Log in, Continental Country Club HOA in Flagstaff, AZ, Forest Highlands Golf Club HOA in Flagstaff, AZ, Railroad Springs Townhomes HOA in Flagstaff, AZ. If the plan is approved, Murray says there are two options that can be done with the land. Then starting in 2024, full members would owe an additional $97 for 2024, 2025 and 2026. What about the special assessment or other fees? Can a trustee remove the restrictions on the use of the golf course to sell it for maximum value? That's not true. How will this affect the value of my home? But some lakefront residents on the other side of the legal battle have a different perspective. The filing for Chapter 11 reorganization stays those fines. Are you looking for a great 55+ retirement community? The first payment would be due the same day as the due date for the special assessment. Our clubhouse is over 50 years old and the other amenities require maintenance and repair. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, One we will all remember: Flagstaff sees second-snowiest winter in recorded history to date, Trees also feeling effects of winter storms in Flagstaff, Driver arrested for DUI, kidnapping after hitting a Flagstaff police patrol vehicle, Flagstaff History: Powwow is a 'go' for summer, Flagstaff Eagles win first girls basketball title in 31 years, The experience for jurors in Coconino County is changing, Letter to the Editor: Local pleads to city to put foot down on short-term rentals, Flagstaff schools planning to make up instructional time after this winter's snow days, Investigation underway after body found near Sunset Crater National Monument, Flagstaff and Summit Fire crews battle Baderville house fire in a blizzard Thursday night, KFC is bringing back a fan favorite after a nearly 10-year hiatus, Former NFL star Chad Johnson says he saved money by living inside Cincinnati Bengals stadium for 2 years, Another winter storm to drop 14-22 inches of snow on Flagstaff, northern Arizona, continentalflagstaff.com/the-voting-process-on-the-two-fees/, City of Flagstaff Year in Review: Housing, transportation key considerations as city develops, Moscow reportedly threatened new parents in Ukraine: Register your newborns as Russian or else, The impact of climate change will be felt worse in these three U.S. cities, Scientists reveal hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza, Greece train crash: Public anger grows as death toll rises. The perceived pattern of mismanagement plays into the perspective put forward in court by the suing class of lakefront homeowners the Lakeside Legionnaires as they call themselves. However, even if we cant use amenities, were still required to pay annual lot assessment fees even when unable to use amenities. ", The issue is further complicated by the fact that Continental and the Legionnaires cant seem to agree on how much it would cost to repair and maintain even a small lake option. Our members will be voting to approve this fee which will be necessary for the reorganization plan to move forward. However, a Chapter 7 panel trustee would be appointed and all decisions regarding the operations of the HOA will be made by the Trustee. In 1988, a group of lakeside homeowners filed a class action lawsuit against the HOA that mandated that the HOA should keep the lake full, but so far, no significant repairs to stop seepage have moved forward. Bliss said the HOA also has lots of deferred maintenance fees, while also having some of the lowest member fees in the state. Please subscribe to keep reading. The issues we are dealing with today began 30 years ago and the current board wasnt a part of. Even more, we do all the work of the Deed Restriction for you! No true repairs have been made to the Lake since 1994. Flagstaff, Feb. 12, 2021 - Continental Country Club is a great place to live and provides many amenities for the broader community. The costs are too much of a burden for members on a fixed income? Will there be a special assessment to help cover some of the debts? 2380 N Oakmont Dr Why dont we just sell the golf course to eliminate the large expense of deferred and ongoing maintenance? We have developed such a plan and are confident that if our members approve the two fees to support it, we will take a big step towards a better future for our Association, https://continentalflagstaff.com/things-to-know-the-continental-country-club-reserve-study/. . Thank you to everyone who came out and play, we are looking forward to some exciting changes in-store for next year. Continental Country Club's HOA files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Adrian Skabelund Feb 17, 2021 Updated Mar 24, 2021 0 Cracked limestone makes up the karst geologic formation beneath a worn-out. https://continentalflagstaff.com/motion-to-reject-1990-agreement-granted/. If we convert to Chapter 7, the HOA cannot be sued by Lake Elaine property owners or any other entity. Before buying in Cont Country Club HOA you will want to check out their reserve funds, budgets, bylaws as well as the rules and restrictions of the community. One major reason is due to an October 2020 ruling that the clubs homeowners association must repair and refill Lake Elaine after leakage from the lake was discovered. Buying a new home in the Continental area? Are you looking for a great restaurant? The timing will depend on whether or not our members approve the two fees necessary to support the reorganization plan and the legal processes that will ultimately approve our reorganization plan. I just see that as being poorly managed, Penoff said. In a statement to the Arizona Daily Sun, Continental attorney Scott Cohen said, While Continental certainly has obligations other than the Lakefront Group, such as addressing its appropriate capital reserves to ensure proper maintenance of its amenities and common areas, this was not the primary cause for the bankruptcy filing.. Round Table Discussions will be held on every, We will also be having Town Hall Meetings for everyone who is interested in attending. The court ruled in October the man-made lake must be repaired and the association would be fined $700 a day until work started, then lowered to $500 a day until work was completed. (link to message). With some of the lowest homeowner fees in the state less than $46 a month along with a golf course, driving range, clubhouse and other amenities the Association has the ability to generate greater revenues to pay for its obligations and update aging facilities. The Continental Country Club in Flagstaff is bankrupt. Please subscribe to keep reading. The association has said that any lake repair would cost millions of dollars. Main: (928) 526-5125Oakmont: (928) 526-7990Golf Shop: (928) 527-7997Bear Paw: (928) 522-1588, 2023 CONTINENTAL COUNTRY CLUB ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Selling the golf course is not legally a feasible option until we emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The Class also estimates this temporary solution could be completed quickly in months, not years. Schedule: No open play during the off-season (Nov-Apr). The Board had to consider how it could meet the obligations and fill the lake to a level that, according to experts, has never been sustainable. Continental has known about its financial challenges for years, even decades, but neglected to plan for or properly address them. Join Us Today learn more on our membership page, Outing services feature green fees with cart, personalized cart signs, local rules sheet and much more. In the mean time the proshop will still be open Tuesday- Saturday 9am-4pm. . Starting in 2024, associate members would owe an additional $63 for 2024, 2025, and 2026. They stick to the claim that maintaining the lake in the manner outlined in 1990 is no longer physically possible, economically feasible or ecologically sound., While the court concluded that it was possible to maintain the lake, and that Continental had a responsibility to do so, the engineering reports that informed the decision paint a more complex picture. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. 50 Continental Blvd. For the good of our residents and those who enjoy our facilities, it was time to take action.. Then, you've come to the right place. That would be within the discretion of the trustee. Here, golfers find a quiet and peaceful round of golf at what feels like a destination club. At the time, it was an asset to the HOA. A Chapter 11 Reorganization allows us to create a plan of reorganization (a new business plan) and show the court how CCC plans to effectuate the plan. How do timeshares fit into the funding picture? Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. They pay the full membership dues and receive the same benefits. Are you looking for a great golf course?Are you looking for a great restaurant?Are you looking for a great 55+ retirement community?Then, youve come to the right place. In a media release, the HOA board seemed to attribute most of their problems to recent legal action over Lake Elaine, a man-made lake within the country club that has been the center of controversy for years. Raising dues and increasing assessments is an important step to funding the reserves, Cohen's statement said. The question is why. Not only did the reserve study show that Continental had some monumental expenses coming up including a $600,000 balloon payment due in 2021 but that to reach a recommended level of roughly $5 million in reserve funds by 2050, Continental would have to start making massive annual contributions to the fund ranging between $310,000 and $1 million a year. The lake level has been falling because water is seeping out despite previous attempts to seal the lake bottom. What are we voting on, what is the timeline/details? Great Circle Media serves Flagstaff, Prescott, Sedona, and the surrounding areas with Northern Arizonas Best Radio Stations! In the same newsletter, Murray quoted Patrick A. Clisham of Engelman Berger, the legal counsel to Continental Country Club, as having said Chapter 7 means chaos. Were empathetic to those on fixed incomes, and offer payment plans to ease burdens. The remaining properties consist of Townhomes, Condos and timeshares. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Why did the Board decide to take this step now? The Villages, FL 32162 Directions. We face possible conversion to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and liquidation of all our assets reduced or possible loss of club amenities such as tennis, pickleball, pool, golf and clubhouse. Is it possible to leave the HOA so we're not part of it? Joining the Continental Country Club HOA is the easiest way to protect your property's value! Continental Country Club is a neighborhood in Wildwood, Florida. These membership tiers are subdivision specific. The plan gives the LFOs the option of taking ownership and responsibility for the property going forward and relieving CCC of all future liabilities in exchange for a onetime payment by CCC to the homeowners of $2.5 million. There is no definite date as to when the clubhouse pool was built; however, there is a 1979 photograph showing the pool and the two adjacent tennis courts. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, One we will all remember: Flagstaff sees second-snowiest winter in recorded history to date, Trees also feeling effects of winter storms in Flagstaff, Driver arrested for DUI, kidnapping after hitting a Flagstaff police patrol vehicle, Flagstaff History: Powwow is a 'go' for summer, Flagstaff Eagles win first girls basketball title in 31 years, The experience for jurors in Coconino County is changing, Letter to the Editor: Local pleads to city to put foot down on short-term rentals, Investigation underway after body found near Sunset Crater National Monument, Flagstaff schools planning to make up instructional time after this winter's snow days, Flagstaff and Summit Fire crews battle Baderville house fire in a blizzard Thursday night, KFC is bringing back a fan favorite after a nearly 10-year hiatus, Former NFL star Chad Johnson says he saved money by living inside Cincinnati Bengals stadium for 2 years, Another winter storm to drop 14-22 inches of snow on Flagstaff, northern Arizona, Global race is on to improve EV range in the cold, Moscow reportedly threatened new parents in Ukraine: Register your newborns as Russian or else, The impact of climate change will be felt worse in these three U.S. cities, Scientists reveal hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza. If the home is not associated with the Homeowners Association youre invited to deed restrict the property with CCC and become part of the Club! The 18-hole championship golf course at Continental Country Club is among the best-rated public courses in Flagstaff come visit us today to see why! As stated at the 2/12/21 meeting, the Board is taking ALL homeowners concerns regarding voting equality seriously and plans to include the townhomes and condos in all future votes, if legally possible. However, the CC&Rs needed to be combined with the assessments at the amounts approved by each individual subdivision at that time. The special assessment can be paid over two years with eight (8) quarterly payments of $261 (which includes 5% interest). If the Assessment and dues increase fails, and the HOA converts to Chapter 7, will the Lake Elaine lawsuit continue? Not necessarily. They are down to earth, fun-loving people that enjoy spending time together laughing over great food and refreshing drinks. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. The biggest problem over the years has been Lake Elaine, which has been an issue for nearly 30 years, with costs and fines building over time. Multi-Unit Information Community Amenities: Clubhouse, Golf, Pool/Spa, Tennis Court Parking Information Garage Type: Garage Door Opener Garage Type: Garage Capacity: 7.00 Homeowners Association Information HOA Fees: 550.00 HOA Frequency: Yearly HOA Name: Continental Country Club HOA Contact #: 928.526.5125 Quick Facts Getting Around Continental Country Club Continental Country Club Learn more about this neighborhood. The Class has been very willing to work with the Association to negotiate an equitable solution that would allow for a temporary repair of the Lake as part of a holistic approach to address the Associations broad financial challenges. Mo. In their disclosure statement, Continental says they are informed and believe that the Lakefront Group has separately evaluated [the small lake option] and has concluded that the costs of implementing [this option] are significantly less than [Continentals] $3 million estimate, but discussions between the parties to date have not been able to reconcile these differences., In either case, to the Legionnaires, being handed the deed to the lake is not an attractive option, and it asks the lakefront owners to take on the problem that [Continental] created. What they want is for Continental to take responsibility for the lake repair and also pay some money toward the Lakeside Homeowners attorneys fees which are damages that the Lakeside Homeowners have suffered as a result of [Continentals] rejection of the 1990 Settlement Judgment.. Continental Country Club Flagstaff, AZ 86004 Situated below Mount Elden in Flagstaff, AZ, the 18-hole championship golf course at Continental Country Club was designed by Bob E. Baldock. Becoming a member at Continental Country Club is an investment in yourself, your family and your future. Court testimony confirmed what the Class already knew: The Lake holds water and can be fixed. In their statement, they note that lakefront homeowners have been very willing to work with [Continental] to negotiate a creative solution that would allow for repair of the lake as part of a holistic approach to address [Continentals] broad financial challenges., In their opinion, Continental has refused to meet them halfway and has tried to use the bankruptcy process to block enforcement of the 1990 Settlement Judgment and the 2020 contempt ruling., Lakeside Homeowners attempted to negotiate flexible options allowing for repair of the lake over time, the Legionnaire statement reads. Continental Country Club Who are the members of CCC? Homeowners have a duty to pay their annual dues and this holds true even while in a Chapter 11 reorganization. From AU$247 per night on Tripadvisor: Starlight Lodge at Rockport Harbor, Rockport. Contact ClubCorp for social membership dues questions: 623-742-6200 Download homeowners online payment guide. The Kroger Co. Much of these claims of mismanagement are founded on an October 2020 Reserve Study of Continentals reserve fund to evaluate how it would maintain reserves above an adequate, not excessive threshold during one or more years of significant expenditures.. Quite honestly, I can't imagine a professional management company letting this happen. In short, Continentals answer was that the prohibitive cost of maintenance and legal battles over their failure to maintain the leaky man-made Lake Elaine was insurmountable. View 17 homes in Continental Country Club listed under Lake, Marion, Sumter & West Orange Marina Golf Course Pet Friendly Waterfront 17 homes available Properties per Page