True or false? This is discussed in more detail below. 8% effective tax rate, during the first quarter of fiscal 2022 compared to $132 laborer or mechanic is so employed, wages include compensation, at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay, for all hours worked . Under the final regulations, which became effective on January 11, 2016, employers entering into new contracts (or modifying existing contracts) after January 11, 2016, must incorporate proscribed nondiscrimination language into their nondiscrimination policies, as well as have required postings on their websites and in their workplaces. A union may request anything reasonably related to the unions performance of representation duties, such as bargaining, contract administration and enforcement, and investigating and pursuing potential grievances. contractors must report which of these select all that apply. Depending on the contractors specific organizational needs, other provisions should be considered. Which of the following is an objective of the DSS CI Directorate? There are three sub-sections. There are two types of business insurance that all subcontractors should have: general liability and workers compensation. Pursuant, T.C.A. When the visit is a contract-related classified visit, When the request needs to be submitted and approved quickly, When one or both organizations do not utilize the web-based DoD System of Record, When either the visitors or host organization does not utilize the Industrial Security Facilities Database. To protect the integrity of their mission. If the contractor agrees to provide for increased wages and benefits and its client refuses reimbursement, these additional costs must be paid by the contractor. To provide you with a holistic picture of your operation, To protect your operation by properly controlling classified information, To establish a systematic process to assess the requirements for mission success, To control information about your capabilities and intentions. This EO amends EO 11246, which imposes anti-discrimination and affirmative action requirements upon federal contractors, to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. F.EO 13658 (Minimum Wage for Contractors). hbbd```b``@$G6"5 vdVc$GG1012HM``$@gx Weegy: Contractors must report the following to the insider threat program: Efforts to obtain unauthorized access to classified or proprietary information. It also should state that the employer is not required to terminate the employee until a replacement has been hired, cleared, and trained. importance of the critical information item. To assist government contractors, this guide discusses some of the labor and employment laws and regulations that should be considered when pricing and performing a government contract. According to section 10.2.8, the general contractor should report any work-related accident in writing to the owner, and will be responsible for any costs the owner incurs related to the accident. These blank check provisions can result in contractual withdrawal liability and exit fees (in pension and welfare plans), midterm contribution increases, and special assessments, among other midterm surprises. Bargaining impasse often is difficult to establish; the employer must demonstrate both that the parties are deadlocked and that further discussions likely will not lead to an agreement. What security control measures must the host organization implement for a classified meeting? Which of the following should Sam refer to for counterintelligence and threat awareness requirements for contractors? The E-Verify federal contractor rule only affects federal contractors who are awarded a new contract on or after the effective date of the rule, September 8, 2009, that includes the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) E-Verify clause (73 FR 67704). a. periodic reinvestigations The company has hired 12 new employees to support a new major contract. provides for early detection of OPSEC problems. Companies doing business with the federal government must comply with a litany of complex laws and regulations that affect their day-to-day business operations. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. In addition to the primary aspects of affirmative action compliance described above, covered contractors and subcontractors must prepare and submit both EEO-1 and VETS-4212 reports to the government annually. Security control measures must provide for security briefings and signed certificates. The contractor must also report any such equipment, systems, or services discovered during contract performance; this requirement flows down to subcontractors. Which of the following are Counterintelligence Special Agent (CISA) responsibilities? Select all that apply All 4 answers A coworker shares that she and her husband are facing foreclosure, and she doesn't know what to do. NISPOM paragraph 1-300 states that contractors must report certain events to the government. Select all that apply. -Any event that may impact the status of the facility contractors must report which of these select all that apply. -In written communications When setting its negotiating strategy and objectives, the contractor should know which cost increases are budgeted for the contractor to pay and which expenses are reimbursable by the government client. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? Select ALL the correct responses. What is the level of FCL required by the contractor? Select all that apply. = 2 1/4. The contractor also must post the applicable Wage Determination. The company has merged with another company and is under new ownership. This material is provided for informational purposes only. Who administers and oversees the contractor security program? Physical security systems provide the means to counter threats only during wartime. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Select all that apply. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. This is known as the duty to bargain. Select ALL the correct responses. (1)Notwithstanding the debarment, suspension, or proposed debarment of a contractor, agencies may continue contracts or subcontracts in existence at the time the contractor was debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment unless Please read our. True or false? Conduct counterintelligence investigations for the U.S. Report the concerning behavior to your security officer. When is it appropriate for the visitors organization to submit a visit authorization letter (VAL)? The contractor also must process grievances filed by the union before a formal grievance procedure has been negotiated. No specific procedure is required and, if a grievance cannot be resolved, the employer is not required to arbitrate the grievance. They must be allowed to carry over unused paid sick leave from year to year, although contractors can limit accrual to 56 hours. Lesser disciplinary actions may be discussed with the union after the action is taken. -Bypassing technology-associated protocols Confidentiality of the records or information is not a valid reason to withhold the requested information, but the contractor can require a non-disclosure agreement. A coworker shares that she and her husband are facing foreclosure, and she doesn't know what to do. Section 503 also imposes a number of technical obligations and restrictions similar to those of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Select all that apply. Under these rules, an employer who completely or partially withdraws from the MPP is liable for their allocable share of the MPPs unfunded vested benefits. Select all that apply. contractors employees active duty military The definition of Targeted Violence includes which of these components? By Dion Y. Kohler, Laura A. Mitchell, Michael H. Neifach, Amy L. Peck, Robert R. Perry and Patricia Anderson Pryor. What is the preferred method of assessing the risk to your organization? To whom does the FSO submit the applicants completed SF-86 and both signed release forms? 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Accordingly, under certain circumstances, a shareholder or business owner may be found personally liable for withdrawal liability. Give the group a name. Personnel security clearance investigation stage, Initiate personnel security clearance process stage. When an employee no longer needs access to classified information, who is responsible for removing access and debriefing the employee? Government employees temporarily stationed at a contractor facility ______ control of their work products to the contractor. Wage increases and other increases conditioned upon reimbursement by the government are not permissible under the SCA. Employees desiring not to perform on classified work, Change conditions affecting the facility clearance. A Bridge Agreement usually is based on the previous contractors CBA with changes to the provisions that do not apply or do not work for the new contractor for business reasons. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. You are interested in the number that believe that same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status. Select all that apply. 20/3 WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. The level of risk is indirectly proportional to all three factors of risk. Online. The hiring entity or employer that paid the independent contractors must fill out the return to report all non-employee compensations made during a tax year to the IRS. Which of the following statements BEST describes the risk status if any one element of risk shrinks to zero? reduces indicators and avoids giving an adversary activity tip-offs. Any contact by cleared employees with known or suspected intelligence officers from any country. Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD), National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). An advantage of incorporating the use of OPSEC surveys is that it. The Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA collected data from 203,967 incoming first-time, full-time freshmen from 270 four-year colleges and universities in the U.S. 71.3%71.3 \%71.3% of those students replied that, yes, they believe that same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status. We need to identify an adversary's capability. d. The company just lost its largest contract and has filed for bankruptcy. -Non-state actors. Any event that may impact an individual's personnel security clearanceAnything that affects the proper safeguarding of classified information Any event that may impact the status of the facility Any indication that classified information has been lost or compromised makes OPSEC principles second nature to your employees. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? The definition of Targeted Violence includes which of these components? The acronym EAP stands for _____? 2019 - The South African Department of Employment & Labour Disclaimer PAIA What system may be used to verify a companys Facility Clearance status? How many steps are there in the OPSEC process? The contractor need not obtain the unions consent to proceed, as long as it follows established disciplinary procedures. A contractor awarded a covered contract or subcontract requiring use of E-Verify, if not already enrolled, will have 30 calendar days after the contract award date to enroll in the E-Verify program. Efforts to compromise a cleared employee. Always develop countermeasures on a first-come, first-served basis, Always apply a unique countermeasure to each vulnerability, Always think of a countermeasure as a smarter way to do a task, Always weigh the cost of the countermeasure against its benefit, Identifying what an adversary already knows about your operation helps you to. Which of the following statements concerning activity tip-offs is correct? Which of the following is a technology-related indicator? The contractor also must certify annually to the contracting officer that it has implemented a compliant plan (including due diligence investigation) and that, to the best of its knowledge, it is not aware of any violations. If members of the ECBs Governing Council do decide to take formal votes on monetary policy decisions, do you think these votes should be published? Contractors must report which of these? hb```e``: AXr,lnfhs"k;dxk_42v6J If a contractor or subcontractor disregards its obligations under the DBA/DBRA, in addition to being on the hook for back pay that may be owed to employees, it may be subject to contract termination and debarment from awards of future contracts for up to three years. The poster must be displayed in a prominent and accessible place where it can be seen easily by employees. Changes in a facility's storage capability are reported how? Some federal contracts and subcontracts may require the contractor to provide paid sick leave. The National Industrial Security Program (NISP) is: a voluntary program for cleared contractor facilities, designed to safeguard classified information entrusted to industry. Former U.S. What factor takes into account the impact that a compromise would have on your operation? 1:43 pm junio 7, 2022. raquel gonzalez height. Covered contracts are contracts subject to procurement contracts for construction covered by the DBA (but not contracts subject only to the DBRA); service contracts covered by the SCA; concessions contracts, including any concessions contract excluded from the SCA by the DOLs regulations at 29 CFR 4.133(b); and contracts in connection with federal property or lands and related to offering services for federal employees, their dependents, or the general public. C.EO 13496 (Notification of Employee Rights under Federal Labor Law). Which of the following countermeasures is considered among the most effective for all organizations? What step in the OPSEC process is Analyzing Threats? Anyone who opposes or acts against your interest is called a(n), In analyzing the threat, we are concerned with adversaries that. As soon as the completed SF 86 is reviewed by the FSO. A successor contractor can satisfy its obligation to provide the same health insurance benefits of the predecessor contractor by matching the benefit. The NISP ensures the partnership between the federal government and private industry places the burden of risk on the subcontractors. A project labor agreement (PLA) is a prehire CBA designed to systemize labor relations at a construction site. According to the NISPOM, espionage, sabotage, terrorism, or subversive activities should be reported as a(n) ___________________. Specific clearance and access requirements, Authorization to generate classified information, A method for denying an adversary access to our critical information. If a successor contractor timely disavows the previous contractors CBA, it may establish its own terms and conditions of employment, subject to honoring the wages and covered fringe benefits of the CBA required by Section 4c of the SCA as discussed above. The Secretary of Defense is the Executive Agent of the National Industrial Security Program and is responsible for overall implementation of the program. Failure to do so will result in a perfectly clear successorship, which would bind the successor contractor to all the terms of the previous contractors CBA. The more we know about an adversary's intent and capability, the better we can judge how and why he may collect the information that he needs. %PDF-1.6 % One purpose of the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) is to preserve our nations economic and technological interests.
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