Half term holiday: 26 . Term Starts (Staff) Thursday 8 th September. Help keep us up to date by Claim this school. Our 8-9 year olds visited Ufton Court for an overnight visit, Moving to the Senior School Crosfields students become even more adventurous, staying away for longer and travelling overseas, Year 7 travelled to Biarritz for Surfing and Yoga. Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd January 2023. This is only a sprinkle of what we offer, to learn more come along to one of our Open Events. Enriching experiences for all our children. Check with your child's school for their term dates. We would welcome your views on these proposed dates by completing the online survey using the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/sNqiBfNx1h. News from Crosfields School, Reading. Please check the schools own website to verify the term dates and details of staff training dates, set at their discretion. Kenya School Calendar. Monday 25 October toFriday 29October 2021. By the time they reach our Senior School we provide dynamic real-world challenges to prepare them to be productive global citizens, appreciating the opportunities which lie ahead and preparing them for future successes. Show full version. Suffolk County Council recommends the following dates as PD days for maintained schools: Thursday 1 September 2022. School term dates. We set the term dates for all community and voluntary-controlled schools. The school uniform can be purchased directly from the school. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Monday 31October to Friday 16 December 2022. Monday 31st October 2022. Friday 9 December (12.45 pm) SPRING TERM 2023. School term and holiday dates vary across the UK. . Refunds, Returns, Compensation and Overcharging; Term Dates; Terms and Conditions; Your MetroCard (and Walrus) Not sure which ticket you need? Our Parent Portal holds specific information about your child/ren as well useful general information about School life from a parent's perspective e.g. You should contact your child's school for their precise term dates. If you cant find what you are looking for, please contact the school. (PGL) to explore and have lots of fun outside. Homepage News and Calendar Term Dates. Or from this address www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/brookfields. Half term. SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER. Crosfields School is a Middle Deemed Primary, Co-Ed school located in Berkshire, South East. 2,721 were here. If you would like to place an order, please contact the school office on 0118 942 1382. . HawleyHurst school in. Yes, your child will need to have a Statement or an EHCP. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Term dates 2022/23. A private school which collapsed into administration in the coronavirus crisis has demanded parents pay for summer term - or forfeit their children's GCSE results. Tuesday 3 January 2023. Monday 19 December 2022 toMonday 2 January 2023. In 2021 the school created two distinct areas, the Junior School which encompasses all year . Message. Monday 14February toFriday 18February 2022. Provisional dates - To be confirmed Autumn Term 2022 Staff Training DayMonday 5th September 2022Staff Training DayTuesday 6th September 2022 Term StartsWednesday 7th September 2022 (Years 7, 12 & 13 only)Term StartsThursday 8th September 2022 (All Year Groups)Staff Training DayFriday 21st . Friday 16 February 2024. Easter holidays. Term Dates - Hillside Primary School To support and enable all learners to believe in themselves BOOK A VISIT| 0118 9755771 Homepage ABOUT US Welcome Our Staff Current Vacancies House System Our Community Our Outdoor Learning Environment Promoting British Values Behaviour Schools' Learning Alliance Values Guestbook KEY INFORMATION Admissions 2022 to 2023 Spring term 2023 Summer term 2023 Monday 1 May 2023 is the May Day Bank Holiday so all schools will be closed. Tuesday 4January toFriday 11 February2022. We are not able to support pupils who have SEMH, SEBD or young people who do not have a learning difficulty. 2022-2023 Term Dates. We're currently in term 3, which ends on Friday 10 February 2023. Term dates and school holidays for Crosfields School Sorry, we don't have any term dates for Crosfields School at the moment. Friday 23 February 2024. Crosfields School is a Middle Deemed Primary, Co-Ed school located in Berkshire, South East. It all begins from Pre-Prep as children start to explore the world around them and these activities are expanded as children progress through the Junior School. Autumn 2 begins: Monday 31st October. See our Eat Well, Feel Well advice page for information on eating disorders and where to go for support, and tips to help your family maintain good relationships with food. - All Year 7 students will be in school from 8:20am -3:25pm - All Year 12 students who are new to the school will be in school from 8.20 - 12.40pm - All Year 8 - 13 will be taking part in academic preview activities and will be expected to attend school only for their pre-booked appointment. You will also be able to get an update by listening to these local radio stations such as Radio Berkshire on 94.6 MHz, 95.4 MHz, 104.1 MHz, 104.4 MHz & DAB. Last . Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Find before and after school and holiday clubs, Education and attendance information from your council. Originally designed to encourage children at Crosfieldsto go beyond study and collaborate with their peers. Wed 1 February - Thurs 6 April. Term Starts Ends; Autumn, term 1: Thursday 1 September 2022: Friday 21 October 2022: Autumn half term: Monday 24 October 2022: Friday 28 October 2022: Autumn, term 2: Monday 31 October 2022: Tuesday 20 December 2022: Winter holiday (Christmas) We blend tradition with modern approaches to education preparing the children not only for their next. Crosfields School is a thriving day school which welcomes boys and girls from 3-16 years of age. We are committed to making our website accessible to all visitors. Crosfields Private School in Reading open day 2023 . We currently live in Kent and would be moving to Woodley between Maidenhead and Reading due to work circumstances. Half-term holiday: Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May 2024. Tuesday 3 January toFriday 10 February2023. INSET dates will be published in July 2023. Term 3 - 2023. Previous adventures included: Reception- went to the Look Out Discovery Centre. We now ask pupils to present to families on any topic of their choice. The Mighty Oak programme is designed for the Senior School students to encourage them to broaden their range of interests and then develop and explore some of them in more detail. Easter holiday: Monday 3 - Monday 17 April 2023. You can also find out about the school from our website West Berkshires Local Offer. Term dates published in the Western Australian Government Gazette for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive). Activities are carefully selected and designed to promote skills in the following areas: There are a number of awards that pupils can participate in during their time at Crosfields School. 2. Discover the school that's best for your child. The John Muir Award is focused on supporting the natural environment and promoting biodiversity. Introduced Forest School to the school in 2015/16 as I qualified as a Level 3 Forest School Leader. Foundation, Voluntary Aided, Academies and Free schools are responsible for setting their own dates and so may choose to follow a pattern and/or specific dates that do not match those set by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Mid term. 22 August 2022 - In-Service Day ; 23 August 2022 - Term 1 start ; 19 September 2022 - Public Holiday ; 14 October 2022 . As a school, we have to be sure that we are able to meet your childs needs, that have the provision to meet those needs, an appropriate peer group for them and also a space within that peer group. RG31 6SW. From Year 2 we offer residential trips building independence and bring the curriculum to life. 309108 |. 8 th September. Crosfields School is a co-educational independent day school for children aged 3-16 years. Wednesday 4 January - Friday 10 February 2023. When setting our proposed dates, we have, wherever possible, tried to do this in conjunction with our neighbouring Local Authorities. Term starts Friday 2 September 2022; Half term starts Monday 31 October 2022; Half term ends Friday 4 November 2022 . Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days during the school year and 195 days for teachers. If you would like to visit the school, please contact the school office on 0118 942 1382. PublishingPageContent 2023 Queensland term dates; Term: Date: Length Term 1 Monday 23 January to Friday 31 March 10 weeks Term 2 Monday 17 April to Friday 23 June 10 weeks Term 3 Monday 10 July to Friday 15 September . Crosfields School is a co-educational independent day school for children aged 3-16 years. Moved to Year 2 and took on the roles of Deputy Head of Pre-Prep as well as Educational Visits Coordinator for the whole school. Schools have five staff training days to be set at their discretion. Term 4: Monday 19 February 2024 to Thursday 28 March 2024. Below you will find an up to date list on when schools plan to be closed during the academic year. Sorry, we don't have any term dates for Crosfields School at the moment. Term Starts (Pupils) Monday 19 th September. Christmas holiday: 23 December 2024 - 3 January 2025. Term 6: Monday 3 June 2024 to Tuesday 23 July . Year 2- Winchester Science centre to put their lesson into practice. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. These term dates apply to most Croydon local authority schools. These dates comprise a total of 195 days. Christmas Bank Holiday is on 27 December 2022. Check your school's website to confirm. Use this comments section to discuss term dates for Crosfields School. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Find your childs school term, half term and holiday dates on your local councils website. Please check back soon. Dates for the spring school term times and holidays. These cookies do not store any personal information. Please note: If you are using SATNAV travelling to the school, please use this postcode RG31 6GG. Wednesday 4th January to Friday 10th February 2023. You can also join our user research group to receive invites to activities and surveys to help shape future improvements to the site. For your experience this site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 11 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 27 or higher, Safari 7 or higher, Chrome 30 or higher, Opera 12 or higher or equivalent browser software. 2022/23 school term. If we have to close the school at short notice, transport companies will be informed and a recorded message will be left on our telephone system (0118 9421382). All maintained schools set 5 teacher training days called Professional Development (PD) days. Students. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is due to. Early May Bank Holiday is on 1 May 2023. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. We encourage as many schools as possible to set this date as this will help us to minimise additional school travel and catering service costs. Summer Bank Holiday is on 28 August 2023. Crosfields School is a co-educational, independent day school for pupils aged 3 to 16. Driffield School & Sixth Form Manorfield Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HR; Telephone: 01377 253631; Supporting People - housing related support, Public transport - information and advice, Click here for your schools status update. You can also email the schools office on [emailprotected], Brookfields School Christmas and New Year holiday: Friday 22 December 2023 to Friday 5 January 2024. Reading We are looking for our DD towards a place for Year 2. Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days in an academic year, and 195 days for teachers. Wednesday 3 January 2024. A calendar format of these dates is available to view below or can be downloaded in the 'Related' section below. 2021-22 school year All maintainedschools set 5 teacher training days called Professional Development (PD) days. Claim your free account to keep your school's data up-to-date and get insights on user activity for your profile. Copyright 2023 Snobe. Find a postcode on Royal Mail's postcode finder. Monday 1November to Friday 17December 2021. Semester 1. Our planned Spring Term 2023 calendar is published below. As always there have been difficult decisions regarding some dates. Term 2 2023. There are 5 principles which underpin this programme: Inclusive of all something for everyone. Currently leading the programme to expand the school through to Year 11 in respect of programme management; financial planning; capital redevelopment circa 11.5M; governance and redefining support services. This facility is available to all Schools in Caerphilly county borough to notify parents, pupils and teachers of school closures outside of the normal school calendar (such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, severe weather or power failures), Connect to us on social media and join in the conversation. Year 1 teacher Crosfields School Sep 2012 - Aug 2017 5 years. Term ends Friday 31 March 2023. These dates total 195 days, from which schools should choose 5 days to set aside as professional training days. The consultation is now open and will close at the end of Tuesday 31 January 2023. Term Dates Term Dates 2022/2023 Autumn Term STARTS: Monday 5 September 2022 HALF TERM: 21 October 2022- 31 October 2022 BACK TO SCHOOL: 1 November 2022 ENDS: Tuesday 20 December 2022 Spring Term STARTS: Wednesday 4 January 2023 HALF TERM: 13 February 2023 - 17 February 2023 BACK TO SCHOOL: 20 February 2023 ENDS: Thursday 30 March 2023 Summer Term School term and holiday dates. Term 1. Monday 21February toFriday 8April 2022. Home > Parents > Academic Term Dates and Calendar Academic Term Dates and Calendar. . Bradfield College term dates 2022/23 & 2023/24. These are assets held generally for less than 12 months such as cash and bank balances, debtors, investments to be sold within the coming year and trading stock. Starts: Wednesday 4th January Ends: Friday 31st March Half term: Monday 13th to Friday 17th February Easter break: Monday 3rd to Friday 14th April Summer Term 2023 Tuesday 6 th September. 584278 | Registered Charity No. If you want to plan ahead, here are the term dates for the school year 2023 to 2024. Thursday 2September toFriday 22October 2021. Well send you a link to a feedback form. We hope that you will find what you are looking for on our website. Founded in 1957, the school is now run as a charitable trust under a single governing body. As the school has grown, so the award has evolved. Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of Crosfields School as these comments will not be approved. Spring Bank Holiday is on 29 May 2023. Year 5 and Year 7 only. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Crosfields School have published on their website. Term dates. Add the below dates to your calendar (ics) Term 1. Copyright 2022, Caerphilly County Borough Council, All Rights Reserved. We advise that you call the venue in advance to check dates, time and prices. School Year. It has 706 students from age 3-16 yr. Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days in an academic year, and 195 days for teachers. The list will continue to be updated as information is received from schools. Crosfields School, Shinfield Road Shinfield, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 9BL . Personal skills such as leadership and communication, Time management and organisational skills. School term and holiday dates for 2022/2023 Autumn Term dates Thursday 1 September - Friday 21 October 2022 Monday 31 October - Wednesday 21 December 2022 Half Term - 24 to 28 October. Please check back soon. Contact your child's school to check when extra days, like staff training days, are. Here are Kenya 2023 school opening and closing dates for Term 1 to 3. TERM DATES. Compare school fees in Wokingham District, Find the best school matches for your child, Get personalized school listing as per your suggestions to get better result. At Crosfields we recognise that as children grow, develop and progress they need to be provided with activities which are both age appropriate and engaging. School term dates Autumn Term 2022 Term starts Friday 2 September 2022 Half term starts Monday 31 October 2022 Half term ends Friday 4 November 2022 Term ends Friday 23 December. Between Crosfields and Dolphin school in the Reading area. Term 1: Friday 1 September 2023 to Friday 20 October 2023. Term Activity Date; MICHAELMAS: Staff training days: Thursday 1 September - Friday 2 September: Pupils return: Monday 5 September: Exeat (College closed) Friday 23 September 4pm - Sunday 25 September 8pm: Long Leave begins: Friday 21 October: Complete the form below to send an email to the school office. Located near Reading, Berkshire, it accommodates approximately 625 pupils. Term 1 from 23/1/2023 to 21/4/2023 = 13 weeks. During the academic year schools are granted the facility to close to pupils for up to five days for in service training of teachers. Additional days holiday: Friday 31st March. Monday 20December 2020 toTuesday 3January 2021. Scroll down to view our term dates and school calendar. Download 2022 to 2023 term dates calendar (PDF, 480KB). . Second half term. Boarders return. Find out about school holiday dates in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Woven into the fabric of a Crosfields education the Enrichment Programme aims to challenge students, giving them the opportunity to try new things but most importantly, encouraging them to develop as individuals. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. No recent Independent school report (Dates to 2016) and only regulatory compliance report in 2019 Crosfields Pros: Nevertheless, the way the dates have fallen for 2024-25 has meant that we are able to propose full (rather than part) week breaks at both Christmas and Easter, which aligns closely with our neighbouring authorities. Accounts. 28. Some schools havedifferent holiday and term dates, in particular, voluntary aided schools. Term 1 2023. term dates, School Dress, transport arrangements, PSC events and more. Primary school pupils will go back to school as normal in January, alongside students in exam years, vulnerable pupils and key workers' children. The Department for Education (DfE) has laid regulations to reduce the minimum number of sessions schools are required to meet in the academic year 2021/22 and to enable everyone to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen on 3 June 2022. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Our 6- & 7-year-olds visited Liddington (PGL) to explore and have lots of fun outside. Academies, free, foundation and voluntary aided schools have similar dates, but it is recommended that you check with individual schools. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Friday 14 October (12.45 pm) to Sunday 30 October (evening) End of term. Essentials Address Shinfield Road, Shinfield, Reading, Berkshire RG2 9BL Contact office@crosfields.com 0118 9871810 Website crosfields.com ISI Report Fees Term Dates Open Days The primary need of pupils who attend the school is a learning difficulty, either moderate, severe or a profound and multiple learning difficulty. Parent portal. Half-term holiday: Monday 13 - Friday 17 February 2023. You have rejected additional cookies. However, whilst proposed dates broadly align, we cannot guarantee that our term dates will be identical to those of our neighbours, as there is no formal mechanism for the regional setting of school term and holiday dates. Most schools also have five training (INSET) days in each academic year when pupils don't need to attend. School term dates 2024-25 (PDF, 265.6 KB) School term dates 2023-24 (PDF, 268.9 KB) School term dates 2022-23 (PDF, 174.5 KB) (Updated December 2022) School term dates 2021-22 (PDF, 117.4 KB) (Updated September 2021) 2023 to 2024. Crosfields is a thriving day school which welcomes girls and boys from 3-16 years of age. . They are open to pupils for 190 days and provide training to staff on the other 5 days. Autumn Term. Fri 7 April - Sun 23 April. Wokingham, RG6 4HQ, School Photography and Website Design by Blue Apple Education. The Arthur Terry School, Kittoe Road, Four Oaks . Lent Term 2023; Monday 9th January: Boarders return (19:45) Saturday 28th (16:30) to Monday 30th January (Boarders return 21:15) Weekend Leave: Friday 10th (16:30) to Sunday 19th February (Boarders return 21:15) Half Term Exeat: Saturday 4th (after sport) to Monday 6th March (Boarders return 21:15) Weekend Leave: Friday 24th March (time to be . Schools will confirm closure dates to all parents and carers via their usual communication channels. At Crosfields we recognise that as children grow, develop and progress they need to be provided with activities which are both age appropriate and engaging. Berkshire 8 th and 9 th September. We use cookies to personalise content and ads and to analyse our traffic. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If you think that Brookfields School would be right for your child, you will need to contact your Local Authority to inform them of your decision. Reading, United Kingdom. If you need to report your child absent please call the school office on 0118 942 1382. Tuition is 3,802 to 6,095 for the highest grade offered. Paying for the cost of your child's learning, Report a child at risk of harm, abuse or neglect (safeguarding), Report a tree or hedge affecting the highway, Report a permanent traffic signal or traffic signal-controlled crossing, Report an obscured, missing or damaged sign, Road Traffic Collision Data and Developer Reports, Report an incident with a heavy goods vehicle, Report a problem with a bridge or highway structure, Report a problem with barriers or guardrails, Apply for a free travel bus pass or travel vouchers, Apply and pay for a new dropped kerb/ vehicle access, Apply for a copy of a marriage or civil partnership certificate, Apply for a new or request renewal of an existing advisory disabled parking bay, Apply for a temporary road closure or restriction, Apply to replace a lost or stolen Blue Badge, Apply for a venue licence for marriages and civil partnerships, Apply for a copy of a civil partnership certificate, Apply to carry out works which could affect a structure on a highway, Apply for directional signing for a tourist destination in Suffolk, Apply for consent for works affecting ordinary watercourses, Apply for a definitive map modification order (DMMO), Apply for new or renewal of existing access protection markings (white 'H' markings), Download the school term dates 2022 - 2023, Download the school term dates for 2023 - 2024, Download the school term dates 2024 - 2025, Download the school term dates calendar for 2021 to 2022, Monday 24 October 2022 to Friday 28 October 2022, Saturday 17 December 2022 to Monday 2January 2023, Monday 13 February 2023 to Friday 17 February 2023, Saturday 1 April 2023 to Sunday 16 April 2023, Monday 29 May 2023 to Friday 2 June 2023, Saturday22 July 2023 to Friday 1 September 2023, Monday 23 October 2023 to Friday 27 October 2023, Thursday 21 December 2023 to Tuesday 2January 2024, Monday 19 February 2024 to Friday 23 February 2024, Friday 29 March 2024 to Thursday 11 April 2024, Monday 27 May 2024 to Friday 31 May 2024, Saturday20 July 2024 to Saturday 31 August 2024, Monday 25 October 2021 to Friday 29 October 2021, Saturday 18 December 2021 to Monday 3January 2022, Monday 21 February 2022 to Friday 25 February 2022, Saturday 9 April 2022 to Sunday 24 April 2022, Monday 30 May 2022 to Friday 3 June 2022, Friday22 July 2022 to Wednesday 31 August 2022. Training Day Monday 2nd September 2024 Term starts for Year 7 & 12 Tuesday 3rd . You can also find options to help yourself online, and phone us if needed. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Monday 20 February toFriday 31 March 2023. Schools must open for 195 days each year. Friday 26th May 2023. School holidays and term dates WebPartZone0_1. Term 2: Monday 30 October 2023 to Friday 15 December 2023. Schools, term dates and closures INSET days 2022 / 2023. Over 60s; People with Disabilities; The Apprentice Travelcard for 19 - 24 year olds .
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