser took to the mound. Earl Averill was the Duke of Snohomish after his hometown in Washington. "Joey Bats" for Joey Bautista 9. Rose wore it as a badge of honor, sometimes running to first on walks, often diving headfirst into bases for no apparent reason, smashing into catcher Ray Fosse to score the winning run in an All-Star Game. Hes been even better as himself for the Blue Jays. "If you have to ask what it means," he told me once, "then you will never know what it means.". Since baseball is such a mainstream game, the nicknames given to each player can be very important. Just wear your Clemente Pirates jersey or pick up a Crosby jersey, dude. The Bourn Identity. 18. 4. Three Finger 23. 5: Charlie Hustle (Pete Rose)It was an insult. 17. Funny Sport Atlanta Braves Hank Aaron #44 Baseball Jersey Size S-3XL. Get designing! 18: The Secretary of Defense (Garry Maddox)He was sometimes called "The Minister of Defense." We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The Coyotes have been ranked dead last in the NHL attendance for years and they've somehow been operating in bankruptcy for three years. See more ideas about softball team names, softball team, team names. 23: The Human Rain Delay (Mike Hargrove)Hargrove got the nickname for the many time-consuming adjustments he would make between pitches. Names That Mean Angel 18. 45. Rhinos. The decline of the Jets and their quarterback Mark Sanchez has been sharp and jaggedparticularly for the Sanchize. 3 Syllable Boy Names, Words That Start With T That Are Positive. But it was because of his resemblance to Big Bird of Sesame Street fame that Fidrych was given his name. We've compiled some of the best team names known to diamonds and categorized them by occasion: MLB names, minor league names, traditional baseball names, classic softball names, beer-related names, creative names, Babe Ruth reference names, dirty and NSFW names, fantasy baseball names, and names for womens' teams. And Sandman did put teams to sleep for 19 years. Now the term Yogi is associated with malaprops more than Hindu. 19: Kung Fu Panda (Pablo Sandoval)It hasn't been great for Sandoval the last three years with injuries and struggles, but the nickname is still there as a reminder of his fun and happy days hitting like mad and winning World Series with the Giants. Black Cats. He went 27-23 with a 3.48 ERA, but walked almost as many batters as he struck out and would play his final game at age 28. Like "Horny Rabbit" and "Angry Squirrel." Talk about having your cake and eating it too. Like MadBum for Madison Bumgarner,, Miggy for Miguel Cabrera, CarGo for Carlos Gonzalez, Tulo for Troy Tulowitzki, Goldy for Paul Goldschmidt, Duffman for Matt Duffy and on and on. That can certainly be said about the Binghamton Rumble Ponies, whose logo isn't that threatening when you notice it's just a carousel horse that's apparently breathing fire. Miguel Cabrera 's jersey will say "Miggy." Yadier Molina 's will say "Yadi." If David Ortiz were still playing, his would say "Big Papi." Some. By Exodus Wear | May 27th, 2017 | Nicknames, Year 12 Jersey Nicknames. Smile (Francisco Lindor)Lindor will wear this on his uniform during Players Weekend, and it's close to a great nickname because it does reflect the joy of Lindor. Some jerseys also have the player's name on the back. "The Crumbs" 18. Having the nickname Johnny Dickshot can make growing up hard enough.

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funny baseball nicknames for jersey