The woman is labeled as "centering all our patients' lived experiences and uplifting their stories," while Emanuel represents "stigmatizing abortion and shaming patients. I found that in my fellow cast members and Im very grateful for my time being able to work with them at Disney.. In 2013, Britton partnered with Planned Parenthood to release a WWTD? Kim LaCapria is a former writer for Snopes. "They have no idea how extreme this sounds (and yes, I'm pro-choice).". Another branded the message as "straight from the pit of Hell. Furthermore, the context of the tweet (a Twitter "snowclone" involving the phrase "We need a Disney Princess") was omitted from subsequent articles about the controversial tweet. This funding will help provide life-saving services to uninsured and underinsured women in Central Texas. Disney employee protests will culminate on Tuesday with a general walkout by LGBTQ workers and their supporters at Disney worksites in Florida, California and elsewhere. Were only as strong as the ability we have to take care of the women who are giving birth and nurturing the next generation.. In that environment, you can see why an organization that does not itself have a mission to support abortion access would want to pull back from funding Planned Parenthood, even for related services. If we find ads that violate our policies, we remove them., Abortion: judge strikes down Kentucky restriction but governor to appeal, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. When the Guardian presented Google with a host of other examples of ads for clinics that appear to offer abortion services but do not, the company declined to comment, saying only that any ads that violated its policies would be taken down. Its chilling to think of this resource being taken away., 1 out of every 5 women has been to Planned Parenthood. "To be silent is to be complicit. The claim about Olive Garden donating to Planned Parenthood was not new: Does Olive Garden still support Planned Parenthood? LDI also keeps track ofcorporations that contribute to PPFA, seeking to persuadethem to withhold support and including those who refuse todo so on its boycott list. In one such case, an ad for a Texas clinic called the Grapevine Womens Clinic pops up if a user does a local search for abortion clinic. Later in the show, Pisciotta . Last yr we gave 3+ MM lbs of food to food banks. They have no idea how extreme this sounds (and yes, I'm pro-choice). Earlier, Planned Parenthood suggested we need a Disney princess whos had an abortion and then they deleted it. So, in case you missed it: The opening of the Walt Disney World Resort in October 1971 helped transform the state into an economic powerhouse and tourism magnet. Google has given tens of thousands of dollars in free advertising to an anti-abortion group that runs ads suggesting it provides abortion services at its medical clinics, but actually seeks to deter abortion-minded women from terminating their pregnancies. Activists chant as they rally in support of Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles. Planned Parenthood was awarded as much as $2.2 million in damages on Friday, after a federal jury in San Francisco ruled that an anti-abortion activist had broken federal and state . But the struggle against erasure is far from over. lets make it SAFE and HEALTHY. @olivegarden donates to #PlannedParenthood. We focus our giving on helping end hunger. Disney has also contributed millions of dollars to Republican and Democratic politicians, ensuring a cosy relationship between Mickey Mouse and state government, Jewett adds: Disney typically has not gotten involved in lots of controversial social issues. The snowclone is a parody of calls for certain types of representation in Disney films. Planned Parenthood is Americas most trusted provider of reproductive health care. On a sample basis, we validate the percentages that are reported. But I will try to give you concise accurate replies. The Walt Disney Company has pledged $5 million to support nonprofit organizations that advance social justice, beginning with a $2 million donation to the NAACP to further their longstanding work promoting social justice by eliminating disparities and racial discrimination through their advocacy and education programs. The thing about Disney thats interesting, more so in some ways than other organisations, is it hides behind this veil of innocence while at the same time it utterly commodifies children. It was tone deaf response, misjudging the mood of an era in which companies face heightened ethical expectations to take a stand on issues such as Black Lives Matter. We also provide an opportunity for employees to turn their hours of volunteer service into a financial donation through Disney VoluntEARS Grants. I certainly think in a very divisive political climate, thats a challenging thing to do. by Michael O'Connor Volunteerism is a central and enduring part of our companys culture and the cornerstone of our community engagement efforts. Google continues to feature ads for the clinics that appear to violate its policies. By donating their time and talents, our Disney. 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. Google promised to address the issue in 2014. Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas is proud to partner with Susan G. Komen Greater Central and East Texas on our shared mission to fight breast cancer, said Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas President and CEO Ken Lambrecht, Were grateful that together we can provide Central Texans with the vital care they need when so many Texans face significant barriers to life-saving cancer screening and treatment options.. They shape identities, they shaped values, they get engaged in defining who is excluded and who isnt, what people want and what people dont. The row has erupted when the multibillion-dollar Disney behemoth has never been more powerful. Planned Parenthood is to the culture of death whatMicrosoft is to computer software, LDI board chairmanMichael Schwartz said at the news conference. The organization operated a total of 661 health centers or clinics across the US in 2014-2015 through independently managed regional affiliates. Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas is proud to be chosen as one of the Susan G. Komen Greater Central and East Texas grant recipients for the 2020 year. Will Elsa Have a Girlfriend in 'Frozen 2'? Planned Parenthood health centers continue to assist those in need, especially during this unprecedented time, with. The tweet was real; it was published by Planned Parenthood Keystone(a regional Planned Parenthood office, as opposed to the national network) on 27 March 2018, thenarchived prior to its deletion. According to t heir own most recent annual report from 2019-2020, there were 8,626 prenatal services. It is not clear which precise ads were published through Obrias grants, because the information is not public. Wake up to the day's most important news. Planned Parenthood, for its part, says it does not. The 2011 Life News article included an assertion by anti-abortion group Life Decisions International (LDI) suggesting that companies frequently hide evidence of their donations to Planned Parenthood: We learned early on that corporate leaders will turn to devious methods to continue supporting Planned Parenthood. Eric Marcus, creator and host of the Making Gay History podcast, says: Disney has cultivated an LGBTQ-friendly image, both through their inclusion of LGBTQ characters in recent years and with their employees, so its shocking but not shocking that the CEO would have been so flat-footed. Last info found from 2007 #prolife #tcot, Write to Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster, Olive Garden), stop giving to Planned Parenthood, info:, LifeLetters, Julia (@lifeletterj) August 8, 2011. Such statements create an unreachable standard of proof for those wishing to verify this type of claim, suggesting that corporate denials are insufficient evidence while offering no proof of their own assertions. The Planned Parenthood episode engulfed the Komen foundation in controversy. It has been condemned as hateful by Joe Biden and other Democrats who argue that it demonises LGBTQ people. Some activists welcome Chapeks shift as better late than never. Salary information comes from 9,807 . Yes, Planned Parenthood provides prenatal services, or so they say. I have been inspired by how people around the country have united to stand with the women of Texas, and I cant help but think that, in this moment, we all have the opportunity to join with and become strong, powerful Texas men and women., STILL standing with TX women (and men!). 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. For those who subscribe to the belief that a company might donate money and lie about it, the non-profit and non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) lists all Planned Parenthood donors as far back as 2010 (before LDI claimed in 2011 and 2012 that Olive Garden was among Planned Parenthood's supporters). PolitiFact, Online ads claiming AARP backed federal funding for Planned Parenthood are wrong, Oct. 22, 2019 AARP, AARP's policy on political or partisan activity , Sept. 14, 2016 AARP Form 990 . The message comes following speculation that Disney may develop a gay storyline for the character of Elsa in the long-awaited Frozen 2. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death among women in Texas. Planned Parenthood's national office confirmed the tweet and its deletion in an email to USA TODAY. The message, which Planned Parenthood Keystone later deleted, has kept circulating in screengrabs. voiced support for Planned Parenthood Illinois, Supreme Court skeptical of California law requiring information about abortion, Satanic Temple challenges abortion law in Missouri Supreme Court, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. A rally and march in Florida earlier this month. FACT CHECK: Do Olive Garden restaurants donate money to Planned Parenthood? Austin, TX Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas is proud to be chosen as one of the Susan G. Komen Greater Central and East Texas grant recipients for the 2020 year. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Rather, our company strives to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others through programs such as Olive Garden Harvest. Part of HuffPost News. Google would not comment on the Obria grant, but said all recipients have to comply with its policies. Lena Dunham has consistently shown her support of Planned Parenthood, not only tweeting about the organization, but also partnering with them to create a T-shirt. * Charitable giving that we report includes grants specifically directed towards historically underrepresented and protected communities, including the Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans/Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ community, People with Disabilities, Veterans and Women. @AriDavidUSA @olivegarden, Joe American (@MidAmericanGuy) July 22, 2015. In partnership with the PGA TOUR, ESPN teamed up with First Tee to build a robust, year-round program in the Los Angeles area that will be launching in spring of 2022 to ensure that underserved and underrepresented youth have access to the game of golf and character-building programs. The employee protests will culminate on Tuesday with a general walkout by LGBTQ workers and their supporters at Disney worksites in Florida, California and elsewhere. "We need a Disney princess who's had an abortion / We need a Disney princess who's pro-choice / We need a Disney princess who's an undocumented immigrant / We need a Disney princess who's actually a union worker / We need a disney princess who's trans," the branch of the healthcare provider said in the tweet. Last year, Olive Garden donated more than 3 million pounds of food to those in need. Jewett comments: If you look at their donation record, they do give to candidates and elected officials of both parties but over the last 20 years they gave a lot more to Republicans because Republicans have been in charge of our state government for the last 20 years. In fact, since 2012, Planned . A conservative watchdog group has reported that local United Way chapters donated millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood in 2016. And since the primary purpose of such corporate donations is to generate goodwill by funding worthy causes and organizations, it would make little sense for a business to simultaneously support a given non-profit or charity while publicly denying any such beneficence. i #StandwithPP b/c sexuality is NATURAL and INEVITABLE. The recent passage of state laws restricting abortion has led to a spate of one-upmanship in woke corporate America, with companies racing to signal their pro-abortion cred: for example, by promising to donate proceeds to Planned Parenthood. And for the record, Intel also made one large donation to Population Connection, a population control advocacy group founded in 1968 as " Zero Population Growth ". The videos, recorded and released by pro-life group Center for Medical Progress, have added even more controversy to an already contentious issue. Like any big interest group, they want access and influence, and the best way to get that is to make sure you give to the party and people that are in charge. Carson, a. LDI will provide the ads for local pro-life groups. - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens Planned Parenthood is America's leading performer of abortions. Some took screenshots of the tweet before its deletion. The tweet is real, but misattributed by some to Planned Parenthood as a whole, not a single affiliate in one state. Services funded include clinical breast exams, ultrasounds, biopsies, access to screening and diagnostic mammograms, , and one-on-one breast health education. The tweet triggereda slew of feedback online from users replying to a now-vanished post. Planned Parenthood helps. For organizations seeking financial or in-kind support, please review the Charitable Giving Guidelines. The Avon Foundation for Women is a U.S. based . A Planned Parenthood branch has come under fire after suggesting there should be a Disney princess "who's had an abortion.". Where we're going with it, we have tons of conversations about it, and we're really conscientious about these things," she added. that it's creating dialogue, that Elsa is this wonderful character that speaks to so many people," Frozen 2 Director Jennifer Lee told the Huffington Post in response to the rumors. The Susan G. Komen Greater Central and East Texas grant will fund services to residents of Travis County through Planned Parenthoods health centers. We also include grants to organizations where a percentage of their services reach underrepresented and protected communities. Joining forces with the largest network of businesses supporting reproductive rights, Don't Ban Equality, over 60 major beauty and wellness brands including Glossier, Fenty Beauty, Lush . This far-out crap is why we got stuck with Donald Trump. At its news conference, LDI announced a new advertisingcampaign designed to educate Americans on what it called theextreme views of Planned Parenthood, which supportsabortion rights throughout pregnancy. Disney Conservation Fund is committed to saving wildlife and building a global community inspired to protect the magic of nature together. In response to the current controversy, LGBTQ staff at Pixar, the animation studio owned by Disney, wrote in an open letter: We at Pixar have personally witnessed beautiful stories, full of diverse characters, come back from Disney corporate reviews shaved down to crumbs of what they once were. PPFA has 142 affiliated chapters and about 900 health-care Planned Parenthood's Twitter handle is @PPFA, and screenshots of the tweet displayed the handle @PPKeystone, a regional affiliate. Planned Parenthood Keystone sent out the message in a since-deleted tweet that suggested Walt Disney Co. should have a variety of princesses, including one who is transgender, one who is a union worker, and one who is an undocumented immigrant. But today its reputation for inclusivity and tolerance is under scrutiny as are its deep ties to the political establishment and the lack of LGBTQ representation in its films. Mindy Kaling, Amy Schumer,. Olive Garden restaurants fund Planned Parenthood: think of the skulls they crush with that money, next time u chew an olive there Christian Tea Party (@ChristianTParty) July 21, 2015, I will boycott all companies which support @ppact. Exclusive: Obria Groups ads suggest it provides abortion services, when in fact it tries to persuade women not to terminate pregnancies. Kim LaCapria is a former writer for Snopes. But the suggestion there could be a gay storyline for a Disney princess appears to have riled some fans. Disney creates immersive experiences and personal moments that deliver comfort and joy to children facing serious illness. Here is the deleted tweet from the organization the GOP funds. You May Not Support Planned ParenthoodBut Your Favorite Companies Do. The Secret Evangelicals at Planned Parenthood They may demonize the health clinic in public, but throngs of young Christian women are patronizing it in private for birth control, preventative. The clinics are actually opposed to abortion and all forms of contraception. In recent years, companies have become more and more vocal about politics and social justice issues, taking vocal stances on things like abortion and gay marriage. A local Planned Parenthood tweet calling for a Disney princess who's had an abortion did not live happily ever after. No more breadsticks for me. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Additional support has included Disney VoluntEARS food packing activation during Hunger Action Month and year-round, as well as Disney Parks and Resorts food rescue program providing more than 1.2 million meals* annually to Feeding America for kids and families facing hunger. In 2018, Google was criticized for pointing women seeking abortions in Silicon Valley to CPCs through its maps service, while demoting results for Planned Parenthood clinics. ), Follow Josh Hafner on Twitter:@joshhafner, More:Supreme Court skeptical of California law requiring information about abortion, More:Satanic Temple challenges abortion law in Missouri Supreme Court. Out of nearly 1,200 local United Ways in the United States, only a small number (less than 6 percent) provide support to Planned Parenthood., Elsewhere in Disney diversity, Frozen director Jennifer Lee recently offered a glimmer of hope that Elsa might have a girlfriend in Frozen 2, saying, Well see where we go.. "Upon reflection, we decided that the seriousness of the point we were trying to make was not appropriate for the subject matter or context, and we removed the tweet," she added. go girls! Explaining the tweet, the national organization's president said it was intended to champion stories that are not often told, but decided to remove it as it was deemed inappropriate. Aubrey Jewett, a political science professor at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, says: You could argue that Disney has had a bigger impact on Florida and central Florida than any other company or group. Planned Parenthood Announced Midterm Plans. It just really changed the face of Florida. "The killing of George Floyd has forced our nation to once again confront . First Tee is a youth organization that enables kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. Planned Parenthood said Monday that it would withdraw from the federal family planning program that provides birth control and other health services to poor women rather than comply with a new. The amount of financial support represents less. ESPN believes all kids should have access to play and supports programs that reach kids living in communities where sports access is limited or nonexistent. About 30percent of its clinics provide abortion services, she said. Other critics cited a 2012 article published on the site XOJane urging its readers to patronize businesses that supported Planned Parenthood, in which Olive Garden was also mentioned. Initially he sent a message to Disney workers affirming the companys support for LGBTQ rights but also contending that corporate statements often do little to change minds and can be weaponised by either side. He says: What people really tend to underestimate and confuse is that many of the organisations that define themselves as simply avenues for entertainment are enormously powerful political and what I call pedagogical organisations. Jack Whitehall and Emily Blunt in Jungle Cruise. We also inspire family volunteerism through our Disney Family Volunteering Reward program. At a Jan. 21 news conference unveiling a newadvertising campaign aimed at informing the public ofPlanned Parenthoods agenda, Life Decisions Internationalannounced it had added Disney to its list of boycottedcorporations. Among the rumors that were subsequently circulated about Planned Parenthood was the claim that Olive Garden restaurants (or their parent company, Darden) is currently donating (or had previously donated) money to Planned Parenthood. In all the available data listed on CRP's web site, neither Olive Garden nor Darden Restaurants appears among Planned Parenthood donors. Contact: Wording of the tweet referenced a March 2018 Twitter meme, "We Need a Disney Princess": We Need a Disney Princess refers to a [text-only meme known as a] snowclone popular on Twitter in which people sarcastically advocate for a Disney princess with a certain characteristic. (2012 File Photo / Rex C. Curry) But "you lose good will the minute that you become embroiled in anything that has the . Disney creates immersive experiences and personal moments that deliver, sney is committed to providing inspiration and opportunity to the next generation of, We are investing in initiatives that bring. We also know that emotionally authentic portrayals of these experiences are still extremely rare and thats part of a much bigger lack of honest depictions of certain peoples lives and communities. I dont think he realised, although he should have, how much the world has changed., Chapek is 61 years old. A Pennsylvania branch of the reproductive health care organization sent out a post on Tuesday that read: "We need a disney princess who's had an abortion. PLANNED PARENTHOOD. PPFA makesmoney only when mothers have abortions, not when they havechoices, he said. With continued support from Susan G. Komen Greater Central and East Texas, women of Travis County will have access to services to detect breast cancer early when it is most treatable. Donald Trump defended his support of Planned Parenthood on Sunday, saying the organization does good work that, quite frankly, men aren't in the best place to judge. To that end, we direct our philanthropy towards increasing access and opportunity for the next generation of storytellers, protecting our planet for people and wildlife; and bringing comfort and joy to families with children facing serious illness, as well as to our communities in times of need. For more than 85 years, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas has served low-income and uninsured patients with essential preventive healthcare, including breast and cervical cancer screening, other gynecologic cancer screenings such as ovarian, vaginal, and uterine, advanced diagnosis of abnormal, precancerous and cancerous cervical cells using colposcopy, treatment of pre-cancerous cervical cells using LEEP, annual exams, a full range of birth control methods, sexually-transmitted infection testing and treatment, HPV vaccinations to prevent HPV-related cancers in women and men, gender affirming hormone therapy and more. Nearly every moment of overtly gay affection is cut at Disneys behest, regardless of when there is protest from both the creative teams and executive leadership at Pixar. million to support nonprofit organizations working with communities to save wildlife, inspire action and protect the planet. The Outrage is a brand offers a multitude of ways to support Planned Parenthood. In some cases, such clinics, known as crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), are located close to Planned Parenthood clinics and provide some medical treatment, such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds. Heres a look at the people that have publicly supported Planned Parenthood over the years. Threatening their care gets politicians nowhere FAST with me. Working closely with relief agencies including the American Red Cross, UNICEF and Good360, Disney provides essential contributions of funds and products in times of great tragedy. Planned Parenthood will spend $45 million on the 2020 elections, the nonprofit's biggest electoral expenditure in its history, according to CBS News. Obria runs a network of clinics across the US, many of which suggest on their websites that they offer abortion. Wolf, the Equality Florida spokesperson who finished working at Disney World in 2013, says: I dont know much about Mr Chapek at all personally but it speaks volumes that hes been willing to to meet with cast members and to acknowledge where his statements have fallen short. Disney Conservation Fund is committed to saving wildlife and building a global community inspired to protect the magic of nature together. Over the last decade, Disney has matched ~$95 million in employees and cast members personal donations of time and money. For more than 70 years, The Walt Disney Company has supported the Marine Toys for Tots program to bring comfort, happiness and inspiration to children and families in need during the holiday season. This is one ofthe most compelling reasons to date for concerned citizensto exercise their freedom to choose not to support acorporation which is increasingly engaged in promoting anagenda which is contrary to traditional values. Planned Parenthood said it typically receives between $500,000 and $700,000 worth of Komen grants annually for breast cancer screenings and preventative education. We focus our charitable giving on efforts that help create a world of belonging, a world in balance and a world of hope. If the organization spends a majority oftheir efforts on these communities, we count the entire grant and if the organization does not spend a majority, we count a proration of the grant. All Rights Reserved. Obria did not return a request for comment. Planned Parenthood has been a target on the campaign trail after a series of sting videos was released alleging the organization illegally profits from selling aborted fetal tissue. Google awarded the Obria grant as part of a program to support nonprofit organisations around the world with in-kind donations worth up to $10,000 a month. The Walt Disney Company, one of the worlds biggest media and entertainment empires, prides itself on a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) friendly culture. Exactly. We need a disney princess whos pro-choice. The tweet, which played on a meme that suggests new traits for Disney heroines, went on to advocate for a princess who is an undocumented immigrant, a union worker or transsexual as well. Earlier Jan. 21, about 500 people attended a PPFAbreakfast to kick off a day of lobbying on Capitol Hill. Republicans promoting it claim that parents rather than teachers should be talking to their children about gender issues during their early formative years. Learn more facts. Alice Huling, counsel for the Campaign for Accountability, a watchdog fighting a recent change in federal rules on what kinds of clinics can receive federal funds for healthcare services, said Google was usually the first resource for a woman with an unplanned pregnancy. Remember in Nov! distribution through its subsidiaries ofentertainment mocking orthodox Christianity, such as themovie Priest and the ABC-TV show Nothing Sacred. the coming out of the lead character and theincreasingly homosexual story line of the ABC show Ellen. publication by subsidiaries of books promotinghomosexuality, such as Growing Up Gay..
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