forney city council agenda

GOV'T CODE, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAY MAKE A REPORT ABOUT ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST DURING A MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY WITHOUT HAVING GIVEN NOTICE OF THE FORNEY CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, April 20, 2021 6:30 p.m. - Overview of the Finance/HR/Court/Utilities Departments current and future plans. I have been a resident of Forney since 2010 and married to my wife, who is a lifelong Forney resident and graduate of Forney High School. The City Council will receive citizen comments on non-agenda items, and if necessary, may refer the matter to City staff for research, resolution or referral to Council on a future agenda. - PowerPoint presentation on the 2022 Racial Profiling Final Report as compiled by Dr. Alex del Carmen. Agendas, Supporting Documents, Meeting Videos Visit the Council's agenda portal for meeting agendas, supporting documents, and videos. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Box 310 Terrell, Texas 75160. - CONSENT AGENDA 1. II. CALL TO ORDER . Gov't Code Section 551.087): There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council Member. Kalen Boren, Place 1 Challenger. Chapter 212, Subchapter E, Texas Local Government Code Moratorium on Property Development. $86,750 Last Sold Price. Cost of Living Index: Framingham, MA: Forney, TX: Difference: Transportation: 101.8 . Regular Meeting City Hall, 101 E. Main Street, Forney, Texas 75126 I. In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes:Section 551.071 -- Consultation with AttorneySection 551.072 -- Deliberations regarding Real PropertySection 551.073 -- Deliberation regarding Prospective GiftSection 551.074 -- Personnel MattersSection 551.076 -- Deliberations regarding Security DevicesSection 551.087 -- Deliberations regarding Economic Development NegotiationsThis agenda has been reviewed and approved by the Citys legal counsel and the presence of any subject in any Executive Session portion of the agenda constitutes a written interpretation of the Texas Government Code Chapter 551 by legal counsel for the governmental body and constitutes an opinion by the attorney that the items discussed therein may be legally discussed in the closed session portion of the meeting considering available opinions of a court of record and opinions of the Texas Attorney General known to the attorney. CALL TO ORDER II. Regular Meeting City Hall, 101 E. Main Street, Forney, Texas 75126. Gov't Code 551.074): As described in the City's Public Meeting Procedures, comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. Consider approval of the Minutes of the August 3, 2021, City Council meeting. FORNEY CITY COUNCIL. Attend meetings with consultants, developers, contractors and other staff as necessary. Consider approval of the Minutes of the April 21, 2020, City Council meeting. FORNEY, Texas The Forney City Council held their first meeting of 2015 on January 20, 2015, with a packed agenda including four public hearing, two consent agenda items, and This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Consider a Resolution awarding an Annual Price Agreement for Concrete Maintenance The City Council will receive citizen comments on non-agenda items, and if necessary, may refer the matter to City staff for research, resolution or referral to Council on a future agenda. Project King Kong XI.RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO CONSIDER ACTION, IF ANY, ON MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. 100. XII. Public Works/Streets Projects, Repairs or Construction - Public Hearing on the proposed annexation of approximately 21.073 acres of land Mr. Hoffman thanked Clerk Hacker and her staff for all of the help he received from them . Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. THE CITY MANAGER WILL DISCUSS CURRENT CITY ACTIVITIES, UPCOMING MEETINGS, FUTURE LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS FOR POSSIBLE ACTION, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: This section is used to communicate items of community interest, specifically, reminders about upcoming events organized or sponsored by the governing body or other information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that may be of interest to the citizens of Forney. pollard funeral home okc. - Discuss and consider approval of a Resolution accepting a grant funding from the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council Member. PURSUANT TO THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT, CHAPTER 551, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION (CLOSED MEETING) TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: The Forney City Council, along with all other councils and commissions within the City are administered through rules and procedures approved by the City Council. people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. 4. AGENDA. MyForney Mobile App Submit a Request. To fill the void left by Mr. McGee's resignation, the Mayor and the remaining Council Members voted in a 4-2 vote (Wilson & Johnson voting against) . In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.042, the City Council cannot discuss, consider, or take action on matters not listed on the agenda. - Consider a Resolution awarding a contract to AUI Partners, LLC for the Police Station Dispatch Renovation Project - CIP 228 and all related issues. Braille is not available.I, Dorothy Brooks, City Secretary for the City of Forney, Texas, do hereby certify that this Agenda was posted at City Hall, in a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on the 11th day of February, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. and remained so posted for at least 72 continuous hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. 741, in the City of Forney extra-territorial jurisdiction. 1. Davidson regarding the potential of a money-saving tender offering, which could see the district. Documents: 08-03-21 City Council Minutes.pdf; IV. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 4, 1999 Author: City Of Westpoint Created Date: 4/2/2021 11:51:33 AM . 2 Beds. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.042, the City Council cannot discuss, consider, or take action on matters not listed on the agenda. 8 min read Mar. Water and soil sampling for environmental. Zion Baptist Church, located at 500 Mesquite Street. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES Consider approval of the Minutes of the January 26, 2022, Special Meeting of the City Council. IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO CONSIDER ACTION, IF ANY, ON MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. The items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be self-explanatory by the Council and will be enacted in one motion. To the citizens of Forney, my name is Kalen Boren, and I am excited to be running for City Council, Place 1. The project under the developer participation agreement calls for two lanes of concrete within the project's length. - ANNOUNCEMENT OF COMMUNITY EVENTS [Comenta y considerar la aprobacin de una Resolucin que ordena la Eleccin General el 6 de mayo de 2023, y tomar las medidas necesarias.]. This is the public's opportunity to address the City Council on any matter related to the City. a. 1The entire Odessa City Council met with representatives of T2 Professional Consulting for the first time Tuesday night and agreed to put together a. In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes:Section 551.071 -- Consultation with AttorneySection 551.072 -- Deliberations regarding Real PropertySection 551.073 -- Deliberation regarding Prospective GiftSection 551.074 -- Personnel MattersSection 551.076 -- Deliberations regarding Security DevicesSection 551.087 -- Deliberations regarding Economic Development NegotiationsThis agenda has been reviewed and approved by the Citys legal counsel and the presence of any subject in any Executive Session portion of the agenda constitutes a written interpretation of the Texas Government Code Chapter 551 by legal counsel for the governmental body and constitutes an opinion by the attorney that the items discussed therein may be legally discussed in the closed session portion of the meeting considering available opinions of a court of record and opinions of the Texas Attorney General known to the attorney. The items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be self-explanatory by the Council and will be enacted in one motion. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES THE CITY MANAGER WILL DISCUSS CURRENT CITY ACTIVITIES, UPCOMING MEETINGS, FUTURE LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS FOR POSSIBLE ACTION, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: The City Council will receive citizen comments on non-agenda items, and if necessary, may refer the matter to City staff for research, resolution or referral to Council on a future agenda. a. PUC Docket No. Regular Meeting. public office or public employment is not an honorary or salutary recognition for 548 and south of North Gateway Boulevard. 3. Forney, Texas, 75126, THE CITY MANAGER WILL DISCUSS CURRENT CITY ACTIVITIES, UPCOMING MEETINGS, FUTURE LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS FOR POSSIBLE ACTION, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: This section is used to communicate items of community interest, specifically, reminders about upcoming events organized or sponsored by the governing body or other information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that may be of interest to the citizens of Forney. I. . Those rules and procedures are linked on the website. Consider approval of a final plat for Gateway 80 Station, located north of the County Road 212 and South Gateway Boulevard intersection. The items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be self-explanatory by the Council and will be enacted in one motion. This section is used to communicate items of community interest, specifically, reminders about upcoming events organized or sponsored by the governing body or other information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that may be of interest to the citizens of Forney. 3. - Discuss and consider a Resolution approving an Amendment to the Development Council Recaps Stay Informed About Recent Meetings. During its regular June 21, 2016 meeting, the Forney City Council met and (this is a preliminary report, subject to revision): As consent items: Denied a final plat for a residential subdivision identified as Vintage Meadows Addition, Phase 2, located southeast of High Country Lane and northwest of F.M. Notice of Deliberations Meeting - City of Forney and Forney Police Association - April 24, 2023, Notice of Deliberations Meeting - City of Forney and Forney Fire Association - February 15, 2023, Notice of Deliberations Meeting - City of Forney and Forney Police Association - January 23, 2023, Notice of Deliberations Meeting - City of Forney and Forney Fire Association - January 20, 2023. Tools RSS Notify Me Search Agendas by: Time Period Select a Category City Council 2023 2022 2021 View More Public Meetings and Meetings of Interest 2023 2022 Animal Shelter Advisory Committee 2022 2021 This is the public's opportunity to address the City Council on any matter related to the City. Other rules of meeting procedure are established by the City Council and are not subject to Roberts Rules of Order, although the council follows similar procedure. Council meetings are open to the public as provided by the Open Meetings Act (Government Code, Chapter 551). This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Previous City Council member Jason Roberson recently sat down with Jason Whitely of Dallas news channel WFAA that was posted yesterday and made some interesting comments during the spot. PROCLAMATIONS / PRESENTATIONS 1. Activities and Societies: Key Club, Student Council, Film Club, Pre-Med Club, Free Thinkers Club, Blue Crew, Academic WorldQuest, DECA, National Honors Society . March 1, 2023 Council Agenda City Hall - 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204 In accordance with Portland City Code and state law, City Council will hold hybrid public meetings, which provides for both virtual and in-person attendance. II. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - MAYOR AMANDA LEWIS III. Consider a Resolution approving a contract with Parkhill to provide landscape architecture consulting and design services for the Forney Community Park Field Improvements CIP 231 project and all related issues. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee (Tex. 2. a. EEOC Charge No. As described in the City's Public Meeting Procedures, comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. Department Reports (Fire, Police, Municipal Court, Finance), Citizen Complaints -- Actions taken or to be taken, Public Works/Streets Projects, Repairs or Construction. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - MAYOR PRO TEM JAMES TRAYLOR III. As described in the City's Public Meeting Procedures, comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. THE CITY MANAGER WILL DISCUSS CURRENT CITY ACTIVITIES, UPCOMING MEETINGS, FUTURE LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS FOR POSSIBLE ACTION, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: This section is used to communicate items of community interest, specifically, reminders about upcoming events organized or sponsored by the governing body or other information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that may be of interest to the citizens of Forney. Consider action to authorize staff to apply for grant funding for Ballistic Vests and related PPE from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation. XIII. Consider approval of a preliminary plat for the South Forney Addition, located south of U.S. Highway 80, east of S. Gateway Boulevard and north of Akron Way. Makes appointments to boards and committees, Sets the annual property tax rate for the City of Forney. . MOSQUITO SPAYING 2023 In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.042, the City Council cannot discuss, consider, or take action on matters not listed on the agenda. Conduct site inspections as necessary for private development and capital projects at all phases of construction. Those rules and procedures are linked on the website. Upcoming Special Events forney city council agenda. Department Reports (Fire, Police, Municipal Court, Finance) supports HTML5 video, - I. VIII 2 - Discuss and consider action regarding a Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Forney and AED123, LLC for performing monthly inspections on AED units at 23 locations across the City. City Manager View current agendas and minutes for all boards and commissions. While the City Council is elected by place number, the number is for candidacy purposes only and each member represents the entire population of Forney. tennis league and instruction services. CALL TO ORDER 548, north of the Mustang Crossing Planned Development. IV. The City of Forney is now expanding the level of transparency and accessibility to all of its residents, through a new streaming service for it's City Council meetings. INVOCATION - COUNCIL MEMBER ROBBIE POWERS III. 548, north of the Mustang Crossing Planned Development. - Discuss and consider approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 13 Utilities of the Code of Ordinances. Personnel Changes - CONSENT AGENDA 6:30 p.m. City Hall, 101 E. Main Street, Forney, Texas 75126. . - PROCLAMATIONS / PRESENTATIONS Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Consider approval of the Minutes of the December 6, 2022, City Council meeting. In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes: Item Summary - Outdoor Warning Siren System REBID Project CIP 208 Award Contract 02.15.pdf, Resolution -Award Contract to Goddard Enterprises LLC for Outdoor Warning Siren System.pdf, Scoring Matric for CIP 208 Outdoor Warning Siren System REBID.pdf, R22-07 -- Purchase of 26 Flock Cameras.pdf, Item Summary-Forney Marketplace Final Plat.pdf, Exhibit-Forney Marketplace Final Plat.pdf, Item Summary-Woodlands Crossing Final Plat.pdf, Exhibit-Woodlands Crossing Final Plat.pdf, Item Summary-First State Bank Site Plan.pdf, Item Summary - Participation Agreement Amendment.pdf, Copy of Stillwater CR212 SOV - 01.28.22 (Final).pdf.pdf, Item Summary -- Receive Certificate of Sufficiency and call special election.pdf, Department Reports (Fire, Police, Municipal Court, Finance), Citizen Complaints -- Actions taken or to be taken, Public Works/Streets Projects, Repairs or Construction. City Council | City of Terrell. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The City Council will receive citizen comments on non-agenda items, and if necessary, may refer the matter to City staff for research, resolution or referral to Council on a future agenda. This provision has been added to this agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy Texas Government Code Chapter 551.144(c) and the meeting is conducted by all participants in reliance on this opinion. As described in the City's Public Meeting Procedures, comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. Consider approval of the Minutes of the March 16, 2021, City Council meeting. the City Council with a copy of the Annual Audit Report. supports HTML5 video, - I. PURSUANT TO THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT, CHAPTER 551, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION (CLOSED MEETING) TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO CONSIDER ACTION, IF ANY, ON MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. Department Reports (Fire, Police, Municipal Court, Finance), Citizen Complaints -- Actions taken or to be taken, Public Works/Streets Projects, Repairs or Construction. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that This is the public's opportunity to address the City Council on any matter related to the City. The City has contracted through Dallas-based Swagit Productions to provide hands-free video streaming of all City Council meetings through the City's website. City of Irving 825 W Irving Boulevard Irving, TX 75060 Phone: (972) 721-2600 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.042, the City Council cannot discuss, consider, or take action on matters not listed on the agenda. l Expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; - Discuss and consider action on a Resolution approving an expenditure under Section 501.073 Texas Local Government Code and a Performance Agreement between the Forney Economic Development Corporation and Best Massage Ever, LLC. In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes: Item Summary -- Appoval Resolution for Contract with Kaufman County Election Administrator.pdf, R23-13 -- Resolution Approving Election Contract.pdf, 05062023 - Final Contract -- signature copy.pdf, 05062023 - Contract Exibits A-G Final.pdf, Item Summary -- Kaufman County Gang Task Force Interlocal Agreement 2023.pdf, Gang Task Force Interlocal Agreement 2023.pdf, Item Summary -- Fire Department -- SAFER Grant.pdf, Item Summary - Proposition E Project Discussion 03 07 2023.pdf, Item Summary- Gas Upsizing for Public Works and Fire.pdf, Item Summary- Parks Maintnenance Building Parking Lot.pdf, Item Summary - Resolution approving FEDC Performance Agreement - BeerCo L.L.C. 46-18-1344.WS Petition of High Point Water Supply Corporation, Talty Special Utility District and Markout Water Supply Corporation Appealing the Decision by the City of Forney Affecting Wholesale Water Rates. 4. ADJOURNMENT. Feb 27, 2023 Feel free to read the full content here or watch the video posted below. The City Council may act by ordinance, resolution or motion. EXECUTIVE SESSION Main Street , Forney , TX 75126 , on Tuesday, March 14 , 2023 , at 9:30 AM. CALL TO ORDER II. Read more. body; l Information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes: Section 551.071 -- Consultation with Attorney Section 551.072 -- Deliberations regarding Real Property Section 551.073 -- Deliberation regarding Prospective Gift Section 551.074 -- Personnel Matters Section 551.076 -- Deliberations regarding Security Devices Section 551.087 -- Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations This agenda has been reviewed and approved by the Citys legal counsel and the presence of any subject in any Executive Session portion of the agenda constitutes a written interpretation of the Texas Government Code Chapter 551 by legal counsel for the governmental body and constitutes an opinion by the attorney that the items discussed therein may be legally discussed in the closed session portion of the meeting considering available opinions of a court of record and opinions of the Texas Attorney General known to the attorney. This provision has been added to this agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy Texas Government Code Chapter 551.144(c) and the meeting is conducted by all participants in reliance on this opinion.This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Attachment A Scope of Services City of Forney FM 548 Relocation 010422.pdf Attachment B Compensation City of Forney FM 548 Relocations - Fee - 2021-12-14.pdf Attachment C Schedule FM 548 Relocations.pdf Exhibit D Proposed Relocation Area.pdf . RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION - Discuss and consider action regarding a Resolution authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of Cities served by Oncor and authorizing the payment of the 2023 membership dues to fund regulatory and related activities related to the Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC, - CITY MANAGERS REPORT

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forney city council agenda